Chapter 237 Finale
One sentence shocked Ye Yutong and Xu Ruofeng.

The two of them had been looking forward to it for a long time and came full of confidence, but they didn't expect to learn the bad news as soon as they walked in.

"Why, Mr. Wu, haven't we already discussed it?" Ye Yutong couldn't believe it. She had been busy for this exclusive interview for a long time, and finally reached an agreement, and now it's over before it even started.

"The superiors have spoken and said that it will be stopped temporarily. Sorry, I am also following orders. I can't make the decision on this matter. As long as I can make the decision, I will not suddenly change my mind!" There was a hint of guilt and helplessness in Mr. Wu's tone.

She is also looking forward to this exclusive interview, especially Xu Ruofeng, who is also very optimistic.

But her superior suddenly gave instructions to stop the interview, but there was nothing she could do.

Xu Ruofeng has been following the requirements of his agent recently, working out, studying, and improving himself every day.

He also lives a fulfilling life, and he also pays attention to the news on the Internet. The hot searches are basically topics about celebrities eating, variety shows, and daily life.

After the end of "Tomorrow's Star", the show's popularity has naturally dropped a lot, and the top ten contestants as a whole are no longer as popular as before.

This is also a normal situation for audition singers. During the competition, the stage is highly exposed. After the competition is over, the attention immediately drops after leaving the stage. Only powerful actors like Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe have left high-quality works. These works will They continue to attract fans, so they will always maintain a certain degree of popularity.

In Xu Ruofeng's current works, the ranking performance is no longer as good as during the competition, and the various data are naturally not as explosive, and the data rise has slowed down.

For example, "Big Fish", as Xu Ruofeng's famous song, has always been very popular before, but now it is only ranked in the top ten on the hot song list, not the top five.

The next best performance was the drama hit song "Chi Ling". This song ranked in the top fifteen on the hot song list, and its position was very stable.

Other songs, such as "Original Point", "Wujia Slope", etc., are also ranked within the top 30 on the hot song list.

Although the popularity has declined, as time goes by, the reputation of Xu Ruofeng's works is slowly accumulating, which forms a virtuous cycle.

Moreover, fans are looking forward to Xu Ruofeng's next move. I believe that this exclusive interview will effectively increase his popularity. Xu Ruofeng himself is also looking forward to it.

Among the top ten players, Jin Zhe was the first to be eliminated. He disappeared and no one knew his whereabouts.

Ji Zeyu has already started to make announcements. He is the third one, but he is the first to appear on the scene after signing the contract. Meng Xue and others had been silent recently. Xu Ruofeng inquired about it and said that the company was conducting intensive training for these newcomers.

Then I might participate in the New Year's Eve concert.

New Year's Eve is also a party that has become popular in recent years, especially now that the Internet is developed. New Year's Eve is a traffic highland that major TV stations and businesses must compete for.

It would be a good opportunity if Meng Xue and others could go on New Year's Eve.


After Xu Ruofeng, Xu Ruofeng's career developed very smoothly. Not only did he continue to be popular in music, but he also got involved in the film and television industry.

Of course, music is his foundation. Xu Ruofeng relied on female singing to become popular on the Internet, and then accumulated step by step to reach the pinnacle of life.

After the game, the development of many players was not satisfactory, but Xu Ruofeng was an exception. He developed smoothly all the way, and one of the reasons was Ji Zeyu.

Relying on his resources, Xu Ruofeng's music career has been very smooth.

Two years after his debut, he successfully won the Golden Melody Award and became a hot generation king and a powerful singer.

The number of fans is also increasing.

Looking back on the struggle experience of the past few years, Xu Ruofeng lamented that time travel is a good thing, so that everything can be started over.

that's nice!

Xu Ruofeng will continue to sing in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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