Embers of Embers

Chapter 534 Burning Sun Walker

Chapter 534 Burning Sun Walker
As the blood overflowed, the raging fire was turned into a blazing white ocean. They surged wantonly, like wildly growing thorns, climbing up everyone's body and inflicting the most severe fire torture. The flames burned The pain reaches the body and soul.
The scattered sparks flew by and landed on the skin, causing a clear sting. Garen looked at the figure holding the gun and sword. He didn't know if it was an illusion or for some reason. His figure began to twist and grow in Garen's eyes. The sharp horns and spikes, and the rugged bone wings slowly opened, as if they were demons from hell.
"Stop them! Lorenzo!"
Seeing the survivors of Gallon and others, Shrike yelled at Lorenzo behind him, and what he received in response was fierce gunshots and sword shocks.
Winchester fired continuously, and the scattered projectiles smashed the figure in the sea of ​​flames. The flesh and blood were torn apart and fell into the flames. He reloaded the bullet and pulled the trigger again. The blazing dragon's breath penetrated the battlefield.
Lorenzo analyzed the current situation. Judging from the state of Galen and others, it was no longer possible to count on them. Everything now depends on Lorenzo himself.
Mortals can fight against mortals, but they cannot fight against monsters. Fortunately, Lorenzo is here. He is not only an expert in fighting against monsters, but he himself is another even more terrifying monster.
The bullet accurately penetrated the enemy's head. Even if there were those who were not afraid of death and charged forward, they could not advance even half a step. The impact carried by the bullet kept knocking them back.
The slender staff sword is like a twisted band of light, easily slitting the enemy's throat and ending their lives.
Lorenzo seemed to be attacked from both sides, but the pressure on him was not too great. In Lorenzo's opinion, as long as he was given enough time, he was fully capable of killing all these people.
Lorenzo's eyes wandered around these people. They all had dark crosses carved on their chests, indicating their identities.
But... something isn't quite right.
Lorenzo's intuition warned him that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain the strangeness.
During the journey from the casino to here, Lorenzo had always felt like this, as if something in the dark was watching him, showing an evil and greedy grin, waiting for his arrival.
The madmen screamed and corpses piled up all the way. They finally approached Lorenzo and were about to swing the sharp knife, but the staff and sword were faster than him. After a cold and chilling sword light, his throat was slit. The entire head was severed.
"How many people...are there?"
Lorenzo looked at the horrifying scene in front of him. Bodies were piled up on the ground, with flames burning on them, but these people were still following each other like fanatic believers.
They walked out of the endless darkness behind them, like a swarm of ants.
If Lorenzo hadn't sensed the existence of erosion, he would have really doubted whether these people were contaminated by demons.
"To ignore death, to ignore fear, is crazy faith."
He whispered, and slashed horizontally with his staff and sword. The sword light hit the enemy in front of him who was trying to get closer to him. The flesh, flesh and bones shattered, and the weapon in the enemy's hand was cut off by the overwhelming force. The internal organs and blood were spilled. The place turned into a hell like a slaughterhouse.
A weak voice sounded, one hand grabbed Lorenzo's ankle, lowered his head, he could see that this man was the enemy who was just beheaded by Lorenzo, Lorenzo cut off most of his body with a sword, But he did not die peacefully, but stubbornly dragged his body and crawled to Lorenzo's side, grabbed his ankle hard, and cut his nails into the flesh.
He laughed at Lorenzo. This blood-stained smile was intimidating, but this emotion only lasted in Lorenzo's heart for a short moment. Winchester opened fire and broke the man's head into pieces. .
"These guys are really devout believers!"
Lorenzo shouted to Shrike behind him. Shrike understood what Lorenzo meant. The Final Society pursues absolute death. The more they are not afraid of death, the more pious they are. In contrast, Floki, who escaped from death, He is truly treasonous. If it were the Evangelical Church, he would at least be hung on a cross and burned at the stake.
Bursts of heavy gunfire sounded. Shrike positioned Galen and led the rest of the people to support Lorenzo. He took out the silver revolver. Every time he pulled the trigger, a bell-like gunfire sounded, and then there was An enemy's head exploded, or blood mist arose in his chest.
The God of Death is still too illusory, so it would be better to let Shrike sound the death knell for them.
Because of the severe pain and Odin's figure, Garen's consciousness was a little confused, but when he heard the bell-like gunshot, his pupils constricted slightly.
He had heard such gunshots before, so familiar, and turning his head slowly, he saw the silver death knell in the Shrike's hand.
"It is you……"
As if he remembered something, Garen looked at Shrike and said softly.
The battle was still going on, the more he slashed, the heavier Lorenzo's heart became.
After thinking about it for the past few days and the information brought by Ragnar, he realized that the world was covered by an invisible network. Something must have appeared in a certain period of time in the past. And people in each region have different names for it.
In the Evangelical Church, the place of revelation that the saints go to, the path to the rise of Yin Erweg, the residence of the Viking gods...
At a certain moment just now, after seeing so many deaths, Lorenzo suddenly thought whether the Final Society also had its own understanding of the unknown place beyond the Sea of ​​Silence.
In the eyes of the Evangelical Church, Yin Erweg, and the Viking nations, it is a sacred land. If they are really connected to each other, what is the land after the Silent Sea to the Doomsday Society? What does it look like?
Is it holy or evil?
"And why do you use the symbol 'cross'?"
Lorenzo once again beheaded a approaching enemy. His chest was cut open, and the sword marks were drawn along the dark cross, covering it with blood.
Looking at the blood-stained cross on his chest, Lorenzo suddenly had a new idea amid all the questions.
The cross is a religious symbol. According to Lorenzo's understanding, it first appeared in the "Gospel" among the evangelical churches, but on this remote frozen land, these symbols are also used at the end of the end .
Lorenzo initially thought this was a misinterpreted use of the evangelical church, but thinking about it, it might be more than that, like Ragnar's herald.
Maybe... there really are people who are immortal.
Lorenzo knew this very well, and he knew what to do, and even said that he was a member of the Eternals.
Could it be that the relationship between the evangelical church and the pre-apocalyptic society is not as simple as it seems?
After the heavy loud noise, thick smoke and dust splashed up, but it was soon torn into pieces by the sharp staff sword. Lorenzo waved the sword blade, leaving scars one after another on the strong shield. The attack was powerful, But he was still unable to break through the giant's defense line. This guy seemed bulky, but he blocked Lorenzo's attack just right every time.
The giant roared angrily. Apart from these crazy slogans, these guys seemed to be unable to say anything else at all and were completely unable to communicate.
The solid iron hit the ground, but this time it failed to touch the ground. Dense black scales grew along Lorenzo's arms. They formed arm guards, which blocked the blow from the front. Although it was heavy, Lorenzo's strength was still strong. Judging from the strength, it is still within the range of confrontation.
"Shrike! Stay away!"
Lorenzo raised his shield and shouted loudly.
His words didn't reveal too much information. Shrike wanted to ask, but then he felt the transmission of information... that was the pressure that came with erosion.
Something abominable appeared, rising from the filthy corners of his soul and spreading over Lorenzo's body.
"Come on!"
Shrike yelled at the others. He didn't know what Lorenzo was going to do, but he knew exactly what this unusual feeling meant.
The forbidden blood surged in his body. The demon hunter was tired of the endless fighting and wanted to overturn the entire chess game.
Desperate whiteness rose from the fundus of his eyes, and this light reflected in Garen's eyes, just like the eyes of God Odin.
Since the Maluri incident, Lorenzo's understanding of the secret blood has gone further. Just as Lawrence said at the time, the soul and will of a mortal cannot carry multiple powers. But now, Lorenzo has been sublimated, and the power... Gabriel is a certificate that allows him to embark on the road of sublimation. In this way, his soul and will become stronger, thus able to withstand multiple powers and awaken them from the forgotten bloodline.
The secret blood rises and the power awakens.
Invisible pressure suddenly enveloped the sky over the battlefield. Lorenzo was alone, but he was like an unshakable ghost.
At that time, in order to extract the holy silver from his body, Lorenzo pierced his arm and let the molten metal flow out from the wound in his palm. There may still be holy silver remaining in the wound. Even with the physique of the demon hunter, The wound could not be healed, leaving a scar, and the scar would open again from time to time, bleeding red blood.
Just like now, Lorenzo's palms overflowed with blood. They slipped along the staff and sword, turning the cold metal suddenly into blood red. Then there was blazing flames attached to the blade, and the instantaneous high temperature made the vision become slightly distorted. .
Everyone felt it clearly, the invisible pressure gathered into a ball, and it began to heat up until it solidified into substance.
This power was given to Lorenzo, who was now carrying the burning sun on his back.
Power Michael.
He held the flaming sword in his hand and walked forward.
The scorching high temperature invaded the surroundings. The wind blew, but it was not the familiar northern cold wind, but an unbreathable heat wave. Then came the solid frozen soil under the feet. After years of low temperature, it had already become as solid as stone. Solid, but as Lorenzo moved forward, leaving flaming footprints on the ground, the soil began to soften, turning into dark, scorched earth.
Rather than saying that Power Michael controls the pure flame of divine punishment, it is better to say that the pure flame is just a manifestation of its ability, and what it really controls is the ultimate temperature.
Since escaping from Maluri, Lorenzo has realized the limitations of his power. Although his current power is powerful, it cannot solve all situations, so in the quiet days, he has been familiar with this awakened power.
He used fireworks to light cigarettes and cook food, and on boring days, he also used them to perform pyrotechnic acrobatics for everyone... In short, through various messy experiments, Lorenzo was already familiar with Power Michael, but After all, it was just casual fun, not real combat.
Lorenzo has been polishing this brand new blade, and now he finally has the opportunity to experiment with its power.
The flames and the glow in Lorenzo's eyes rose together.
God's punishment came to the world.
The enemies knelt down in front of Lorenzo one after another. The instantaneous temperature melted their eyeballs into a ball of viscous liquid. The hot foehn wind poured into their mouths and noses, burning their internal organs into ashes.
They were already dead, their bodies dumped, their flesh and blood carbonized into pitch-black patches, slowly twisting into a ball, with bits of residual fire rising from it.
The giant had not yet fallen. He closed his eyes and held his breath for the first time. This could not save him from the attack of Mighty Michael, but it could allow him to persist in this desperate situation for a few more seconds.
The giant shield in his hand had lost its cold color, and its edges were burnt red due to the high temperature. Some molten iron was falling off on it. The hand holding the shield had been burned, and his skin was stuck to the metal. He let out a dull cry. He tried to raise the giant shield again and smashed it towards Lorenzo.
That's too late.
The fire sword slashed upwards lightly, and the solid stubborn iron was easily cut like a fire knife cutting into ice. The cut surface was reddish in color, and half-melted molten iron adhered to it.
It was burning, and with it was the giant behind the shield.
This is not a slash, but more like using a fire sword to issue an order. The "burn" order cannot be disobeyed by anything.
The staff sword cut open the giant's chest, and the blood evaporated before it could flow out. The wound was carbonized and turned black, like a craftsman's sculpture. The high temperature invaded along the wound, completely destroying his internal organs.
The giant died almost instantly. His bones and charred skin were still supported in place, and molten iron was poured on them to stabilize the body's uprightness. From the cracks, the burned-out body erupted. It glows like a dead tree with a fire burning within its trunk.
Everyone stared blankly at all this until the fire stung their eyes, forcing them to look away.
Lorenzo's sword not only killed the giant, but also brought all the enemies around him with him. They were all burned up by the high temperature in an instant. After the foehn wind passed, the only objects in his field of vision were huddled up one after another, as if they were facing each other. The charred corpse was kneeling before Lorenzo.
The destruction ended, and the burning fire sword was stuck on the ground. The wind blew by, rolling up the dead body, and gray embers scattered in the night sky.
Lorenzo watched all this with an expressionless face, clenching his fists slightly, holding the power of the false god in his hands.
(End of this chapter)

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