Chapter 499
The sky and the sea meet together, and their boundaries are blurred in the blue, making it difficult to distinguish. If you continue to look up, you will see the extremely magnificent sky. The light seems to no longer fall from the sky, but from this deep place. The bottom of the sea rises, and countless lights rise. They leap through the edge of the clouds, cross the sky one after another, and reach the unknown deep space.
This was a view that was difficult for ordinary people to see, but in the eyes of the shrike, it was already a bit boring. He put down the telescope and threw it on the small table aside, slumped on the bench, and then picked up a book to cover his eyes. , block the sun.
This was the sixth day of sailing. Everything went by very quickly, as if the Shrike had just set sail from the port of Rendona yesterday. He still clearly remembered the scene at that time. The guy from the Kestrel waved his hands with tears in his eyes. Farewell, it seems that several people may never return.
Ah...who knows about this kind of thing?
Judging from the speed of the Morning Glory Advance, Shrike should have almost entered the waters of the Viking countries at this time, but the ship modified by the Perpetual Pump is the Morning Glory Advance, and the other three ships are following. The cargo ship still uses today's ordinary technology, and it is completely unable to keep up with the speed of the Morning Glory Advance.
Therefore, the fleet can only slow down and drift on this endless ocean.
Life at sea is extremely boring. The first few days were relatively easy to endure. Now, Shrike's mood has begun to become irritable. I don't know if it is the shadow of Operation Silent Sea or other problems of his own. Shrike and Herc There is something similar here, they all hate the sea extremely.
The ocean is vast and beautiful...but it is a little too vast and deep, making people feel endless fear.
From the perspective of Shrike, the big ship under his feet is actually a cage. It imprisons everyone on the sea. What's worse is that it is now taking everyone towards the dark sea.
Sea of ​​Silence.
The memory stung Shrike, and he pulled the book off his face and sat up on the bench.
His face was as pale as a dead person, and even the direct sunlight could not warm it up. Shrike rubbed his face vigorously, as if to wake himself up, and then he took out the weapon from his waist, the one named Death Knell. It seemed that only by holding it could he feel a sense of security on the sea.
Staring at the weapon, the silver-white body of the gun is shining with light, but the hand holding the gun can only feel the coldness of the metal, and the depiction of ghosts and gods on the bullet nest is still clear, perhaps because the light is too strong, the graphics have begun to distort slightly.
"For whom the bell tolls..."
Shrike murmured softly, as if it was a magic spell that would awaken something when recited.
"Are you really a fetishist?"
A voice suddenly rang out, and someone said from behind. He interrupted Shrike's thinking. When he turned around, he saw a beach boy walking towards him with a contented look on his face.
The whole body of the boy on the beach is wet. He looks like he just came back from the sea. He wears swimming goggles on his head and a flowered shirt. The buttons are not fastened, revealing a scarred chest. His lower body is also a flower that matches the shirt. pants, and a pair of slippers on her hairy thighs.
I saw him grabbing the fish tail with his left hand and carrying a fat tuna on his shoulder. This fat guy seemed to be not dead yet. He twitched from time to time. In his right hand, he was holding a nail sword that was still bleeding. , like a harpoon, with a few small fish stuck on it.
Seeing Lorenzo like this, Shrike's face immediately turned gloomy.
Life at sea is very boring. Many seafarers will have some mental illness to some extent during the long sea life. Even if they deliberately seek fun, the fun will gradually be exhausted. Therefore, the atmosphere on the ship is often calm and peaceful. It was gloomy, not to mention that this time they were also burdened with heavy responsibilities, and the psychological pressure was even heavier.
But there was an alien among them.
Lorenzo, a weirdo, is obviously not suitable for reasoning with common sense. In his words, "Saving the world is saving the world, and happy daily life is daily life. There is no conflict between the two, so even on the eve of the end of the world, there is no conflict between them." Have a good dinner."
So when everyone was carrying out their duties with serious faces, he tied a rope around his waist and went to the sea to fish. He continued to do so for several days.
To be honest, everyone is quite envious of Lorenzo. The boring life on the ship makes everyone miserable, but they can't do such interesting actions as Lorenzo. After all, ordinary people will probably fall into coma immediately after falling into the sea. Feed the fish.
Lorenzo threw today's trophy to the ground. Seeing that it was still bouncing, he slammed it a few more times until it was silent again.
"I'm not a fetishist."
Shrike retorted slowly, he usually doesn't like bickering with Lorenzo because he always loses, but this time it's different, life is too boring, and he also needs something to relieve his boredom.
Shrike felt sulky when he thought of this, look what this damn life has forced people to do.
"Really? I think you're about to kiss me."
Lorenzo sat on another bench and looked at the silver revolver in his hand.
From the moment Lorenzo met the Shrike, he was inseparable from the silver revolver, as if they were one. After boarding the ship, this situation became even more obvious. The Shrike always picked up the revolver and gently touched it from time to time. Caressing gently.
In fact, this is not surprising. The strangest thing is the way Shrike looked when he stroked the revolver. He seemed to be stroking a person. His expression was gentle but then became fierce, as if he wanted to strangle the person to death.
"I just...this revolver means a lot to me."
Shrike touched the bullet trough lightly and brushed his fingers over the faces of the ghosts and gods.
Lorenzo's expression became interesting, but in Shrike's eyes, he looked like a damn bitch no matter what.
"From your first love?"
It’s wrong to think about it, what kind of girl can give this thing away.
As expected, Shrike's face turned darker. This meant that he couldn't defeat Lorenzo, otherwise he would have thrown Lorenzo off the ship.
"Tell me about it, it's boring anyway."
Knowing that he had heard the story, Lorenzo was delighted and asked more questions.
Although it took so many days to set sail, the boredom of these few days has successfully defeated everyone, even Lorenzo. He has almost finished reading the knight novels he grabbed from the Kestrel, and everyone often spends the rest of the time Get together for storytelling sessions and talk about random things to pass the time.
"Forget it, it's not a good thing." After a little hesitation, the Shrike rejected Lorenzo.
"Is that so?"
Lorenzo looked a little disappointed, and then picked up the nail sword.
This formation frightened Shrike, and he thought Lorenzo was trying to intimidate him, so he swung his nail sword and cut the tuna at his feet.
Thanks to Lorenzo, everyone can eat extremely fresh seafood these days. Because of these things, Lorenzo also learned a good skill in cutting fish.
"Want a piece first?"
Lorenzo cut up a piece of fish and handed it to the Shrike.
"It's raw."
Looking at the bloody fish meat, Shrike shook his head quickly.
The blazing white fireworks rise and disappear in an instant, and the fish meat in the hand is also heated instantly, and the aroma of slightly burnt fish spreads out.
Lorenzo looked at Shrike provocatively, and he was stunned for a moment, never expecting that Lorenzo would use his ability to kill monsters in such a ghostly place, and then Shrike shook his head resolutely.
"Then what about your previous operation in Jihai?" Lorenzo asked again, "You are the second in command of this operation, my senior consultant, the person who knows the Jihai best in the entire purification agency, and you all set off like this It’s been a long time, so it’s time to talk about what happened.”
"Lorenzo, you..."
Shrike looked at Lorenzo and felt difficult for a moment. What made him even more uncomfortable was the seriousness of this guy at the moment.
Just now he was talking all kinds of nonsense, but now he suddenly became serious again. It's not clear whether Lorenzo really cares about the mission, or if it's about himself, no... Lorenzo is such a person, it's hard for you to guess. to what exactly he wants to do.
"Let's talk about it, Shrike. It just so happens that I'm really curious about the so-called Sea of ​​Silence."
Lorenzo stood up. He often made this kind of quick change. He was obviously still wearing a ridiculous floral shirt, but with this serious look, he seemed to be about to jump out and kill someone in the next second.
"I'm going to call Lan Jade here, she needs to know this too."
Lorenzo said as he picked up the blood-stained nailed sword on the side, and then dragged up the dead fish on the ground.
Seeing the shrike still sitting on the bench, Lorenzo called to him again.
"Are you sure you don't want to come in?"
"What's wrong?" Shrike felt a little strange.
Lorenzo raised his nail sword, pointed behind him and said.
"The storm is coming."
Shrike looked at the sea behind him. It was still peaceful. The sky was clear and there were no dark clouds at all. There was no sign of a storm coming at all.
"The senses of a witcher are much sharper than those of ordinary people!"
Lorenzo added, as if he knew he wouldn't believe it.
The rain clouds began to gather, and they mixed together, forming a huge storm, like steel rubbing against each other. Lightning and thunder burst out from the dark gaps. Perhaps they were too heavy, and they broke away from the sky and sank to the direction. The sea surface was like a falling iron curtain, and then the iron curtain moved slowly, whipping up strong winds and huge waves.
Shrike looked at the sky outside the port window. It was still blue a few hours ago, but now it was distorted by the storm into such a ferocious appearance. The majestic torrential rain poured down, and the sea boiled.
"Thank you for finding it in time!"
The captain of the Dawn Advance was grateful to Lorenzo.
"It's okay, it's okay, it's just that I'm more sensitive. When I was catching fish, I found that the air pressure was not right, it was too stuffy," Lorenzo said and looked out the porthole, with a slightly serious expression, "It's just not The thought was so intense."
"Yeah, if we hadn't sped away, we might have been swallowed up. Facing the storm is not a good thing."
The captain's face was full of fear. Although he was the captain, most of the power was still concentrated on Lorenzo and Shrike. Therefore, under Lorenzo's order, he obediently commanded the other ships to speed away together.
"I have been at sea for so long, and this is the first time I have seen such a storm. It felt like it was about to swallow up the world."
The captain said with palpitations. Lorenzo and Shrike may not understand it, but for the captain, this is probably the biggest storm he has seen in recent years. Fortunately, the location where it appeared is far away from the Morning Glory Advance. It was far away, and they had taken avoidance in advance and were not affected too much.
If faced with such a storm, the boat would most likely be overturned in an instant. It was unclear what would happen to such a heavy cargo ship underfoot, but it would probably not end well.
"I can understand that if it wasn't so fierce, I might not even notice it."
It is precisely because of the intensity of the storm that people like Lorenzo, who know nothing about navigation, feel the danger.
"Sorry to trouble you, Captain Tanor."
Lorenzo signaled to Tanol, who nodded and went to direct the others. Now was not the time to relax. All the sailors were moving, controlling all important parts of the ship, leaving their personal space. To Lorenzo.
The cabin door was closed, cutting off the noise outside. Lorenzo sat back in his seat, Shrike was on the other side of him, and between them was the silent Blue Jade.
"If nothing unexpected happens, we will be able to enter the waters of the Viking countries in ten days. It is time to study the mission and make arrangements in advance."
As Lorenzo said, he spread out the sea chart, on which many symbols had been marked in advance, and pointed to the northern part of the sea chart, which was a glaciers and archipelago, and further north was a sea area painted black .
That is the Sea of ​​Silence, which is located further north of the Viking kingdoms, completely isolating the end of the world from mortal knowledge.
"Then the Shrike is yours to be the only advisor among us who understands the Silent Sea."
Lorenzo gave the power of speech to Shrike, and he rarely became quiet.
Shrike fell into silence while looking at the current chart. It was probably due to an inner battle or something messy. He thought for a long time before slowly speaking.
"I actually don't know much about the Silent Sea. According to the mission, we will search for a guy in the Viking Kingdoms who truly understands the Silent Sea. He will become our navigator, but that will happen later.
In short, rather than saying that I understand the Silent Sea, it would be better to say that I am a returnee from the Silent Sea. "
He lowered his head, his eyes were a little blurred, he seemed to think of something, and his voice became low.
"That was about ten years ago..."
Along with the shrike's words, the thunder and rain outside the window also started to sound.
Lorenzo felt that he felt something in the voice, something similar to his former self.
anger?Or despair?He didn't know much, but the only thing he knew was that after ten years, these things still lingered in the Shrike's heart and never left.
(End of this chapter)

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