Embers of Embers

Chapter 543: Forbidden Metal

Chapter 543: Forbidden Metal
Something was squirming in the shadow, and then a stream of warm air spewed out. Lorenzo staggered out of it. As he moved forward, the black armor on his body also fell off one by one, clattering all over the body. All over the ground, his body covered with scars was gradually revealed.
Breathing in the cold air, the low-temperature gas filled his lungs, causing a slight sting and clearing Lorenzo's chaotic consciousness.
But even so, there is still severe pain in my mind. It feels like my consciousness has been dragged out, beaten up, and then stuffed back. The residual pain continues to this body, making His perception became confused.
He felt like his chest was penetrated by metal, but in fact there was no injury at all, and vague phantom pain tortured his mind.
Picking up the holy silver crown with trembling hands, Lorenzo reluctantly put it on himself. For a moment, his restless thoughts seemed to be suppressed by some unknown force, which made Lorenzo feel a lot more relaxed.
He took only two steps, then leaned to the side and rested in the shadows.
This is Lorenzo's first attempt to invade the Original Sin Armor through [Gap]. As early as when Watson relied on the Black Angel to save himself, he realized the power of this thing. In terms of limitations, the Black Angel itself is a armor. The armor-clad demon lacks a will to control it. Most of the time, the driver acts as the mastermind, and under the influence of Power Gabriel, Lorenzo successfully achieved long-distance control.
It was just the first time to do this, and Lorenzo was very unfamiliar with it, and the side effects caused by it also made him feel doubly painful. For example, the overlapping phantom pain, the injuries suffered by the Black Angel, clearly fed back to his Consciousness, and acts on the current body.
It’s not that bad, at least Lorenzo found a new combat method. With this, many dangerous Jedi can use the Black Angel to explore their way first, but...
Lorenzo observed the surroundings vigilantly. He did not move rashly, but felt the flow of erosion around him.
He took off the crown and used the power of Gabriel. Judging from Watson's warning, Lorenzo would have a high probability of being hunted by the Silent Ones. At this moment, he was in no hurry to go to the cliff and advance with the morning glow. One of the main reasons for the rendezvous is to wait for these silent ones.
As a result nothing happened.
Lorenzo waited for several minutes. With the reaction speed of the Silent Man, they should have appeared when he sank into the black cocoon. But until the end of the battle, he had rested here for so long, and nothing abnormal happened.
With a long sigh, just when Lorenzo put down his guard and prepared to head to the cliff, his heart became tense again.
A dark figure stood not far away, holding a spear. The distance between him and Lorenzo was just right, like a ghost that suddenly appeared, frightening Lorenzo's actions.
Lorenzo tried to pick up the weapon, but then he remembered that his staff and sword had been broken and Winchester had run out of ammunition.
How to do?
When the connection with the Black Angel was disconnected, the Dawn Advance had not yet escaped from the battle. They could not wait for him at the cliff for too long. Moreover, Lorenzo did not know what chance he had of winning against this mysterious pioneer.
"Herald...are you the so-called silent one?"
Lorenzo suddenly said, since he didn't know what to do, he might as well confirm his guess. Even if he couldn't defeat the Pioneer and was killed by him, Lorenzo could still travel through the [gap] and invade the Black Angel.
It's just that Lorenzo didn't want to give up this scarred body unless he was in a desperate situation. This was the last trace of 047's existence in this world, and it was the cornerstone of Lorenzo Holmes.
"The Reticent?"
Herald's voice is ethereal, with a metallic timbre.
Lorenzo's eyes were solemn. He probably didn't expect Pioneer to actually speak. His silence before had made Lorenzo feel depressed, but after realizing that Pioneer could communicate, Lorenzo felt that it wasn't too bad.
"Let me guess, you gathered the believers a few months ago and launched a rally. You must have triggered something, such as touching those unspeakable things, which attracted the attack of the silent people."
This is what Lorenzo inferred based on Gallon's words. Floki participated in the meeting at that time and was attacked by the Silent Ones, thus losing consciousness. Before attacking them, the Silent Ones were Fight against the purification mechanism in the workshop.
An object that was so threatening that it could trigger the Silent One to kill him with all his strength... Not only was he not dead, he was still standing here talking to himself.
Lorenzo was under great pressure, which reminded him of the first time he fought with Lawrence. He felt powerless and desperate in the face of an unshakable enemy.
"Yes, the silent one."
Lorenzo responded, the secret blood was warming up and stirring in his body. If necessary, Lorenzo would reach a critical breakthrough in an instant, and might even enter a forbidden place, moving in the direction of demonization.
Faced with such a powerful enemy, Lorenzo believed that he had only a few seconds to take action. Either he severely damaged Pioneer's escape with one blow, or Pioneer counterattacked him.
The Pioneer, like Lawrence, is an immortal who possesses the power of Gabriel. He replaces his body at will to spend the long years. And how many immortals like him exist in this world?
When the Evangelical Church obtained the Book of Revelation, Mighty Gabriel appeared in it. There must have been a large number of immortals in that long time, but most of them have disappeared into history and no one knows about them. .
Lorenzo once speculated that something must have happened that caused the collective disappearance of the immortals. Judging from the information he obtained in the past, the person who caused the collective disappearance was most likely the one who sealed away the power Gabriel. Man, the man named Edron Levien.
There was no immortal after him, until many years later, when the Holy Night came, all the conspiracies and desires were intertwined, making this forbidden power come to light again.
In this case, the pioneer in front of him is most likely a person of the same era as Edron Levien... or even said that he is Edlen Levien.
Lorenzo's thoughts were racing. Under such a fatal situation, he was actually thinking of some extremely nonsense things.
If my above inference is correct, then there is enough reason for the emergence of the Doomsday Society. A person from within the Evangelical Church, with power and seniority deep enough to possess the power of Gabriel, used his ability to deceive a faith society. Showing up couldn't be easier.
But then there was a new question.
Why, why did the pioneers not disappear with those immortals, but walked on the earth in these long years?
Lorenzo stopped thinking, and his biological instinct made him clenched his fists.
"Are you referring to Edron and the others? He calls himself a Watcher... Of course, not many people know this title anymore. You can call them whatever you like."
The pioneer said slowly, his voice without any emotion, as cold as the cold wind in the north.
Lorenzo was completely frozen in place, staring blankly at the pioneer in front of him.
The dark clouds dispersed, revealing the full moon. The bright and cold moonlight shone down, making the silver armor shine. He was like an existence that came out of a myth. He had never been more sacred, but the light was so clear and still... It was difficult to illuminate the darkness under the helmet, as if what was wrapped in the armor was not a human body, but just a black mist that was difficult to touch.
"Edron...are you saying they are led by Edron?"
Lorenzo temporarily forgot about the threat posed by the pioneer to him, and instead asked anxiously.
If the so-called silent ones are the watchers mentioned by the pioneers, then what are they watching for?And judging from what he said, the Watchers were led by Edron, the guy who sealed away the Power Gabriel...
In other words, have all those immortals become watchers?Become that kind of weird and hateful existence, watching the world outside the fence...
"This is a certificate, embark on the road of ascension..."
Lorenzo whispered, everything happened so suddenly, and the pioneer told these unknown stories easily as if he wanted to tell him this on purpose.
"So, at the end of the day, will I become the same as them?"
His body was shaking slightly, but Lorenzo calmed down immediately. Maybe not everyone will become a being like a watcher. Isn't the pioneer in front of him an example?He knew all this, but he didn't become such a godless monster.
Lorenzo looked at the Herald, with blazing flames rising in his eyes.
The body's functions were strengthened to the maximum, and Lorenzo's pupils tightened, but he still could not see through the darkness under the helmet.
"So, who are you? You know all this, you have lived for so long, and you also have the power Gabriel, right?"
Lorenzo already had some new countermeasures in mind. He began to decide to give up his body and use the [gap] shuttle to send these secrets back to Inervig. He didn't know whether he could succeed, but Lorenzo believed that he You cannot let this precious information die with you.
But what about after?
Lorenzo suddenly calmed down. The world was obviously more complicated than he thought, and the power hidden in the darkness was far more sinister than he knew. What could he do if he brought this information back? He couldn't What can mortals like Arthur do to ensure their own survival?
By spreading these secrets yourself, you are just spreading disaster...
"So knowledge will be eradicated, secrets will be hidden, and human beings will live in unreal history and spend their lives ignorantly... This is not ignorance, but a kind of self-protection and protection of the continuation of the race."
Queen Victoria's words rang in her ears. This is what these nation-builders have been facing. They cannot defeat this despair and can only compromise with despair to let more people survive.
"I didn't expect that after so long, someone else would take the same path."
The Herald did not respond to Lorenzo's words. He gave Lorenzo the feeling... like a god, unknowable and ethereal, without any emotion at all. All his actions carried a sense of distance, which made Lorenzo unable to help but I felt like I was talking to a higher being.
"Stop trying to observe me. This metal was created to block the flow of information."
The pioneer's words sounded again, and the cold spear was pressed against Lorenzo's throat. As long as he exerted a little force, it could penetrate Lorenzo's neck. Lorenzo's body was stiff, as if he had been discovered by a predator. The lamb reacted with difficulty overriding his instinctive fear.
"Oh, you seem to know how to use it, right?"
The spear raised upwards and gently tapped the silver crown on Lorenzo's head, making a crisp sound.
"Covering information? So your true identity is hidden? Or are you hiding from something, such as the Watchers?"
In this difficult situation, Lorenzo is still looking for a way out. It can be seen from Watson's letter that Holy Silver can block [Gap] intrusion, that is to say, the transmission of information, and it can do this To this extent, it seems that only the Watchers are the only ones at present. So when the Pioneer protects himself so tightly, does it mean that he is also afraid of the Watchers?
Yes, it is very possible that he did not join Edlen and survived in another way. Maybe the two are antagonistic and Lorenzo can try to deal with it.
The secret blood is ready to go, ready to cross the fence and call for the arrival of the watchers.
"In our time, it was called Forbidden Alloy. It could hinder the recognition and dissemination of information to a certain extent. It is perfect for preventing and suppressing those invisible existences."
The pioneer seemed to be selectively answering Lorenzo's words. It is also possible that he didn't bother to communicate with Lorenzo at all. All the words he said at this moment were just a whim. To Lorenzo, these words sounded like talking to himself. .
"So, Herald, what do you want to do?"
Lorenzo took a deep breath. In the current situation, he didn't know what to do. In the past, when he encountered an enemy, he would raise his sword and strike. Even if he couldn't beat him, Lorenzo would pounce on him like a mad dog.
But this time he felt powerless for the first time. When facing Lawrence, Lorenzo had felt angry about dying together, but facing the pioneer, he could not bring up any thoughts.
No matter what kind of conspiracy or conspiracy, he can't be shaken. The Herald has absolute authority.
"Nothing, just came to take a look..." Pioneer said.
"Take a look at... me? Then I'm really proud of myself."
Lorenzo was talking bad words, but no amount of bad words could make him feel at ease this time.
There were eyes under the helmet looking at Lorenzo, and then said.
"I'll wait for you at the front."
The Herald withdrew his spear, then turned and left. As he left, the heavy feeling of depression also left.
Lorenzo seemed to have lost all strength, half-kneeling on the ground, panting hard, and then retching in pain.
"Front...wait for me..."
He stood up in embarrassment, and then looked towards the far north, the end of the world.
(End of this chapter)

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