Embers of Embers

Chapter 608 Letter

Chapter 608 Letter
The first meeting was over, Zuo Zhen said that if they got in touch again, they would visit in person, and then there were some messy matters, chatting with a few old guys, and then Lorenzo was released.
When he came here, he failed to get on the carriage of the purging agency. In order to make up for the kestrel, Lorenzo pestered the kestrel and asked him to take him back. Being disgusted by Lorenzo, and being disgusted every time, made Kestrel very powerless.
After returning to his familiar home, Lorenzo felt that his anxiety in the past few days had finally eased. He lay on the bed and felt comfortable.
He remembered something, got off the bed, sat at the table, then opened the drawer and took out a photo album.
Opening it, there are all familiar faces.
Kestrel, Shrike, Eve, Seleu... and even Arthur.
There were various photos inside, as well as cut-outs of newspapers, and some yellowed photos that were obviously torn from the archives. Under them were some notes written by Lorenzo to mark who these people were.
After returning from the Sea of ​​Silence, Lorenzo was very worried. He was afraid that he would forget someone, so in his free time, he collected these photos and integrated them together.
Seleu's photos are the best to collect. After all, she is the Duchess of Stuart. You can cut off her head from any newspaper. The same is true for Arthur. What is more difficult is to eliminate these guys inside the agency.
Lorenzo didn't bother to ask Kestrel for photos or take him to take pictures. With Kestrel's mouth full of bad words that were not inferior to his own, Lorenzo just thought it would be a torture. For this purpose, Lorenzo used some strange applications. , gained access to the archives, and hopefully those guys didn't notice the photos were missing.
Familiar faces fill this photo album one after another, and at the end there is a group photo taken in Nalo, Gaul.
The memory was triggered, Lorenzo calmed down for a while, put the photo album away, stuffed it back into the drawer, and walked downstairs.
"The Mechanical Institute has stopped all other production and is fully assisting the 'Death Row'. It is expected that in less than half a month, we will be able to build a simple shelter under the Furnace Pillar. There is no guarantee that various facilities can be put into use, but we can It is guaranteed that the holy silver will be completely spread throughout it to prevent invasion."
With Merlin's words echoing in his mind, Lorenzo wrote and drew on the map.
He cleared everything off the table and flattened the hung map on top of it.
Old Dun Ling is strictly protected, with iron whales and armed iron snakes patrolling the city much more frequently, not to mention rioters patrolling the streets.
These are not there to contain Roger. Iron and fire cannot kill him. All this is for a somewhat cruel reason.
Once such a monster falls into the old Dun Ling, the intensity of the erosion he releases is enough to create a large number of monsters. Rather than fighting Roger, these weapons are intended to kill citizens who may become monsters.
Lorenzo drew a large triangle on the map, with its three vertices located in Ervig, Gaulnaro, and the Papal State of the Holy Gospel.
Without knowing Roger's specific movements, these three areas are likely to be hit by him, and then... counterattack.
Thinking of this, Lorenzo felt a headache. He felt strange, as if something had been forgotten, and there seemed to be a wall preventing him from thinking in a certain direction.
Under Hercule's words, Lorenzo wondered if he had suffered from antimemes, but he couldn't figure out why he would make a choice that made him forget something. Think about it.
For this reason, he fell into a strange situation. If he believed his own words, Lorenzo should not delve into them. He continued to forget, doubted his own words, and Lorenzo was afraid that his actions would prompt some kind of error.
Another question is, is this really the truth?
Innumerable doubts surrounded Lorenzo, and now was the time when he least should have doubted, and his mind was under scrutiny.
He took out [Final Echo] and played with the dark cube.
The black cube is extremely alluring, like erosion, Lorenzo can feel the influence from it, attracting him to spy, but he understands that this is not the problem of the black cube, but his own problem.
This is true for everyone. When they see this black cube that can affect the direction of the world, no one can stop their reverie about it.
It's not gold that has magic power, it's the heart.
Lorenzo rubbed the surface of the black cube, feeling its coldness, while his eyes were fixed on the map.
The doubts in his heart intensified. Lorenzo liked the feeling that everything was under his control, but now the reality made him uneasy, so much so that when he stared at the black cube, he had an illusion for a moment.
Antimeme is self-enclosed information, it needs a carrier to carry it, so is this black cube really its carrier?
This is a black box, and Lorenzo has no way to prove it, just like he has no way to prove whether he is affected by an antimeme.
"Maybe I need another plan, one to deal with all possible...defeat."
Lorenzo leaned behind him, crossed his legs, and held the black cube in his hands, as if he were hugging a child.
An antimeme needs a carrier, and this carrier can be heavy rain, or a black cube, or even... a person.
More than that, Lorenzo began to think about whether consciousness could also be used as a carrier of antimemes.
He stood up suddenly again, like a crazy lunatic, picked up a pen and ruler, and Lorenzo began to measure the distance between Old Dunling and the Seven Hills. With the existing surveying methods, the error must be very large, but in [Gap 】Under the shuttle, this error does not affect anything.
Lorenzo calculated the maximum range of his corrosive influence and thought about how long it would take him to reach the Temple of Stasis if he made a lonely throw.
He didn't know where the strangeness he felt came from, and Lorenzo didn't have the courage to put all his hopes on this blindness. He needed to take the initiative, at least when disaster happened, he would have a remedy. Ability.
"So, all you need is a carrier, right?"
Lorenzo stared at the black cube, and a blazing white light flashed in his eyes.
Maybe...Lorenzo could do that if necessary.
This is a somewhat crazy move, and it will be Lorenzo's trump card to deal with any possible sudden situation.
"As long as Roger appears, Adren will definitely appear too... No, he may also guard the Well of Sublimation to avoid being transferred away from the mountain."
Lorenzo looked at the red triangle. There was actually a fourth corner, and that was Roger without a trace. When he appeared, all the dots would be connected together to play a crazy opening.
However, under various circumstances, perhaps for a brief moment, the stasis temple is unguarded.
Lorenzo's heart was ready to stir.
This kind of thinking did not last long. After thinking everything clearly, Lorenzo rolled up the map and put it aside.
He picked up the suitcase beside him, which was filled with a change of clothes, his weapons, and some random things.
Arthur suggested that Lorenzo be stationed in the purification agency, otherwise it would be too troublesome to have to come to him every time, not to mention that under the current situation, if there is an emergency, it will be very difficult to move.
Lorenzo understood what Arthur meant. On the surface, he said this, but in fact he was monitoring Lorenzo to prevent Lorenzo from doing anything crazy and taking the story to another wrong path.
What's more, this guy is worried about Lorenzo.
Although Arthur really doesn't want to say this, the fact is that Lorenzo is currently the most powerful individual soldier, and he also keeps the [Final Echo]. Once on an unknown night, Lorenzo How could Zuo kill the office so violently?
For these various reasons, Lorenzo wanted to move for the first time in a long time and was only living here for a short period of time, but he was still very reluctant to leave this place.
Thinking about it carefully, apart from fighting monsters, Lorenzo's only wish seems to be to stay here until he dies. Now it is a bit unbearable for him to leave here, but when he thinks about it, if a battle breaks out here , the office may be bulldozed in minutes, Lorenzo is not so hesitant.
Rather than bulldozing your own home, it is better to go to the disaster elimination agency, which is what they asked for anyway.
I have almost brought everything I need to bring. As for the holy silver that Kestrel brought, there is more in the purification agency, so there is no need to bring it.
Picking up the hat and putting it on his head, Lorenzo pulled the suitcase and was about to leave the office when he remembered something again, turned around, stepped on the chair and climbed onto the table.
"Yo, my little baby."
Lorenzo took it off, put it against his face, and rubbed the wooden butt of the gun hard, like a big dog picking up his beloved bone.
“Don’t go gentle into that good night.”
His fingers traced the concave and convex carvings. The craftsman's craftsmanship was very good. According to Lorenzo's description, even some tiny details were made.
This is no longer the original Winchester, but Lorenzo is not that particular and still treats it as brand new, just like Hercule's Poirot, nothing more than a few generations old.
In subsequent battles, as he became stronger, Lorenzo rarely used this weapon. It was more like a souvenir, commemorating the past.
Lorenzo originally wanted to leave it in the office, but he didn't want to do that when he went out. This time Lorenzo chose to take it with him, as if to prevent himself from appearing so lonely.
"So... I think there is one more person who is right."
Lorenzo stood on the table and looked at the office, which was neither small nor very large.
He knew very well that he was a somewhat lonely person. In his daily leisure life, his biggest hobby was lying on the sofa to kill time, but Lorenzo always felt that... this place shouldn't be so deserted.
Lorenzo always felt that there should be someone next to him, but after looking at the layout of the room, there was no room for the new roommate. So where did his illusion come from?
He couldn't remember the forgotten "roommate". He walked down from the table, carrying Winchester and the suitcase. Lorenzo locked the door, and his figure drifted away, disappearing at the end of the street corner.
Gaulnaro, port of Maluri.
Since the Night of Tribulation, this place has become the front line of the Gallonaro War. Countless warships line up on the sea. Among the ruins of the city, Orthodox priests pass back and forth, spreading the light of faith.
Under Lawrence's methods, Orthodoxy has been deeply rooted among the people, and has spread to the surrounding areas with the port of Maluri as the core.
Orthodox priests can be seen everywhere on the streets at night, holding lanterns and candlesticks in their hands, praying as they move forward.
The atrocities committed by Lorenzo and the others detonated all of Maruri's underground gas supply systems, and the lines were completely buried. Now people can only use candles for lighting, and everything seems to be advancing towards the past.
The priest walked among the patrolling soldiers, praying the holy words, whispering up and down, and followed the distant sounds to gather together, like an unknown hymn, hovering over the city.
Looking down at Maruli from a high altitude, one can see endless candlelights rising on the streets. They intersect with each other to form a burning spider web. The light on the outer edge is a little dim, but as it moves towards the core of the spider web, the glow becomes brighter and brighter. So intense that its center shines like the sun.
In the center of the candlelight is the expanded Herne Cathedral. Lawrence, as the orthodox pope, established this place as his residence. Countless priests surround it, with taboos rolling in their blood.
Melted wax soaked the long steps like congealed blood.
Liya stepped on the bright red long steps and moved forward expressionlessly. The youthful laughter in the past was gone from her body, and now she was only left with a coldness that even candlelight could not warm.
She crossed all the obstacles and saw the bright red figure at the core of Herne Cathedral.
His back was to Liya, and he was under the huge organ in the church. He was playing the piano with both hands, as if he wanted to play a song, but for some unknown reason, he didn't do it.
Liya walked towards him, holding a secret document in her hand, and then stopped beside him.
"Your Majesty, you have a letter from Old Dunling."
"Old Dun Ling?"
Lawrence turned his head, the cold mask reflected an equally cold face, and a hoarse laugh sounded.
"Letter from Old Dunling?"
Liya nodded and said that she was not joking. The situation in the White Tide Strait was serious, and there was almost no communication between the two countries. But now a letter that should not appear here has arrived here.
"It seems that it was delivered here urgently through some special channels," Liya said. "I asked the postman to check, but he didn't know anything."
"Is that so?"
Lawrence was slightly interested in a personal letter from Old Dunling at this time, and he was curious about what it could be.
After taking the letter, his sharp fingertips were like blades, and he easily opened the envelope and took out the paper. Under the not so neat handwriting, Lawrence found the familiar name in the corner.
"Lorenzo Holmes."
(End of this chapter)

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