Chapter 151 It’s normal for Xu Ruofeng to be trending
It's over!
In the hearts of the audience, tonight's game ended too quickly, and the final peak was too short. Looking back now, it seems that the time Xu Ruofeng showed off his singing voice on the stage was only a few seconds.

There are so many fans who want this moment to last forever.

But reality is impossible!

The game is over!
After the peak is over, the rest will naturally be dull!

On the stage, the lights dimmed, the staff began to clean, and the security guards maintained order to ensure that the audience could exit safely at the last moment.

Tens of thousands of people needed a certain amount of time to leave the venue, but many spectators were still chatting with each other reluctantly, expressing helplessness in their words.

"It's such a pity that it ends like this. I haven't seen enough!"

"That's right, I always feel that the game goes too fast. Xu Ruofeng only appeared for a few minutes!"

"Let's go back and watch it again. There are already a lot of short videos on the Internet!"

“It’s not as strong as the feeling of being there!”

"Oh, I won't be able to come next time. The ticket price is too high. I borrowed money to buy the ticket this time!"

"Actually, sometimes I also wonder, is it worth spending so much money to chase stars? After all, my parents are working very hard!"

"Yeah, I feel a little guilty too!"

"Damn Teng Xun, the ticket prices are getting higher and higher!"

"One ticket is enough for me to buy a lot of skins!"

"Don't think so much. If you like it, then go for it. Youth is only this once!"

"Oh my God, Xu Ruofeng is on the hot search!"

"There's nothing surprising. He's been on so many hot searches! Besides, he's so popular, Teng Xun will definitely spend money to buy him hot searches!"


It is an open secret that companies spend money to buy hot searches for artists. Also, many companies will buy hot searches for new dramas, buy good reviews, etc. In the Internet age, buying traffic is normal!
Everything is possible only if there is traffic, otherwise it is just empty talk, and the wine is delicious but the alley is afraid of being deep!

In fact, most fans are ordinary people. There are too few rich second-generation people like Ji Zeyu. A ticket costs several thousand or even tens of thousands, which is far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Many fans were frugal and even overdrafted in advance, just to buy one ticket.

The ticket price is set by the program team and the company, and there are management behind it. They definitely want to take advantage of Xu Ruofeng's popularity and make a lot of money.

It is understandable that capital pursues profits, and Xu Ruofeng is powerless. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot compete for capital.

Many fans reluctantly shared their live experiences online, and everyone communicated online, prompting "Tomorrow's Star" to be on the hot search again and again.

All the major platforms on the Internet and the hot search topics in the headlines are related to "Tomorrow's Star".

This is no longer surprising, as fans said, it is normal for Xu Ruofeng to be trending.

Tens of thousands of people left the venue together, causing considerable traffic pressure on the streets. The traffic jam outside the Olympic Sports Center lasted for nearly an hour, and it was not until late at night that people completely dispersed.

After the peak, the Olympic Sports Center suddenly became extremely silent.

It was so quiet that Xu Ruofeng could clearly hear his own heartbeat.

The players were planning to leave. They just received a notice from the director that the next game will be held in half a month.

During the following period, the players' time was still filled with training and singing practice.

Life in the Star Academy is a very precious opportunity for self-improvement for the players, and everyone works hard.

That evening, Xu Ruofeng took the time to call home. First, he told the two elderly people about his current situation, and second, he did some daily routine.

The call was answered by her mother. She was very happy and kept praising her son. Nowadays, the conditions in the countryside have improved. Every household has Internet access and everyone has a smartphone, so the mother can watch her son's games anytime and anywhere.

The old couple are very proud. Now that Xu Ruofeng is a famous person in the village, the old couple is even more proud and their faces are bright. In the local saying, there is smoke coming out of the old Xu family's ancestral grave.The old Xu family has been farmers digging in the soil for generations, but they never expected that a big star would emerge in this life.

This made up for Xu Ruofeng's regret of not going to college. The old couple were content. Although their son was not a college student, he was now better than a college student.

"Son, I will buy you a house when you have time. Renting is not an option!" Dad warned.

Xu Ruofeng wondered: "I bought it. Didn't I tell you some time ago?"

He stopped renting a house a long time ago. After buying the house in the old community, Xu Ruofeng took the time to move in. Then he told his family the good news. Not to mention how happy the old couple was at that time.

I often say that now that I have a house and a car, all I need is a wife.

The mother grabbed the phone and said with a smile: "Son, don't listen to your dad's nonsense. The old man has been throwing things away a lot lately. Today I asked him to buy salt, and he bought me a bottle of soy sauce..."

Listening to his mother doing household chores, Xu Ruofeng felt very relaxed.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Ruofeng smiled, still thinking about the conversation just now. He was wondering whether he should go back and take a look!
After all, it is also a home. Although it is poor and remote, it has the warmth of home.

It depends on the time. If you are free, Xu Ruofeng can go and take a look. By the way, you can relax on the road and take a good look at the world.

"Xu, great talent, why are you laughing? You are so happy. Could it be that you are in love?"

Ji Zeyu, who had just returned, said with a smile.

"I'm not as boring as you!" Xu Ruofeng said.

Ji Zeyu quickly took a shower, then lay on the bed and said, "My dad is quite concerned about my music career, but he is also old. He will probably retire in the next few years!"

This means that in the next few years, Ji Zeyu will take over his father's footsteps and successfully inherit the family business.

By then, Ji Zeyu will definitely quit the entertainment industry.

So now, it is a rare happy day for him.

"Then I congratulate you in advance, Chairman Ji!"

Xu Ruofeng smiled.

Ji Zeyu waved his hand: "Xiao Xu, go make me a cup of coffee without sugar, thank you!"

Xu Ruofeng smiled and said, "Sorry, I didn't eat in the morning and I'm too lazy to move!"

Ji Zeyu continued to pretend: "My company does not need someone as lazy as you to exist, you can leave!"

The two of them were talking and laughing, and they were very happy.

Ji Zeyu is essentially a very lively person, but Xu Ruofeng is relatively calm, so Ji Zeyu always knows how to use discretion when talking to Xu Ruofeng.

During this time, the songs from the last competition have continued to become popular.

The most popular are the songs of Xu Ruofeng, Jin Zhe, Ji Zeyu, and Meng Xue.

Meng Xue’s performance on the song charts was quite average, but for Meng Xue, it was already very good.

And "Blue Flower" sung by Ji Zeyu has an eye-catching performance and is currently ranked ninth on the new song list.

No. 20 on the hot song list.

Not only did the song sell well, but it also scored very well and had an excellent reputation. Hundreds of thousands of netizens across the Internet gave it a high score of [-].

This score is enough to illustrate the quality of the song "Blue Flower".

This is not only an affirmation of Ji Zeyu, but also an affirmation of Xu Ruofeng by countless fans.

(End of this chapter)

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