Embers of Embers

Chapter 622 Seal

Chapter 622 Seal
Everything went smoothly after that...probably.
Rhodes was in a daze. He only remembered that someone was lifting him. The earth was shaking and he was dangling. When it finally stopped, he had no strength to check anything and fell asleep. Soon after, he wake up.
When he opened his eyes, the room was dark. Rhodes tried to get up, but there was a pain in his body, and the strange feeling after drinking echoed in his mind. He tried to sit up and leaned against the wall.
The memory of being drunk gradually became clearer, and Rhodes was a little panicked at first. Fortunately, after recalling everything, he realized that he did not do anything extraordinary, but instead looked funny because he drank too little.
Ah...that's too bad.
Rhodes has never been good at drinking. He has a small capacity for alcohol and can easily get drunk after drinking casually. He remembers that the first time he drank, he said goodbye to his family and then headed to Old Dunling.
Old Dunling, a wonderful city, a desperate city.
Many people yearn for this place, thinking they can get what they want here, but most of them end up lying in the dark alleys, rotting and decaying in the cold rain.
Rhodes still remembered the reason why he came to Jiudunling. In an accident in his childhood, he learned about the existence of Jiuxia. Since then, he has been full of curiosity about this mysterious country.
I can remember that my first wish as a child was to become a captain. The Jiuxia people appeared from the other side of the sea. As long as I sailed and followed their path, I could find that mysterious country.
He was naive for a while, but later he realized that someone had tried it a long time ago, but everyone was lost in the sea in the end, as if that country was just an illusion, and only when they took the initiative did it become real for a moment. .
Then came study. Rhodes was just an ordinary person. He was approaching this mysterious country in the best way he could, until today.
Rhodes sighed and stood up unsteadily. It was lucky that he didn't have a roommate, so no one would see this mess. It was also unlucky that he didn't have a roommate, otherwise Rhodes would have really wanted to talk about anything.
It's underground, there are no windows, just a humming fan.
He sat at the table but did not turn on the light. In the dimness, familiar faces kept popping up in his mind.
Sa Liang River.
In the tavern, she casually talked about her illusory memories. Obviously that thing was so important, but from the chat between Lorenzo and the others, it could be heard that they didn't care.
Rhodes didn't understand. This was probably the difference between him and them. He was just a civil servant, a translator, while Lorenzo and the others were warriors. They had made the awakening long before they stepped into the darkness.
This is their difference. Lorenzo and others have become accustomed to many things, but Rhodes cannot accept them.
I don't fit in with them.
But Rhodes can endure all of this. This is not only his job, but also everything he dreams of. If possible, he really wants to return to the Forgotten Great Wall with these Jiuxia people at the end of all this. He wants to see it with his own eyes. Mysterious land.
Rhodes lay on the table and fell asleep.
"So...is this okay?"
Lorenzo and Shao Liangye stood in the corridor, neither of them returned to their respective rooms.
"Don't you ever doubt Jiuxia's memory?" Lorenzo had already sobered up. The demon hunter's physique made him immune to most toxins, not to mention alcohol.
"There is no need to doubt. When faced with the erosion of demons, doubt is often the biggest enemy."
Shao Liangye responded that even if he had doubts, he would not speak out, as if he could escape in this way.
"Have you always been like this?"
"Well," Shao Liangye nodded and looked at a door at the end of the corridor, "She is very weird, like a colorful light in a gray field, so we were hesitant when taking her away from the Forgotten Great Wall."
Speaking of this, Shao Liangye showed a rare smile.
"She always has fantastic ideas in her mind. In order to solve this problem, I usually assign her a lot of work. As long as she is busy, she will not have time to think about so many things."
"Is that so? I just didn't expect that in the face of chaotic minds, you anonymous people can still live so calmly." Lorenzo praised.
"It's normal, isn't it? Just like you demon hunters, when you implanted the secret blood, you were also ready to die, and what we paid was only chaotic memories, which is too cheap in comparison. ”
Shao Liangye didn't have much light in his eyes. Compared with Sa Liangxi, he looked like an old guy, as if he had seen through everything.
"Let go of meaningless fantasies, and life will become much simpler."
Lorenzo did not answer, but looked at the anonymous person carefully. Everything was very ordinary, with a forgettable feeling. Lorenzo knew very well that this was the surrounding antimeme at work.
It affects the surroundings all the time, along with the anonymous people.
"what is that?"
Lorenzo saw something shiny and silver on Shao Liangye's waist, which seemed to be a pendant.
He had seen this thing on Sa Liangxi, and he thought it was a girl's decoration, but he didn't notice that Sa Liangye also had it here.
"You mean it?"
Shao Liangye took it off and shined it in the light.
It was a five-petal flower made of metal, engraved with soft lines and embellished with gold wire.
"It's the hallmark of Anonymous, and it's one of the few things we have that proves us."
Lorenzo took the flower, which was cold and heavy.
"The emblem of the Anonymous?" Lorenzo was surprised. He probably didn't expect that the mysterious Anonymous actually used flowers as a symbol.
"what is this flower?"
For Lorenzo, a rough guy who fights and kills, every time he comes into contact with flowers, he always gives the clerk a wad of money and asks him to pick out a few bunches for himself. He rarely cares about these things.
Shao Liangye recalled the name of this flower in the Western world. Logically speaking, this kind of vocabulary is not within the scope of Anonymous's learning, but because it is their own emblem, everyone has consciously learned these words to some extent.
"Don't forget me." Shao Liangye explained.
Lorenzo was stunned, and the lush flowers appeared in his mind. Unexpectedly, this flower turned out to be forget-me-not. His expression was a little strange. Before he could say anything, Shao Liangye said.
"I know, in your case, this flower symbolizes love, what kind of lovers never forget each other."
Shao Liangye was well prepared with his knowledge base. Sometimes Lorenzo felt that he knew the Western world better than he did.
"In our case, it's not that complicated, it's just literal."
"Literally," Lorenzo repeated, "forget-me-not."
"Well, always remember and never forget."
Listening to Shao Liangye's words, Lorenzo couldn't help but smile, and then laughed out loud. He leaned against the wall, returned the seal, and looked at Shao Liangye with a very complicated look.
"What's wrong?" He was a little confused about Lorenzo's reaction.
"I just feel very contradictory. You are anonymous with antimemes, and the shadow of oblivion follows you, but your emblem is like this."
Lorenzo whispered.
"Never forget."
Lorenzo shook his head helplessly, passed Shao Liangye, and walked towards the other end of the corridor, waving to him without looking back.
"Good night, Anonymous, I hope you wake up and remember who you are."
Shao Liangye watched Lorenzo leave without saying a word.
The pillar of the furnace, the bottom of mourning.
After so many years of silence, this silent land finally became restless again. The burning fire illuminated the darkness. Under the light, you could see the figures arranged in the darkness. They were so tall, with iron and shadows. Outlined together, they form a ferocious appearance.
Galahad looked at the silent machinery, where armored legions from Jiuxia were gathering.
"How is the progress? Mr. Cai." Galahad glanced at it and then turned to ask the person next to him.
"Ufo Tower itself has antimemetic protection. Now we are performing secondary processing on the armor and plating holy silver on it. By then, its resistance to corrosion will be greatly improved."
Cai Gong reported the situation.
Since the beginning of "Mechanical Gods", Jiuxia's troops have been divided into two groups. One is on the sunny side and is controlled by the purification mechanism. The other is hidden deep in the darkness and is commanded by the scavengers.
A heavy sound sounded, as if something giant was approaching. Looking in the direction of the sound, a strange armor was walking towards here.
Different from the current third-generation armored riot suppressor, this armor is similar in size to the riot suppressor, but its armor is thicker and it does not carry too many weapons, only a few gun ports.
Simple and heavy, like giant moving sculptures, they gather in groups, bringing oppression like an iron curtain.
The armor, which is comparable to a giant shield, can be seen engraved with cloud patterns and exotic characters, marking the armor's serial number.
The armors that are all over the Land of Sadness all come from the Ufutu of Jiuxia. They are stationed in the depths of darkness, waiting for the moment to emerge from the shadows.
Every time I see these huge groups, I can't help but feel humbled. Compared with them, everything is so small.
The armor technology of the Purification Agency originated from Jiuxia, and in the following time, the armor technology of the two diverged in different ways. Although there was Inlvig's mechanical technology, Jiuxia started too late after all.
These Ufos are very bulky. Compared with the third-generation armor, they have almost no big advantages. But the important thing is that these Ufos are made of complete machinery and do not use any demonic materials, plus antimemetics and With the holy silver plating, in the battle with demons, they can more stably maintain their sanity under erosion and become a heavy fortress.
As for the shortcomings of individual capabilities, Jiuxia also has corresponding countermeasures. With thicker armor, complex antimemetic warheads, and huge numbers, during group operations, the Ufutu with gunfire is far more powerful than the third-generation armor. More can be done.
"How was the experiment?"
Galahad asked.
"Yes, there is no demonic material in it. It is completely 'vacuum' inside. With the addition of antimemetics and holy silver, even if I invade it, it will take a little more effort, but it is only a little. After breaking the armor, The vacuum is broken and the driver within it is easily defeated."
Watson's figure appeared under the Ufo Massacre, and she followed him all the time.
She is also a sublimated existence. Watson's attack on these Ufos can, to a certain extent, predict the situation when facing Roger and Adren.
"If we are facing existences like Roger and Adren, it can only ensure that the Ufo Slaughter will not be damaged too quickly, just like the eroded Riot Controller before."
Recalling the reports of attacks in the sinking area, the rioters had no room for resistance in the face of erosion and were disintegrated in an instant, and these Ufo Massacres would effectively slow this down.
"What about fighting ordinary monsters?"
Galahad asked again.
"It is very effective. The erosion of demons will be greatly weakened, and its own armor will also effectively resist demons. The main flexibility is not high, and it cannot respond and adjust in time like the third generation armor... But the positioning of this weapon, It should be a positional battle, guarding important streets, no monsters can break through its defenses."
Watson gently stroked the cold metal, which was covered with Jiuxia-style carvings.
"Besides, that's enough."
Galahad silently agreed with Watson's words.
When the war breaks out, the battlefield will be divided into two parts. One is to face Roger and Adren, and try to kill them in the high-intensity erosion. The other is Old Dunling. The aftermath of the erosion is destined to If it spreads, a large number of humans will be transformed into monsters. In this densely populated city, a large number of troops will be needed to suppress these rampaging monsters.
The existence of the Ufos is for this. They need to control the city and keep it under control.
"Have you been to the industrial area?" Galahad said.
"Looking at it, it is indeed the two of them who are fighting. After their bodies died, they began to fight in nothingness, and the remnants of erosion continued to rise into the sky."
Watson said cautiously.
"The power brought by sublimation is far beyond imagination. It is more about turning consciousness into nothingness, and even becoming a spiritual entity, changing the world based only on will."
"you mean?"
"Just like the Watchers, they are ethereal spiritual beings. When they need to interfere with the real world, they solidify into bodies. At that time, our enemies may even have Watchers descending from the sky."
Watson knew very well about those faceless angels. She had fought against these existences from the earliest days until she later learned their truth.
The demon hunters who have lost themselves, even so, still perform the duty of watch.
"The next step is to contact the outside world. Have you selected the candidates?" Watson said.
"Well, I've already found him. In fact, you should have seen this person before."
Galahad whispered the name, and Watson's iron face remained silent for a while, she realized later.
"Did you make such a plan a long time ago?"
"How is it possible? It's just that this guy simply wanted to retire and was assigned to the scavenger department in advance. Then it became routine, erasing traces, antimemetic influence, etc..."
Galahad gave an ugly smile.
"I guess he must be feeling very depressed now. He finally escaped and was caught again."
(End of this chapter)

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