Embers of Embers

Chapter 583 The Door

Chapter 583 The Door
Fireworks and storms intertwined, and in a blink of an eye, a blazing storm swept over the land. The tall obelisks stood firm in the storm, watching indifferently the disputes that lasted for centuries.
Lorenzo could no longer observe the traces of Pioneer and Edron. He could only feel waves of violent erosion being released, and could vaguely hear the sound of cracking swords.
Watson also stood blankly on the spot. She was not in a daze because of the battle between Pioneer and Adren, nor was she thinking because of the revelation of past stories.
She heard it.
Watson definitely believed that she heard.
Fuzzy sounds echoed inside the Black Angel, carrying the sound of noisy electricity.
The Original Sin Armor carries electronic communication equipment, but due to corrosion, most of these equipment will be paralyzed and malfunction after entering the battle, and the communication will be interfered, leaving only harsh noises, so whether it is Watson or Lorenzo, Don't pay too much attention to this kind of thing. As long as erosion still exists, this kind of equipment will always have great limitations.
But now, under this high-intensity erosion, a message arrived here with difficulty after being hit by strong winds and rains, issuing vague instructions.
This is nothing short of a miracle.
It is as if a ghost is talking to Watson through this, it travels through the long years and speaks continuously and repeatedly.
Watson looked into the darkness beneath him, deep at the base of the obelisks.
"Is that you?"
Watson said softly.
Pioneer and Adren are both existences that are close to the ineffable. The rising power can even temporarily suppress the influence of antimemetics and release their power to the maximum.
Watson made a decision, and the Black Angel immediately rushed over, grabbing several people tightly and nailing the hooks under the ice to prevent himself from being swallowed by the storm. The figure shook violently, and they seemed to be following the wind. The passing floating leaves struggled with all their strength.
Human beings in the old era found a way to sublime. They prayed for greater power, and they succeeded. But at the end of this road, there was an answer that was overwhelming.
Power·Gabriel·is the certificate, the one-way ticket to the road to ascension.
Lorenzo used this to discover more terrifying powers, but at the same time, he was also getting closer to these monsters, and those humans who did not get the certificate could not bear the dreams of the unspeakable, and were filled with madness. The "information" crushes and turns into a bloodthirsty monster.
After chasing for so long, they finally found the answer to the root of it all.
Lorenzo had been mentally prepared, but when he actually faced all this, he still felt panicked and at a loss.
The surrounding temperature was rising steadily. This was the pressure from Adren. After realizing the existence of the pioneer, he directly detonated his power, and the blazing high temperature was carried by the storm.
The figure of the Black Angel began to shake violently. In this situation, they had no ability to join the battlefield. The hook rope fell off, and the high temperature was melting the ice. Lorenzo could hear the sound of running water, and the solid body underneath him The ice becomes brittle and collapses.
"Is this God?"
Seeing this scene, the epidemic doctor couldn't help but whisper.
He is a rational doctor and a rational scholar, but after listening to the pioneer's story and feeling the power of this madness, the epidemic doctor couldn't help but doubt.
If this is not a god, then what can be considered a god?
The pioneers try their best to use reasonable explanations to describe this greater existence, but when they really face it, few people will be firm in their hearts and not revere its existence.
"This is not a god! Epidemic Doctor!" Lorenzo shouted at this time, "Even if it is really a god, it is a god that can be killed! Don't fear it!"
They had thought about finding the so-called god at the end of the world, but they never thought that the god would look like this in the end.
"Don't be in awe of it! Epidemic Doctor!"
Lorenzo yelled, questioning the gods.
"God is just an existence that is too powerful to be understood! It is not worthy of awe and belief!"
The epidemic doctor took a deep breath, and his chaotic eyes gradually became clearer. He paused, and then cursed loudly.
"The Herald is the fucking lunatic! He wants to free the Unspeakable!"
The doctor's screams were trembling. It was not easy to muster the courage, especially when facing the extreme evil in this world.
Previously, the epidemic doctor had not cared about the so-called end of all things, but after feeling the power of the pioneer, he vaguely saw the desperate scene, and the instantaneous impact almost killed him.
It's as if countless sharp knives are hitting the wound in your soul, filling every inch of the land with darkness, slowly kneading your humanity and thinking until it is kneaded into a distorted and distorted shape.
Of course, what makes the epidemic doctors tremble the most is the madness of the pioneers.
Epidemiologists know very well what "metamorphosis" such as sublimation means, from tadpoles to frogs, from caterpillars to butterflies.
The pioneer will abandon all humanity and become a greater existence. In the face of the unspeakable, human self-awareness, wisdom, ethics, glory and merit, etc., all of these are nothing to it Yes, it is the wrong path on the road to sublimation.
The pioneer's sublimation is not so much that he abandons all restraints and becomes a part of the unspeakable, but rather that he commits a crazy suicide.
This is suicide that erases all meaning from oneself.
"Damn it! You have to die alone! Why do you have to take us with you!"
The epidemic doctor continued to yell. He was indeed chasing the answer, but when he realized that the answer was this, he still felt absurd and frightened.
Mustering up courage is not an easy thing.
The epidemic doctor is willing to die for the truth, but he does not want to become such a twisted monster, although from the perspective of natural science, this is a being that is far more advanced and greater than human beings.
But the epidemic doctor... But the epidemic doctor just has a little bit of intolerance.
The pursuit of truth conflicts with and is entangled with the only humanity in oneself.
If you easily deny everything about yourself and become a greater existence...
The epidemic doctor was thinking, and the yellowed notes flashed before his eyes, the notes he handed over to Seliu.
If you deny everything in this way, then what will be the meaning of all the efforts you have made, the knowledge recorded, and so on?
He recalled the conversation he had with Lawrence before parting, the monster's last words to him.
Whether it is the epidemic doctor or Lawrence, they all became monsters for a certain wish, but unfortunately, they can never become real monsters. In their inhuman bodies, they still have human parts. , just like smelted metal, no matter how many times it undergoes purification, human impurities will remain, reminding them of their former identity.
This is the reason why the epidemic doctor became a monster. If he negates and abandons all this, then what is the point of him becoming a monster?
Thinking of this, the epidemic doctor couldn't help but said.
"I'm really curious about what choice you would make when faced with this? Lawrence."
The plague doctor took a deep breath, and then roared loudly. At the same time, his flesh and blood stirred, and his sharp claws broke open the flesh and blood, making him look like a demon.
"Find a way to kill him! Holmes!"
In just a few seconds, the epidemic doctor experienced a difficult battle in his heart, and he poured all his anger on the pioneer.
"I suggest we stay away from here!"
Lorenzo had the opposite idea to the plague doctor, and the blazing foehn winds struck one after another. Just as the Herald said, he was not here to kill Lorenzo and the others at all. Telling them this was just to give them justice. It's just an opportunity.
"The Herald's target is Edron! The Watchers are his biggest enemies!"
Lorenzo feels terrible, the Herald is here to kill Edlon.
From this point of view, Adren is indeed a competent watcher. The Herald used himself to attract Adren here. Under the suppression of this antimeme, both Adren and the Herald will be restricted. From the Herald's Judging from the crazy actions, his level of sublimation has obviously reached the end of the frequency, so he can mobilize more power.
"This is no longer a fight we can join."
Watson's voice rang in everyone's ears, and the Black Angel packed the desolate Floki into the weapon box. The unfortunate guy had no idea what was happening.
Then a more violent wave emerged, with broken ice hitting the Black Angel's body hard.
The battle between the two sides brought blazing temperatures, and the ancient ice was rapidly melting, turning into boiling sea water.
The Black Angel hit the obelisk in the violent current. Fortunately, the Black Angel's size was so large that it got stuck here and stabilized its figure.
The epidemic doctor and Lorenzo on it were knocked apart. In this torrent, they had nothing to grab. Lorenzo tried to hold on to the obelisk. Although the name was engraved on the surface, in fact, its touch Extremely smooth.
Swinging the spiked sword, the blade couldn't shake the obelisk. Just when Lorenzo was about to be swept away by the violent current, scarlet flesh wrapped around Lorenzo, and countless red tentacles radiated from the plague doctor's body. It was tightly wrapped around the obelisk, and extended a lot by the way, grabbing Lorenzo.
The extreme feeling of disgust was still at work. Countless hideous and hateful images flashed before Lorenzo's eyes, and his heart beat faster, until his pupils turned into blazing white storms.
Lorenzo stared into the interior of the storm, the heart of the battle where the Harbinger and Edron were fighting.
Under these two huge sources of erosion, Lorenzo heard bursts of thunder.
The angels are coming.
In the brilliant light, invisible wills descended on this forgotten land. They absorbed the surrounding things, refined and transformed them, so one flesh and blood body appeared out of thin air.
Wearing white wings, they walked out of the thunder mass, and the spiral spikes broke through the palms of their hands, like execution swords.
The Ascended Ones set such a trap back then, using a method similar to dimensionality reduction to make the Unspeakable enter a cage made of Forbidden Alloy and make it possess an entity, thereby completely imprisoning it in In jail.
The more violent erosion was released, and Lorenzo became restless under the influence. The secret blood entered a critical breakthrough state, and his body was covered with dense iron armor.
"What should be done?"
Lorenzo was suddenly confused. He could not join this crazy battle, but he had nowhere to escape. All he could do seemed to be watching the continuation of the battle and witnessing its ending.
"Secret Keepers!"
Watson shouted, and blazing fireworks spewed out from behind Black Angel. In this wild flow of water, this was the only ability to actively move.
"Bet! Lorenzo, if they are still alive... at least if they have one breath left, they will definitely notice what is happening here."
The blazing fire took the Black Angel away from the restless water surface of the ice floes. The Black Angel briefly glided in the strong wind, and then shot the hook towards the epidemic doctor.
The plague doctor understood what Watson meant, and pulled Lorenzo over with his tentacles. At the same time, he also released his entanglement on the obelisk, allowing the hook to penetrate him, and then he was pulled up.
In this somewhat bloody way, Watson grabbed the doctor, who grinned in pain. The two of them grabbed the handle welded to the Black Angel armor as before.
I thought Watson would have some plan, such as when the two waves of people were fighting fiercely, a [Gap] invaded and killed them to see if they could kill the pioneers, but Watson instead drove the Black Angel to turn towards the boiling washed away by the water.
"Hurry up!"
The fuel tank burned completely, and a huge thrust exploded in an instant, causing the Black Angel to hit the water like a meteorite.
Breaking through the water, the solid ice on the path was easily shattered.
Lorenzo held his breath and grabbed the handle tightly. His vision fell into dark blue, all the way down.
He raised his head and could see the arc light above the water. From here, he could feel the changes on the battlefield more clearly. The obelisk was even slightly shaking amidst the constant roar.
The water temperature began to turn cold, completely surrounding Lorenzo. The blazing tail flame was the only light here, and now it was falling into deeper darkness.
For some reason, Lorenzo suddenly understood the thoughts of the pioneers. They had worked hard for so long and paid so much. Even if they failed, they kept trying again and again, but there was still no hope...
The surrounding water flow changed. Lorenzo felt a huge suction coming from below, as if a big hole appeared out of thin air. All the water flow rushed into the hole, forming a rolling vortex.
The door opened.
Without waiting for Lorenzo to change his mood, the tail flame behind Black Angel became a little stronger again, pushing forward with all his strength until it was captured by the vortex.
His vision fell into darkness, and Lorenzo heard the sound of rushing water. The seawater surrounding him also left, and he could breathe again.
There was darkness all around, and just like before, there was nothing except the light from the black angel.
They passed through the gate, and there was endless water falling with them. Black Angel tried to shoot out the hook, but it was like something blocked it in the darkness. After a crisp metal sound, the hook bounced again. return.
It fell like this, all the way to the deepest point.
come down.
(End of this chapter)

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