Chapter 139: Success is beautiful, failure is beautiful

"Sadness Is Dancing" is the representative work of the new generation of powerful singer Qu Xiaoxiao, and it is also her famous song.

Composer Lin Zhaohui is the leading original music master in today's pop music world, and lyricist Liu Xinwen is the top lyricist in the music scene. He has written lyrics for many kings, queens and first-line singers.

The copyright owner, Dahe Times, is the record company signed by Qu Xiaoxiao. In the domestic pop music scene, this company is a real industry giant. It has not only been deeply involved in the pop music market for many years, but also actively recruits new people, and strives to adapt to the Internet era, launching Electronic music album.

In fact, when Wang Chengying learned that he would sing Qu Xiaoxiao's famous work, he was under great pressure. Firstly, he had heard the song himself and liked it very much. Secondly, Qu Xiaoxiao's deep and deep voice was very unique. Wang Chengying's voice But it is different. He is afraid that he will not be able to sing the original taste of the song and will disappoint the audience.

Later, Qu Xiaoxiao actively comforted him and finally dispelled his worries.

In this duo's duet, Qu Xiaoxiao still focused on his own bass, paired with Wang Chengying's alto. The two sang affectionately, which was quite charming. Although Wang Chengying's singing skills were not solid or comprehensive, he sang There is a lack of breath when singing, but Qu Xiaoxiao's singing skills make up for the shortcomings, allowing the song to be sung smoothly.

This also allowed the audience to once again see Qu Xiaoxiao's singing skills. He is truly a capable singer. His singing skills are strong. Compared with Wang Chengying, the gap is too big.

Then when it came to the review session, Wu Peng was the first to say: "I like this song very much. Qu Xiaoxiao, your voice is very distinctive. However, in today's chorus, Wang Chengying, you didn't sing well. Your singing skills need to continue to work hard." ah!"

The comments made by Zhang Ying and others are basically the same, they all talk about Wang Chengying's singing skills.

In this regard, Wang Chengying could only accept the criticism humbly, and he did feel a small blow in his heart.

In the end, the duo scored four points.

The upper limit of points is ten points. If six points are regarded as the passing line, then these two people actually failed.

Qu Xiaoxiao didn't feel anything strange, or was embarrassed or embarrassed, but Wang Chengying felt very embarrassed and sad.

When they returned to the rest area, they rarely spoke and sat with dejected expressions. Qu Xiaoxiao sat with the other guests, chatting and laughing.

The second group is played by Fang Zihan and Ding Ye.

Fang Zihan's beauty is recognized as good-looking, but her singing skills are recognized as poor.

Ding Ye is a new generation of strength, with a smoky voice, proficient in rap, and a cool typhoon. He himself is in his 30s this year. He has a shaved head and looks very refreshing. His facial contours are tough and clear, and he is dressed in cool black. Clothes make him more masculine.

If you think of it as a bottle of wine, it would be a good time to open it and drink it.

The cigarette voice is a unique voice that has become popular on the Internet in recent years. Some people are born with a cigarette voice, and they usually speak hoarsely and deeply.

Some people's smoke voices are acquired, because in essence, it is a vocal technique. Most singers' smoke voices are based on the flexible and skillful use of bubble sounds.

But Ding Ye's cigarette voice was acquired.

But it doesn't matter, and the audience doesn't care about it. As long as he sings well, it doesn't matter where his cigarette voice comes from.

The moment he walked onto the stage, there was fierce applause. Most of the audience applauded Ding Ye. Fang Zihan also saw many audience members holding up Ding Ye's light signs. Of course, there were also a small number of his own light signs.

Fang Zihan had no reaction to this.

She recalled the singing content in her mind.

On the big screen, song information is displayed.

Song: Over the Abyss.

Original: Ding Ye.

Copyright owner: Galaxy Impression.

Vocals: Ding Ye, Fang Zihan.

Similarly, this song is also Ding Ye's masterpiece. It is the title song of Ding Ye's first album after his debut. It has a high-octane style, with cool rap and super fast rhythm throughout.

It fully demonstrates Ding Ye’s own musical style.

This song is also Ding Ye's original work, which shows that his musical talent is also very good.As for Galaxy Impression, it is a new company that has been established in the industry for less than ten years. It is not large and is not a top company in the industry. However, it has a good reputation and has several first-line singers and new generation singers.

Ding Ye felt familiar as soon as he opened his mouth, and the atmosphere at the scene was immediately aroused. His cool rap, coupled with his smoky voice, has a unique charm. This kind of rap reminded many listeners of Xu Ruofeng.

His "Huo Yuanjia" also has rap, which is also very popular.

But it seems to be different from Ding Ye’s rap.

Fang Zihan is obviously not ready, or she is not suitable for rap, and her temperament is not suitable for rap.

Or as the four instructors commented, Fang Zihan has not let go of her beauty yet.

I can't let go of her figure!
The whole person is holding it!
Therefore, the four instructors only awarded three points for this group's singing.

Ding Ye felt a little embarrassed. He returned to the rest area with a dark face and didn't say much.

Fang Zihan was still sitting on the side indifferently. The two people who had been singing on the same stage just now were now strangers.

The six guests were not surprised by this, but a pure newcomer like Meng Xue always found it strange.

The third group is Ji Zeyu and Su Qinghong.

Everyone knows that Ji Zeyu's strength is lower than Meng Xue, but still higher than Fang Zihan.

It's such a low level. If it weren't for Xu Ruofeng, oh no, relying on his money to reach this point, he would have been eliminated long ago.

Su Qinghong is a top-notch female singer with a voice as sweet as jade, delicate and gentle, and a very good alto.

She herself is also very elegant. She looks very elegant in a long white dress, like a lady who comes from a scholarly family.

When she came on stage, the genes of male fans began to stir, and they clapped and screamed enthusiastically. Many male fans held up Su Qinghong's lights.

Of course, Ji Zeyu also has a lot of fans, and fans from both sides are very excited.

Especially Ji Zeyu, he enjoyed this moment on stage very much, and he was on the same stage as Su Qinghong.

Song information is displayed on the large screen.

Song: Duckweed.

Composer: Lin Zhaohui.

Lyricist: Liu Xinwen.

Copyright: Goldstone Records.

Singer: Ji Zeyu, Su Qinghong.

This song is a niche song by Su Qinghong and was included in her second album.

The song is still a love song, and it is also the singing method that Su Qinghong has always been good at.

The lyrics and composition are also written by two big guys. The copyright owner is Fang Jinshi Records, which is a top company in the industry. It has dozens of first-line singers and even ten kings and queens.

Moreover, Jinshi Records is the earliest music record company established in China, and it can be said to have a profound foundation.

For example, Pan Yu, another guest singer, is also a singer of Jinshi Records and is from the same school as Su Qinghong.

Pan Yu entered the company earlier and is a few years older than Su Qinghong, so he can be regarded as Su Qinghong's senior brother.

(End of this chapter)

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