Chapter 38 Top [-] Competition

Xu Ruofeng remembers him. He is one of the top twenty players, Xiang Yang.

Xu Ruofeng quite recognized his singing skills, and he was basically at the same level as Ji Zeyu.

But maybe he has been practicing hard during this period and his singing skills have improved!
"Since people don't want to talk to you, then don't rush to find them!" Ji Zeyu said.

Xiang Yang smiled awkwardly and asked Xu Ruofeng: "Hi, Xu Ruofeng, how are you preparing for the new song? We are all looking forward to it!"

Xu Ruofeng also smiled politely: "Of course the new song is ready, and thank you for your support!"

At this time, other players came around and took the initiative to chat with Xu Ruofeng.

Xu Ruofeng simply dealt with these chats.

The main purpose of coming here today is to hand over the script for the next game to the program team.

When the assistant director saw Xu Ruofeng's manuscript, he couldn't help but frown: "Xu Ruofeng, I forgot to tell you something before. Last time, Director Tong said that from now on, your manuscripts must be printed, not handwritten!"

Xu Ruofeng said "Oh": "Then I'll go out and print!"

The assistant director said: "Forget it, I don't have much time to wait for you. I will print it out for you this time. Remember it clearly in the future. Don't forget it!"

"Thank you very much, director!" Xu Ruofeng said with a smile. When people help, they should be polite.

Ji Zeyu's manuscript also needs to be reprinted, and printing requires inputting the manuscript into a document on the computer in advance, so the workload is virtually increased.

"What do you want me to do? Do you want me to do it?" Xu Ruofeng said.

There was a laptop in front of them, and Xu Ruofeng and Ji Zeyu were discussing who would do the hard work.

"Then why should I do it?" Ji Zeyu asked.

Xu Ruofeng said: "I wrote the song, and I have already used my brain. Do you do the hands-on work?"

Ji Zeyu was stunned. He had no way to refute, so he could only bite the bullet and do it.

This took nearly an hour, and finally the manuscript was printed.

Soon, all the contestants’ manuscripts were sent to the director team.

Tong Zhi was checking all the manuscripts. When she saw Xu Ruofeng's manuscript, she finally stopped frowning.

"Xu Ruofeng is really a very brave artist. He actually dared to sing such a high-level song this time!" Tong Zhi said with a smile.

The assistant director on the side said: "This is just right. The more amazing his performance is, the higher the broadcast volume of our program will be!"

Tong Zhi nodded and agreed with this statement: "It seems that Ji Zeyu and Xu Ruofeng have a long-term cooperative relationship. This new song was written for him by Xu Ruofeng!"

Assistant Director: "This one is simple. Ji Zeyu is rich, and Xu Ruofeng is talented. They hit it off immediately!"

After the manuscript was sent to the music team, the director team began to prepare the trailer for the top twenty competition.

At this stage of the competition, it has actually just begun. The truly exciting competition is the one after the top ten in the country emerge.

In the top twenty competition, ten people are eliminated, and the remaining ten people are the top ten in the country.

Those who are among the top ten in the country can directly sign contracts with the brokerage companies affiliated to Tengxun Group, and enjoy corresponding resources according to their rankings.

After the top [-] competition, the top ten players in the country will hold a press conference under the organization of the program team. At that time, the top ten players, as well as directors and important figures from investors will all appear.

At the press conference, the early game situation of "Tomorrow Star" will be introduced, such as the audition situation, the resurrection competition situation, and which players have outstanding performance.

Or have any high-quality works.

Then the situation of the top [-] competition will be introduced, and the outstanding players will be introduced. This is the first time to truly appear in front of the media.It will also introduce the competition system of the top ten players in the country, the signing status of the top ten players, etc.

In short, this press conference is a very important event for "Stars of Tomorrow" and it is also a preview and preparation for the top ten competitions in the future.

For the contestants, it is a very rare opportunity for exposure, which is crucial to their future success in becoming stars.

Soon, the trailer of the top twenty competition was officially released.

The trailer can be seen on the home page of Teng Xun Video. In this trailer, all the top [-] contestants appear, and each of them appears for several seconds, which greatly increases the exposure rate.

Apparently, the trailer was very effective and the discussion online was very hot.

in the hospital.

Xu's mother's complexion is slowly recovering. Xu's father's careful care every day, plus the various nutritional supplements bought by Xu Ruofeng, make Xu's mother recover faster.

"Eat more and try to go to watch the game live when I win the championship!" Xu Ruofeng said.

Xu's mother was very happy, her pale face full of wrinkles: "Okay, I'll eat more. For your big event, I must get better as soon as possible!"

Father Xu laughed and said: "When the time comes, our family will reunite on the stage. Hahaha, let the people in the village see that our son is going to be successful!"

Since Xu Ruofeng became famous, the smiles and pride on the faces of the old couple have grown more and more.

"Okay, I have to get going, today is the top [-] competition!"

Xu Ruofeng said.

"Go ahead, we're watching you on TV!"

Mother Xu said.

Saying goodbye to his parents, Xu Ruofeng drove to the program building. Promotional posters for the top [-] competition were everywhere, and the faces of the audience waiting in advance were filled with excitement.

With the popularity of the "Star of Tomorrow" program, live tickets are becoming more and more popular, and they are often sold out as soon as they go on sale.

There are even cases of scalpers scalping votes.

Xu Ruofeng went through the specific channel given to the contestants by the program team and came to the waiting area.

There were a few people sitting here and there in the huge room, which was not as crowded and lively as during the Easter match.

"Congratulations to Xu Ruofeng, your new song is so popular that I even downloaded it!" Fang Zihan said.

Today she was wearing a long white dress, revealing her slender and straight neck, with her black curly hair hanging loosely. She had an oval face with lightly swept eyebrows, a straight nose, and star-like eyes.

The whole person is very bright and moving, and it is a scenery that cannot be ignored.

Xu Ruofeng sat down, not too far away from Fang Zihan, and said, "Thank you for your support. In fact, you don't need to download it specifically!"

Fang Zihan stroked the hair beside his ear with his right hand: "This is what I should do. We are at the same time. If I can be lucky enough to advance to the top ten this time, then we can sign with the same company!"

Xu Ruofeng noticed something strange in her eyes, a little more confident and calm. Although Fang Zihan was also covering up, her acting skills were not good enough to hide that confidence and calmness.

It seems that she took advantage of the offseason to think of many ways, at least she practiced hard and made some progress, so she made such subtle changes.

"Then congratulate you on your success in advance!" Xu Ruofeng said.

According to Fang Zihan's background, there must be a way to quickly improve his strength.

 Sorry, I'm too busy today. I only have time to type now. I'm going to do some cooking first. There will be another chapter later. To be honest, readers' reminders, follow-up readings, votes, rewards, and comments are the most important to me. Thank you for your encouragement and support!

(End of this chapter)

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