Embers of Embers

Chapter 624 Perseverance

Chapter 624 Perseverance
After a few days of attenuation, the intensity of erosion in the industrial area has decreased a lot, and ordinary people are still unable to approach it. However, for people like Lorenzo, there is no longer much pressure at all.
"Is this where they are fighting?"
Lorenzo looked at the mess on the ground and couldn't help but sigh.
"Yes, it seems that they still intend to fight here. If the outbreak occurred in a densely populated area, we might still be fighting now." The Kestrel on the side said to Lorenzo with a report in his hand.
"According to our predictions, once the erosion spreads in the city, we will be under great pressure from demons, and all armed forces will come out to control the streets and hunt down the demons."
Lorenzo is not optimistic about this, "Even so, the time left for us is very short. We need to solve all this when the erosion expands to the whole city. The antimemetic weapons placed will help us delay, but There’s still not enough time.”
"In this case, we have no choice but to place our hope in [Wangchuan]. We hope they are well preserved and can help us respond to disasters in a short time." Kestrel looked at Shao Liangye beside him. .
It is expected that the decisive battle will not drag on for a long time. Under this disparity in power, either the purification mechanism will be easily defeated and the death row plan will take effect, or [Forget River] will have an effect and destroy the powerful enemy. Very soon Simple without too many twists and turns.
Lorenzo began to move forward, and they observed that there was another body in the depths. To be precise, it was an abandoned body. Lorenzo wanted to see it, but it was unclear who left it behind between Roger and Edlen. .
Most of the abandoned machinery and equipment melted and collapsed, and the ground was burned into a lava field with huge ravines, as if a giant blade was cutting the earth.
The remaining erosion sent out bursts of roaring screams, like an invisible wind, echoing in Lorenzo's ears as he went deeper.
The purification agency did the right thing. They did not rush to explore this place, but left it to themselves to deal with it. Lorenzo had already noticed the horror of these erosions as soon as he started to go deep into it. Even before his own eyes, chaotic hallucinations gradually appeared.
"This is the power of sublimation," Lorenzo felt it and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "It's really powerful."
They fight here, and then die, over and over again, falling into the cycle of life and death.
Stepping on the stagnant water after the rain, Lorenzo stood beside the fallen corpse. It was like a scorched sculpture, leaning on a broken sword, still refusing to fall. There was a familiar erosion on it. It was Ed The power of Lun.
The scene gradually emerged in my mind, with two crazy monsters chasing each other, throwing away their severed limbs, and then swinging their swords, until one of them was killed.
"So you received my message, right? You deliberately chose this place for the battlefield, and kept chasing Roger."
Lorenzo was thinking, he speculated about Edron's attitude. This original watchman was very strange. Lorenzo knew his purpose very well, but he didn't understand many things, like now.
It stands to reason that with Adren's strength, he should be able to suppress Roger, but judging from the traces on the battlefield, they have been entangled for a long time and are evenly matched.
Was Roger infected by the Unspeakable and became more powerful, or was Edlon declining?
The faceless ones like dolls suddenly flashed before Lorenzo's eyes. They forgot their appearance, leaving only a white face, kneeling beside the Well of Sublimation.
This was the end of the Watchers. They withered one after another until one day they completely disappeared from history.
"Adren...is lost. He can barely hold on."
Lorenzo felt a deep chill in his heart, and then he realized that he had neglected this.
He and Roger went deep into the Well of Ascension and faced the Unspeakable, but their final choices were completely different.
Roger hid, and Edron chose to fall into a long sleep in order to fight against the unspeakable man's sleep talk, waking up only when necessary. Now that Roger is so awake, it's just that he accepted the sleep talk and chose to become one of it. member, and Adren has been resisting. Every moment he wakes up, he is fighting against the darkness from deep within.
Lorenzo's eyes were stiff. This time, the situation was beyond his imagination. The variables were changing again, moving in an uneasy direction.
"No...no, this is a good thing."
Lorenzo quickly calmed down and said this, but the pressure in his heart did not diminish much.
Once Edron falls, Lorenzo will have to face two absolutely powerful enemies. He will have no chance of winning, but at the same time, now is his chance to win over Edlen. After he cannot defeat Roger Under the circumstances, Lorenzo would be his best choice.
"This is really a gamble."
Lorenzo reached out his hand tremblingly and tried to touch the corpse.
Once you come into contact with Edlen, the outcome is easy to guess. Lorenzo will be hunted by him, he may die easily, or Edlen is willing to calm down and listen to himself... It's also possible that Edron is on the verge of getting out of hand, and that I happen to be the opening to his madness.
Lorenzo really didn't want to do this if he could, but in this situation where Edron was about to die, Lorenzo felt that he had no other choice.
Once Adren is used properly, it will be a big help, and it can be seen from their battle here that Adren is unwilling to increase casualties, at least their positions overlap.
With blazing white fireworks in his eyes, Lorenzo stretched out his hand and pressed it on the corpse.
The erosion climbed up Lorenzo's body like a snake, making a slight noise and wrapping around him layer by layer.
Lorenzo didn't resist much, he only felt an extreme coldness running up his arm, followed by a slight sting, as thousands of steel needles pierced into his skin.
He was eroded by Adren. The intensity of the erosion was not high, but it was enough to make his figure become brighter in the darkness, becoming a "beacon" to guide Adren's path.
Lorenzo's heartbeat accelerated slightly. He didn't know whether what he was doing was right or wrong, but in this situation, he really didn't know what to do if he didn't unite Adren's power.
Although death row can ensure the survival of key personnel, what happens next?To survive is to face a scorched earth. It is not clear whether the purification agency will still be able to fight by then, and whether anyone will survive.
Lorenzo became suspicious.
The more he thought about it, the more he realized that there were many loopholes in the death row plan, but it was all done by him, and the chaotic and twisted feeling made him a little overwhelmed.
But... there is nothing to hesitate about.
Lorenzo returned to Kestrel and the others.
"Did you find anything?" Kestrel asked.
"Yes, but it's not good. If my guess is correct, Edlen can't hold on any longer." Lorenzo said.
Kestrel's eyes brightened slightly and he said, "Isn't this a good thing?"
"No, it's not good. What I hope is that both he and Roger will be injured, instead of one dying and leaving the other. Roger will then use all his strength to deal with us. This is comparable to facing two monsters fighting each other. , much more difficult.”
Lorenzo looked grave.
"What's worse is that maybe Adren won't die, but he will be corrupted and become another Roger, another 'Road'."
The words were like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's chest fiercely.
In the deep darkness at the corner of the street, someone was panting. He was leaning against the trash can, his body soaked by the cold rain. He looked extremely embarrassed, as if he had been homeless for a long time.
Adren breathed heavily, and he tried hard to calm his mind, but the harder he tried, the louder the noise in his ears became, and countless murmurs echoed, telling Adren the beauty and outlining the future.
He was promised one great holiness after another, if only he would make a deal.
He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and his eyes were filled with anger. Soon after, the noises finally subsided a little, giving him a brief moment of peace.
His eyes were empty, as if he had lost all sanity.
All of this was too long. In order to fight against the whispers of darkness, all of Edron's energy was poured into it. His mind was disturbed. Under the long-term torture, it was difficult for him to think effectively.
With his previous strength, Adren would have been able to kill Roger. Even if he couldn't kill him, he would have severely injured him, but the noise kept disturbing him, making him decline, and putting shackles on him one after another. .
In fact, Adren could break free from all the shackles at all costs, but in that case, he would also give Mengxiao the opportunity to sneak in. Adren knew very well that he could completely eradicate Roger in this way, and he also knew that this way If he does, he has a great possibility to become the next Roger, and more importantly, after he kills Roger, who can kill him?
He did not continue to think about it. His tired will could no longer support his overly complicated thinking. Over the past few hundred years, he had become more and more like a cold machine.
It didn't feel very good to continue panting, but this kind of tranquility was extremely precious in his long life, at least for now, he wanted to enjoy it for a short time, even if he became so embarrassed.
People walked past him, some didn't look at Edlon, others cast pity glances, and some threw a few coins to Edlon. The coins rolled on the ground and fell to his feet.
Edron wasn't quite sure how he was feeling. In order to fight against the darkness in his heart, he rarely thought about other things. Like other lost watchers, Edron gradually lost his emotions, and all he could think about was the beginning. These rules are like iron laws imprinted into his will, driving him forward.
But after so long, sometimes if he didn't think about it deliberately, he would almost forget his original wish.
It's ironic to say that the reasons to support yourself are about to disappear in the years.
There were footsteps approaching, and Adren tilted his head warily to guard against Roger's surprise attack. He knew very well that this guy was still lingering in the city, just waiting for the battle to start again.
The one who came was not Roger, but an ordinary person. Edron could feel that with Roger's strong presence, it would be difficult for him to control his erosion from leaking slightly if he did not rely on the Holy Silver Armor.The intensity of the leak was not high, but it was already extremely eye-catching in Adren's eyes.
It was an embarrassed, bald old man who was completely drunk. He walked out of the tavern at the end of the alley, carrying two bottles of wine in his hand. It seemed that he was going to go home and drink for a while.
Adren didn't think about anything. He hardly spent any energy on meaningless things. He directly ignored the man's existence in his field of vision, but that guy didn't.
He saw Adren and looked at Adren's miserable appearance.
"Hey buddy, how are you?"
Buscaro squatted down, picked up the coins scattered in the water one by one, then took Edren's hand and placed it in his palm.
Adren had an expressionless face. As long as he moved his hands slightly, he could kill Buscaro. In his eyes, he was no different from an insect.
"You look terrible."
Buscaro was drunk, and he didn't pay attention to Adlon's indifferent expression. In his opinion, Adlon was like a homeless man who had been beaten up and needed to be saved by a kind-hearted passerby. He rambled on again.
"Want a bottle? My treat."
He said and handed one of the bottles of wine he was carrying to Adren. Adren still didn't respond. It was not so much that Buscaro handed it to him, but that it was Buscaro who forced it into his hand. inside.
"Hey, smile, friend, life won't always be bad, it will always be better," Buscaro burped, "I just know this guy... I think I know him, your expression is... Just like him, he seems to be carrying a heavy responsibility, with a constipated face."
Thinking back to Lorenzo, Buscaro kept trembling. Ever since he came into contact with that unlucky man, he seemed to have been unlucky. Also, because of Lorenzo's appearance, his drinking time every night was adjusted to now. To avoid running into Lorenzo.
"I don't know if that guy is my friend... But when he disappeared, I was quite happy. But, as time went by, I became a little worried, wondering if this guy would be dead. "Buscaro opened a bottle of wine himself and drank. "That's when I remembered why I wanted to be a doctor."
Looking at Adren's cold eyes, Buscaro thought he was questioning himself. Thinking about it, no one would believe an alcoholic who told you he was a doctor.
"Believe me, I am really a doctor!" Buscaro yelled, then his voice weakened, and he added, "I am a person who is very afraid of death. I am afraid of death myself, and I am also afraid of others. When people die, what does it mean to be kind-hearted? Or something, anyway, it’s because of these that I became a doctor.”
"At that time, I was hoping that this bastard would not die. He is not a good thing, but death is not a good thing. No one can escape, but we can live a little longer, right?"
As Buscaro spoke, he felt his stomach churn. He tried to control himself, but still vomited all over the floor under the indifference on Edlen's face. The vomit was splashing all the way to Edlen. At Lun's feet, some splashed on Adren.
This scene was so bad that if Lorenzo were here, he would probably scream loudly. Buscaro retched several times, and it seemed that he had vomited cleanly. He wiped his mouth with difficulty and muttered in his mouth.
"So come on, friend, hang in there."
He picked up the wine bottle and touched it with the bottle in Adren's hand, stood up, and staggered away.
Seeing his leaving figure, Edron unscrewed the wine bottle, took a big sip, and got up to leave as well, heading in different directions.
(End of this chapter)

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