Chapter 111 Heart-wrenching music

The scene was very quiet, and the audience was listening to his singing attentively, as if he were telling a story. Jin Zhe's music has this magical power that always makes the audience immersed in his singing.

"After many years, I have never returned to my hometown."

"Is there still her in the winter there?"

"Is the person who warmed your life still there?"

"still there?"


When Jin Zhe sang the chorus, he was fully engaged. His singing voice is inherently magnetic and has the charm of a mature man. Coupled with his superb singing skills and flexible use of various techniques, his singing voice is full of emotion. The powerful appeal can especially arouse emotional resonance in the audience.

While listening, many viewers couldn't help but think of their own past, their former friends and lovers, and couldn't help but sigh, time flies so fast!
Jin Zhe's songs are not like Xu Ruofeng's, which can directly arouse the audience's nerves. Instead, they are like drizzle, moistening things silently and quietly entering the hearts of the audience.

After the first verse was sung, there was a simple accompaniment. Jin Zhe played the guitar gently and coordinated with the orchestra. Only then did the audience applaud, giving Jin Zhe the greatest affirmation and support.

At the instructor's table, the four instructors were also applauding. They recognized Jin Zhe's ability very much and it was a pleasure to listen to him sing.

The other contestants in the rest area backstage clapped and sighed.

"Oh my gosh, he sings so beautifully. I feel like he has mastered many techniques!" said the handsome and charming Meng Xue.

"Yes, he is really strong. Once he comes on stage, his whole temperament changes!" Liu Yang said.

On weekdays, Jin Zhe is always very quiet and even a bit unsociable. If you don't pay attention, he is just a passerby and does not look like a star at all.

"The way he sang while playing the guitar captivated so many girls!" Wang Chengying said.

"Actually, what I envy the most is his voice. It's so beautiful. If he wasn't a singer, he would definitely be suitable to be a radio anchor!" Yu Long said.

"This guy is really powerful, but it's a pity that he has been suppressed by you, and he can only be the second child for a thousand years!" Ji Zeyu said.

In fact, other people have thought this way for a long time, and this is also true, but others did not say it out loud, and Ji Zeyu said it out in public.

"He just lacks a chance. It's impossible for such a person to remain so silent for the rest of his life!" Xu Ruofeng said.

In the online live broadcast room, many old fans of Jin Zhe came. For a while, fans were nostalgic in the comment area, and fans also actively promoted Jin Zhe, hoping to attract more people to support him.

Jin Zhe is calm on stage. He has no other distracting thoughts and just wants to sing well. This is the basic quality of a singer.

He then sang the second verse.

"In winter in my hometown, there is snow, sunshine and you."

"Let's walk in the snow together to find plum blossoms"

"We walked through that frozen river together"

"We will never meet again"


The lyrics are very touching and close to life, which made many viewers feel deeply. Coupled with Jin Zhe's voice, the audience's emotions have completely followed the music, and their emotions are highly resonant.

This heart-wrenching music reminds countless people of past events.

Jin Zhe used his charming singing voice to bring everyone a wonderful song, and the audience burst into fierce applause.

The audience cheered his name and even some girls cried.

After singing the song, Jin Zhe bowed to the audience and thanked the audience, always with a peaceful smile on his face.Host Li Fei walked onto the stage and said: "Thank you Jin Zhe for bringing us a wonderful singing!"

“Now we’re going to enter the review phase, and we’re going to invite four mentors!”

Applause broke out, which was also a scene that the audience was happy to see.

Wu Peng, the king of heaven, said: "Jin Zhe, your music is very heartfelt, and the lyrics are also very well written. It is very pleasant to listen to. I personally support your music very much, keep up the good work!"

It’s no surprise that Kim Cheol received rave reviews as always.

Next is the queen Zhang Ying. She is famous for her sharp tongue and is notoriously harsh on newcomers.

"Jin Zhe, your music style is very niche, but it is also very unique. Come on, sing well!"

Unexpectedly, she said this simple sentence. It seemed that she recognized Jin Zhe very much and had nothing to find fault with.

Next up is the music genius Xu Wei: "I think your work is particularly suitable for playing on the radio late at night. It is very heart-warming. No matter what kind of people listen to it, they will be fascinated. So niche songs also have their unique advantages. Come on, do it." Just make your own music!”

"Thank you, teacher!" Jin Zhe thanked his instructor.

The scene also burst into applause again!
The last one is Li Jian: "Jin Zhe, there is a story in your singing. This kind of music can often withstand the test of time and remain fresh for a long time. I hope you can stick to it and make music with your heart!"

At this point, all four instructors have finished their comments, and the next step is the scoring section, which is also the section that the audience is most looking forward to.

Wu Peng, 95 points!
Zhang Ying, 96 points!
Xu Wei, 94 points!
Li Jian, 94 points!
The overall score was 94 points and seven points.

There was thunderous applause, and the audience cheered heartily to celebrate Jin Zhe's high score.

Gorgeous lights flashed on the stage, and brilliant fireworks bloomed around the Olympic Sports Center.

Host Li Fei said passionately: "Congratulations to Jin Zhe, congratulations to him for getting a good score of 94 points and [-] points. Let us congratulate him with applause!"

Everyone in the audience applauded and congratulated him!
In the online live broadcast room, countless old fans of Jin Zhe were frantically posting comments, giving rewards and giving gifts. Looking at Jin Zhe on the stage, the old fans suddenly felt like they were going back in time.

At this time, the old fans suddenly realized that three years had passed. It had only been three years, and Jin Zhe had become so depressed. He was a champion. He was so popular before!
Many old fans couldn't help crying and sympathized with Jin Zhe.

Amidst the applause of countless people, Jin Zhe exited the stage.

The game will continue, and the one competing against him is Fang Zihan.

At this time, her face was solemn. She slowly stood up and walked to the stage, passing Jin Zhe halfway.

She knew in her heart that she would definitely lose, but she still had to fight hard. She couldn't give up the game just because she was afraid of losing. This would be too bad for her character, and the popularity she had accumulated before would disappear immediately.

When she walked onto the stage, there was warm applause. She stood in the center of the stage and accepted the admiration and fascination of countless audiences.

She shone in the bright lights, her whole body shone with starlight.

Based on looks alone, she's already winning.

She is the goddess of countless men!
But this is a singing show, and good looks are useless. What is useful is good singing skills.

The music started playing, and this familiar accompaniment made everyone immediately understand that this was Xu Wei's famous song "Rose Bay".

He emerged in the era of Internet music, so Xu Wei's music style is more inclined to popular love songs that young people like.

This song has a relaxed tone and a fast tempo, which makes it feel very lively and full of youthful vitality. The first verse is a rap-style singing style. The playful lyrics combined with the fast-paced rap make the song very energetic.

(End of this chapter)

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