Entertainment: The female singing voice at the beginning is popular all over the Internet

Chapter 107 Opposition and Questioning by Opera Professionals

Chapter 107 Opposition and Questioning by Opera Professionals

Are you a fucking dog?
Do you have a dog nose?

If you don’t prepare well for rehearsals, why would you be a Sherlock Holmes?

Xu Ruofeng couldn't help but complain in his heart!
"You're not doing anything, just resting!" Xu Ruofeng said calmly, maintaining his usual style.

Ji Zeyu smiled, as if he had everything under control: "Your serious look really looks like you are lying!"

Xu Ruofeng said: "If you are so free, go help the cleaning lady clean the house!"

Ji Zeyu smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will help you keep the secret!"

He looked like he understood everything.

Xu Ruofeng was speechless, shook his head and smiled.

It can be seen from everyone's expressions that those who passed the assessment yesterday are in a good mood today, but Wang Chengying and Yu Long rarely even smile.

The opening show this time is still directed by Wu Yanan. Although she is average-looking, she has a good figure and her skin is close to the wheat color of Xiangyang. She must be active all year round and likes outdoor sports.

In fact, the entire time period of the opening show is only about 5 minutes in total. The main purpose is to activate the atmosphere and warm up the show.

If the opening show is exciting enough, it will attract a lot of viewers, and it is also an exposure opportunity for the players, who can show themselves as quickly as possible within a limited time.

The most important issues in the opening show are positioning and singing. Positioning can reflect the strength and status of each player, and the media will also focus on the C-position players.

As for singing, of course the core players can sing a few more lines, which are resources that ordinary players do not have.

For example, in the last opening show, Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe were the last to appear and stood in the middle. The other contestants could only sing a few lines, including Jin Zhe, but Xu Ruofeng sang several more lines than the others.

These are the resources and treatment Xu Ruofeng deserves, and the company is not stingy in this regard.

Under the guidance of Wu Yanan, the eight players regained their positions, but the core is Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe, and this will not change.

As for singing, Wu Yanan made another adjustment this time. In fact, it was the instruction of the company's senior management to let Xu Ruofeng sing solo.

The song is "Silk Opera".

Because this song is so popular, it has not only been dominating the charts recently, but has also caused countless heated discussions on the Internet.

The company does this because it wants to take advantage of this wave of traffic and attract as many viewers as possible.

"Ah? Why are you still singing solo? Then we will become the background and the running companions!" Liu Yang felt very aggrieved. She had been waiting for the opportunity of the opening show, hoping to gain a group of fans.

Unexpectedly, the company's requirements were actually like this.

"There's no way, who can give me the strength! So put away your unwillingness and grievances, it's useless!" Yu Long said.

Liu Yang also understood this truth. She was just venting her inner emotions.

"Even Jin Zhe didn't say anything, so we are even less qualified to say it!" Wang Chengying said.

"Don't think so much, hurry up and rehearse!" Fang Zihan said.

So under the guidance of Wu Yanan, everyone rehearsed the opening show, from appearance to walking, then standing, to Xu Ruofeng's dramatic solo. The whole process took less than 5 minutes. The other contestants just moved. The core link was Xu Ruofeng solo performance.

With the experience last time, the rehearsal went much smoother this time. The whole process took only one day to complete, and there was still one day left for all contestants to prepare their competition songs.

At this time online, the audience is very much looking forward to the upcoming game. In the third knockout round, eight will advance to seven!
The program team has already promoted the next game on major online channels.The audience eagerly watched the previous competition videos, especially the last episode. Xu Ruofeng amazed everyone with his drama, and the entire pop music world was a sensation. Because of Xu Ruofeng's presence, the number of views of the last episode also hit a new high. new highs.

And the song "Silk String Opera" has also become a chart-topping presence. The new songs list, the hot song list, and the best-selling list, etc., all have been ranked No. 1 by "Silk String Opera". .

This song has also become Xu Ruofeng's best-selling work by word of mouth. It has been praised by countless fans, and many short video bloggers are promoting this song.

Even people in the opera industry are paying attention to Xu Ruofeng. In response to the mindless pursuit of online fans, opera professionals began to refute and question.

For example, on Weibo, a well-known blogger named "Dagu" wrote: ""The Thread Play" has been very popular recently. As a pop song, it is a good song, but Xu Ruofeng's drama, in my opinion, He was just trying to impress people, his voice was not a standard opera voice, he was just imitating opera!"

"You need to know that the practice of traditional opera must start from an early age. You must worship a teacher, kowtow, and practice hard every day for decades. It is very long! Xu Ruofeng is just an ordinary singer and has not studied opera since he was a child. It can be seen that he It’s just imitation!”


The blogger's words triggered a lot of discussions among netizens, and the comment area was very lively. Xu Ruofeng's fans naturally turned to him, but Chigua netizens did not leave Xu Ruofeng's bold messages in the comment area.

"Don't talk nonsense. Xu Ruofeng sings so well. How could he not have studied opera? Hasn't he learned to sing so well?"

"That's right, I think these professionals are just jealous. If you don't have the ability to be famous, you can't see others being famous! It's so irritating."

"What do you know? They are a bunch of idiot fans. Xu Ruofeng has never even studied pop music seriously. He is not from a major. How can he find the time to study opera!"

"I'm most annoyed by these people who practice mindless worship and think their idols are awesome!"

“Be calm and pursue stars, don’t be blinded by superficial things.”


This kind of controversy brought popularity and traffic to Xu Ruofeng. The disputes between fans and professionals actually increased the popularity and popularity of "Silk Opera" significantly.

Until the new game begins, this controversy still exists.

The sun had just set, the lights of the capital were beginning to turn on, and at the entrance of the star-studded Olympic Sports Center, spectators lined up to enter the venue, and security guards stood ready to prevent accidents from happening.

"I'm so excited. I finally get to see Xu Ruofeng with my own eyes. This is my first time here, and I bought a front-row ticket. It cost me thousands!"

While queuing, a girl in her early twenties said in the crowd.

The ticket price for tonight's game has increased again, but it is still hard for the audience to get a ticket. There are only so many seats in the Olympic Sports Center, and every ticket is precious.

As always, scalpers appeared in large numbers when selling tickets. They had the most tickets in their hands. Even if the price increased by thousands, people would still buy them.

Such is the passion and determination of fans.

It took at least half an hour for tens of thousands of people to enter the venue together. People were excited and talking non-stop.

"Xu Ruofeng's acting was so good. I really regretted not coming last time, so this time I'm going to do whatever it takes to feel his charm live!"

"Ji Zeyu sang well in the last program!"

"I hope my idols won't run into Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe in this competition!"

"Yeah, look at last time, Ji Zeyu sang so well, but he still lost to Jin Zhe in the end!"


(End of this chapter)

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