Chapter 70 Dolphin Sound is Popular on the Internet

Not surprisingly, King Wu Peng gave Xu Ruofeng enough praise!
Great reviews as always!
Since the start of this game, there have been few positive reviews!
Only Jin Zhe and Ji Zeyu have received such praise, but their praise is different from Xu Ruofeng's. One drawback of Jin Zhe's praise is that his songs are too niche and not suitable for the public line, with a strong literary style.

At the same time, the personal style is too strong!

Ji Zeyu's shortcomings are even more obvious. He has no originality and has obvious shortcomings in his singing skills.

Then the next step is Zhang Ying’s comments. She has always been known for her sharp tongue and harshness. There are few players who can’t escape criticism from her. Many people think that once Zhang Ying can’t find fault, it means that the player is really strong. Very strong.

"Xu Ruofeng, you really surprised me this time. I didn't expect that you actually hid something. To be honest, the first part sounded very ordinary. I was curious at the time. This shouldn't be your level. ah!"

"When we all doubted or even believed you were down, you surprised us again by exploding in the chorus!"

“The huge contrast between the front and back brought us a big surprise!”

"I think the song itself is just for you to show off your skills. I support you in doing this. The music world needs a good voice like yours. I hope you can discipline yourself, protect your voice, and keep your talent for a long time!"

Everyone was shocked. Even Zhang Ying praised Xu Ruofeng so well without finding any faults.

The whole process is full of praise and appreciation!
"Thank you, teacher!" Xu Ruofeng bowed in thanks, very polite!

Below, Xu Wei commented: "Xu Ruofeng, I think your singing style is more amazing than the natural singing in the official version of "Big Fish". The singing style in "Big Fish" is affectionate. Now this one is purely for me My scalp is numb, I think this kind of talent is unique in today’s music world!”

"I think your voice sounds like a dolphin, so I'll just call it dolphin voice!"

"I think in the future, if you can perfectly integrate the dolphin sound into other songs, the effect may be even better!"

Xu Wei officially gave the name of this singing method. This is the first time this singing method appears in the world with dolphin sound!

"Thank you, Teacher Xu Wei, and I hope Xu Ruofeng can continue to work hard and sing the dolphin sound more perfectly!" said host Li Fei.

"Thank you, teacher!" Xu Ruofeng said.

Li Jian commented: "What Teacher Xu Wei said just now is very appropriate. I think the dolphin sound is very suitable. Let's call it this from now on. I have nothing to say about the song itself and your singing skills!"

The four instructors spoke very highly of Xu Ruofeng, basically no faults, and spoke highly of Dolphin Sound.

This triggered wild cheers from the audience, and applause from the scene continued for a long time.

"Then next, please ask the four instructors to show your score cards!" said the host Li Fei.

This session is also something that everyone is looking forward to. In tonight's game, the results were generally very low, with only a few players scoring [-] points.

Currently, only Jin Zhe and Ji Zeyu have scored [-] points.

"Teacher Wu Peng, 98 points!"

"Teacher Zhang Ying, 97 points!"

"Teacher Xu Wei, 98 points!"

"Teacher Li Jian, 96 points!"

"Xu Ruofeng's final score was 97 points and three points!"

Host Li Fei said excitedly: "Congratulations to Xu Ruofeng, for getting the highest score in the audience!"

"Dear audience friends and netizens in front of the screen, let us celebrate this moment with the warmest applause and congratulate Xu Ruofeng for winning No. 1 in this game!"

"Thank you also to every top ten player for bringing us wonderful performances!"

The whole place is boiling!

Tens of thousands of spectators applauded and celebrated wildly, screaming and cheering one after another!
Brilliant fireworks were set off around the stage!
The lights around the stage and all the lights around the Olympic Sports Center flash together!
Xu Ruofeng, who was in the center of the stage, was shrouded in bright light, like a superstar of the century!
In the online live broadcast room, netizens frantically refreshed the screen, barrages flew up, and the comment area exploded in popularity!

Dolphin Sound's name spread across the Internet like lightning.

Xu Ruofeng's name is raging on the Internet like a storm!

When the applause slowly subsided, the host Li Fei said: "Now, let's invite our top ten contestants to take the stage!" The ten contestants came on stage one after another and stood in a row!
Xu Ruofeng, Jin Zhe, and Ji Zeyu were in the middle, with the others standing on both sides.

At this time, everyone's expressions were different. Some were very relaxed, such as Xu Ruofeng, Jin Zhe, and Ji Zeyu!
Some people were lucky, such as Meng Xue, Liu Yang and others.

There are also people who are anxious, such as Xiang Yang!

There are even more people who are sad and lost, such as Zhang He!

He has the lowest score in the game and there is no doubt that he will be eliminated!
Host Li Fei said: "Now, all ten contestants have finished singing!"

"Their scoring situation is, Xiangyang, 83 points!"

"Fang Zihan, 84:[-]!"

"Wang Chengying, 84 points!"

"Zhang He, 82:[-]!"

"Liu Yang, 85 points!"

"Yu Long, 86 points!"

"Meng Xue, 89 points!"

"Jin Zhe, 94 points!"

"Ji Zeyu, ninety-one point!"

"Xu Ruofeng, 97 points and three minutes!"

"The rankings from high to low are, No. 1 Xu Ruofeng, No. 2 Jin Zhe, and No. 3 Ji Zeyu!"

"No.4 Meng Xue, No.5 Yu Long, No.6 Liu Yang, No.7 Fang Zihan, No.8 Wang Chengying, No.9 Xiang Yang, No.10!"

"Zhang He!"

Having said this, everyone's sympathetic eyes immediately fell on this handsome young man.

The game is brutal and unforgiving, and someone has to go!

It's just that Zhang He didn't expect that he would leave so early!

There are still many games to come, and he can't participate!
Although he has signed a preliminary agreement with the company and will sign a formal exclusive contract after the game, he understands that with his strength, it is impossible to obtain good resources.

At best, it’s just a name!

The place was silent!
Host Li Fei said: "Unfortunately, Zhang He, the last person in tonight's competition, has to leave!"

"But please don't be discouraged. You are one of the top ten and have signed a contract with the company. After the competition, you can join the company and continue singing. As long as you work hard, you will definitely become an excellent singer in the future!"

Zhang He politely said thank you!
Even though he was controlling himself, he couldn't help crying.

He said goodbye to every player, every mentor, the host, and finally all the viewers.

In the eyes of people's sympathy, he exited!

The atmosphere was a little low at this moment. The host Li Fei said: "Okay, then tonight's game is over!"

"Dear viewers, let's see you in the next game!"

"Stay tuned for the second knockout round, nine to eight!"

"Thank you again to the sponsors of this program, as well as all friends from the media, and thank you to the four mentors..."


(End of this chapter)

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