Embers of Embers

Chapter 502 The Dead

Chapter 502 The Dead
In the breathtaking scene at that time, there were colorful splendors flowing between the lead gray clouds, they entangled and circled each other, spread below the sea level, and formed a light trail leading to the end of the world.
Shrike watched all this with fascination until the commotion on the deck below woke him from his trance.
The calm Narwhal shook violently, the roar of the engine broke the long silence, and hot steam poured out continuously. Shrike staggered a few times, and finally grabbed the railing to stabilize his body.
The joy in my heart was still spreading, but my keen mind still noticed something was wrong.
The scene in his sight was slightly distorted. Shrike felt that he was hallucinating. He stroked the cold railing. It should be said that it was "cold", but now there was no feeling on his skin. If Shrike hadn't confirmed it with his eyesight, Even though he was holding on to the railing, he was not sure whether it really existed.
The joy disappeared in an instant, and Shrike gritted his teeth. He knew very well that he was now being affected by erosion, and his senses were slowly distorted.
There were some visual hallucinations, and the sense of touch was being stripped away. Shrike didn't know how much his other senses were affected, and there was no time for him to explore them. After relaxing a little, Shrike rushed back to the cabin and returned to his own Room.
Everyone has different responsibilities. Soldiers fight, generals command, and recorders must ensure that everything that happens here can be recorded and disseminated.
Shrike didn't know what was going to happen next. He stuffed all the documents he had organized into a waterproof document bag. Fortunately, he had been simplifying these days and there were not many things he needed to bring. He stuck the document bag He tightened his chest, picked up the firearm, and walked out of the cabin.
At this moment, the Narwhal began to move forward at full speed for some reason. It roared angrily as if it had come alive, splitting the ice and waves in front of it, and moved forward unstoppably.
The ship collided with the ice layer, and the ice layer was crushed little by little under full force, which also caused the Naw Whale to tremble constantly. The Shrike could hardly stand on the deck, and could only hold on to the side bumps. , so that you don't slip out.
It was like a carnival. After a long period of despair, people finally found the channel and fell into an incomparable frenzy. Shrike could hear the roars and the crew cheered loudly.
This is the power of industry, and the power of nature can no longer stop them from moving forward... But Shrike felt something was wrong. He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it. It might be due to the influence of erosion, and his mind was confused.
There was a voice calling from the bottom of his heart. It was warning him, but the shrike couldn't hear it clearly. Even with all his strength, he couldn't hear the voice!
Shrike froze, he heard it.
It was an extremely subtle sound. It was covered by the roar, the sound of the engine, and the sound of breaking ice. Like a seedling growing in the darkness of the soil, it slowly descended into the world, digging up the gravel bit by bit and exposing it to the sunlight. under.
The new baby cried like a baby.
A piercing scream filled Shrike's hearing for a moment. He didn't know if others could hear it, but at least it was extremely real to him. The sound scratched his eardrums and cut his nerves.
No...it wasn't some high-pitched cry.
Shrike collapsed to the ground due to the severe pain in his ears. During the bumps of the Narwhal breaking through the ice, he slid towards the edge of the railing and half of his body leaned out of the ship.
Fortunately, Shrike held on to the fence in the end, so that he could not fall into the sea, but the others were not as awake as him. Although he could not see it in his field of vision, Shrike could hear the sound of falling into the water one after another.
He tried to search for those who fell into the sea. With the help of the aurora tonight, the dark sea surface became extremely clear. They were like mirrors, reflecting the color of the stars in the dome.
Shrike saw it.
The two sides of the Narwhal were made of crushed ice, and the broken ice floes were interspersed with pitch-black seawater. But now the entire sea surface was boiling, and the seawater was enveloping the broken ice, and the waves aroused repeatedly hit the hull of the ship. .
Under the aurora, Shrike saw the strange things hiding in the darkness.
Those were countless, pale, swollen palms. As the Narwhal broke through the ice and sea water, they, who lived deep in the dark seabed, also got the chance to see the light of day again, and took pictures with the waves. Hitting the hull of the ship, he scratched the surface of the iron armor with his slender and tough nails, leaving shallow or deep scratches one after another.
This was the high-pitched cry heard by the shrike, thousands of nails scratching together, triggering a terrifying scream.
"At that twilight, the great ship Najir Pharaoh broke through the sea. It was a ship made of dead men's fingernails and filled with the enemies of God..."
Pious whispers sounded around the shrike, saving him from the madness below. The shrike looked beside him, which was a Viking leaning on the fence. He stared straight at the shrike, and his eyes frightened him. .
"The prophecy has been confirmed..."
The Viking muttered.
The steel ship under their feet was held up by the nails of the dead. They traveled over the country of the dead and followed the light track to the mysterious end.
"what happened!"
Shrike yelled at the Viking.
What's going on here?Why did the light track rise above my head? What was going on with the boiling sea and these strange dead people?
Shrike didn't believe this was an illusion anymore. He was very conscious under the threat of death.
"Don't you know Jinghai very well? What's going on!"
The shrike struggled to get up, and at some point the silent night sky became restless. The shrike felt the breeze on his face, and the wind was gradually getting stronger.
"No...we have to stop Dusk, Najirfa must stay here, it can't go any further."
In the eyes of the Vikings, the Narwhal under their feet seemed to be the giant ship Najirfa that brought disaster. His words made the Shrike feel a little uncomfortable, and the Shrike immediately raised his gun and pointed it at him.
The Vikings ignored Shrike. He took out the two tomahawks from his waist and stood firmly on the deck holding the axes in both hands. He seemed to be praying in a low voice, and the next moment he jumped out with a roar.
Shrike heard him roar.
The Viking slashed at the Shrike with a pair of axes, and the Shrike pulled the trigger out of desperation.
But at this moment, the Narwhal seemed to hit something. The bumps this time were more severe than before. Shrike's bullets were empty, and he was thrown out of the Narwhal.
At this moment of life and death, Shrike saw the strong figures of the Vikings. Years of fighting on the longships had taught these Vikings how to maintain balance in this harsh environment.
The battle ax chopped off flesh and bones, and the smell of blood filled the air instantly.
The person he wanted to kill was not a shrike. I don’t know when the dead had climbed onto the Narwhal. They looked like humans and were thin. They were probably exposed to low temperatures for many years. Their joints were stiff and deformed, and their movements were much slower.
The Vikings were frantically killing the dead, and at the same time they kept making exciting war cries. This scene also happened in other places on the Narwhal, and war cries could be heard responding to him.
Shrike probably couldn't see what happened next. His whole body was in the air, and he could hear the sound of rushing water and the sharp friction sounds. It was estimated that he would fall into the sea in less than three seconds and be killed by those ferocious creatures. of the dead torn into pieces.
Shrike felt that he was a little ridiculous for dying so easily. Thinking like this, he hit the cold hull of the ship hard. Shrike felt that the bridge of his nose was broken, but the good news was that he seemed to have stopped falling.
He raised his head and saw that the man grabbed his wrist at the critical moment. With his infinite strength, he forcefully dragged the shrike up.
"Lord Wilgdason?"
Shrike was thrown on the deck. He struggled to stand up, somewhat disbelieving.
"I remember you, the recorder."
The lord smiled at Shrike. He didn't know how big his heart was, but he could still smile under such circumstances.
Lord Floki Wilgdason, the navigator of this operation on the Silent Sea, if nothing else, he is the one who knows the Silent Sea best among the Vikings. At this moment, he is fully armed and wearing a Wearing animal skins and armor, holding a battle ax in his hand, he looked like a savage primitive man.
"Shrike, thank you."
Shrike wiped the blood from his nose, checked the document bag in his arms, and followed the lord with the gun in hand.
"How is this going?"
In Shrike's view, this lord was a smart person who could at least communicate, instead of just saying a few incomprehensible words and then suddenly starting to chop like the nagging Viking.
"The dead, the citizens of the Kingdom of the Dead, should have been sleeping in the dark seabed, buried by the cold gravel."
The lord strode forward, his ax invincible under his great strength. The dead were chopped down easily, and the severed limbs and corpses were thrown into the sea.He stopped suddenly, turned around and spoke angrily to Shrike.
"They should have been sleeping there, but your people woke them up."
"Wake up..."
Shrike swallowed.
Silence, absolute silence here, no wind, no waves, no life, just absolute silence, but the roar of the engine just now broke the silence.
"This was indeed our mistake. I didn't expect this to be so... brilliant."
Lancelot raised his head as he walked towards this place. He looked at this brilliant aurora, which was still changing slightly as time went by, as colorful as the colors of the stars.
"We checked and it was the first mate who did this. He was too deeply affected by the erosion. This magnificent aurora made him lose his mind."
Lancelot's expression was depressed.
"Where are the others?" the lord asked.
"Already dead, I killed him. When he arrived, he had already appeared alienated." As Lancelot said, more soldiers swarmed onto the deck. They were well-equipped and fired continuously. "Currently, inside The situation has been brought under control, now we just need to resist the demons from the outside world."
"Do you call this thing a monster?"
The lord glanced at the things churning in the sea.
"Pretty much. Unlike your myths and legends, in our opinion these guys are traceable and real things."
Lancelot said it very easily, but the pressure in his heart was not much lighter.
In addition to the knowledge of the purification agency, there are so many demons in this strange sea, and this seems to be just the tip of the iceberg.
The Lord glanced at the front of the Narwhal. Unlike the sea area covered with ice floes that he had passed before, there was an endless white ice field in front of him.
The Narwhal advanced above the ice, which was also the source of the violent turbulence just now. The Narwhal was pressing forward against the ice. In this case, it was difficult for them to turn, not to mention there were so many monsters nearby.
"We've woken up the sea, and there's worse to come."
The lord said with palpitations, he could feel the wind becoming turbulent, and the cold air that came with it... Maybe this light track was pointing to death.
"Then let's find a way to solve it. We were lost in this sea before, but now the channel has appeared. Just follow it." Lancelot said.
"What, you want to keep going?"
The lord thought he was crazy, but he admitted that the lord liked such madness in his heart.
"No, it's the return flight."
Lancelot raised his hand and pointed to the light trail above the night sky, which spanned the sky, indicating both the end point and the starting point.
"Follow it and return."
The lord did not speak, but everyone felt the change in his mood. He widened his eyes and stared at the light track above his head, and then it fell on Lancelot.
The two people's eyes were unobstructed, and they were connected so directly. Whether it was conspiracy or mystery, everything became transparent at this moment.
As if Lancelot knew what the lord was thinking, he smiled as much as he could, and then tightened his grip on the pistol at his waist.
"Our mission is only to collect information about Jinghai. There is no need to risk everyone's lives. And you are just our employee. You don't need to be so 'desperate'."
"I know……"
The lord responded in a low voice.
The sudden solemn atmosphere made Shrike feel uncomfortable. He was like an outsider and had no idea what was going on.
The solid ice hindered the speed of the Narwhal, and its progress became slow. The dead took this opportunity to climb onto the deck faster. Gunshots and war cries continued. Although the blood was strong, the advantage was still there at this moment. The human side.
"Then what are you still hesitating about? Lord Floki Wilgdason."
Lancelot shouted, he hoped that the lord could stay awake and make the right choice.
The lord did react. He looked suddenly awake, as if he had just been affected by erosion, and he continued.
"Ah... yes, you are right, we really need to return."
Floki Wilgdason said this, and the next moment he pulled out a heavy revolver from his armor. No one would have thought that this guy who looked so much like a primitive man actually had a firearm hidden on his body. The black hole pointed at the muzzle of the gun. Lancelot.
Ghosts and gods were engraved on the silver bullet chamber, and the metal surface vaguely reflected the shrike's frightened face. As the trigger was pulled, the bullet chamber rotated in response, twisting the blurred scene into pieces.
Dead man's bells ring.
(End of this chapter)

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