Embers of Embers

Chapter 570 Faint Hope

Chapter 570 Faint Hope
Lorenzo raised his head and looked at the clear starry sky.
The pain in the depths of his mind made him crazy, but this deep starry sky kept him calm, like soaking in the slightly cold sea water, relieving all the pressure and releasing the tense nerves...
The aurora and starlight are intertwined together, like a gorgeous crony, they are entangled and continued on the sea of ​​silence, spreading to the end of the road like a road, guiding the way forward for everyone.
It seems that His appearance is more like a test. The Morning Glory Advance has passed the test, so their voyage no longer has storms and thunder, and there is no pursuit of monsters. Unfortunately, the cold and erosion still exist, just like invisible evil spirits. Wandering in the shadows where the light does not reach.
The firelight from the starting point of the ruins of the Morning Glory Advance cast shadows of different lengths. Several people were wrapped in heavy coats and sat around the stove. It has reduced a lot of cold attacks.
"So...is this what it is?"
After listening to Watson's explanation, Seliu finally felt relieved and let out a long sigh.
She let out a breath of white air, stretched out her hand and placed it next to the stove, the fire burning in it illuminated her face.
"Gabriel, Watcher, Doomsday... there are too many, I can't accept them for a while."
Seleu muttered in a low voice, and the others thought similarly to her.
After the naval battle ended a few hours ago, the expected death did not come. He no longer took any action, but remained silent. This allowed the Morning Glory Advance to move forward again, and everyone has traveled to the present without any danger.
The surviving people started to work, Floki controlled the driving, Watson drove the black angel to carry and disassemble, and dumped the sundries into the sea. Because of her power, the monsters hidden in the ship were also eradicated once. , making the living environment a lot safer.
The plague doctor joined the ship's doctors to treat those who hadn't died. At first Lorenzo was a little worried about him, but when the plague doctor dragged Shrike and Heybold back from the hand of death, Lorenzo So he went with him.
It’s just that the medical methods of the epidemic doctor were a bit unacceptable. Lorenzo felt a little physically uncomfortable when he saw it, and some of the soldiers who were watching vomited it out. However, the ship doctors observed with interest and even asked the epidemic doctor a lot of questions. Zuo listens to the knowledge that he does not understand.
But when you think about it, these ship doctors are all from Heishan Hospital, the good guys carefully selected from that large mental hospital, and it is only natural for them to chat with the epidemic doctor.
After proceeding in an orderly manner for a while, now, Lorenzo summoned the others and gathered here.
Because of Watson's joining, she brought a huge amount of information. Lorenzo felt that it was time to share this with others. After all, they were all at the end of the road, and it was nothing more than the gap between knowing more and less before death.
Everyone went through hard work and finally came to this point. Lorenzo felt that they also had the right to know, and Lorenzo himself could not keep such secrets forever. He already felt his own powerlessness.
"So, these monsters are actually demon hunters, a group of demon hunters who were active thousands of years ago, or even farther back?"
Listening to Watson's story, the doctor just felt a little crazy.
"I already feel that today's demon hunters are outrageous enough, but are their ancestors still so exaggerated?"
The flesh and blood on the doctor's face was twisted and squirming, and no one could understand his expression, whether he was happy or sad.
In his opinion, Lawrence and Lorenzo were already the same monsters. As a result, there were countless such monsters under this sea.
"No, to be precise, we are not as good as our ancestors. From the mouths of those who built the country, we can know that the history of this world is wrong. It has gone through countless reincarnations and iterations, so there are many conflicting and unexpected forces here."
Lorenzo withdrew his gaze from the starry sky and said to the others.
"I suspect that the end that Lawrence saw was a new reincarnation of the world, and the founders of the country started the war for this reason. They believed that excessive population would cause monsters outside the fence, that is, the Watchers. We are always guarding what we protect.”
"Rather than protection, it is actually more accurate to describe it as imprisonment."
Watson said slowly.
"These watchmen have been standing outside the fence to prevent people from exploring the darkness outside the fence. In fact, they are just jailers. They are preventing people from letting things outside the fence."
"So what is outside the fence?" the epidemic doctor continued to ask.
Watson was stunned, and she shook her head.
"I do not know."
She thought for a moment, then continued.
"I arrived at the Temple of Stasis and met the new Pope there. I shared the existing information with him, which is what everyone knows. He sent me an invitation and asked me if I would like to explore sublimation together. Well..."
After hearing Watson's words, Lorenzo's expression changed slightly. Fortunately, everyone's attention was attracted by Watson's words, and no one noticed his micro-expression.
Well of sublimation.
Lorenzo still remembers the bustling palace he saw in [The Gap]. He doesn't know how many times it has gone through reincarnation and iterations, but Lorenzo can still remember those figures kneeling beside the Well of Sublimation.
They all lost themselves in the long watch, and were willing to become immortal monsters in order to stick to the defense line of the fence.
They are like jailers, and the prison is the mysterious well of sublimation.
Although it was not the real stagnant temple, it was just an illusory thing left in memory, but Lorenzo still felt the evil in the darkness of the well from it. This was the feeling kept in the memory of the watchmen. They Hated it so much.
Lorenzo whispered.
Edron Levien, at the time, called things down the well.
This is not his enemy.
This is the enemy of God.
"and then?"
Seliu asked, feeling relieved. She was very aware of the cruelty of these things, and she also understood that they were very far away from her. She simply listened to them as horror stories.
"Then I was attacked and killed by Edron. I was attacked before I reached the mine. I fled in a panic. After returning to Inlvig, I found that Lorenzo was not there, so I searched all the way. Come here," Watson said.
Lorenzo heard something was wrong, Watson was lying.
From this point of view, Watson did not get much useful information in the Stasis Temple. However, in the letters she sent to Lorenzo, Lorenzo could read the crises and secrets underneath. Watson repeatedly said She emphasized the Well of Sublimation and brought the Holy Silver Crown. She must know something.
Lorenzo looked at Watson on the other side and seemed to notice Lorenzo's gaze. Watson glanced at Lorenzo without changing his expression.
【you are lying. 】
【Yes. 】
【why? 】
[The cruel reality will arouse the fighter's rage, but when excessive despair crushes him, he will no longer be able to move. 】
The two of them used the [gap] to communicate, with an imperceptible glimmer in their eyes. Watson smiled at the others, and his voice sounded in Lorenzo's mind.
[Lorenzo, our voyage is not over yet. Before returning to Inlwig, these people need a slim hope to give them strength. 】
Watson answered.
She still remembered the new pope who had been fighting against erosion for several years. He wore a crown of thorns and never slept for countless days and nights.
He is so determined and powerful, but after realizing the truth...
The figure that was almost shrinking into a ball flashed before his eyes. He lowered his head and sat on the edge of the well of sublimation, losing all light in his eyes.
A person who is so determined will lose his fighting spirit. Watson dare not say it lightly. She wants to maintain this fragile dream and let these poor people go further.
Watson stared at Lorenzo, and Lorenzo also went up to meet him. After looking at each other briefly, Lorenzo gave up asking. He would know all the stories, but not yet.
The others didn't know that this conversation only existed in the "interval", they just felt that the surroundings became a little cold, and as Watson finished speaking, the atmosphere became silent.
Seliu took a deep breath. In addition to being a little tired during the naval battle, she also had some scattered minor injuries on her body. In order to make herself faster, she also took off her coat for a while.
At that time, all his mind was highly concentrated, and his heart was beating violently, sending hot blood to all parts of his body, making Seleu forget the cold for a short time.
But after the battle, all the sequelae showed up.
"Ah... sneeze!"
Seliu sneezed, her little face was red, but under the firelight, it was no different from usual. She only felt that her body became a little hot, and she felt that the surroundings were very cold. She wrapped her coat tightly, but This doesn't improve much.
There was no sound of wind in the silent night. Apart from the restlessness of the Dawn Advance, there was the sound of cracking glaciers and the sound of the collision breaking away the ice bit by bit.
The Morning Glory Advance has already sailed into the ice layer, and the pre-prepared collision angle is like a sharp sword blade, splitting the road ahead, leaving a channel full of crushed ice behind.
Thanks to the new engine of the Perpetual Pump and advanced structural technology, the entire Morning Glory Advance uses a large amount of cypress iron, which allows it to survive successive high-intensity battles, unlike ordinary ironclad ships. That way, it sinks and disintegrates.
Tons of lacquer antimony were poured into the combustion chamber, providing the ship with forward momentum. At the same time, this new type of energy also became everyone's defense line against the extreme cold. In the heater in front of Seleu, what was burning was liquid Lacquer antimony.
This is an important resource second only to Florund's potion. Florund's potion is to ensure that they can move forward soberly, and the antimony lacquer is to ensure that the ships can operate and that they will not freeze to death.
At the fiercest moment of the battle, the soldiers almost wanted to dump the paint and antimony into the sea to burn the invading demons and obstructing sea snakes, but Lorenzo stopped them. Once they lost these, even if they won the battle, they would not be able to survive. It’s hard to move on.
Seleu looked at the gray and black shadows in the distance. Under the light of the stars, everything around was very clear, and the snow and dust reflected the light, barely illuminating those tall glaciers.
A dull sound can be heard, and the glacier is gradually collapsing, stirring up rolling snow dust... It seems that there has been no new things here for a long time. With the arrival of the Morning Glory Advance, they have welcomed guests for a long time.
During Seleu's distracted time, the conversation went on a few more times, and finally Lorenzo looked forward.
“That’s about all I know.
There is something happening that we don't know yet, which will trigger a new reincarnation, and the Watchers will also come out in droves during this time.
This gives us some breathing space. The watchers cannot care about us, so we can touch deeper taboos. We need to find the history that has been deliberately hidden at the end of the world, and even find a way to break this cycle. "
Listening to Lorenzo's words, a hoarse voice sounded from the front.
"That is to say, possible disasters in the future have happened before. The Demon Hunting Sect may be like us now. They also resisted, and the result is the watchmen."
Shrike was sitting in a wheelchair, his body was covered with bandages, his arms were fixed with steel nails, and the shelves were covered with infusion tubes. He also saw a urine bag hanging in the corner.
After repeatedly experiencing life-and-death struggles, Shrike should have stayed in the ward obediently and received treatment, but he still came here stubbornly, wanting to witness to the end.
"Lorenzo, as you said, history is reincarnated and time-divided. In order to avoid the doomsday of all mankind, we are constantly castrating ourselves. Everything that was once glorious is forgotten, and only ignorance is left to survive."
Shrike felt a tearing pain in his head. Under the influence of erosion, he could not sleep, and could only stay awake in pain.
Never thought that this operation would be so complicated and deep, Shrike was a little dazed.
"So, we who were once so powerful have lost. Do you think we still have a chance of winning now?"
Faced with Shrike's question, Lorenzo remained silent.
After the naval battle, Lorenzo thought of his previous experiences. He saw those terrifying machines in the tomb of the Platinum Palace. Each of them was enough to change the direction of world war. These were just the most common weapons in the past. What's more, Not to mention how he felt when he realized that the Watchers were all demon hunters.
The era that was once so powerful has been defeated. What ability do these left behind people have to resist?
"They are them, we are us, we have made it this far, we have to give it a try, don't we?"
Lorenzo replied, he felt a lot more relaxed when he said it, and even smiled.
"Everyone here is someone who has crossed the fence. Even if you survive the reincarnation, you will be liquidated by the watchmen... Anyway, you will die on the streets. Instead of dying in the hands of those monsters, it is better to invest in more For the great death."
Shrike was silent, and his face was covered with bandages. In the words of the ship's doctor, his body was burned over a large area, and his face was no exception. Lorenzo could not see his expression or feel his emotions, he could only listen. The sound of gentle breathing sounded.
"That's good, I'm fine."
(End of this chapter)

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