Chapter 201 He is a man but has a beautiful female voice
The crowd burst into applause, and the atmosphere instantly rose. At this moment, the popularity of the finals has reached its highest peak.

The lights flashed, illuminating the night sky of the capital like a dream world.

The female fans were so excited that they cried. They felt that all the hardships they had endured in order to get tickets were worth it. Even though the tickets were very expensive, and even though many fans from other places came all the way here and experienced a lot of things and suffered a lot along the way, I have experienced a lot of wind, frost, rain and snow, but at this moment, all the sadness turned into endless love for Xu Ruofeng.

"Xu Ruofeng, after waiting for so long, I'm finally waiting for you!"

"My hometown is in a small county in the south. In order to buy the ticket, I saved up money for several months and ate pickled mustard every day. Now I feel that the ticket is worth it!"

"I'm so excited, I finally get to meet my idol!"

"The last performance of the finals will be over soon. I really can't bear to part with it!"

"Xu Ruofeng, I love you! I want to marry you and give you a baby!"

"You are the champion, defeat Jin Zhe!"

“I have traveled thousands of miles to come here. Although it is very tiring, it is worth it!”

"Come on Xu Ruofeng, come on Xu Ruofeng!"

"Are you going to sing opera tonight? I like opera the most!"

"Xu Ruofeng is simply the mainstay of "Star of Tomorrow". As soon as he appeared on the scene, the whole scene immediately went crazy! He is much more popular than Jin Zhe!"


Around Ji Xinyu, the little girls were cheering, screaming, and clapping hard like crazy. Of course, Ji Xinyu was also applauding and cheering.

Not to be outdone, Mu Ling clapped even harder, and the two secretly competed to welcome Xu Ruofeng's appearance.

In major online live broadcast rooms, countless netizens are frantically posting comments, posting comments, and giving rewards. The popularity is very high.

The grand event of the game spread all over the Internet and quickly became a trending topic on the microwave.

Netizens gathered together to discuss it, and its popularity grew.

With the expectations of the entire network, Xu Ruofeng appeared. The moment he stood in the center of the stage, the whole audience was completely excited.

There were screams, and the fans just wanted to use their strength to welcome Xu Ruofeng.

This is how to express your love for Xu Ruofeng.

This is the end, the end of the competition, but also the beginning, the beginning of Xu Ruofeng's music career.

For fans, it is the end. This show is destined to be a beautiful memory in the hearts of countless fans.

Precisely because it is the last show, the fans are partying hard so that every minute and every second is not wasted.

On the big screen, song information appeared.

Song: Origin.

Original: Xu Ruofeng.

Vocals: Xu Ruofeng.

The music is on!

The accompaniment produced by Xu Ruofeng himself sounded, with a particularly strong sense of rhythm and a sad melody, like a feast coming to an end, full of regrets, feelings, and more of a reluctance.

In the accompaniment, Xu Ruofeng combines elements of Eastern and Western music, including piano and flute.

The accompaniment at the beginning has successfully attracted the audience, and countless people were immediately immersed in the music.

Everyone has a feeling in their hearts that this song is used by Xu Ruofeng to say goodbye to this stage and this time.

"I really thought I could close my eyes and say nothing"

"Already far away from the worldly world"

"Really believe that I am transcendent"

"Can turn all worries into smoke"

The classic female voice sounded again, and it was right. The audience felt that this voice was very comfortable. Xu Ruofeng's singing voice contained sad emotions, and her voice was delicate and clear, full of feminine beauty.

The lyrics express a true portrayal of Xu Ruofeng's heart: I can stay away from everything in the world, and I can resolve all worries on my own.

I can face everything in this world with strength.

“I have never thought about the boundaries between past and present lives” and “are so difficult to distinguish”

"I have never read the memory of reincarnation"

"In this world of mortals"

"Alone together as always"

"What do all the troubles have to do with me?"

The melancholy melody reveals Xu Ruofeng's inner voice everywhere, and the soft female voice expresses her helplessness and love for the world. A person walks through thousands of mountains and rivers, and loneliness is always by his side.

Isn't this the spiritual world of today's people? Loneliness is always an unavoidable topic.

Although it is not a drama, nor does it have special explosive skills such as high notes, dolphin sounds, and rap, Xu Ruofeng's beautiful female voice still moved countless people.

The sweet and silky female voice makes people deeply immersed in the music.

This was the first time for Ji Xinyu and Ji Xinyu to be at the competition. They were both conquered by Xu Ruofeng's stage charm. He was completely integrated with the music on the stage. Although he was a man, he had an extremely beautiful female voice.

His stage style, every move and every look in his eyes was so natural. He didn't look like a newcomer, but like an old singer who had been famous for many years, and he was comfortable with everything on the stage.

"It's so nice. How could he sing such a beautiful female voice? How did he do it?" Mu Ling was very shocked.

"He is a genius. This voice is more shocking than Jin Zhe's magnetic voice!" Ji Xinyu said.

"The moment you walked past me"

"I can never let go of the thoughts in my heart"

"That moment I saw your sweet smile"

"I can no longer forget the moment with you"

"At that moment I floated past your window"

"Silently roll up your hanging bead curtain"

"At that moment I gave up the motto of the gods"

"Standing in front of you regardless of anything"

In this chorus, Xu Ruofeng's singing voice is sad and firm, perfectly portraying the image of a woman who is extremely infatuated with love. Through his singing, the audience admired the infatuated woman in the song.

In terms of song form, it is just an ordinary pop love song, but the melody and voice are the most touching to the audience. In addition, tonight is the last game of the game, the audience is even more reluctant to give up, and the sadness in their hearts spreads.

Xu Ruofeng's beautiful voice is a sword that strikes the audience's soul, deeply making the audience remember this song.

"I really thought it was so easy to meet each other"

"Soon to become a passing cloud"

"Really believe in the unquenchable heartbeat"

"It will eventually become dull"

"I never thought about that short-lived nostalgia"

"It's actually the fate of staying together in the past life."

"I have never thought about the tranquility that was broken by you"

"You can never go back to where you started."

"The joys and sorrows of separation and reunion"

"Willingly for all eternity"

The general idea of ​​the lyrics is that a pair of lovers have experienced many things together, but in the end they could not get together. They met but could not fall in love, and they suffered from each other. They have experienced many separations and reunions together, but they are still extremely firm.

Xu Ruofeng's female voice is like a star in the dark night, shining with a light that cannot be ignored.

The sweet female voice was as smooth as jade, and even with all the microphones turned on, no flaws could be heard.

The sadness was spreading, and the audience was very painful. Some girls even shed tears. They couldn't let go of Xu Ruofeng and this stage.

The mood of farewell permeated the entire audience, and Xu Ruofeng's female voice was like a knife, piercing the hearts of the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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