Chapter 2 This song is okay, but too bland
Xu Ruofeng was still shocked. He didn't expect that it would be a resurrection match at the beginning. Although the difficulty was not at the hell level, it was definitely not easy either.

If he had delayed for a few more days, he would still have some preparation time, but now he was about to go on stage, so there was no preparation time.

It’s just a rush to put it on the shelves!

So, what song to sing?
You must choose songs that you are familiar with, so choose from songs on earth. This is your own advantage.

And I have just awakened the singing god tattoo and obtained a female voice, so the song I choose must match the female voice.

Xu Ruofeng searched in his mind, and at the same time he was thinking in his heart that there is no such skill as female singing in this world.

At least in the public news materials, there is no such singing method.

Therefore Xu Ruofeng has another advantage.

As long as the songs are chosen well, the Easter competition should be no problem.

Just as he was thinking, Xu Ruofeng was interrupted by a young man running quickly.

"Xu Ruofeng, what are you doing here?"

"Where's your score? The music team is waiting for it!"

The young man looked anxious and gasped for air.

He has a fairly well-proportioned figure and is dressed simply, wearing jeans and a plaid shirt.

What is more eye-catching are the dark circles under his eyes caused by staying up late and the beard that has not been dealt with in those few days.

The hair is messy and looks greasy.

"Assistant director, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting!"

Xu Ruofeng gave in first, said a few nice words, and stabilized the other person's mood. After all, he was an assistant director, although the assistant director was actually just a coolie doing errands.

But for Xu Ruofeng now, the assistant director is already at the level of a boss, so he must not be tough when he should be soft.

"Can you help me find a piece of paper?" Xu Ruofeng asked with a polite smile, looking harmless.

"Go to the big conference room and write to me quickly, or you will leave on your own! I don't have time to play with you!"

The assistant director had a loud voice and looked very impatient.

Xu Ruofeng didn't pay attention, turned around and walked quickly to the large conference room.

After finding paper and pen, Xu Ruofeng began to think about it.

This score is for the music team. When he goes on stage to sing, the live band will provide him with music.

Regarding the songs performed, the program team has no restrictions. They can be covers or originals.

Or it can be dance music, but the singer has to find a backup dancer team.

There are actually not many songs about female singing on earth, because this kind of singing relies purely on talent.

Zhou Shen, who is well known to everyone, has his masterpiece "Big Fish", which is a very classic song.

The later live version with Guo Qing is even more amazing.

The artistic conception and emotion conveyed by the song itself are also very beautiful and moving.

Xu Ruofeng thought for a while and finally made up his mind to choose "Big Fish" as the song for the Easter competition.

He is a famous singer on Earth and has solid knowledge of music. In addition, he has studied those classic songs, so he can write the scores smoothly.

The tip of the pen rustled on the paper, and Xu Ruofeng wrote quickly. Except for the sloppy handwriting, everything else was good.

"Hurry up, have you finished writing? The music team is waiting for rehearsal!"

The assistant director urged loudly.

This is not his fault, because the program team is very tight on time and the music team has a heavy task. They have to go through every contestant's song.

Make sure nothing goes wrong during the official live broadcast.

Live broadcasts are much more risky than recorded broadcasts. Recorded broadcasts can be edited later to cut out those bad shots.

Live broadcasting is not possible. All the pictures are exposed to the audience and countless netizens. A small mistake may cause very serious consequences.

"It's done!"

Xu Ruofeng stood up and handed the script to the assistant director.

"Humph, the writing is so messy, go home and practice your calligraphy!"

The assistant director frowned and said, "Did you write this song yourself?" "Well, yes!"

Xu Ruofeng replied that anyway, he is in a different world now, and everything on earth has nothing to do with this place.

These people don’t know that they have traveled through time.

The assistant director said: "This song looks okay, but it's too bland. You might as well choose something with a strong rhythm, which is easier to arouse emotions and has a better sense of stage!"

"You only have one chance in the Easter match. If you lose, you'll leave!"

Xu Ruofeng replied: "I know, but I just want to sing this song. No matter whether I win or lose, I just want to enjoy the stage!"


"Go to the waiting area and wait!"

The assistant director sneered, turned and left.

The so-called waiting area is a large room behind the stage that can accommodate hundreds of people.

The contestants who are going to perform on stage will gather here and wait.

Xu Ruofeng came to the waiting area and found that there were many people here.

Roughly speaking, there are at least 40 people.

There are a much higher proportion of boys and fewer girls. They are all about the same age. They look about 20 years old, the same age group as Xu Ruofeng.

Some people are playing with their mobile phones, some are relaxing with their eyes closed, and some are tuning guitars.

Some people are practicing dancing, and some are still memorizing music scores.

Xu Ruofeng found a seat to the side and sat down. Not long after, a young man wearing glasses came over and asked, "Brother, the game is about to start. Aren't you ready?"

In the eyes of many, the entire room should take the Easter Game seriously.

Yes, Xu Ruofeng thinks so too.

"I'm ready!" Xu Ruofeng smiled.

The man with glasses said in surprise: "I remember you. You were in front of me in the last competition. The song "Blooming" you sang was, to be honest, not bad, but it just didn't feel right and was always out of tune!"

"Really, I think so too!" Xu Ruofeng replied.

"Then why don't you hurry up and practice? Don't go out of tune again when you go on stage!"

The man with glasses continued: "By the way, what song did you choose this time?"

Xu Ruofeng: "Original!"

The guy with glasses was shocked: "What? Original?"

As if he had discovered a new world, the young man with glasses looked Xu Ruofeng up and down: "Are you stupid? What level do you have? You actually dare to sing original songs. There are so many good songs and you don't sing them. You have to sing your own songs!"

"This is the resurrection match, the last chance! Of course, if you just come to have fun, that's fine too!"

Xu Ruofeng shook his head: "I'm serious!"

"Ha! Seriously, you should sing covers instead of original songs!"

"You, ask yourself to be blessed!"

After that, he stood up and sat on the other side.

He seemed to be very disdainful of Xu Ruofeng.

Xu Ruofeng didn't pay attention. He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall to recuperate.

The more critical the moment, the more calm the mind must be.

"Attention, now let's draw lots to determine the order of playing!"

The assistant director came in with a staff member and put down the box in his hand.

All the players immediately gathered around and stared at the box nervously.

"Everyone draws a number, and that number is the order in which you play!"


said the assistant director.

(End of this chapter)

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