Embers of Embers

Chapter 615 Rejection

Chapter 615 Rejection
As the thunder gradually dissipated, Adren's figure appeared in the desolate ruins. Strong winds blew by, bringing up dust and smoke, engulfing the two of them, and their vision fell into darkness.
Roger faced the front with a smile, and the rough particles hit his face, causing a slight rustling pain, and then there was a sharp sword sound on the other side of the wind and sand.
The sound was high-pitched, like lightning splitting through the clouds.
The sword force whipped up a strong wind, splitting the smoke and dust with one blow. In the blank space, Adren's gaze flew past like a torch.
He was so fast that the ground shattered under his stampede and was covered with fine cracks.
The metals vibrated against each other, making a harsh sound. The blade in Adren's hand shattered, along with the armor all over Roger's body.
Broken and scattered, with almost no time to breathe, the electric current passed along Adren's arm, and a new blade was cast between the hard materials, like the spiral spikes that were broken from the palm of the hand like those angels.
Roger did not show weakness either. After withstood Edron's first blow, he also made the same decision, and another spike shaped like a nail sword was shaped in his hand.
This is very similar to the application of Power Metazo. The metal-like hardness is not only iron armor, but also a steel sword.
The scene entered a slow delay, but the next moment seemed to press the accelerator button. The movements of the two people exceeded visual observation. They could only see the sword light twisted into a twisted snake, passing by in a staggered way, and the smoke and wind were blown away. Caught in the storm of this blade, scattered sparks kept bursting out.
The metals resonated with each other, playing the symphony of blood and iron together, until at a certain moment the strings broke and the sword blade shattered.
Roger leaned back and laughed. The hideous wound exploded in his chest. In the dripping blood, one could vaguely see his beating heart. Adren's sword blade would have cut Roger if it was just a few inches deeper. Cut off.
As expected, Roger was still no match for Edlen. As a former dean, he was much better than Roger.
Before Roger fell, Adren followed closely with his sword, and the sharp sword light reached Roger's head in an instant.
A blazing light flashed past.
In an instant, extreme heat broke out, and Edron's sight was covered by endless pure white. At the same time, the blade he dropped was burned red and evaporated, and his body was also burned and carbonized together. The scorching foehn wind Blow up, leaving Adren far away.
He was swept into the sky, and half of his body was shattered by the sudden attack, but soon the dark charcoal was peeled off one by one, like molting skin, and the new flesh and blood rapidly increased in value. First, the white bones broke through the body, and then the strong fibers adhered along the white bones, Refactor.
Adren landed and stepped on the ground again. Electricity flowed through him. The dense iron armor covered him. He swung his sharp double blades, like a falcon spreading its wings, and slashed towards the core of the fireworks.
The roaring swords sounded repeatedly, and the impact of the huge collision caused strong winds, and even the fireworks swayed.
It can be seen that the rising flames have been cleared into a blank circle, and every time they collide, the circle will expand by a few points.
The blade in Roger's hand was full of cracks. He had just resisted a blow, and soon another blade arrived in front of him. The two swords were spinning and cutting. Roger could not block Adren's attack at all.
He quickly fled to the rear, as fast as a galloping bird. Adren did not let him go and followed closely behind him.
The two figures came one behind the other. Every time they touched, dazzling fire burst out, leaving deep sword marks on the ground. The high temperature was raging, and the surrounding metal began to melt and collapse. In the blink of an eye, the industrial area turned into a blazing hot water. hell.
The abnormality here has attracted the attention of the Mechanical Institute, but after observing the Geiger index exceeding the standard, they did not know what countermeasures to take for a while.
Everything happened too fast, leaving no room for breathing.
Roger's figure crashed into a hill, sending gravel and metal debris flying. He raised his head with great effort and looked into the eyes of Zhugemu who was running towards him.
In a daze, countless figures appeared in front of Edlen's eyes, one after another, with familiar faces on their faces.
Looking at these familiar faces, Adren tried hard to remember, but couldn't remember their names, and then his eyes filled with anger.
The illusion woven by Roger didn't last long, and it probably lasted for a second or two before it shattered.
Edron, who woke up from the hallucination, was furious. After so many years, he was rarely angry like this, and the sharp sword sparkled a dazzling glow.
run through.
The first sword penetrated Roger's chest, pinning him to the ground. The second sword was about to cut off Roger's head, but was blocked by Roger's raised hand.
The blade pierced his palm. Roger tried to change the trajectory of the blade, but Elend's power was too strong. All he did was move it slightly, and the blade stabbed Roger with his hand. At the neck, cut the throat, and almost cut it off.
Roger showed that sarcastic smile again, and blood continued to overflow from the corners of his mouth. He seemed to be trying to say something, and a large amount of blood overflowed from the wound in his throat.
"You... feel bad, Adren."
Adren's face was stiff, and all the muscles in his body seemed to be tense. Under his indifferent expression, he seemed to be suppressing something.
"Why... don't you use all your strength?"
Roger's smile became even wider, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be cracked to the base of his ears, like a monster.
The fire started.
Just like before, there seemed to be a scorching sun hidden in Roger's body, and white fireworks overflowed from the wound, and the blade was burned red in an instant, twisting slightly under the huge force.
In the blazing fire, Adren was not blown away like before. This time he caught Roger.
The fireworks destroyed the outer armor, scorching his whole body black, and the scarlet flesh tried to proliferate, but it also disappeared in the flames.
"Come on, Edlon, use all your strength!"
Roger laughed maniacally as he discovered Edlon's secret, his dirty little secret.
"Or are you saying that you can't do it anymore?"
Adren didn't respond. He tried to move his burned arm and let the red-hot sword cut off Roger's head.
Little by little, moving slowly, the blade sliced ​​through most of the neck, just a little more force, just a little more force...
The blade melted, and Edron's entire arm collapsed together. It was burned into gray black and scattered into ashes all over the sky.
Adren could no longer hold Roger. He roared, and his scarlet flesh exploded, turning into countless tentacles and piercing deeply into Roger's body.
"I...I'm going to kill you, Roger Cruz."
Evil words were spoken from the monster's mouth, and the sword blade that penetrated the chest slowly moved forward. It was melting and breaking, but soon new metal hardness multiplied on it, strengthening the blade until Roger was split into pieces. Two halves.
"You are indeed crazy, Elend. Isn't it difficult to pretend to be rational?"
Roger didn't panic. Instead, he stretched out his broken palm and tried to scratch Adren's face.
"You and I are the same. We both faced the Unspeakable. I chose to move towards sublimation, but you chose to refuse... Do you like being a mortal so much?"
He covered Adren's face with his hands, and his fingers crushed the scales on it and sank into the skin. Blood spilled out, but it was quickly evaporated by the high temperature.
Roger exerted force, as if he wanted to pull off the mask of nothingness from Adren's face so that he could see the true face of his dark mind.
They looked at each other with blazing eyes, and darkness grew deep in their hearts.
In order to prevent the continuation of the "road", Edron put himself into a long sleep and used all his will to suppress the rise of darkness. But now, perhaps because of Roger, they are ready to move again, and countless sounds are echoing in his ears. Listen and whisper to yourself.
【join us! 】
【Join this grand parade! 】
【This great sublimation! 】
In an instant, the stars twinkled in front of his eyes, and Edron lost consciousness for a while under the illumination.
Immediately, the flesh and blood collapsed, and the connected scarlet tentacles were cut off by Roger. Under the rising fireworks, the distance between the two was widened. Breathing in the hot air, they both fell to the ground, as if they were dead.
No, they are not dead yet. You can see that the hearts are still beating hard in the charred bodies.
The heartbeat sounded like a war drum. As the drum beat, flesh and blood regenerated, and the drum beat became more intensive, reaching the critical point.
The two figures jumped up directly, fighting together as if they knew where each other was.
"I reject."
The blades of the swords intertwined, and Edlen said in a vague voice.
Scarlet reappeared, and the severed limbs were reassembled. Adren cut it down with force, splitting the sword blade together with Roger's body. Roger twisted his body, and the sword blade penetrated Adren's thigh and was completely submerged in it. , nailed into the ground.
But this couldn't stop the monster from advancing. Adren let his thigh break, and the newborn's arm swung up and down again, pressing Roger hard into the ground.
Punch after punch, Roger's bones were shattered inch by inch. He didn't resist, he just laughed endlessly, mocking Edlen with his face covered in blood.
"You can hear it talking in its sleep, right?"
Adren ignored him. He raised the blade and stabbed it down again, piercing his heart. A slight vibration was sent along the blade. The sinful heart was still beating. Adren tried to pull away from the blade. But layers of scarlet wrapped around the metal, like entangled tree roots.
"Edren, you are already under his gaze. You use your power cautiously, for fear that you will go further on this road to sublimation and become its 'path', right?"
Roger saw through Edlon. This guy thought he could kill himself while hiding his secret, but in fact he couldn't.
Adren is very powerful. As the original Watcher, Roger knows very well how terrifying this guy is, but now that his strength is very weak, Adren not only has to fight with himself, but also suppresses the murmurs in his mind.
This is also the reason why he always uses only these few powers. Edron does not dare to mobilize more power for fear of summoning the dark disaster.
Listening to Roger's words, Adren's movements gradually slowed down.
It was like a hard truth to swallow and he finally paused.
"So...why did it become like this? Roger."
Adren asked.
"Someone has to make a choice, and as you can see, their choice is wrong. Instead of continuing this pain, why not look to the future?"
Roger's smile faded a little, but there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.
With his strength, it would still take a lot of effort to kill Adren. After all, they were all sublimated people, elevated to a greater existence.
The messy bodies at the moment are just the "carrier" of their will. The carrier can be replaced at will, and it will not have much impact on the fight between the two. The battle just now is not so much a fight, but more of a mutual venting of anger. Pour out all the anger that has been accumulated for endless time.
"How pathetic, Adren, look at yourself."
Roger continued to scoff.
"Looking back now, will you regret your original decision? In fact, it's not too late, as long as you..."
Before Roger could finish his words, the sword blade smashed him into pieces. Most of his body rose into the air and fell to the side, with blood flowing out all over the ground.
His eyes were a little dull, but they soon became flexible again. Roger looked at Adren who stood up slowly, as if he could see the shadow inside of the stooped figure.
An extremely large and ferocious figure.
"You're better suited to be 'The Path' than I am."
As Roger said, the sword blade came through the air and penetrated his head directly. The bones shattered and turned into a sticky mass.
Adren took a deep breath. He had already shattered Roger's body. The next thing he had to do was to pursue his will. Without the physical barrier, he had a great chance of winning.
Just kill Roger.
As long as everything returns to silence...
A low voice sounded in his mind. It was from Adren's self-narration, a code that he firmly remembered in his heart.
Long years are enough to deteriorate anyone's will, and Adren is no exception, not to mention that he has looked directly at the Unspeakable.
In order to prevent himself from falling into the same madness as Roger, he slept forever, expelling his emotions, and made himself as much like other watchmen as possible, executing the orders of the watch like a pure machine.
It's a pity that Edlen can't do it. He has free will after all, which also gives Madness an opportunity to take advantage of.
The sleep whispering kept echoing, it wanted to make Adren surrender, it wanted to make Adren one of its own.
I don't know how long this torture lasted, it was almost eternity.
"I refuse...I refuse..."
Adren responded blankly, his eyes as blank as a wild beast.
He has been fighting on two fronts, not only to hunt Roger, but also to suppress the growth of darkness, and his exhausted will has long been numb.
Edron was eager to end it all so that he could fall into eternal sleep again and "freeze" himself to continue his impending death.
He dragged his sword awkwardly and chased Roger's head, but soon he stopped.
The body reaches its limit, it dies.
The corpse was half-kneeling on the ground, holding a sword. After experiencing such violent erosion, the flesh and blood began to wither, and each section collapsed, leaving only gray-white bones, as if they had been burned by fire.
The will of nothingness rose, and the two forces convolved and stirred, clashing together again, until they rose into the sky and reached the depths covered with dark clouds.
(End of this chapter)

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