Embers of Embers

Chapter 610 Trigger

Chapter 610 Trigger
"In the final analysis, antimeme is just a piece of information, and in this world, there are too many things that can be regarded as carriers of information. It can even be said that as long as it can be 'recognized', information can be processed. Carrier and communication.”
Shao Liangye explained the power of Anonymity to Lorenzo. While talking, he also took out the last precision metal product from the iron box.
"Just like the disturbance of the air flow, you can feel its passing and feel the slight coldness, and these can be regarded as information, the negotiation between the self and the outside world," Shao Liangye asked, "Another example is this thing, it looks Just a precision machined metal object, right?”
Lorenzo thought carefully, then nodded.
"Actually, it's just a precision-machined metal object." Shao Liangye's answer was helpless.
“But it’s not it that’s important, it’s the message attached to it.”
Shao Liangye raised the metal object and tried to let Lorenzo see it more clearly. Lorenzo also looked at it intently. With the eyesight of a demon hunter, he accurately observed the surface of the object. First, there was a layer of smooth metal. But the smoothness collapsed in the next second, and countless complicated words were spread all over the metal surface, as if craftsmen were carving it day and night.
The moment he observed it, Lorenzo felt a stinging pain in his eyes, and an excessive amount of information flooded into his field of vision, just like you are suddenly faced with a large page of dense text, making people don't know where to start. .
"The carrier of information, and then it depends on how much information the carrier can bear." Noting Lorenzo's reaction, Shao Liangye began to explain next, "Like an opera and a book, what they express The amount of information is completely different.”
"So the carrier also has limitations, right?" Lorenzo rubbed his eyes, and the discomfort quickly subsided.
"Well, books can only be read through text, which means that cognition can be achieved through text and vision. But opera is different. Songs, pictures, movements, etc., use different cognitive organs to make consciousness aware, so that Dissemination of information.
Based on these, the amount of information carried is also different, which also leads to many types of antimemetic weapons. "
"Then you said, you anonymous people are also carriers, what's going on?"
Lorenzo asked, could it be said that they also carved the antimeme into their blood?It's a little weird no matter how you think about it.
"Antimemes can resist the erosion of demons, so Anonymous itself has a certain degree of antimemes attached to it, but we, Anonymous, don't know the specific process and effects of implanting antimemes."
Sa Liangxi lectured at the right time. This guy always had a relaxed look on his face, but now he was just like Shao Liangye, with a little harshness.
"Because you forgot." Eve said.
"Yes, Jiuxia eliminates any technology related to demons to ensure that our purity is not contaminated. The antimemetic protection of Anonymous itself is similar to the specialization of your purification mechanism, but you have a strong will, And we build walls to the will.”
Shao Liangye placed the last antimemetic weapon inside, closed the metal cover tightly, and the Geiger counter continued to operate stably.
"The antimemetic power that surrounds Anonymous itself will make us resist erosion. This resistance is very powerful, but the price is also very expensive." Shao Liangye pointed to his brain, "Most Anonymous people have poor memories. "
"Antimemes are eating away at your memories."
Lorenzo understood the price of this power. This influence was two-way. It not only resisted erosion, but also destroyed the memory of the carrier, occupying more "memory" for the expansion of antimemetic information.
"Yes, the information that the carrier can record is limited. Part of the memory is occupied by antimemes, so it can only be deleted. Therefore, the anonymous people's usually valid memories are within five years, and the memories five years ago will become hazy. .”
"Are you forgetting who you are?"
Listening to Shao Liangye's story, Lorenzo felt that the curse of this power was not much easier than the secret blood.
"Yes, so we have a 'credo'. It is engraved in the depths of our memory like a steel seal. It will not be erased no matter what. It guides us in the direction when we lose ourselves."
Shao Liangye said and sat aside. He moved his shoulders. The work these days has been very tedious and makes people feel tired.
"But don't worry too much. After so many years of development, the anonymous people have trained a set of effective skills to ensure that they will not forget themselves and the continuity of memory.
We usually read books, and read many, many books... In fact, it is not limited to books. We will do anything that can carry out 'information' recognition, so that this excessive and unnecessary information fills our brains. "
Sa Liangxi took out a book from somewhere and continued what Shao Liangye said.
"It's like offering an offering!"
"It refers to using certain items to pay homage to ancestors." Rhode explained when he saw the confused expressions on several people's faces.
After learning about Jiuxia for so long, Rhodes is still capable of answering these questions.
"Antimemes are monsters we keep in our brains. They will help us drive away other monsters. The price is that we need to hand over 'memory' to it regularly," said Sagaraki. "For this reason, the anonymous people will At this time, a large amount of junk information is absorbed, allowing the antimeme to invade and devour it, so as not to forget the really important information.”
"But actually, you anonymous people don't know much about these antimemes, do you?" Lorenzo asked.
"In this world, knowing too much is a bad thing, Mr. Holmes."
Shao Liangye stood up and seemed unwilling to talk about in-depth matters.
Lorenzo didn't ask further questions and looked away. It was only today that he realized how lazy Kestrel was in the workroom. Without noticing for a while, he was already leaning in the corner with a sleepy look on his face.
"Wake up!"
Lorenzo kicked the kestrel awake and asked Eve.
"Is there any plan for the future?"
"Yes, there is another outpost that needs to be placed in the city...the location is near your office." Eve hesitated.
"Ah...I guess there is such a person, so you usually squat there and peek at me with binoculars?" Lorenzo said.
"No one likes to spy on you, because you don't go out at all, right?" Kestrel got up from the ground. He seemed to know a lot about this outpost. "After it was put in for a period of time, it was almost as if it was abandoned. "
"You don't go out at all. Once you go out, it's a big deal. There's no need for surveillance."
Kestrel seemed unconcerned about Lorenzo's privacy.
A few people started fighting over these trivial matters again. Rhodes was like a bystander, watching these quietly, and then he noticed Sa Liangxi beside him.
Probably out of curiosity and yearning for Jiuxia, Rhodes was very concerned about these two guests of Jiuxia. And because of their different personalities, he felt that Sa Liangxi was easier to deal with.
"So you will forget everything one day?"
Rhodes asked softly.
The capacity of the carrier is limited, and one day the Anonymous brains will run out of memory and be completely dominated by antimemes.
"Maybe, but it's not that bad."
Xi Liangxi also imitated Rhodes, speaking in a low voice, her expression was serious, as if she was telling a shocking secret.
"Some people say that anonymous people will trigger their preset 'triggers' at certain moments. It may take a lifetime to wait, or it may be the next moment.
No one knows what this will trigger. They say that when it is triggered, the anonymous people will know everything. It seems to awaken a certain memory, because this is what we set up ourselves. "
"You... set a 'trigger' for you?"
Rhodes was stunned. He had never been on the battlefield, but through the previous conversation, he vaguely guessed what it was.
"Yes, but I don't know why it was set up." Sa Liangxi thought for a while and said with a smile, "Who knows? Things like antimemes are wonderful. As long as they are not completely wiped out by it, as long as they remain If you drop even a few clues, you can have a chance to recall everything."
Sa Liangxi seemed to have remembered something, she recalled.
"But if it is completely erased, there really is nothing left."
There was a slight sadness hidden in the words. No one remembered what they had forgotten, and the same was true for Anonymous who was familiar with antimemes.
"Hey, you two, it's time to go."
Kestrel finished docking with Blue Jade and shouted to the two people talking.
"I'll leave the rest to you... Actually, it doesn't seem to be anything."
Lorenzo leaned aside and said goodbye to Lan Jade. Think about it, Lorenzo and Lan Jade can be regarded as good brothers who have been through life and death.
Lan Jade nodded. She is also a taciturn person. How much she talks depends on the crisis level of the current situation... These are what Shrike told Lorenzo. To be honest, Lorenzo seemed to have seen Lan Jade talking so fast. But thinking about what happened, I might as well forget it.
Lorenzo likes the peace now, but unfortunately the storm is coming and no one knows when it will break out.
The dark shadow began to twist, as if in the deep darkness, some living creature was struggling hard, trying to climb out of the cage.
The homeless man stood in the corner, smelling of drunkenness, and his dirty face was full of confusion and joy. The residual warmth of the hallucinogen nourished him, making this cold life not too cruel.
He held on to the wall, and after the sound of running water, he lifted up his pants. With the only consciousness he had, he began to think about where he should sleep today.
The place where he slept yesterday was obviously no longer available. In order to snatch half of the hallucinogen, he had a fight with the people there. They must have been squatting there, waiting for revenge.
So is there anywhere else?
The homeless man thought hard, but his brain, which was poisoned by drugs and alcohol, could no longer think too much.
He could only drive his body forward in a daze, and then froze in place, looking at the darkness in the corner.
There seemed to be something there. He wiped his eyes and saw the golden gold.
His breathing stopped for a moment, and his chaotic consciousness suddenly woke up under the ecstasy of gold. He looked directly at the gold in the corner, looked away with difficulty, making sure that no one nearby saw this, and then pounced on it like a wild beast. .
Gold is gold, golden gold.
The tramp walked into the darkness unprepared. He stretched out his hand and tried to touch it... The gold collapsed into smoke and dust in an instant. Before he could think about anything, the smoke and dust floated in the air, as if consciously, following his mouth. The corners of his nose and eyes flooded into his body.
The chaotic hallucinations affected the homeless man. He tried to resist, but his self-struggle seemed so fragile that his self was killed almost at the moment of contact.
He stood there blankly. After a few seconds, Roger Cruz opened his eyes.
"Old Dunling..."
Roger looked at this dilapidated lower town, and through the layers of rain and fog, he saw the more distant prosperity, and even the spiers that pierced into the sky.
Adren had fully woken up, and he must have been wary of Roger's appearance, so Roger hid himself in a no-man's land and used the [gap] to shuttle to Old Dunling.
Now is not the time for the main body to appear. He first needs to confirm a few things.
For example, [Final Echo].
The war in the shadows has already started. As an existence that is almost reaching the end of sublimation, there are few secrets in this world that can be hidden from Roger. During the routine inspections to collect information, he sensed the information of the purification agency, and followed the clues , aware of the information that they kept strictly confidential.
Sure enough, the Keeper of Secrets did not reveal all the truth to them, at least not the [Final Echo] part.
The sudden appearance of such a weapon against the Unspeakable has to alert Roger. If possible, he hopes to solve all this before alerting Edlon. This weapon can not only destroy himself, but also affect the Unspeakable. With the patient's awakening, Roger will no longer act as violently as before.
The arrogant man became cautious for the first time in a long time.
"For the sake of great sublimation, it is promoted to the existence of glory."
He whispered, his pupils turned blazing white, and at the end of the white light was the "road" to be opened, which connected to the boundless sky.
"Hey! Damn it, I finally found you!"
Shouting and cursing rang out, and a group of similar homeless people came from the other end of the street corner. They were carrying wooden sticks wrapped with wire. This kind of homemade weapon was very common in the downtown area.
The damn guy in front of them stole half a tube of hallucinogen yesterday. This stuff is worth a lot of money in the lower city. It took them a long time to finally stop this guy.
"Which leg of yours should I break first?"
The visitor smiled evilly.
The homeless man turned around slowly. He didn't look panicked. After a brief moment of daze, he showed a puzzling smile. He walked towards these people until he got close to them and looked at each other.
"You...want to see the real world?"
Roger Cruz issued an invitation to mortals, but before they could respond, crazy hallucinations had swallowed up everyone's sanity.
They let out meaningless wails and looked directly at the great existence in pain.
(End of this chapter)

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