Chapter 25 The biggest winner in the first game

With Ji Zeyu's wonderful performance, other people's singing was much inferior. Either their singing skills were not good, or the song selection was inappropriate, or some contestants also had the courage to sing original songs, but the results were not good.

Xu Ruofeng started a trend of original songs, but what many contestants don't understand is that although original songs can showcase their talents in many aspects, if the quality of the original songs themselves is not up to par, it will affect the overall score.

Therefore, Xu Ruofeng felt that if his originality was average, it would be better to cover other people's songs.

As long as the arrangement is good and the singing is stable, you can still get good results.

Until the end of the first game, there was no song as explosive as Ji Zeyu's.

Occasionally there are players with scores above [-], but not many, and the on-site effect is average.

"Is this the end?" Yu Dong murmured in a low voice, his tone was much calmer, as if he had accepted the cruel reality, and he must have been ready for elimination.

"It's okay, don't worry, the final result hasn't been announced yet!" Zhao Lu comforted.

As contestants who advance to the Easter Tournament, he and Yu Dong have known each other for a short time, but they have similar temperaments. Moreover, only he and Yu Dong are the most similar. In other words, in layman's terms, he and Yu Dong are from the same family and have a lot in common. topic.

As for the other three contestants who advanced to the Easter Tournament, they are obviously not from the same group as them.

Ji Zeyu is a rich second generation, Fang Zihan is a beauty, and Xu Ruofeng is even more talented.

Only he and Yu Dong were ordinary people.

"It's okay, you don't need to comfort me. I understand that competition is just like that. If you are not good enough, you will be eliminated. You can only blame yourself!" Yu Dong smiled bitterly.

Zhao Lu sighed, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly, he felt farther and farther away from Ji Zeyu and others.

I originally thought that like them, I could go all the way to the end, but I didn't expect to be eliminated so soon.

There was a sense of sadness in my heart, and at the same time I was envious of others, envied Ji Zeyu for being rich, envied Fang Zihan for being tall and beautiful, and even envied Xu Ruofeng for his talent.

Perhaps such talents are more suitable for the entertainment industry!

On the stage, the host Li Fei announced the scores of this game. Overall, there were five people who scored more than 85 points, and ten people who scored more than [-] points.

In the comprehensive ranking, there is no doubt that Ji Zeyu ranks first.

He successfully advanced to the next round.

For a moment, the audience burst into applause, screams and cheers.

The audience shouted Ji Zeyu's name crazily, and many girls became Ji Zeyu's fans.

In the online live broadcast room, Ji Zeyu's name flooded the screen, and the comment area was full of fans of Ji Zeyu leaving messages.

Throughout the first game, it can be said that Ji Zeyu was the biggest winner.

Although the game is over now, the popularity of the Internet has just begun. Various topics about Ji Zeyu have become hot searches.

Various hot topics have set off a music craze.

Ji Zeyu's singing video was clicked and played like crazy. After being immersed in the music scene for half a month, it became popular again. Ji Zeyu tasted the popularity and was filled with joy.

In the waiting area, Ji Zeyu was surrounded by people, like stars over the moon. Ji Zeyu in the crowd had the joy of success on his face.

"Brother Yu, congratulations, please teach us more in the future!"

"Brother Yu, are you free tonight? Let's have dinner together. I have some questions I want to ask you!"

"Sure enough, if Xu Ruofeng and Ji Zeyu join forces, there is nothing they can't succeed in!"

"Brother Yu, what are you going to sing in the next round of competition?"

"Oh, our next game will be miserable!"


The players all congratulated Ji Zeyu. Originally, these people were not familiar with Ji Zeyu, but when Ji Zeyu advanced with a good result of No. 1, these people suddenly became very familiar with Ji Zeyu. Everyone was talking and laughing, as if Have been friends for many years.Ji Zeyu dealt with it well on the surface, and he also enjoyed the feeling of being sought after.

However, some people are happy and some are sad.

The contestants who were eliminated in this game all left dejectedly. They had worked hard and looked forward to it, but in the end they were defeated by the desperate reality.

"I'm leaving, let's see you later!" Yu Dong said goodbye to everyone, forcing a smile from the corner of his mouth.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Zhao Lu asked.

Yu Dong smiled and said: "Let's see, I haven't thought about it now, be happy, it's not a big deal, isn't it just a game?"

Zhao Lu sighed and hugged Yu Dong tightly to say his final farewell.

After the two let go, Yu Dong waved again, saying goodbye to Fang Zihan and Xu Ruofeng.

Fang Zihan nodded slightly as a response.

Xu Ruofeng patted him on the shoulder as encouragement and comfort.

Everyone watched Yu Dong leave.

Also leaving are the remaining players eliminated in this game.

All of a sudden, almost half of the people in the waiting area were gone.

"Alas! In the next game, will I leave in despair like him?" Zhao Lu sighed.

Fang Zihan said: "Don't think so much, just do your best!"

Xu Ruofeng said: "There is still a long way to go in life. Don't feel confused and anxious just because of a failure in a competition!"

Generally speaking, Xu Ruofeng feels that these young people still lack experience and polish.

If you have more experience, you won’t attach too much importance to the results of one competition.

Most of the remaining players are players for the next game.

Having just watched so many people leave, everyone couldn't help but feel nervous.

In the next game, there will be Jin Zhe, Xu Ruofeng, and even that vase Fang Zihan.

With these experts here, the next game will definitely be extremely fierce.

Many people couldn't help but look at Xu Ruofeng, who was sitting calmly and calmly, without any nervousness.

The same was true for Fang Zihan next to him, and even Jin Zhe sat quietly aside, playing the guitar in his hand.

"You can keep your composure, no wonder he is a former champion. He is very strong and mentally strong. He is a formidable opponent."

Xu Ruofeng thought in his mind.

At the end of the game, after the excitement in the waiting area, calm slowly returned and the players left in an orderly manner.

"Xu Ruofeng, next time we meet, we will compete on the same stage. I will work hard. I hope you will work hard too!" Before Zhao Lu left, he deliberately chatted with Xu Ruofeng for a few more words.

Xu Ruofeng smiled slightly: "Work hard! I hope we can all get good results!"

After Zhao Lu left, Fang Zihan next to him said: "Since you have an appointment with him, I won't disturb you anymore!"

There was a strange feeling in these words, Fang Zihan must be jealous.

But this is not what Ji Zeyu and Xu Ruofeng care about.

"Phew, I've finally dealt with it. It seems that after a person becomes famous, he will inevitably have a lot of entertainment!" Ji Zeyu said.

Xu Ruofeng: "It seems to me that you enjoy this feeling!"

(End of this chapter)

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