Chapter 5 I have seen too many vases like this

Waiting area!
There is a large-screen TV hanging on the wall in the room, and the program is broadcast live on the TV.

The first popularity peak of the Easter competition was the appearance of the four mentors.

Everyone saw the excitement of the audience, and the online live broadcast room was flooded with barrages.

These contestants are all young people around 20 years old. They all grew up listening to the songs of the four mentors. Don't be too excited to have the opportunity to have close contact with their idols today.

"Oh my God, Wu Peng is so handsome. I like his song "Rhapsody" the most."

"I think Li Jian still has the temperament, and his song "Fairy Lake" is as romantic as a poem!"

"Xu Wei is simply a youthful memory of those born in the [-]s, an Internet musician in the non-mainstream era!"

"Zhang Ying was very popular in the 80s, and now she is a complete big sister in the music industry!"

“The four instructors are all big names!”

"Based on the last episode, I think Zhang Ying is the most critical! Wu Peng is the funniest!"


Everyone envied the four mentors, their prestige, wealth and popularity, and dreamed of becoming famous through "Rising Star". The program team spent money and resources like crazy, and every episode of the program became a hot search.

The contestants with outstanding performance or full of personal charm in each episode have become popular newcomers and gained a number of fans.

"Oh, it would be great if one day I became the King of Heaven!" The man with glasses sighed deeply.

Xu Ruofeng smiled and didn't say much.

Back then, he worked his way up from the bottom before finally establishing a foothold in the music industry. He knew the sadness of this.

As the saying goes, one general is worth the effort, and most people will eventually become cannon fodder.

The instructors are in place, the players are in place, and the game begins.

The first contestant was a handsome-looking little brother who was under a lot of pressure. As the number one contestant in the resurrection competition, he came on stage despite the pressure of the entire audience.

The whole place was silent. The audience looked at the young contestants on the stage, and the mentors also stared at the contestants.

The music started and contestant No. [-] started singing.

He chose a cover of a classic song. Perhaps because he was too nervous, he started singing out of tune after just a few lines. As expected, he was eliminated.

In fact, the instructors' evaluation standards for the contestants in the resurrection competition have been lowered a lot, mainly based on the vocal conditions of the contestants.

However, many players are still eliminated.

The entertainment industry is so cruel.

"Hey, it's Ji Zeyu's turn!" the man with glasses said.

Not only is he very popular among the players, but he has also gained a number of fans in previous games.

He is handsome, rich, and can sing well. He is the proud son of heaven.

"Come on Zeyu!"

"Come on! Sing well! I hope you advance!"

"I think you will definitely advance!"


The players encouraged him one after another, some sincerely, and some for some purpose.

Xu Ruofeng saw Fang Zihan beside her, and she also stood up to cheer Ji Zeyu up.

Under the spotlight, Ji Zeyu came on stage.

The audience immediately burst into warm applause and cheers. In the online live broadcast room, Ji Zeyu's fans cheered for their idol, barrages flew up, and the comment area became popular.

It can be seen that Ji Zeyu still has a certain fan base. Xu Ruofeng initially judged that this kid has the potential to become a star.

Familiar music played, and everyone immediately understood that Ji Zeyu had chosen a classic love song with a slight adaptation.

In the waiting area, everyone was very positive about Ji Zeyu's singing skills.

"The breath is very stable. It seems that I have been practicing a lot!"

"He's so handsome and he works so hard!"

"I will definitely advance this time!"

“It’s been so long since the show started, but finally someone comes out that the judges can take a liking to!”…

"This song is adapted well!" Xu Ruofeng commented.

The man with glasses said: "That's right, he must have paid someone to arrange the music!"

Xu Ruofeng said: "My singing is okay, but I can't grasp the pitch accurately and my vocal technique is wrong! The high notes are lacking!"

Xu Ruofeng heard these questions at once, and they were very simple to him.

The man with glasses disagreed: "Don't talk nonsense. You can sing very nicely, so be careful not to offend anyone!"

Xu Ruofeng said: "A qualified musician must dare to accept criticism from others and face up to his own shortcomings!"

The man with glasses thought it was funny: "Brother, that's what you said, but since you are so powerful, why did you come to the resurrection match? Haha!"

The sarcasm in his words is self-evident.

The judges' evaluation of Ji Zeyu was similar to what Xu Ruofeng said.

To sum up, the stage performance is passable and the image is good, but the singing skills need to be improved.

This time, four instructors gave Ji Zeyu a score of 92 points.

The overall ranking will be generated after all players finish the competition.

The next game fell into a dull situation again, and the players scored poorly.

The mood of the audience was not high, the enthusiasm of netizens was also very low, and the number of barrages was greatly reduced.

Internet popularity began to decline.

It wasn't until Fang Zihan's appearance that the program team briefly gained popularity.

Just because she is beautiful, countless netizens are swiping the screen like crazy. Even the judges gave her a high score of [-] points because of her beauty.

But the judges' evaluation of her was also very fair and asked her to improve her singing skills. She was lacking in all aspects. Compared to Ji Zeyu, she was much worse.

This is indeed a beautiful vase. The man with glasses paid great attention to her, but Xu Ruofeng did not.

"Brother, why are you not interested in beautiful women at all?" asked the man with glasses.

"I've seen too many beauties, but if you can't sing like a vase like this, you won't be famous!" Xu Ruofeng said.

"Tch, it makes you look awesome!" the man with glasses said disdainfully.

Xu Ruofeng smiled bitterly. He had just traveled through time and his thinking had not changed yet.

Ji Zeyu and Fang Zihan, who returned to the waiting area, received warm congratulations from everyone. They were the only ones to score [-] points so far.

The call for advancement is high.

It was the bespectacled man's turn to play. Because he did not perform well, he was ruthlessly given a low score, which already meant that he was eliminated.

The show has reached the end at this time, and there are only a few contestants left.

In the waiting area, many players with low scores have left early.

There were only about 20 people left in the huge space.

Ji Zeyu and Fang Zihan have become the bosses of this group of people.

Xu Ruofeng never spoke to them from beginning to end.

Keeping a distance from them made others think that Xu Ruofeng was a cold person.

“Next, I’m going to invite No. 40 contestant Xu Ruofeng!”

the host said.

In the waiting area, Xu Ruofeng stood up, and other people's eyes immediately turned to him.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be him. What a blessing!"

"It's useless. I saw him play last time and his singing was average!"

"Quite aloof! Although he is very handsome!"

"What's the use of being handsome? Ji Zeyu sings better than him, is richer than him, and is more polite than him!"


Amid the whispers of the contestants, Xu Ruofeng slowly walked onto the stage!
(End of this chapter)

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