Chapter 32 New Song: Finger Moon on the Left Hand
The second knockout match was full of climaxes. First, Fang Zihan's appearance caused a wave, and then Jin Zhe's appearance caused a big wave.

Jin Zhe's wonderful singing won warm applause from everyone. The instructors spoke highly of him and gave him high grades.

94 points. If nothing else happens, this score will be the first in the game, but there is also Xu Ruofeng, who has not played yet.

Many people are speculating on what song he will sing this time. Is it a cover or an original song?

The young players in the waiting area were talking non-stop.

"I guess it must be original, which is his advantage!"

"Oh my god, how many more songs has he written?"

"Public information shows that he did not graduate from a professional music school!"

"This is genius, genius creates!"

"Fang Zihan is probably a bit uncertain, but Jin Zhe will definitely advance!"

"Won't Fang Zihan ask Xu Ruofeng for advice? They are so close!"

"It's not that easy. I heard that Xu Ruofeng is quite cold and aloof. When people ask him for help, he won't even agree!"


Ji Zeyu asked curiously: "What song do you sing? Can you tell me?"

Fang Zihan also looked at Xu Ruofeng, but Xu Ruofeng smiled and shook his head: "You will know when the time comes. It's almost time for me to play!"

Zhao Lu on the side gradually accepted the fact that he failed. At this time, he understood Yu Dong's mood before. It was so uncomfortable to be eliminated. At the same time, watching others advance, he felt envious and jealous in his heart.

Zhao Lu felt that he, Xu Ruofeng and others were from two different worlds. Ji Zeyu was rich, Fang Zihan was beautiful, and Xu Ruofeng was talented.

Only himself, ordinary!
Perhaps people like Xu Ruofeng are suitable for the entertainment industry, but ordinary people like him are not suitable for the entertainment industry that pursues fame and wealth.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lu felt very heavy. He actually came up with the idea of ​​​​working part-time and did not want to continue pursuing the entertainment industry.

Turning his head to look at the young players around him, these young faces, these handsome men and beautiful women, Zhao Lu felt dazed for a while, feeling a bit unreal.

In the online live broadcast room, netizens are enthusiastically looking forward to Xu Ruofeng's new song.

From time to time, netizens leave messages and discuss in the comment area.

Director team!
The assistant director said: "Now many people are urging Xu Ruofeng to appear quickly. Many people want to listen to his new song!"

Tong Zhi chuckled: "Ignore them, this is the effect I want!"

Because of the expectations for Xu Ruofeng, many viewers stayed in front of the screen, so the program's online broadcast data was very good, completely exceeding the expectations of the program team.

"This Xu Ruofeng can really bring me ratings!" Tong Zhi was very satisfied.

Regardless of whether Xu Ruofeng can win the championship in the end, first of all, he has brought great economic benefits to the program team.

"This guy wrote such a difficult song for himself, haha!" Tong Zhi chuckled.

Could it be that your self-confidence is inflated?

Or someone who is an expert in art is bold!
However, Tong Zhi is worried about the number of broadcasts of the program first, and then Xu Ruofeng himself.

To be more precise, it should be curiosity. Curious about where Xu Ruofeng will go?
Will he go head-to-head with Jin Zhe in the later games?

As the show progresses, more and more people are looking forward to Xu Ruofeng's new songs.

The four mentors were also looking forward to it, but they didn't show it.

What is most anticipated are Xu Ruofeng's fans, who are frantically posting barrage messages in the live broadcast room.

Xu Ruofeng looked back at Jin Zhe, who was not far away. When others were talking enthusiastically, he still sat quietly, playing the guitar and watching TV from time to time.

In the anticipation of countless people, it was finally Xu Ruofeng's turn to play.

On the stage, the host Li Fei said enthusiastically: "Next, we invite contestant No. 85, Xu Ruofeng to come on stage!"

In the waiting area, when Xu Ruofeng stood up, people's eyes couldn't help but fall on him. Some players even encouraged Xu Ruofeng.

Cheer him up!But Ji Zeyu didn't do it, neither did Fang Zihan, nor Zhao Lu, because Xu Ruofeng didn't need it.

Also calm was Jin Zhe. He looked up at Xu Ruofeng and this young junior who was in the limelight.

The eyes of the two people collided in the air, which was very complicated.

Xu Ruofeng walked through the contestant aisle and stepped onto the stage.

At this moment, the lights on the stage flickered, illuminating him like a superstar of the century.

The audience in the audience shouted and screamed wildly, the crowd was boiling, and the atmosphere exploded.

The four instructors were even more energetic. To be honest, the previous competition was too dull and the instructors were all visually fatigued.

The song information was displayed on the big screen on the stage.

"Left Finger Moon"!
All fans and audiences are excited. They have been waiting for so long to finally hear the new song.

Why did Xu Ruofeng choose this song?

Because this song is very suitable for the second skill, female singing +3, which will continue to broaden the range of female singing and accumulate female singing into a deeper level.

Secondly, Xu Ruofeng also wanted to challenge himself. This song is very difficult and most people would not dare to sing it.

As for the accompaniment, Xu Ruofeng didn't write too much on the score. It was up to the music team to perform. However, this didn't affect it, because Xu Ruofeng would only complete the official accompaniment when recording the official version.

He wanted to show off his voice perfectly during the competition.

The prelude sounded, the sounds of various musical instruments intertwined, and a mysterious and magnificent feeling swept the entire venue.

"Hold the earth in your left hand"

"Hold the sky in your right hand"

Just the first two sentences caused the audience to applaud and congratulate.

Xu Ruofeng's female voice is clear and powerful, her breath is stable and deep, and her voice is as clean as if she had been kissed by an angel.

The four instructors had shocked expressions on their faces, but then regained their composure. The contestants in the waiting area were shocked. The sound was even more stable than in the recording studio.

Even many veteran singers cannot match this singing skill!

In the live broadcast room, Xu Ruofeng's fans were excited and cheered Xu Ruofeng crazily.

"The palm prints are cracked"

"Lightning in all directions"

"Turning time into years in a hurry"

"Three Thousand Worlds Are Unseen"

People are completely brought into the world of music. Xu Ruofeng's voice is not only superb in technique, but also rich in emotion.

These lines transition to the chorus, and the emotion increases all the way, extremely smooth.

"Holding a flower in the left hand and dancing a sword in the right"

"1 years of snow fell between the eyebrows"

"A tear ah ah ah"

"That's me ah ah"

Xu Ruofeng used bass in the first chorus and sang the change of melody just right, especially "ah", which fully demonstrated the stability of his breath.

Therefore, breath is very important for a singer. If the breath is unstable, the song will not only be weak, but also easy to be out of tune. It is fine in the recording studio, and the sound can be modified later. But if it is performed live, it will be overturned.

There will be an accompaniment next, which will gradually transition the melody of the entire song to a higher level.

In other words, the next section of singing will have a higher pitch.

(End of this chapter)

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