Entertainment: The female singing voice at the beginning is popular all over the Internet

Chapter 16: 1, you only have the right to sing, and the copyright is limited to one year

Chapter 16: 1000 million, you only have the right to sing, and the copyright is limited to ten years
Since the release of "Big Fish" on Ku Music, Xu Ruofeng's performance has been rising. In addition to taking care of his parents every day, Xu Ruofeng watches the news on the Internet.

He already has a plan in mind for the song for the Top [-] Competition.

At present, he has successfully become popular in this world. I wonder how much reputation he can get?
As soon as I thought of this, a voice immediately sounded in my mind.


"Congratulations to the host," "Big Fish" became popular all over the Internet! "

"Get 12 reputation points!"

"You can unlock the next skill!"


"Congratulations to the host, you successfully unlocked a new skill!"

"Female vocals +3"

Xu Ruofeng felt a chill in his throat and was possessed by a mysterious energy. This time he added three attribute points to the female voice, indicating that the range of her voice was broadened.

Xu Ruofeng roared twice in the bathroom and tried it out. She found that the range of top female vocals was much wider and the breath was much deeper.

Treble and bass are boosted a lot.

At the same time, the sound is stronger.

This is better, Xu Ruofeng has more choices.

Although "Big Fish" has a female voice, it is actually not difficult in terms of technique, and the melody is not that complicated.

Xu Ruofeng can choose to sing more complex songs.


"Unlocking the next skill requires 20 reputation points!"

"Please continue to work hard!"

On this day, Ji Zeyu suddenly appeared in the hospital. This guy came to the ward with a bunch of nutritional supplements and was busy taking care of Xu Ruofeng's mother.

"Auntie, I'm actually not much worse than him. Really, you should have seen my game!" Ji Zeyu said.

My mother had a good impression of this young man and said, "Of course I saw it. My Ruofeng is No. 1, and you are No. 2 in the Easter competition!"

Ji Zeyu's mouth was very sweet: "Auntie has such a good memory. Alas, in fact, I just lack a good song right now!"

Mother said: "Depending on your family's conditions, you will definitely find good songs, don't worry!"

Ji Zeyu was talking to Xu Ruofeng. How could Xu Ruofeng not understand?

"Mom, you should have a good rest. Let's go outside and chat for a while!"

Xu Ruofeng pulled Ji Zeyu out of the ward.

"Why are you pulling me? I want to chat with auntie some more!" Ji Zeyu frowned.

Xu Ruofeng chuckled and said, "Okay, don't think I don't know what you're here for!"

Ji Zeyu chuckled: "Of course I came to visit aunt, and I wanted to see you by the way!"

Xu Ruofeng said angrily: "You're just being hypocritical. Tell me, is it about writing songs?"

Ji Zeyu smiled and nodded: "Yes, yes, I went back and discussed it with my family, and they agreed to your price!"

Xu Ruofeng slowly shook his head: "Five million won't do it!"

Ji Zeyu's face changed drastically: "What? Xu Ruofeng, why do you regret it again? If you don't do this, how come you don't even have credibility as a person?"

Xu Ruofeng said: "Five million was just the price before. Now that my songs are so popular on the Internet, my worth will naturally rise accordingly!"

Ji Zeyu was very angry and full of anger, but he couldn't get angry. He only blamed himself for being hesitant before. If he had gritted his teeth and made the decision on his own, there would be no need to be like this now.

Xu Ruofeng was so arrogant, but he had no choice but to obey. Who knows how to write songs?

"Then how much do you want?" Ji Zeyu gritted his teeth angrily, really wanting to punch this guy.

Xu Ruofeng held out a finger: "1000 million, you only have the right to sing, and the copyright is limited to ten years!"

"What, you, Xu Ruofeng, you have gone too far!"

Ji Zeyu was very shocked. He never expected that Xu Ruofeng would ask for so much.Even top-tier composers and lyricists would not dare to ask for such a price.

And most of the time, the copyrights are all bought out at once. Xu Ruofeng's singing rights for ten years are worth 1000 million, which is too exaggerated.

"You decide for yourself whether you want to or not!" Xu Ruofeng didn't plan to say more.

In his previous life, he worked hard in the music industry for ten years and knew the importance of copyright.

"Okay, Xu Ruofeng, you are so good, I want it!"

Ji Zeyu clenched his fists tightly with fierce eyes.

Xu Ruofeng smiled faintly: "Don't look at me like that. When you get to the stage of the Top 1000 Competition, you will understand how valuable these [-] million dollars are!"

Ji Zeyu snorted coldly: "If I meet you in the Top [-] Competition, I have to defeat you!"

Xu Ruofeng smiled and said: "We are always waiting for you!"

Ji Zeyu said angrily: "But you have to give me some time to raise money!"

Xu Ruofeng said: "You have to hurry up, you have to go to the program team to hand in the manuscript the day after tomorrow!"

Ji Zeyu shouted back: "Should I say it to you? I remember it!"

He glared at Xu Ruofeng fiercely, turned around and entered the ward, and said with a smile: "Auntie, I have to leave first. I will come to see you and uncle another day!"

Ji Zeyu held Xu Ruofeng's mother's hand affectionately.

"Son, you go and do your work first and come back when you are free. Son, go and see off Xiaoyu!" the mother said enthusiastically.

Xu Ruofeng smiled bitterly and could only send Ji Zeyu out.

"Go slowly, I won't send you far!" Xu Ruofeng stood at the door of the hospital and said.

Ji Zeyu got into the car angrily and shouted angrily: "Who cares about your gift?"

While Ji Zeyu was raising money, Xu Ruofeng was not idle either. He was thinking about what song he would sing in the Top [-] Competition.

Obviously the song from my previous life was definitely not suitable, after all, it was a female voice.

So, choose songs among female singers.

The song style this time should be more explosive and more suitable for the scene, so that the stage effect will be good.

At the same time, he was also thinking about what song to give Ji Zeyu.

Ji Zeyu's singing skills are average, with no obvious strengths, but his shortcomings are also obvious, including the high notes.

Others, such as vocal skills and tone control, are somewhat unskilled in these aspects.

But these small problems can be corrected with a lot of practice, like high notes, which are difficult, it is basically talent.

Therefore, the song for Ji Zeyu cannot have high notes.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Ruofeng slowly came up with his thoughts.

During the agreed time, Ji Zeyu raised the money and transferred it to Xu Ruofeng's card.

With money, the first thing Xu Ruofeng did was to arrange surgery for his mother.

But the surgery also required queuing, so Xu Ruofeng changed her mother's room to a private room.

The single ward has a private bathroom and a TV. The conditions are very good.

"Son, where did you get so much money?" Although the mother enjoyed her son's filial piety to her, she was also worried that her son's money came from improper sources.

Xu Ruofeng comforted him: "Don't worry, I earned this money from singing. Mom, you have to take good care of your body and watch me pass the top [-] competition and enter the top [-]!"

"Haha, okay, okay, my son is going to be successful!"

The old couple was very pleased, and at the same time happy because their son had made money.

"Dad, I'm going to the program set tomorrow. You can buy whatever you want to eat!" Xu Ruofeng gave his parents a lot of pocket money.

"Go on, your mother and I are fine. By the way, what are you going to do there tomorrow? I remember there will be some time before the game?" the old father asked.

Xu Ruofeng said: "I have to hand over my Top [-] contestant songs to the program team tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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