Chapter 550
The night is already dark, and under the heavy gray clouds, all the starlight is covered. In the endless thick darkness, the only light comes from the Dawn Advance, which is driving alone here holding a burning torch. In the long dark night.
It is so lonely and so bright. If there are travelers in the darkness, they will definitely find its light spots, but similarly, if there are bloodthirsty beasts, they are also destined to be aware of the existence of the Dawn Advance. .
The pressure of erosion is always affecting everyone on the ship. Fortunately, the Morning Glory Advance carries enough Florund medicine. With the help of the medicine, these erosions have not affected the crew and soldiers too much for the time being.
But even so, some people still heard voices from the darkness, as if in this unlit darkness, there were countless weirdnesses surrounding the edge of the darkness, they were licking their sharp minions and whispering.
"How long can they hold out?"
"Where can we go?"
"Fresh blood, fresh meat!"
Chaotic and complicated sounds rang in the ears of a few people. The medical room was overcrowded, and the ship's doctors were helpless. They themselves were also troubled by the strange whispers. The more affected by the erosion, the clearer these whispers became. with intensity.
The ship's doctors can only prescribe more doses of Florund's medicine to the affected people, which can relieve their pain. But the problem is that Florund's medicine is not endless. It is limited. Sooner or later, one day It will be used up, and what will happen then?
No one asked this question. Everyone maintained the same tacit understanding and no one was thinking about this aspect.They are all the elites of the purification agency, and they know what they will face before setting sail.
Garen and Clough are also in a bad state, probably because they have been forgotten. No one has come to send them the Florund potion so far, and the will of mortals is directly exposed to invisible erosion.
Fortunately, these Vikings are not very fragile yet. They don't know about the so-called erosion. Gallon and Clough just feel uncomfortable, which extends from physical to mental torture.
"Are we... maybe seasick?"
Clough said suddenly.
He knew very well that this had nothing to do with seasickness. Every Viking grew up on a longship. How could they get seasick?
Maybe the atmosphere today was too gloomy, and he wanted to make a joke to lighten the frozen atmosphere a little.
But unfortunately, no one responded to his jokes, and Garen sat aside blankly, watching the wriggling figure in the dark.
After suppressing the restless Floki, Garen just sat aside like this, without saying a word or moving. If Clough could not hear his breathing, he would have suspected that Garen was dead.
"Sea of ​​Silence..."
Clough looked at the darkness outside the porthole, and when they realized they were in it, the despair in their hearts became a little more intense.
As Floki's subordinates, they know exactly what the Silent Sea is.
A sea of ​​​​no returnees... It cannot be said so absolutely, but there are some returnees.
Looking into the dark corner, they saw that Floki Wilgdason, whom they respected, was the returnee of the Silent Sea. Among the Viking nations, he knew the existence of the Silent Sea best.
"If we die here, will we be led to the Hall of Valor faster than others? After all, we are already in the realm of the gods." Clough said again.
There was still no response. In this strange atmosphere, my belief in the god Odin was being slightly shaken unconsciously.
Do the gods really exist at the end of this sea?The end of this ferocious and strange sea.
So are the gods here as crazy as this sea?
"My lord has always wanted to own such a powerful iron-clad ship to explore the secrets of the Silent Sea, which is why he supports the development of the Bingbing Bay Shipyard so much."
Clough said to himself again, the silence in the cabin made him extremely anxious, he really hoped someone could come and talk to him, anything.
"If the Lord can wake up, he may be able to take us out of the Sea of ​​Silence. After all, he is a returner, isn't he? The only returner."
A little hope rose in his eyes, but when he saw the decadent Garen, these hopes disappeared in an instant.
This is just a beautiful delusion. They know very well that Floki cannot wake up. The closer he gets to the Sea of ​​Silence, the crazier he becomes. He can hear the gasping sounds coming from the darkness, just like a wild beast.
Just like that, he once again fell into a maddening calm, in which darkness grew crazily in his heart.
Clough wanted to close his eyes and take a nap to restore his tired spirit, but as soon as he closed his eyes, the dark vision made him feel extremely panicked, and then the whispers became clearer and kept whispering in his ears. With.
Unable to sleep, he could only open his bloodshot eyes and accept the torture in silence.
Footsteps sounded behind the cabin door, as if someone was approaching here. Clough regained consciousness for a moment, and looked at the cabin door excitedly.
No matter who comes, if it is a human, then Clough will plead with him to talk to him to relieve this lonely despair. If it is a monster, Clough will happily die to end this long torture.
The sound of footsteps echoed in the dim corridor. Due to the damage and other problems of the Morning Glory Advance itself, there were very few guards inside the cabin. Everyone was working in shifts, trying to make the armored ship inside them go farther.
Therefore, the corridor was unexpectedly quiet, and only the sound of breathing could be faintly heard, as if there was a guard standing in a certain corner.
It was so silent, dark, and distant until it was broken by the sudden sound of footsteps.
The hatch opened, and soft light fell down.
Clough immediately let out a beast-like roar, thirsting for light like a moth to the flame.
He tried to knock against the figure in front of the door and escape from this desperate situation, but before he could launch an attack, he felt the cabin spin, and then he fell heavily to the ground.
"Use these things to make you feel more comfortable."
Lorenzo directly straddled Clough's body and injected him with Florund's potion.
Halfway through the walk, Lorenzo suddenly realized these things. He knew that Lan Jade of Galen and others had been injured and was receiving treatment. Shrike was too tired and went to rest first. Lorenzo had been in a coma before.
He suddenly realized that no one seemed to care about these guys, so he quickly turned back and got a few Florund potions.
Along the way, Lorenzo has been hoping that these Vikings will be stronger, at least they will not easily become monsters, otherwise Lorenzo may need [Gap] to invade to get what he wants.
After the previous experience, Lorenzo somewhat resisted this deceitful power. This power is so mysterious and full of uncertainties. In the harsh environment of the Lonely Sea, Lorenzo could not let himself have any accidents.
To a certain extent, Lorenzo has become the embodiment of hope. Everyone on the ship trusts Lorenzo and believes that as long as Lorenzo is still alive, they still have hope.
It feels good to be expected, but the pressure that comes with it is also breathtaking.
As Lorenzo spoke, he walked over to Gallon. The guy didn't resist and allowed Lorenzo to inject the medicine into his neck.
Soon the medicine took effect, and the murmurs became much quieter in an instant.
"Where is Lord Floki? Won't you use it for him?"
Looking at Lorenzo who was motionless, Garon finally spoke at this moment.
The effect of the medicine spread in the blood, and this feeling made him feel a lot more comfortable. What followed was a false fantasy. Garen wondered if this medicine could wake Floki up.
"He doesn't need it... That's why I came to you. I can make Floki wake up, but I need you to cooperate with me."
Lorenzo had already thought about how to deal with Garen and Clough. These two guys were very loyal. As long as they had Floki under control, they would easily cooperate with him.
"wide awake?"
There was a little light in Hunxun's eyes, and Garen seemed very excited, but he soon calmed down.
"What do you want to know? About the Silent Sea?"
Garen mobilized his resting thoughts and allowed himself to step out of the chaos.
"I can't help you with this, Mr. Holmes...but as long as you can help Master Floki wake up, he will be happy to tell you this."
Galen passed the trap set by Lorenzo and threw the words back again.
"After all, after the adults wake up, we are all in the same boat. In every sense, we need to help each other to survive here."
He stared at Lorenzo, a ray of light falling in despair, and he wanted to make good use of it.
"Huh? When did I say that I wanted to ask these things about Jinghai?" Lorenzo shook his head, "When it comes to Jinghai, maybe I know more than you do."
"Haven't you discovered it yet? Garen, the purpose of setting sail for our ship is for this place, this sea area called the Sea of ​​Silence."
Lorenzo continued speaking. He carefully observed Garen's expression. Under the eroding oppression and Floki's crazy despair, even the most determined person would show some flaws.
"I think you should be familiar with these."
As Lorenzo narrated, Garon's expression became extremely complicated, and then there was fear, fear of the actions of these people.
The silver revolver flashed in his mind, and then the shrike's face, Garen said slowly.
"So you're not here to take revenge on Floki?"
"Huh? Probably."
Lorenzo thought it would be better not to make a decision for Shrike.
"It was you ten years ago, but you still don't want to give up?"
Memories of the past began to appear in front of his eyes. Garen thought he would never think of them again, but today, they dug their graves and stood in front of Garen again.
"So you know about that departure ten years ago, right?"
Lorenzo stared at Garen and slowly came closer. With each step he took, the pressure suddenly increased until Lorenzo's shadow covered Garen.
"Even if you weren't on that ship, you should have heard Floki's story, so you had that expression when you saw the Shrike."
Gallon was startled, and then he understood Lorenzo's true purpose. He smiled miserably, and then replied.
"I don't know the Shrike, but I know the gun."
The gun named Death Knell, this gun left a deep impression on Lorenzo, he could always see Shrike caressing that gun, and he could often hear Shrike whispering something to it .
For a while, Lorenzo thought that Shrike had a mental illness, or something like a fetish, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Having been in contact with the purification organization for so long, Lorenzo has already realized that the senior members of the purification organization Employees all have some mental illness and some ulterior secrets.
Lorenzo also thought about it carefully, and finally he found that Kestrel might be the most normal among these people...but it's not quite right. This guy's stupidity can be regarded as a kind of mental illness.
"Oh?" Lorenzo smiled, and then asked again, "Is that so?"
He was condescending.
"So, what really happened ten years ago?"
Sharp pains shot through half of his body. The pains were densely packed, like a colony of ants climbing on his body, eating every flesh and blood, torturing his exhausted mind until he could no longer sleep.
Lan Jade opened her eyes and looked at the dim room. The air was filled with the smell of disinfectant, and there were several bloody bandages and empty potions scattered on the ground.
She sat up slowly, only to see that the entire left arm was wrapped in a white bandage, and a splint was used to fix it.
Because there were too many injured people, after Lan Jade's condition stabilized, she was moved back to her room to make room for other injured people. From time to time, patrolling ship doctors would come to check Lan Jade's condition, and they would also give her regular Provides Florund's Potion.
"Ah... It seems that I can't do anything."
Blue Jade whispered.
Judging from her current state, Lan Jade will not be of any help to the next actions, and it is even said that she has become a burden to the team.
In the dimly lit room, she tried to roll herself up, but it was difficult because of the pain in her body, so she could only sit blankly against the wall until Lan Jade began to feel lonely and hopeless.
She knew very well that this was erosion affecting her, but Lan Jade could not break free from it. She wanted to give herself another Florund potion, but remembering the ship doctor's instructions, she decided not to give it to everyone again. Added to the trouble.
Lan Jade has always been a somewhat lonely person, probably because of her past experiences that have troubled her. Even after so long, she still has difficulty getting out of it.
She wanted to do something for everyone, but what she could do every time was limited. These things stayed in her heart, making her sad and suffocating.
In this way, the lonely atmosphere continued to spread, until Lan Jade couldn't bear it anymore.
She stood up slowly and tried to take a few steps. She found that the injury on her arm did not affect her movement, and then she opened the hatch.
After all, humans are social animals. Under the influence of erosion, the feeling of loneliness becomes extremely strong, prompting Lan Jade to leave the room and look for similar people.
How is Shrike doing?
Such words suddenly rang in my mind.
Although Lan Jade is a member of the purification agency, her relationship with her colleagues is not close. After all, for a withdrawn person like her, if there is anyone who can be considered a close friend, the only one Lan Jade can think of is Shrike. up.
This seemed to stem from the friendship in Ende Town, so the only thing Lan Jade could think of at the first moment was Shrike.
She stood in the deserted corridor and looked in the other direction. Lan Jade remembered that that was Shrike's room.
As soon as she tried to walk there, Lan Jade felt her heart palpitation.
"who is it?"
she asked.
Something was around the corner in the corridor, something familiar and repulsive.
(End of this chapter)

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