Embers of Embers

Chapter 63 Demon Hunter

Chapter 63 Demon Hunter
Under the dark night, the ferocious and sinuous huge flesh and blood filled the entire ground. It surged high and drooped, like folded mountains cutting off everything.
Except for the dim green light at the end of the field of vision, there seemed to be no light in the entire world, and it was in this greater tranquility that a new fire burned from the abyss.
The flesh and blood like clods of earth made a burning and drying sound, and then a faint light lit up under the dark gray surface. The next second, a sharp nail sword pierced out from it, and then the white fire followed the path. The crack began to burn wildly, eventually burning a large hole that could be passed through.
Pushing away the hard flesh, Lorenzo climbed out of it with steaming white smoke. He breathed hard, then lowered his head and retched.
Dark red flesh was spit out from it, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. He seemed very tired. After emptying his stomach, he sat on the side leaning on his sword.
After calming down for a moment, he laughed.
He made the right bet. The way to leave the dream is to die. As long as he dies, the dream will wake up. If Lorenzo didn't do that, he would have been under the influence of the demon, and it would become more and more serious as time went by. In the end, we are with the darkness.
"It seems like the other party really understands."
Lorenzo said with an ugly expression.
Everything just now was a dream created by demons. If it were in the past, Lorenzo might not have been able to find his morning star and get out of it. It's a pity that "Prince Lawrence" still showed flaws, no matter in the dream. Belonging, or the long-standing grievances, is extremely important to Lorenzo.
The name Lorenzo Holmes came to him only after he came to Old Dunling.
He struggled to stand up. Although it felt good to reminisce about the past, Lorenzo had more important things to do now. It was obvious that the pollution in Ende Town had spread, and the twisted flesh and blood had spread all the way here.
If Lorenzo's guess is correct, what he is encountering now is a phenomenon called the illusion of nightmare. This is a large-scale hallucination ritual that can only be accomplished by demons. It will be maintained by a dream builder. Dreaming, and now the dream builder uses this extended flesh and blood to continuously expand the scope of the dream.
Maybe this is why it is so difficult for the purification agency to fight in the local area. Anyone who steps into this dream realm will encounter the invasion of dreams for the first time. If the will is strong enough, or has a mentality similar to Venus It hints at things, otherwise it would be extremely difficult for ordinary people to escape.
The extended flesh and blood traps the physical body, and the dream traps the spirit. As long as there is a certain period of time, the trapped person will become a member of the demon.
A green light rose at the end of the field of vision, and the so-called Ende Town was in sight. But now the Glory was forced to stop, and everyone on the train fell into the test of the dream. Lorenzo seemed to have no choice but to go there on foot. There is another way.
He must be quick enough to kill the dreamer before these unlucky children turn into monsters.
With this thought in mind, Lorenzo stepped towards the direction of the green light and ran wildly along the railway track. The degree of secret blood awakening continued to increase as he ran, like a galloping cheetah.
But at this moment, a roaring sound sounded. It happened almost in an instant. The flesh and blood around him was torn apart, and a sharp sword blade protruded strangely from it, stabbing Lorenzo with a deadly meaning.
Pulling out the nail sword, there was a crisp sound between the two. The enemy was very fast. At least Lorenzo couldn't see his appearance clearly at the first time. Then there was a howling wind behind his head, and the sharp sword light covered it. Lorenzo's vision.
There was another soft cry, and sparks burst out from the collision between the sword blades.
The intensity of the sword swing gradually increased, and Lorenzo successfully parried the attack from the rear. The two shadows disappeared in a flash, and finally maintained a safe distance, looking at each other.
"I finally found you."
You said with a bit of fanaticism.
Listening to the slightly distorted voice, Lorenzo raised his head and saw the man holding a sharp sword at the other end of him.
Lorenzo didn't answer anything, his eyes were extremely cautious.
After hundreds of years of experience accumulated by the Demon Hunting Order, Lorenzo, who has been specialized, is simply at the ceiling of human physical fitness. But even so, in the previous confrontation, Lorenzo would be hit by the sword if he was not careful.
Another demon with autonomous consciousness.
Slowly raising the two nailed swords, Lorenzo arched his body like a hunting tiger, staring at the enemy.
"so good……"
The man opened his chest as if he wanted to embrace the whole world, and his eyes were filled with excitement that he had never experienced before. From the moment Lorenzo saw him, he never stopped being excited.
It was unclear whether it was happiness or some other emotion, which made Lorenzo feel a little strange.
He has seen those who are angry, those who are filled with hatred, and those who wield swords for desire, but those who can feel joy in fighting are really rare. In popular terms, such people are madmen.
"I'm Ed, what's your name?"
Ed said excitedly. While shouting, he made no secret of his intentions and swung his sword directly towards Lorenzo.
To be honest, Lorenzo really didn't want to deal with this lunatic.
Silence greeted him, the sword light flashed back and forth, the vibration sounded like a symphony of metal, and sparks flashed.
Although they are enemies, even though it is their first meeting, the two people maintain a strange tacit understanding. After fighting for tens of seconds, they will retreat tacitly, and then fight again.
They looked at each other, and during the break, their numb hands took a break.
"Why don't you talk?"
Ed performed the look of a madman vividly. His fighting style was even more fierce than Lorenzo's, with no way to go, as if he was beating and swinging the sword completely based on instinct.
But despite this, Lorenzo still had the upper hand, and he began to gradually suppress Ed. As long as he forced this madman into a corner or found a slight flaw, Lorenzo was completely confident that he would kill him with one blow.
"Are you dumb?"
Those crazy words rang in his ears again, and the ferocious sword slashed down from Lorenzo's head diagonally. Ed's offensive was wide open, leaving no room for any effort.
In Lorenzo's eyes, an illusory scene was revealed. He was speculating on his attack. In his field of vision, he was wielding his sword to fight back, cutting from different angles and in different ways. Some attacks failed to work. , some attacks exchange injuries for injuries, and some attacks are countered by Ed.
Only one attack was successful. Lorenzo thrust against the severed blade, blocking the attack with one sword and piercing his chest with the other.
Without hesitation, Lorenzo directly chose such an attack. He lowered the blade that was about to block, and the two swords erupted with a shrill light and hit Ed's chest.
But at this moment of decision, Ed's eyes were like wild beasts.
The falling blade accelerated in an instant, and at the speed of the falling sword, Lorenzo would be hit before he could penetrate his chest.
For a moment, Lorenzo couldn't help but feel anxious. This Ed was not just a madman, he was a rational madman. From the beginning of the sword duel, he was trying to figure out Lorenzo's path. , and also intentionally slowed down his attack speed to cause Lorenzo to misjudge.
The action was like an accelerated movie, and the intriguing sword fight ended in an instant.
Before the sharp blade touched Ed, Lorenzo was hit by the falling blade. Although there was another nailed sword on top, the strength of Lorenzo's single hand seemed to withstand such an attack.
A roaring sound of cracking sounded, as if steel was being torn apart. The nail sword that was parrying was completely cut off at the moment of contact. The falling blade then directly left a deep sword mark on Lorenzo's shoulder. Being hit in advance, Lorenzo's hand holding the sword shifted slightly and stabbed Ed, but the blade failed to completely sink into it.
Obviously, this game ended with Lorenzo losing blood, but with Lorenzo's character, he would not let go so easily, so the demon hunter's physique far beyond that of ordinary people was perfectly displayed at this moment.
Loosen the pierced nail sword, centering on the foot, Lorenzo suddenly raised his other foot and kicked towards the hilt of the sword that remained on Ed's body, like hammering a nail, causing him to Going deep, and using the momentum of the kick, Lorenzo fell to the ground and quickly got up and retreated while covering his wound.
He didn't even have time to see the extent of Ed's injury. He let go of the broken sword in his hand, and Winchester was lifted directly. Then the demon hunter's blood poured into the gap, and Lorenzo pulled the trigger, burning Projectiles of blazing white flames roared in.
Without any accident, it hit Ed directly, and the blazing fire burned blazingly.
 It is expected that there will be at least 4 updates in a row, the group number is 707415581
(End of this chapter)

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