Embers of Embers

Chapter 573 Respective Farewell

Chapter 573 Respective Farewell
With a gloomy face, Floki walked forward slowly, carrying a large bag and a weapon on his waist.
As a seasoned explorer, the severe cold of the Silent Sea was not enough to defeat Floki. He knew exactly what supplies he needed. Before Lorenzo announced his departure, Floki collected the materials he would use on the boat thing.
He was different from those monsters. Although his body was alienated and he briefly possessed the power of demons, this power came at a price, and compared to Lorenzo and the others, this power seemed so small.
Floki has a very clear understanding of his own state. He knows very well that his lifespan is only a few days. The deeper he goes, the stronger the erosion will be, and the alienation of his body will continue to advance. This will speed up Floki's transformation until he turns into a hateful monster.
He knew all this, so he never thought about turning back.
Life has already entered a countdown. According to common sense, when ordinary people face this test, they will panic, wail, and act unreasonably crazy. But Floki is very calm, as if what is coming is not... Death is a new beginning.
He picked up a backpack, which was filled with Florund's medicine, which was given to him by the ship's doctor. This was originally an extremely important resource, but due to the large-scale casualties, these resources became abundant.
Floki arranged these things, then raised his head and looked at the busy cabin.
This was originally the maintenance room of the Original Sin Armor, but in this harsh situation, Lorenzo focused on these main cabins and moved all personnel here, concentrating resources to provide warmth and medical assistance.
The other areas were completely sealed off, so that the huge iron-clad ship would become smaller and it would be easier for patrols to conduct inspections.
The technicians were busy. After providing Floki with the weapons he needed, they carried tool boxes and worked hard to repair the damaged Black Angel.
Floki could see the monster covered with iron feathers. It was hanging on a support not far from him. Technicians were repairing its damaged position. Its own flesh and blood was also growing slowly, squirming. The metal is all rolled together.
The soldiers pushed the heavy fuel tank over and tied it with chains. It seemed that they were preparing to equip it on the Black Angel.
This was Lorenzo's decision. He decided to carry the Black Angel on this final journey. This armor would have unexpected effects when necessary, and it could also carry a large amount of supplies to aid exploration.
Most of the things Floki prepared were carried by the Black Angel, which made it a lot more convenient for him.
Thinking of this, Floki took a long breath, and then smiled helplessly.
This was a very happy moment. His desire for many years had become a reality. Now all he needed was to move forward and die somewhere. He thought this was great.
"Lord Floki..."
There was a familiar voice, and Floki looked over and saw Garon limping over with a cane.
Floki felt bad. The person he least expected to see was here.
With a bitter smile on Garen's face, he walked slowly to Floki's side, and then sat down with difficulty.
The two sat together, but they couldn't say anything, and there was only silence.
They had a master-servant relationship. They had been together for a long time, and had gone through life and death together, but now they seemed to be particularly close. Garen almost opened his mouth to say something, but in the end no sound came out.
Floki lowered his head to pack his things and said nothing, until Garen finally spoke reluctantly and expressed his sorrow.
"My lord... Clough is dead," Garen lowered his head like a bereaved dog, "I didn't expect him to die here."
Clough is to Garen what Garen is to Floki. They have worked together for a long time and it is difficult to let go, but now Clough is dead, in this place.
"He died a hero's death."
Floki answered slowly, having already thought of this, and when he did not see Clough, he realized that he was dead.
Garen smiled and then said.
"What a strange adventure. We were originally trapped in the Ice Bay and were attacked by the Final Society. We almost died there, but we were rescued by this group of people."
Garen raised his head and watched the soldiers and technicians coming and going. They adjusted the lines. The residual heat of the combustion chamber would warm the place to resist the severe cold that covered the steel.
"I thought I would survive, but in fact I stepped into another hell... Sir, do you really want to go with them?"
He looked at Floki. His once strong face was distorted by erosion, and his features were deeply sunken under the dry wrinkles, but Garen could still recognize Floki's appearance.
Floki felt a little bad. He had never wanted to face these things. This decision was not easy for him. After all, he was not a free man. He was Lord Wilgdason, and he was bound by power and responsibility. With.
"I know what you mean, but as I said before, Garen, I am a very selfish person."
Floki stopped what he was doing and slowly turned his head.
They are all desperadoes, but Floki is a little different. He is a lord and he needs to be responsible for his territory. Normally, he can leave these responsibilities to Garen and let him deal with these problems. With the battle with the epidemic doctor, Lingbing Bay has fallen into the flames of war. The king and lords will not let this place go. This is when Lingbing Bay needs him most.
But Floki couldn't go back to save this territory. He didn't even think about going back. His mind was seduced by the Silent Sea, and the ownership of Lingbing Bay was not worth mentioning compared with it.
"I am now only one step away from my lifelong dream. How could I give up? Besides, what's the use of going back?"
Floki looked at his hands. The flesh and blood were shriveled, the finger bones appeared extremely slender, and the nails were sharp, like claws.
"I have become a monster, and I am about to die. I hope I can die on this sea, not on that boring land."
Garen stared at Floki blankly. He had never thought that Floki's attitude would be so resolute, but thinking about it, there was nothing they could do for Lingbing Bay if they went back now. In the past few days, , the kings and lords are fully capable of bringing their big ships into the Ice Bay.
But... But there is still a trace of unwillingness in Garen's heart. He has devoted too much emotion to this land. It can be said that he is the shadow lord of this land. Now Floki has to give up all this.
But all this does not belong to Galleon.
He clenched his fists, and then unclenched them. Garen had a lot of thoughts in his mind. As long as Floki returned, he would be able to order the soldiers... Even if it was a corpse that returned, he still had control. room.
Floki put his hand into the bag and grasped the dagger in it. He knew very well what Garon was thinking and where his stubbornness lay. Unfortunately, Floki couldn't do it. He was selfish. Man, for his ideal, he doesn't care about anything.
Whether it is the Ice Bay or the shipyard, everything is just his tool, a tool to help him explore the Silent Sea. As for power and wealth, Floki has never cared about these.
He didn't know whether Garen would still respect himself at this moment, or if he was crazy about his Ice Bay, Floki was a little excited, he wanted to know what choice his subordinates would make, and he would Ready to kill it.
"So...it still doesn't work..."
Garen finally loosened his clenched fists, he sighed helplessly, and then looked at Floki lonely.
"May Odin bless you, my lord."
Garen reached out and hugged Floki gently, then he picked up his crutch and limped away.
Floki looked at his leaving back. He knew very well that this would be the last time they met, but he didn't say anything to stay, not even words of comfort. He just watched Garen leave until he disappeared. In the field of vision, there is no trace.
The epidemic doctor was walking in the dark corridor. In order not to bring psychological pressure to other crew members, he randomly found a gas mask and put it on his head to hide his hateful scarlet face.
He was wearing an orange raincoat. This thing was very thin, but it was just right for an epidemic doctor. His blood was extremely hot, and the current severe cold was not enough to affect him.
Pushing open the cabin doors, the epidemic doctor walked into a bright place. The pungent smell of disinfectant hit his face. When he came to the medical cabin, he saw that the ground was covered with blankets, which were used as temporary hospital beds. injured personnel.
The epidemic doctor walked through the gaps. Some ship doctors noticed him and said hello to him.
They were mortal enemies a few days ago, but now they are hanging out on the same boat, and because of the medical knowledge of the epidemic doctor, many ship doctors quite like him, and some even privately suggested to Lorenzo, hoping that Lorenzo would not kill him He'd better break off his limbs and take them back to Montenegro Hospital so they can have some fun.
They said Dean Abigail would love the gift.
Of course, the epidemic doctors did not know the whims of these ship doctors. Like the technicians of the Perpetual Pump, these guys had somewhat abnormal brains. The situation in front of them was critical, but they regarded it all as a large-scale experiment. While treating others, he did not forget to write an experimental diary.
The epidemic doctor had nothing to prepare, and he couldn't think of anything he needed to prepare. After all, he was just a scholar, and he really didn't know much about the cold glaciers.
He asked the nearby ship's doctor to find out her location, and then walked into the area protected by soldiers. The doctor walked around and then stopped.
The door on the side was ajar, and there was a familiar smell in it. The epidemic doctor opened the door and saw two unlucky people lying on the hospital bed like rice dumplings.
It was Shrike and Heibald. They were exhausted and half asleep. They were surrounded by Florund potions, and several empty potions could be seen scattered on the ground.
After closing the door, the epidemic doctor saw the guy standing in front of him.
"What are you doing here, Plague Doctor?"
With the black muzzle in front of her eyes, Lan Jade raised the pistol with one hand and looked at the visiting epidemic doctor warily.
She recovered pretty well. Although she still couldn't move her arms, she still stubbornly came out and did what she could. Lan Jade discovered the sneaky epidemic doctor and warned her.
"Come here... to say goodbye."
The epidemic doctor told the truth, until now, he has no reason to take action against these people for the time being, and raised his empty hands to show friendship.
Lan Jade wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by another voice.
"Let him be, Blue Jade."
Lorenzo stood behind the plague doctor, his eyes burning with a faint gray.
He has been following the plague doctor to keep him in his field of vision. With the blessing of the mighty Gabriel, Lorenzo can control the entire Morning Glory Advance, and he can also shuttle across other people's bodies in an instant. Address any eventualities that may occur.
But only the epidemic doctor is different. The epidemic doctor is a troublesome guy, and Lorenzo must keep him under his own surveillance.
The epidemic doctor turned around and smiled at Lorenzo, but the smile was blocked by the mask and nothing could be seen.
He walked to the end of the corridor, and then pushed open the hatch. The room was very warm, and then he saw another gun pointing at him.
"Did I say you are all so vigilant?"
The epidemic doctor smiled helplessly, and then sat on the other side of the hospital bed. During this period, the gun kept staring at him, never letting up for a moment.
"What are you doing here? Epidemic doctor."
Seleu pulled up the quilt and leaned against the wall, holding a pistol.
She was breathing hot, a cold is really not a good thing, not to mention that she was still under the influence of erosion, she only felt her gastric juices churning, she wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit anything, it was cold but felt hot.
"Come to say goodbye. Of course, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to say goodbye to you."
The body of the epidemic doctor began to squirm violently, and Seliu was extremely nervous. She knew what it meant when the body of the epidemic doctor showed such changes. She almost pulled the trigger, but the epidemic doctor took off his mask at this time, A scarlet face was revealed.
He looked at Seliu calmly, and looked into those blue eyes that pry into people's hearts.
Lorenzo has always hated looking at Seleu. Under the gaze of those eyes, he can hide nothing from Seleu. This is like an innate talent. She can easily feel it from a person's eyes. The emotions hidden in the heart.
The epidemic doctor seemed to have no ill intentions. He watched calmly and gently. After a brief panic, Seleu also realized that all of this might be going on with Lorenzo's acquiescence. With his power, Gabriel , it was impossible for him not to notice these.
Seliu said nothing more and continued to raise his gun, waiting for the epidemic doctor's reaction.
His chest began to swell, as if something had been expelled. A corner of metal covered with mucus was exposed, and then the metal became larger and larger, and even the whole thing was expelled.
The safe was placed on the knees of the epidemic doctor, with blood dripping on the surface and a disgusting stench.
Seliu almost vomited after witnessing the whole process, but there was no trace of disgust in Doctor Bide's eyes, but full of tenderness. He gently stroked the metal surface, which still retained the warmth of Doctor Bide's body.
"Goodbye, old friend, you shouldn't get lost here with me."
The epidemic doctor whispered, stretched out his hand again, and stabbed into the neck. With a tooth-piercing friction sound, he took out a bloody key, inserted it into the safe, turned the key handle, and opened it.
"Take them out, Seleu."
The epidemic doctor said that he was not wearing gloves and his hands were covered with blood and mucus.
Seliu suppressed the disgust in her heart and cautiously put her hand into the darkness of the safe. She didn't know what was in it. It was probably some disgusting flesh and blood, or something similar?
In short, when facing a guy like an epidemic doctor, it's right to think in a disgusting place.
Her fingers touched something, and it was square. Seliu touched it, and the surface was a little rough. She took out the thing inside, with a look of surprise on her face.
They are notes, one after another. Their surfaces have different degrees of wear and tear, which can be used to judge that these notes were written at different times. From the spine and cover of the book, it can be seen that the epidemic doctor has taken good care of them , and this is what the epidemic doctor has been protecting in the body.
"what is this?"
Seliu held up these notes and tried to open them. She saw the author's name and time written on the first page.
Charles Darwin.
Below the name is a row of time, the date is about 100 years ago.
"My notes, my knowledge, my years of...search for truth."
The epidemic doctor let out a chilling laugh. He was like a demon attacking in the middle of the night, extending an invitation to the girl who was still awake.
"I hope you can bring these things back to Yin Erweg. As for who gives it to me, I don't care, as long as it can continue to exist."
The sharp nails slowly fell on Seliu's cheek, scratched gently, and then left.
"why me?"
Seleu picked up these heavy notes, which were full of the breath of time.
"Because you may be the most likely person to survive. On this ship full of madmen, you are the only one who represents the mortals who should survive."
The epidemic doctor looked at these notes reluctantly, and almost reached out to snatch them, but finally took them back. These notes should not leave with him, they should be passed down, this is a way for a scholar to live forever.
Only in this way will the name of Charles Darwin be handed down forever, and the epidemic doctor will proudly prove to the world that he is the one who really got the truth.
Seleu probably understood the meaning of the epidemic doctor, so she felt that the notes in her arms became extremely heavy. The scarlet guy in front of her was no longer a monster. Scholars who can be passed down.
"Is there a name? If these things are written, it needs a name."
Seliu lightly brushed the surface of the book cover. All that was on it was the name of the epidemic doctor and the date when he wrote the note. Other than that, there was no standard. Perhaps Seliu was the first person other than the epidemic doctor to touch the book in so many years. The person who came to this note.
The epidemic doctor thought for a moment. He remembered the beginning of it all, the beginning of the story, and couldn't help but smile on his face.
"The Theory of Evolution."
"Sounds like a good name."
"A friend of mine named it for me."
The plague doctor got up and unloaded these notes. He only felt a burst of relief in his body, as if nothing could restrain him anymore, and he would be completely free to carry out this final journey.
Without saying anything more, he turned around and left, closing the heavy hatch with all his strength, saying goodbye to everything in the past.
(End of this chapter)

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