Entertainment: The female singing voice at the beginning is popular all over the Internet

Chapter 233 Rookie manager Ye Yutong, the resources he has obtained are not easy.

Chapter 233 Rookie manager Ye Yutong, the resources he has obtained are not easy.

Ye Yutong seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly defended: "Ah, no, no, no, I'm sorry. It's my first day at work and I'm not very good at talking. Don't be surprised!"

Xu Ruofeng was a little surprised: "First day of work?"

Could it be that he has been assigned a new agent to the industry? After all, he is also a champion. The champion's agent is not said to be the top in the industry, but at least it must be an old man who is skilled in business.

Why companies go wrong on this simplest of questions.

Should not be ah.

Look at this Ye Yutong again, she looks pretty, wears light makeup, has a slender figure, her black hair is tied up high, and she has a standard round head. She does not wear professional clothes like Tang Qian, but wears her own casual clothes, jeans and a pair of white Sneakers and a white casual shirt on top. This outfit looks more fresh and lively, just like a college student's outfit.

It doesn't look like a professional dress.

"Judging from the appearance, she is very young and immature. She doesn't have the professional aura of Tang Qian at all. Could it be that she is a newly graduated college student? No way, I am the champion, and this is how the champion is treated?" Xu Ruo For the first time, Fengtou doubted whether his championship was real.

"It's my first day at work, so let me introduce myself formally. My name is Ye Yutong. I graduated from the Journalism Department of Communication University. I am very happy to be your agent. In my future work, I will work hard to make you a big star. !" Ye Yutong said enthusiastically, showing a sincere and sweet smile.

"Oh, hello!" Xu Ruofeng was a little disappointed. He was really a college student and had just graduated.

At first glance, he looks like a rookie who has just entered the workplace and knows nothing.

Although highly educated, it is of no use.

With zero social experience and zero work experience, how can you survive in the cruel entertainment industry?

How could she bring more resources to herself?

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

What on earth is the company thinking about letting a new person be the agent?

Is Ji's appearance in the past a waste of effort?

Thinking of this, an idea immediately flashed in Xu Ruofeng's mind.

"Could it be that the company is taking revenge on me? They didn't dare to attack Ji Zeyu, so they took advantage of me!"

At the thought of this, Xu Ruofeng's heart was filled with overwhelming feelings, and he was even a little scared.

Indeed, through Ji Zeyu and Ji Shi, he successfully got the contract he wanted, and also showed off his skills in front of Meng Xue and others.

However, a company is a company after all and cannot be intimidated by a champion.

If the company can spend money to win a champion, it can spend money to win another champion. What the company wants is an obedient champion, not a champion who goes against the company.

"That's it for eighty percent. Although the management can't change Ji's will, it can deal with me, and there are many ways to deal with me, and my agent is one of them!"

Xu Ruofeng thought in his mind.

The company will provide everything promised in the contract, but if there are no resources, the terms in the contract are actually empty words.

This move completely demonstrated the management's methods. As expected of the old Jianghu, there are many ways to punish people.

Now it seems that there was a reason for Jin Zhe's silence back then.

Even though his singing skills were so good, he couldn't resist the company's decision.

It cannot beat the hands of capital.

"Well, I just joined the company and have little experience. Today I am still familiar with the company environment. As for the work plan, I will compile it into a document and send it to you!" Ye Yutong said seriously.

Next, the two left each other's contact information.

Although Ye Yutong is a newcomer, he is very serious.

This can be seen from the documents she made, which are clear, focused and clear. “The documentation is very good, as expected of a college student, but I hope you can do more than just talk on paper!” Xu Ruofeng said.

Ye Yutong said: "Of course not! In fact, I have been studying you these days, studying your game, your characteristics, and everything about you!"

"I think you need to carry forward your strengths, use your strengths and avoid weaknesses, and magnify your advantages infinitely. This will slowly form your personal charm, so that when people think of you, they will know what you are good at and what your strengths are. The recognition gradually becomes higher!”

Xu Ruofeng sounded very interested and asked, "That's why you helped me contact Weibo for an interview!"

"That's right! You've been on so many hot searches, and the microwave company has actually wanted to interview you for a long time. This kind of thing is mutually beneficial. As long as we take the initiative to go there, the other party will definitely agree!"

Ye Yutong's operation surprised Xu Ruofeng. Exclusive interviews with companies like Microwave are actually very difficult.

If it wasn't a big name, the microwave company wouldn't do an exclusive interview at all.

Ye Yutong is a newbie in the workplace. The fact that she can obtain such resources shows that she is not an ordinary person.

"How did you do it?" Xu Ruofeng was curious.

"Secret!" Ye Yutong raised his chin proudly.

"Haha, okay, since it's a secret, keep it in your heart forever and don't let me know!"

Xu Ruofeng smiled and said: "Recording "Happy Saturday", fitness, foreign language learning, opening a microwave account, New Year's Eve concert, Spring Festival Gala, first album, autograph signing..."

Looking at a lot of work plans, Xu Ruofeng couldn't help but smile.

It can be seen that Ye Yutong is careful. This document details Xu Ruofeng's schedule for at least the next three months, and he can see it clearly at a glance.

Judging from the plan, Ye Yutong has secured several good resources for herself, such as microwave interviews, "Happy Saturday", New Year's Eve concert, and Spring Festival Gala.

As a newcomer, it is quite good to have this resource.

Especially the Spring Festival Gala, whether it is CCTV or a local station, as long as you can be on it, it is a very good stage. Of course, if you can be on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, that would be great, but the competition in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is huge and the uncertainty is increasing. .

So Ye Yutong's plan is to go to local TV once CCTV is eliminated.

Another example is the New Year's Eve concert, which is a very important performance opportunity at the end of the year and even throughout the winter.

It is a stage that all major singers must compete for.

At present, there are mainly five local stations that do very well on New Year's Eve. Since the provinces behind these five local stations have developed economies, these local stations can spend money to invite big-name stars.

With big names joining the show, the New Year's Eve ratings will naturally go up.

Xu Ruofeng himself also wanted to go to New Year's Eve, so Xu Ruofeng took this plan very seriously. He had even decided what song to sing a few days ago.

Now we just have to wait and see which local channel Ye Yutong finally negotiates with.

As for "Happy Saturday", it is a variety show that is broadcast on Mango Channel every Saturday night during prime time. This program is very popular and has high ratings. Almost all popular stars have appeared on this program.

It is called a popular show by the audience, and even a star-making show.

Several hosts of "Happy Saturday" are also very famous, which is a bit like Xu Ruofeng's "Happy Camp" in his previous life.

This resource is also difficult to obtain. Many artists are queuing up to appear on "Happy Saturday". Xu Ruofeng is very lucky to be able to participate in the show as a newcomer after signing the contract.

(End of this chapter)

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