Chapter 613
Without warning, a roaring gunshot sounded, and a slender piece of metal shot through the air.
Shao Liangye didn't even realize the crisis was coming. When he realized all this, Lorenzo beside him had been hit and penetrated, and he was pushed with huge force into the ruins behind him, leaving only a piece of debris on the ground. Soot.
Shao Liangye's words were intermittent, and his pupils were slightly glazed. All this happened too fast, and he didn't wait for him to think more.
There was still a weird smell floating in the air, mixed with blood and gunpowder smoke, and the image of Lorenzo being penetrated and knocked away remained in his field of vision...
The riot suppressor pulled the trigger, but that was the last bullet. It changed the ammunition, and the heavy metal fell one after another. Sporadic gunshots hit the solid armor, causing sparks to fly.
Eve fired at the rioters, but the armor was too strong, she shouted.
"It's eroded! The rioters are eroded!"
She could clearly observe this from a high place, and Eve was horrified to find that a large amount of demon flesh and blood was increasing in value between the gaps in the armor, and the flesh and blood was spreading rapidly, and some of it had already covered the surface of the armor.
Immediately afterwards, another gun was pointed at Eve, and she immediately fired the hook gun and swung downward. In the next second, the cold metal fell down, completely shattering the position she was just now.
"Damn it! The enemy is nearby! He is eroding the armor!"
Kestrel had no time to pay attention to Lorenzo's situation. He hid under cover and began shooting as the rioters were eroded. These defenses were fragile and easily penetrated.
Some people in the casino did not notice these changes at all. The steel crossed them, breaking them into pieces. Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the smelly blood mist slowly rose.
Roger is testing the limits of the purge mechanism's reaction. If they can solve all this perfectly, then he will plan the next attack. If it fails, this will be Roger's general attack.
More and more rioters are being corroded and controlled by Roger. The armor is built with Florund's medicine injection. Logically speaking, it can temporarily resist the erosion, but these metals are not plated with holy silver, which cannot isolate Luo. Jie's [Gap] invasion gave him an opportunity to take advantage of.
The three rioters who approached here first were completely alienated. The driver among them was wrapped in armor and turned into a demon of flesh and blood. The scarlet color continued to expand, causing the armor to bulge slightly, like a bloated piece of meat covered with metal. .
The rioters suppressed the casino with firepower, and the continuous gunfire suppressed everyone's heads. The Xiaoliangxi who was standing on a high place, like Eve, fled one after another and hid in the bunker.
"This is the difficulty of fighting monsters. Maybe one of your own will become the enemy in the next second."
Kestrel half leaned under the gravel and shouted to Shao Liangye who was hiding opposite.
He hated the feeling of attacking his own people, and what was even more annoying was that he seemed unable to defeat his own people.
"What can you do? Anonymous."
The kestrel is looking forward to these strangers.
"Yes, but it may be useless. Roger is nearby. Once he chooses to fight head-on, we have no chance."
Shao Liangye was a little pessimistic.
They were all a bunch of pathetic little mice, being played with by Roger, a ferocious big cat. Their lives and lives were all in Roger's hands, it just depended on when he got tired of playing with them.
"It's even said that everyone here may be dead."
"Yes, dead, Kestrel, maybe you have been invaded by Roger now, but you are too weak, so weak that you are completely unaware of the enemy's arrival. Of course, it may be you, or it may be someone else."
Shao Liangye thought for a while and added, "However, it will definitely not be anonymous."
"Why?" Kestrel couldn't understand what these Jiuxia people were so confident about.
"He's going to regret invading me."
Shao Liangye didn't explain much. He looked at the outside world fiercely, "Mr. Holmes is dead. We have to solve these problems."
Without waiting for Kestrel to say anything, he jumped over the bunker and rushed out.
"Shao Liangye!"
Kestrel yelled, but apparently failed to stop him.
Looking at the retreating figure, Kestrel didn't know what to say for a moment. He seemed confused.
" dead?"
Three rioters have surrounded the area, two rioters are guarding the street, and one rioter is heading deep into the casino, with countless monsters following behind them.
Shao Liangye knew very well that this was the last position before support arrived. Once invaded, their hope of survival would become even slimmer.
His figure is fast, although he is not physically strengthened like a demon hunter, but after years of training, Shao Liangye has reached the limit of the human body.
Shao Liangye's pace was fast, and every shot accurately hit the demons. He failed to kill them, but effectively incapacitated them. But more gunshots followed him, killing the incapacitated demons. execution.
Sa Liangxi appeared in the casino. She was so elusive that she actually bypassed the monsters and returned here to continue assisting Sa Liangye.
Before he could be happy, a tall shadow covered Shao Liangye.
The riot suppressor raised the giant blade mounted on the weapon rack on his back, like a execution guillotine. The sharp blade reflected Shao Liangye's face like a mirror.
One blow to break the stone.
As smoke and dust flew everywhere, Shao Liangye avoided the slashing attack. His heartbeat was racing and he ran towards the side of the riot suppressor.
Then he stepped on the bulge on the side and jumped directly towards the rioter. The folding knife stabbed out fiercely and fiercely inserted into the gap in the armor, and was tightly entangled in the flesh and blood.
The scarlet flesh was like wriggling maggots, and it was about to climb up along the blade. Shao Liangye tore hard, tore apart a large piece of flesh and blood, and also opened the gap in the armor, revealing the machinery underneath.
Losing his fulcrum, he fell backwards, but at the end of his fall, he fired towards the gap.
It was a bullet full of patterns. If you didn't look carefully, it would be difficult to tell that it was different from other bullets. It spun rapidly and then fell into the darkness.
The demon's flesh exploded, blood boiled and flowed, and the body of the rioter began to shake. It seemed to have difficulty maintaining balance, stumbling to the side, and in the end it could only crawl roughly on the ground with its hands.
The antimemetic bullet penetrated the layers of defense and hit the inside of the riot suppressor. This time the antimemetic bullet took effect, limiting the balance of the riot suppressor.
But before Shao Liangye could try anything else, another shadow covered him.
Another riot suppressor holding a giant blade high.
Shao Liangye had previously learned about the armor technology of purging organs. As a third-generation armor, the riot suppressor has poor flexibility. Perhaps this can suppress the enemy.
The screaming wind tore Shao Liangye's thoughts into pieces.
He rolled instinctively and avoided the fatal blow. Then the wall behind him collapsed, and rubble fell on him, leaving wounds of varying depths.
He raised his head with difficulty, and saw a ferocious figure right in front of him.
It stands to reason that the bulky riot suppressor cannot perform such movements, but now it is covered with demon flesh and blood, its strong muscles dragging the steel, and it can easily perform movements that it was unable to do when it was originally designed.
Shao Liangye took a deep breath and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.
In the final analysis, the Anonymous are just a group of ordinary mortals. The only thing that is special is that they carry complex antimemes.
The giant blade was raised again, and Shao Liangye's heartstrings tightened.
Death is coming, but Shao Liangye is not afraid.
He has always been curious about what his "trigger" would be. Some people say that at the moment of life and death, the anonymous trigger as a catalyst will be activated, thus awakening some memories and some unknown things.
Shao Liangye had never doubted this. He wanted to know what he would trigger?
The semi-melted metal spear straddled the battlefield, as if it was destined to penetrate. It hit the rioter holding the giant blade high. The extreme heat and steel easily penetrated its armor. After a brief pause, the long spear that penetrated into the armor The spear burst into a fiery white flame.
It seemed as if a blazing sun was rising inside the armor. The fireworks penetrated the gaps and made a wailing sound. The raging fire devoured the flesh and blood inside, and in the blink of an eye, the riot suppressor was burned into a blackened empty shell.
The fire made his face hurt. Shao Liangye turned around and saw the burning figure.
Fiery white flames overflowed along the gaps in the black armor. Lorenzo suppressed the unbalanced rioter and stretched out his hand.
Steel could not withstand the high temperature. As the palm fell, the solid metal began to melt. The flesh and blood tried to struggle, but were evaporated in an instant. Lorenzo penetrated the chest of the riot suppressor, and it stopped struggling and turned into One of many corpses.
"Are you waiting to die?"
Lorenzo asked curiously.
Looking at the burning Lorenzo and remembering that he thought he was dead before, Shao Liangye was a little confused.
"No...I was waiting for the trigger to be you didn't die?"
"The demon hunter is much more durable than you think."
The fireworks on his body faded and went out, and Lorenzo walked past Shao Liangye with an unbearable residual warmth.
Shao Liangye looked at the ground. As Lorenzo walked by, blackened footprints were left one after another on the ground. Such footprints passed over the corpses of the rioters and the dust on the ground.
Looking from a distance, there was still a faint fire burning on the ruins where Lorenzo fell, and there were charred corpses everywhere.
Shao Liangye rubbed his eyes vigorously. He felt that he had a new understanding of the Western world, and more wailing sounded.
There is also a rioter in action. It crashes into the wall and enters the casino.
Probably no one expected that the Riot Controller would appear in this way, which makes people wonder whether it turned into an out-of-control monster, or whether there was another soul driving it.
"Get down!"
Kestrel roared.
A dense barrage passed overhead. When they heard Kestrel's cry, everyone took action. Only Rhodes, the unlucky civil servant, stood there at a loss.
Although he is a member of the purification agency, he has never participated in any direct battle. He said some things that others did not believe. This was Rhode's first time to have close contact with a living demon.
Rhodes only had this thought in his heart. He thought he would have some memories before his death, but in the end, his mind was empty and there was nothing.
Then Rhodes collapsed.
This wasn't being shot by metal, it was someone kicking Rhodes down.
His vision became confused, and he saw Sa Liangxi. She rushed over and kicked Rhode over with the last sliding shovel.
"On the bull's-eye!"
In the midst of severe pain, Rhodes heard the girl's joyful cry.
Immediately, a dense barrage swept across, and some guests who hadn't had time to escape were torn into pieces of flesh and blood, and everything including the gambling table was completely shattered.
"This is all Shrike's hard work!"
During the roaring gunshots, Kestrel was talking bad words, and he didn't know how Shrike would feel when he came back and saw this scene.
There was a clanging sound of metal, and the twisted projectiles fell to the ground, and there was a high temperature.
Everyone saw the rugged figure in the smoke and dust. Lorenzo stepped forward against the dense rain of bullets.
The hot white flames melted the metal, and the dense iron armor provided further protection. The riot suppressor's shooting had little effect on Lorenzo. Lorenzo began to speed up his pace, and then sprinted in front of the riot suppressor.
Fireworks were swirling in his pupils. It was clear that the enemy was right in front of him, but Lorenzo's attention was focused on his surroundings.
Roger Cruz, where are you?
Why don't you take action?What are you waiting for?
Or what are you afraid of?
【Final Echo】?Or Edlen Levien.
Lorenzo didn't know Roger's purpose or what would happen next. He was panicked and curious.
The three more threatening rioters have been cleared away, and gunshots still ring out from time to time in the lower city area. The remaining rioters show no signs of being corroded. It seems that the loss of control will be resolved soon.
Then at some point, Lorenzo saw it.
That was a guy hiding in the crowd. These people were all guests of the casino. They were lucky enough to survive the successive turmoils. They huddled together tightly, with fear in their eyes.
But there was no fear in the guy's eyes, and he looked directly at Lorenzo expressionlessly.
A slight chill passed by, and Lorenzo suddenly realized something.
He had never really seen Roger Cruz. Lorenzo didn't know exactly what he looked like. Even in the memory of the secret keeper, those faces were blurred by the years, let alone such a long period of time. time.
"Roger... Cruze."
Lorenzo murmured.
In the next moment, the violent erosion broke out with Lorenzo as the origin, and the secret blood rose in an instant, breaking through the critical point.
Facing Roger, Lorenzo only had a moment of opportunity. Once he missed this moment, he had no chance to hurt Roger.
A smile appeared on Roger's indifferent face, and then strong fluctuations were released from the ground. A sharp buzzing sounded in Lorenzo's ears, and the scene in his eyes turned into a gorgeous disorder.
It seems like something is collapsing.
Lorenzo heard complex and miserable sounds, which echoed in his ears together and could not be dispersed for a long time.
(End of this chapter)

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