Embers of Embers

Chapter 618 The long-lost reunion

Chapter 618 The long-lost reunion
Gray and black clouds rolled together like an inverted funnel in the sky. After a brief period of peace, bursts of thunder sounded, and then heavy rain came, washing away the rusty city.
The weather in Old Dunling is always so gloomy and changeable. Few people can predict the direction of the weather. A large discharge of the Furnace Pillar may lead to a heavy rain.
The rain streaked across the cold armor and fell to the ground. Lightning flashed across it, drawing out the same gray and black figures one after another.
The heavily armed rioters guarded important intersections and sealed off the lower city. Black umbrellas filled the streets. The purging agency took over the lower city, cleaned it up, and hunted down the remaining monsters.
The sun was gone, the sky was gloomy, and the iron whale was wandering above the lower city, casting beams of light, illuminating the desolate and decaying land, and guiding them in the direction.
Lorenzo and the others stayed under the eaves at the corner of the street, avoiding the heavy rain. They were neither near nor far from the lower city. The buildings that originally divided it completely collapsed under the violent assault of the rioters. Behind the ruins were Desolate world.
Prosperity and ruin were closely connected, until this day, the barrier between them collapsed. They were on the inside of the ruins, and the lower city was on the outside of the ruins.
There are people holding black umbrellas everywhere here. They are inspecting the damage and rescuing the injured. Some people are going back and forth with Geiger counters to measure the intensity of erosion.
Lorenzo and the others were not seriously injured and had no obvious injuries. In this emergency situation, they were left aside and they hid under the eaves to take shelter from the rain as if they were forced to stand still.
Sa Liang Xi and Rhodes were chatting and laughing. Probably because Sa Liang Xi saved Rhode's life, Rhodes began to regard her as a top customer. No matter how strange the question was, he answered it very patiently.
Eve and Kestrel are not here. They assisted other people to control the lower city. By the way, they explained the situation at that time and told the detailed process of the incident.
Shao Liangye leaned aside. He may be still thinking about what [Forget River] is, or he may be in a daze. He looked at the heavy rain curtain and stared at this strange city.
"It's so cold...it's going to be winter again."
Lorenzo was squatting aside with a cigarette in his mouth, looking like a little bastard with nothing to do.
Winter is coming, God’s birthday is not far away, and then comes the new year... How many years is this in Old Dunling?The eighth or ninth year?
Lorenzo also couldn't remember clearly, everything passed so quickly, making people feel that time was so short.
Think about it, for such a long time, there are only a few sentences on the paper, let alone those who failed to leave a mark.
Throwing the cigarette butt into the rain, Mars stumbled and stayed in the footsteps of another person. Lorenzo raised his head and saw a tired Kestrel looking behind him. Eve was holding a black umbrella and saying something to the others. .
"The lower city has been restored to control. After the rioters entered, the remaining monsters are no threat. The only trouble now is how to clean them all in this complicated environment."
Kestrel told Lorenzo about the current situation.
"We will be responsible for the report and so on. You can go back to the Perpetual Pump first."
"Are you working overtime?" Lorenzo teased.
"Well, probably not," Kestrel sighed, "it should be considered normal work."
"Didn't you say that Adren is here too? We seem to have found traces of him." Kestrel then remembered this and said again.
Lorenzo stood up suddenly, with a vigilant look on his face, and asked.
"what happened?"
It had been expected, but with two terrifying monsters wandering around the old Dunling, Lorenzo had to be wary and felt even more pressured.
"In the industrial area, after the erosion broke out in Xiacheng District, the same high-intensity erosion also broke out in the industrial area near the Machinery Yard. However, it is an abandoned area and is usually only used when testing weapons, so no one exists there, Geiger Counter coverage is also not very broad.
The Mechanical Institute first observed the continuous explosions, and then the ensuing erosion, as if there were some monsters fighting inside. They waited until everything calmed down before going to investigate the situation. "
Kestrel only knew this, and he signaled Lorenzo to find Arthur Merlin and the others.
"Anyway, you should be able to know the details after you return to the Perpetual Pump."
"Then you don't need me here?"
Lorenzo pointed to the lower city behind the ruins, and beams of light fell one after another. It was like a construction site, very busy.
"Mr. Holmes is indeed omnipotent, but he cannot rely on you for everything."
Eve came from behind and grabbed the kestrel.
"Leave it to us here."
After saying that, Eve took Kestrel back to the blockade area. They were equipped with weapons, and it seemed that the next matter would not be easy.
Lorenzo breathed in the cold water vapor, looked to the side, and happened to look at Shao Liangye.
"Sounds bad," he said.
"It's not that bad. At least it proves that your antimemetic weapon is actually useful, right?" Lorenzo smiled, "Actually, I had such an idea a long time ago."
"I suspect you are a bunch of liars."
Shao Liangye looked puzzled and didn't understand why Lorenzo thought so.
"Antimeme, a piece of information that is absolutely self-sealed. This thing sounds like a black box and is difficult to falsify. Who knows whether what you Jiuxia people say is true or false? What carrier are you shouting about? Maybe Is it really just an ordinary entity?"
"You sound like a person who is in desperate need of a sense of security." Shao Liangye said.
"This is called professionalism. Experts always have to raise some questions, but things like antimemes are really wonderful."
Lorenzo said as he took out the black cube, which he carried with him.
Seeing the black cube, Shao Liangye's expression became serious for a moment. The black cube itself had no magic power, but the meaning it contained made Shao Liangye treat it with awe like a god.
But now it is such a sacred and awe-inspiring entity, and Lorenzo is playing with it casually in his hands. If he were not afraid of breaking it, he would probably throw it away.
"You...treat it like this?" Shao Liangye felt his heart trembling.
"Otherwise? Shower, change clothes, and then kneel down to get it?"
Lorenzo threw the black cube up and caught it firmly. He observed the black cube. It is also an absolute black box, and you can never falsify it until the necessary moment comes.
"Relax, stranger, it's just a 'tool'."
Lorenzo put away the black cube with a smile, and then shouted to the two people who were whispering.
"Hey, stop chatting and get ready to leave."
Hearing Lorenzo's cry, Rhodes raised his head, his eyes revealing the joy of being rescued. He really couldn't resist Sa Liangxi. She was like a newborn child, asking endless questions, and she was the rescuer. It's hard for me to refuse anything if it saves my life.
"Let's go."
Lorenzo picked up the umbrella placed in the corner, opened it, and walked into the rain.
Several people picked up umbrellas and followed Lorenzo. The group walked on the wet streets in the hazy rain and fog.
They were supposed to return by the Iron Snake, but Lorenzo suddenly wanted to take a walk. He stayed in the dark underground for a long time. Sometimes he also longed for fresh air... although the air in Old Dunling was not that good either.
But after all, they were still under the cover of the sky, and no one else said anything. Sa Liangxi looked around in surprise. The tall buildings only left silhouettes one after another in the rain curtain. The iron whales wandered low in the sky, and the people on the streets also Holding umbrellas, people come and go.
The black umbrellas blocked the faces of several people, and coupled with the hazy rain and fog, no one noticed these strangers who came from afar, and these strangers also observed this strange city.
Turning around, Lorenzo thought about the remaining work and what happened just now. It seems that the matter of continuing to install the antimemetic weapon will be postponed for a short time.
Then he stopped in front of a tavern.
Like a ghost, Lorenzo went around and came here. Looking at the time, he was not in a hurry. There were many matters related to Kestrel and Eve. He turned around and suddenly said to Shao Liangye and Xie Liangxi.
"By the way, guests who have come from afar, it seems we haven't entertained you much yet, right?"
Shao Liangye couldn't figure out what Lorenzo was going to do. He didn't know whether it was due to cultural differences or personality. During the time they were together, he kept trying to understand Lorenzo, but he ended up being funny every time.
Rhodes was also confused. He just wanted to return to the Eternal Pump and get off work. He didn't understand why he, a translator, had to suffer such a fate.
As long as Sa Liangxi's Western language was just a little better, Rhodes wouldn't be needed here. But think about it, he would be unemployed. This dilemma made him very painful.
Sa Liangxi's Western pronunciation this time was very standard. He paid attention to the correct accent of each word, and then nodded vigorously.
"Sir, you look like you're having a rough time."
Hercule wiped the wine glass and said to the drunkard lying on the bar.
The drunkard ignored him and just made a grunting sound. His hands were grasping randomly, and after a while, he said.
"I'm fine! I can still drink!"
Hercule smiled wryly. The location of the new store is a bit remote, so there are usually few customers, but after a long time, there will be some regular customers. This drunk is one of them, and I will see him here almost every night. .
In fact, he was the only one.
Over time, Hercule got used to it and knew how to deal with it. Just leave him alone. He would usually wake up before closing the shop, then leave drunkenly with an apologetic look on his face.
He had a pretty good attitude, and Hercule didn't resent the fact that he was giving money to himself. Correspondingly, sometimes he was quite understanding. After all, life was so bad, and everyone had things to worry about.
"Oh, this is life."
Hercule continued to clean the glass, and the tavern was filled with soft female voices.
Since returning from Nalo in Gaul, he probably witnessed the deepest darkness and cruelty. Hercule felt that he loved life more and more. The last time he felt this way was when he was fished out of the sea. .
Life is wonderful, too good to be true.
Hercule didn't know how long he could continue with this mentality, but he had figured out the pattern. He just waited until he felt bored again to go on an adventure... The premise was that the intensity should not be too exciting, otherwise Hercule Kerry was really afraid that his heart couldn't bear it.
"No demons, no monsters, no bloody holmer..."
"Yo! Hercule!"
The door of the tavern was kicked open, and the cold wind and rain poured in, driving away the comfort and warmth. The drunkard lying on the bar felt the cold and shivered.
"Hey, it looks like there aren't many customers. Are you going to go bankrupt?"
Lorenzo put the umbrella next to the door and led a few people to the bar.
"Lorenzo, you..."
The arrival of this guy tore Hercule's dream into pieces, and also laughed at his business. Hercule wanted to scold Lorenzo, but then he saw the man standing next to Lorenzo. Xian Liangxi, Shao Liangye.
Their faces were so unfamiliar, with the air of a foreign land.
"Nine...Nine Xia people?"
Hercule pointed at the two of them and looked at Lorenzo in astonishment.
"Thank you so much! I am treating you today!"
Hercule was so excited that he climbed over the bar and walked back and forth around Sa Liangxi and Shao Liangye, as if he was looking at a handicraft.
"Jiu Xia people... living Jiu Xia people!"
Sa Liangxi's expression was a little awkward, meeting another person who was even more enthusiastic than himself, even to the point of being a bit perverted in his enthusiasm.
"You are indeed my good friend, Lorenzo."
Just now, he wanted to tell him to get lost, but in the blink of an eye, Hercule became friends with Lorenzo again.
He turned back to the bar, and with extremely nimble hands and feet, he quickly mixed the drinks and chatted with the two strangers.
To be precise, Shao Liangye looked indifferent and didn't give Hulk any shame, while Shao Liangxi responded in embarrassment. Rhodes on the side couldn't help smiling when he saw this. Grinding feeling.
Hercule was a greedy mouse, eager for the secrets of the world. He felt that he knew enough and it was time to stop. But now that the mysterious Jiuxia was in front of him, the peace of the beautiful life was easily forgotten by him. Forgot.
Lorenzo showed a smirk. He still knew Hercule very well, and he could play with him at will, but he was also listening to the conversation between the two. Lorenzo was also very curious about Jiuxia.
Picking up the wine glass and just about to take a sip, another drunken voice sounded, which was somewhat familiar.
"Boss, wine..."
"Gungungun, we're closed today!"
Interrupted by the drunkard, Hercule immediately wanted to drive him away, anyway, there was only one guest left, but at this moment Lorenzo exclaimed in surprise.
I saw him lifting the drunkard, forcing him to raise his head to look at himself, and shouted with joy.
Hearing Lorenzo's cry, the voice seemed to come from a nightmare, Buscaro woke up immediately.
He blinked hard, and Buscaro found himself still in the tavern, whispering.
"Is it a dream?"
Thinking about it, he hadn't seen the murderer for several months. He was probably dead, but this guy couldn't live without death and always came to him in his dreams.
At this time, two wine glasses were passed over. Buscaro instinctively caught one of them, and then touched it with the other, making a crisp sound.
He thought of something and raised his head.
"Yo! Long time no see!"
Looking at Lorenzo, Buscaro was mostly awake from his drunkenness. Perhaps it was the cold wind lingering in the room that made him shiver a few more times.
(End of this chapter)

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