Entertainment: The female singing voice at the beginning is popular all over the Internet

Chapter 54: The brokerage company’s behavior is sometimes ugly

Chapter 54: The brokerage company’s behavior is sometimes ugly
After signing, there were bursts of applause at the scene, and media personnel immediately took pictures of this exciting scene. In the future top ten competitions and finals, these people will work harder to compete and strive for the final ranking.

Next, comes the interview session. Since the top ten contestants have officially appeared, the program team must arrange interviews for them to increase their exposure.

The contestants particularly cherished this hard-won opportunity. Everyone was in high spirits, well behaved, and showed their best side in front of the camera.

In fact, during the rehearsal, Director Tong Zhi had already explained about the interview. When faced with reporters' questions, he could not answer them honestly.

If you are not sure about a question, you can just put it off, or don't answer it, or say anything. Once you say something wrong, the media will take the opportunity to hype it up, which will have a huge negative impact and will most likely ruin your future.

Several new players answered very cautiously. When faced with reporters' questions, they seemed very excited, but a little nervous.

"Ji Zeyu, many people on the Internet say that you only entered the top ten because of Xu Ruofeng. Otherwise, with your level, it would be impossible for you to enter the top ten!" a female reporter asked.

She wanted to hear Ji Zeyu's attitude.

In fact, this doubt has always been there. Ever since Ji Zeyu sang "Jiangnan", although his popularity has skyrocketed and he has gained a wave of fans, the voice of doubt is still there.

Ji Zeyu could see similar doubts on the Internet every day. He was very angry at first, but then he gradually lost his anger because there were too many doubts and he had no choice.

Facing the reporter's sharp questions, most people may have panicked, but Ji Zeyu did not panic. He smiled softly and said: "Yes, Xu Ruofeng helped me. Everyone knows this, and I admit it. But, Ge Although he wrote it, I am the one who sings it, and I have put in a lot of effort in private!"

He was honest, and the reporter asked: "How are you preparing for the upcoming top ten games?"

Ji Zeyu replied: "I am preparing every day!"

In general, Ji Zeyu handled it well, and Fang Zihan handled it well enough without any major problems, while the other newcomers seemed a little nervous.

Several reporters focused on interviewing Jin Zhe.

"How do you feel about coming back to compete this time?"

Jin Zhe said calmly: "Actually, it's nothing, just start from the beginning!"

There is helpless sadness in the plain words.

"Is there any pressure on the competition? Who do you think is the strongest?"

Jin Zhe replied: "I personally think that Xu Ruofeng is a strong opponent. His personal style is very strong and highly recognizable!"

The so-called personal style and recognition naturally refer to Xu Ruofeng's female singing voice, which has become a label for Xu Ruofeng.

Jin Zhe continued: "He has very good original talent and a mature and steady stage style, no less than mine!"

This was the first time Jin Zhe acknowledged Xu Ruofeng's strength in public, which aroused discussion among others.

Especially the other players admire Xu Ruofeng even more. It is not easy to get Jin Zhe's praise!
These entertainment reporters are also very good at causing trouble. Just after asking Jin Zhe, he turned to Xu Ruofeng and asked: "Who do you think will be your biggest opponent on the road to winning the championship?"

Xu Ruofeng naturally heard what Jin Zhe said just now and smiled: "The biggest opponent is Jin Zhe, and even more so himself!"

"Jin Zhe is very strong. I think his musical talent is very profound and solid. As for myself, I think competition is a process of constantly breaking through oneself and constantly challenging the limits!"

The two top players' eyes collided silently, with a hint of gunpowder. This scene was captured by reporters with sharp eyes and quick hands.

The entire interview process lasted only half an hour, and then under the guidance of the staff, the reporters left in an orderly manner.

The audience also slowly left, and the press conference ended.

Crews are cleaning up the scene.Backstage, director Tong Zhi said: "When we go back, let's all have a good rest and prepare the chorus. This song is the promotional song for your top ten contestants. It may also be used as the promotional song for "Tomorrow's Star" in the future. This is what the company plans to focus on. For the song, not only do we need to record the official version of the song, but we also need to shoot the MV!”

Everyone was surprised. It turned out that the company had such an arrangement. It seemed that the work in the future would be very busy.

And also prepare for the Big Ten game.

According to the director, not only do they have to record songs and shoot MVs in the past few days, but they also have to take photos of the top ten contestants, publish photo albums, and various peripheral products.

Now that the contract has just been signed, the company will take advantage of the peak of the popularity of the top ten players and naturally invest resources to open up the market, increase the popularity of the top ten players, and form a brand.

Before leaving, Director Tong Zhi specially stayed with Xu Ruofeng.

The two people were talking in the director's car.

"Has the song been written?" Tong Zhi asked.

Xu Ruofeng nodded: "It's written, but will the company agree to my request?"

Tong Zhi said: "Full copyright buyout, the company will pay you 100 million in one time!"

Xu Ruofeng shook his head: "It's too little, I won't sell it!"

Tong Zhi was surprised. She didn't expect Xu Ruofeng to have this attitude.

"As a newcomer, this price is not low. Besides, the most important thing for you now is to increase your reputation. As long as you can maintain it, you will have many opportunities to make money in the future. Don't worry about temporary gains and losses!"

Xu Ruofeng disagreed, knowing that this was the usual style of the brokerage company, deliberately lowering the price. The reason was because he was still a newcomer, so what if it became popular?
How many days has this been popular?

In the eyes of the company's senior management, after all, he is too young and too junior!
"To be honest, this price is only given because the company is interested in your competition, otherwise you wouldn't have this chance!" Tong Zhi said.

This is okay to coax a pure newcomer like Xiang Yang, but coax him?

It's useless!
In his previous life, Xu Ruofeng worked hard in the music industry for ten years, and he knew everything about the agency.

Seeing Xu Ruofeng's silent expression, Tong Zhi said: "Otherwise, give me the music first and let the company's senior management take a look at it first, and then we can discuss it!"

Xu Ruofeng thought for a while: "That's fine!"

Xu Ruofeng handed over the manuscript in his pocket, and Tong Zhi said: "Go back and have a good rest today. There is still a lot of work ahead, and you also have to prepare for the top ten competitions. There is not much time. I will inform you if there is any news!"

"Okay! Then I'm leaving!"

Xu Ruofeng got out of the car and watched the black luxury car leave.

He estimated that the company's top management would lower the price, and the newcomer's status was the biggest leverage. The brokerage company's reputation was sometimes ugly.

It seems that I have to make two preparations. I have just signed a contract. If I offend the senior management, it is not a joke.

He might be kicked out of the competition and banned completely.

Although he had experience in his previous life, he still did not dare to be careless in the face of powerful capital.

He is well aware of the power of capital. Ordinary people like him often cannot defeat capital.

(End of this chapter)

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