Chapter 158 Four nine points, the highest in the game

"Thank you everyone, I'm done singing!"

After Jin Zhe finished singing, he bowed to the audience to thank him!

More importantly, he would like to thank his fans, whose support has allowed him to go all the way to where he is now.

When it comes to who is the cutest person in the world, for Jin Zhe, apart from his family, he is his fans.

The atmosphere at the scene exploded instantly. The audience cheered excitedly and screamed wildly. Tens of thousands of people were present, the shouts were loud, and the lights on the stage were flashing.

Old fans had tears in their eyes. They discovered that Jin Zhe's singing skills not only did not deteriorate, but also made great progress. This shows that he has been working hard and persisting. It has not been easy for him in the past few years. On the one hand, he has to face real pressure. , on the other hand, we have to face countless people’s doubts and criticisms.

Host Li Fei walked onto the stage: "Okay, thank you Jin Zhe for bringing us this wonderful song. It's really nice and heart-warming. Just now I couldn't help but think of my past self and my life... "

As Li Fei said, every listener attracted by this song will involuntarily recall the past.

Then I will sigh in my heart, time flies so fast!
There are many things I didn't do well. If I were given a chance to do it again...

"Then, let's ask four instructors to comment!"

The whole place fell silent, and people's attention fell on the instructor's seat.

Wu Peng, the king of heaven, said: "This song has a strong personal style. I think it is very good. The lyrics are well written and very heartfelt. It seems to be singing your own story, but it is actually singing everyone's story. I believe just now , many people will think of their past selves, including me. This is a good song. Good music brings emotional value to people. It’s great, great. Jin Zhe, come on, I believe you will be a famous singer in the future. Very good musician!”

Wu Peng's evaluation was very high, but he didn't mention his singing skills, because Jin Zhe's singing skills need no introduction.

"Thank you, teacher!" Jin Zhe thanked him very politely.

From the perspective of old fans, the positive reviews are positive, so fans are not too excited.

Next is the diva Zhang Ying. She is very strict, but she can't fault Jin Zhe's singing skills.

"Jin Zhe, with your voice, you can sing any song. This is your talent and the best gift God has given you. How many people want such a beautiful voice like yours, but they are all impossible. When I heard you sing just now, , I feel like listening to a midnight radio station, listening to the host’s magnetic voice, lamenting the difficulty of life. Your use of emotions is very easy to resonate with the audience. You have done a good job in this regard, and this is your biggest One of the advantages…”

From original creation, to singing, to music style, Zhang Ying's comments are very comprehensive, but there is no comment on singing skills, because Jin Zhe's singing skills no longer need to be commented separately, he is a debut singer himself.

"Okay, thank you Teacher Zhang Ying for your review. It's very good. Congratulations to Jin Zhe for getting a good review!"

Li Fei said.

This is undoubtedly the most exciting for old fans. This scene now has a feeling of three years ago. At that time, Jin Zhe was the best in the world, overwhelming other players and in the limelight.

"Thank you, teacher!" Jin Zhe bowed very politely, with an indifferent expression, not excited about this momentary success.

The following is the comment of the music genius Xu Wei: "I feel that this song is more like a story, a beautiful prose. Your work returns to the music itself. Music is originally something that brings emotional value to people, happy or sad. , anger, etc., your emotional resonance has successfully aroused emotion from all of us, which is very good, and your singing contains stories. Such works are worth savoring slowly and can stand the test of time... …”

Xu Wei is a singer-songwriter, so he loves original singers like Jin Zhe very much and has a feeling of sympathy for each other.

Moreover, Jin Zhe's work style is somewhat similar to him.

Strictly speaking, among the four mentors, only his and Li Jian's styles are the most similar to Jin Zhe's.

The one who looks most like Xu Ruofeng is Wu Peng.

Xu Wei gave another good review, three consecutive good reviews. Of course, the most excited ones are the fans. Now, everyone is looking forward to the last good review.

Li Jian cleared his throat and said: "I think you are the musical poet. You sang the music in a literary way, making us feel that you are not singing, but telling a story. This is the essence of music. Earlier music , it appears in the form of storytelling. It does not mean that only people with good voices can sing, but that everyone can sing. This is music. Jin Zhe, in today's impetuous era, it is very important that you can have such perseverance. It’s rare, I hope you can keep it up..."

Li Jian was the mentor who admired Jin Zhe the most and understood him best. These words touched Jin Zhe's heart, and he bowed to his mentor solemnly.At this point, the four instructors have completed their reviews, and all instructors unanimously gave positive comments.

This made Jin Zhe's fans very excited, and there was another wave of applause.

"Okay, now, please give your scores to the four instructors!"

Next comes the exciting scoring session, which fans are looking forward to very much.

Just now Ji Zeyu scored a good score of eight points. I wonder what kind of results Jin Zhe can get.

But most people think that it will definitely be better than Ji Zeyu's results.

I saw Wu Peng, the king of heaven, being the first to hold up the score board, which clearly read, nine points.

The whole place is boiling!

I didn't expect Jin Zhe to be so good. He scored a nine points, which was close to a perfect score.

Only Jin Zhe has this strength.

Of course, there is also Xu Ruofeng.

"Thank you, thank you to Teacher Wu Peng for giving such a high score. What is Teacher Zhang Ying's score?"

As soon as Li Fei finished speaking, he saw Zhang Ying slowly raising the score board.

"Nine points!"

Another high score!
Another nine points!
The audience's applause became more intense and their emotions became more exciting.

"Congratulations to Jin Zhe for scoring nine points again. Thank you to Teacher Zhang Ying!" Li Fei's words directly ignited the atmosphere at the scene.

At this time, Jin Zhe looked calm and bent down to thank Teacher Zhang Ying.

"Teacher Xu Wei, please raise the score board in your hand!"

Xu Wei held up a sign that read, nine points.

Third nine points!
Jin Zhe's strength can be seen from this. Three tutors in succession gave nearly perfect scores.

Fans all over the Internet were very excited, especially Jin Zhe's old fans, who were filled with emotions, as if everyone had seen Jin Zhe return to the top.

"Okay, now, only Teacher Li Jian is left, it's up to you!"

Li Jian raised the scoring board without hesitation.

Nine points!

Fourth nine points!
The four instructors collectively gave a good score of nine points and unanimous praise. This is absolute recognition and a very high recognition of Jin Zhe's strength.

"Thank you teachers, thank you!" Jin Zhe bent down several times and kept thanking his instructor.

The fans burst into tears with excitement. They waved their hands excitedly, screamed excitedly, and kept shouting Jin Zhe's name.

In the end, Jin Zhe's score was nine points.

So far, the highest in the audience!
(End of this chapter)

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