Chapter 43 Heart-wrenching songs

The instructors also gave Fang Zihan an ultimatum. If she doesn't sing well in this competition, she will be eliminated.

Although she is beautiful, this is not an advantage. What the instructors ultimately look at is her singing skills.

Fang Zihan also realized this. After the last competition, she specifically asked Xu Ruofeng for advice, but Xu Ruofeng ruthlessly refused.

There were many viewers at the scene who were also fans of Fang Zihan, and there were even more fans of hers in the online live broadcast room. Obviously, the fans hoped that she could continue to participate in the competition.

The instructors looked serious. The reason why they were strict with Fang Zihan was because Fang Zihan had a certain degree of plasticity. The instructors took a fancy to this, not because of her beauty.

After all, this is a music talent show, not a beauty pageant.

In the waiting area, many players remembered the scene where Fang Zihan was severely criticized by his instructor in the last competition.

This competition is the moment that determines her life or death. If she can't sing well, she will be eliminated.

Completely missed the top ten in the country.

Fang Zihan on the stage was somewhat nervous, and his palms were sweaty.

The instructors in the audience were staring at her intently.

When it comes to deciding her fate, she can only give it a try.

The music sounded softly, and a familiar melody surrounded the audience. Only then did everyone realize that Fang Zihan was singing Wu Peng's classic song "Sunshine".

This is a classic love song. The original accompaniment is mainly guitar. The overall style is positive and full of positive energy, expressing a beautiful and positive first love.

Such a slow-paced love song is actually very easy to learn, but in this kind of competition, directly covering the original version will appear to be lackluster, lackluster, and boring. Not only will the audience find it boring, but the instructors will also lose interest.

The best cover is to add something of your own to the original.

Fang Zihan learned smarter this time. She incorporated more modern instruments into the accompaniment, which sounded more youthful and energetic.

It was obvious that the instructors' eyes lit up, and Fang Zihan successfully aroused the instructor's interest.

This subtle change was observed by Fang Zihan, and she became more confident.

Fang Zihan made small changes to the first section of singing, making the overall melody more relaxed and lively, with a more youthful feel.

The music style is cheerful and moving, and it sounds catchy, and Fang Zihan's singing skills have also made great progress.

The instructors nodded with satisfaction. Fang Zihan's basic skills have improved significantly, so he can better control this song.

The audience in the audience also applauded Fang Zihan and encouraged her to sing well.

Fang Zihan sang the whole song very steadily, and everyone could see that Fang Zihan had made great progress this time compared to the previous show.

When she finished singing, there was warm applause from the audience.

Fang Zihan also felt a lot more relaxed.

The next step is to wait for the instructors’ evaluation.

Wu Peng said: "This time your singing skills have improved significantly, and the arrangement of this song is also very unique. I will give you another chance. I hope you will have a more exciting performance in the next competition!"

"Thank you, teacher!" Fang Zihan bowed happily.

Zhang Ying commented: "I think you have potential. I pushed you last time, but the effect was not bad. I will give you another chance this time. I hope you can give me better things next time." , otherwise I will eliminate you as well!"

"Thank you, teacher!" Fang Zihan was very excited. As long as Zhang Ying passed this test, others would basically have no problem.

Xu Wei and Li Jian's comments pointed out Fang Zihan's strengths as well as her shortcomings.

Finally, four instructors gave their scores.

Wu Peng, 92 points.

Zhang Ying, 91 points.

Xu Wei, 93 points.Li Jian, 92 points.

The overall score is 92.

This is second only to Ji Zeyu's result so far.

Fang Zihan was overjoyed. This result had exceeded her expectations. Now she has great hope of advancing.

The audience gave Fang Zihan full applause, and she excitedly bowed to the audience and instructors to express her gratitude.

Back to the waiting area, other players who were also in the top [-] also gave them full applause.

Although the score was lower than Ji Zeyu's, Fang Zihan was already very satisfied. After all, Ji Zeyu had Xu Ruofeng's help, but she did not.

"Congratulations, you sang well just now!" Xiang Yang said enthusiastically.

Fang Zihan smiled softly: "Thank you!"

Xiang Yang's sense of crisis increased again. Fang Zihan's score was indeed higher than his, and the probability of promotion was slim.

Moreover, the two heavyweights are not yet on the court.

Xu Ruofeng on the side said: "This song was changed well, you can ask someone to change it!"

Fang Zihan was a little surprised: "How do you know?"

Xu Ruofeng said with a smile: "You are not at this level. If your singing skills were better, the effect of your singing would be even better!"

In other words, Fang Zihan wasted a good song in vain.

"Uh, okay!" Fang Zihan was particularly embarrassed and didn't know how to proceed.

She didn't expect that Xu Ruofeng would speak so directly, leaving no face for her.

The game continued, and the player's performance was very average, with a final score of only 85 points.

The performances of several players in succession were mediocre, but soon the most exciting game came.

Jin Zhe comes on!

His appearance sparked cheers from the audience. After all, he was a former champion, and his popularity and strength were both profound.

The faces of the instructors showed looks of anticipation, and fans all over the Internet were shouting his name.

Jin Zhe was already accustomed to the stage. He enjoyed the feeling on the stage. He played the guitar gently and started singing.

The songs he sang this time are still original works.

"Past tense"!
There is no exciting accompaniment, only the heart-warming guitar sound, and Jin Zhe's magnetic voice, which is deeply enchanting. He narrates the songs as if telling a story.

The lyrics are very simple and easy to understand, and the melody is also simple. There are no complicated techniques. Jin Zhe just sings with his heart, and his singing is full of true feelings.

The song recalls the past, every bit of it is in his heart. He accepts the good and the bad and faces it calmly. This return to nature singing method makes people feel particularly comfortable.

However, really smart people dare not underestimate this song. It seems simple, but it is actually very difficult to sing because it requires emotional investment.

Integrate technical things into the songs without leaving any trace. It seems that there are no skills, but in fact there are difficult skills everywhere.

After the song was sung, Jin Zhe bowed and thanked the audience.

There was a round of warm applause, and the instructors also commented on his singing.

Wu Peng said: "This is a very heartfelt song. I can tell that it is related to your experience. I like your attitude towards life and I support your music!"

"Thank you, teacher!" Jin Zhe smiled and bowed.

Even Zhang Ying doesn't have too harsh comments on Jin Zhe. After all, Jin Zhe is already a debut singer and has very high standards in all aspects.

(End of this chapter)

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