Chapter 85 The effect explodes and the atmosphere is full

The audience at the scene cheered and shouted, screamed crazily, waved the light sticks in their hands, and tens of thousands of people made sounds that shocked the sky. Everyone has been waiting for this program for too long, although it is only half a month since the last program. .

But half a month is a very long time for the audience. Some audience members took leave specifically to be able to come to the scene tonight. Some people saved money to buy tickets. Some people put down what they were doing and came all the way from other places. F.

The program team has been preparing for so long, and the audience has been waiting for a long time, so it is so popular. Just the appearance of the host caused the whole audience to burst into excitement.

The online live broadcast room has exploded in popularity, with countless netizens flocking to the live broadcast room crazily.

Looking at the crazy audience in the audience, Li Fei was also shocked. It seemed that tonight's game was destined to be extremely brilliant.

"Tonight is the second knockout round of the top ten competition, nine will advance to eight!"

"After the last competition, one player was eliminated, and now there are nine players left!"

Host Li Fei said: "They are Xu Ruofeng, Jin Zhe, Ji Zeyu, Meng Xue, Yu Long, Liu Yang, Fang Zihan, Wang Chengying, and Xiang Yang!"

When these names were read out, the audience burst into cheers and applause. Many people actually came for their idols.

"Congratulations to these nine players, I hope they can bring us more exciting performances in tonight's game!"

After finishing speaking, the stage suddenly fell into darkness. This change made the audience unexpected. Many people were confused and didn't know what happened on the stage.

"What's the matter? Power outage?"

"Impossible, there can be no power outage in such an important game!"

"Is there another surprise?"

"Surprise? I'm so looking forward to it! I hope it's a surprise from Xu Ruofeng, I'm his fan!"


Just as the audience was talking, bright lights lit up on the stage again.

At the same time, dynamic music was playing, and the lights flashed according to the rhythm of the music.

The audience was shocked. They didn't expect that there was a surprise, but this surprise was nothing special. It was just lights and music, just like a bar.

At this time, someone walked out from behind the stage. She was a beautiful woman, tall and slender, with a slender waist, black curly hair scattered casually, and a delicate oval face with just the right distribution of facial features.

Even though she is not a star now, her stunning appearance is as good as any star.

When it comes to looks, she has never lost!
"Fang Zihan, it's Fang Zihan. Oh my God, she is so beautiful today. This dress is so beautiful!"

"My goddess, although her singing skills are not as good as Xu Ruofeng's, she is beautiful!"

"It's so beautiful!"

"Fang Zihan is definitely the face of "Tomorrow's Star"!"

"This is a bit ridiculous. Where did you put these two handsome guys Wang Chengying and Ji Zeyu? Besides, Meng Xue and Liu Yang are not bad in appearance either!"


The audience talked enthusiastically. Behind Fang Zihan were Yu Long, Xiang Yang and Meng Xue.

At this moment, they are attracting all the attention, and their bodies are shining with light. On the stage, they are so glamorous that they look like stars. The audience in the audience is crazy about pursuing their idols.

The music started, and the four contestants began to sing. They all sang songs that they had competed in before. They couldn't sing the whole song, they just sang the chorus part, singing the best and most attractive ones.

Each contestant sang soulfully and the audience went completely crazy with their singing.

"It sings so well!"

"Didn't you say they entered the Star Academy? They must have received training. Otherwise, why would their singing skills have improved so obviously!"

"Everyone has improved, which means that the standard of tonight's game has also improved!"

"Fang Zihan is so beautiful when she sings, she is the goddess of my dreams!" "Meng Xue is still cute, her face is so tender, I really want to pinch it!"


Fang Zihan and others, who were the first to appear, successfully attracted the audience's attention and stirred up the atmosphere. The popularity of the online live broadcast room has begun to rise significantly.

This is exactly the effect that the program team wants. The opening show is used to attract people and stimulate the atmosphere. Backstage, the director and Wu Yanan are very satisfied with this effect. Usually, it can be seen from the beginning of the opening show. If the first wave of people appear The reaction was mediocre, so it would be useless for the people behind to show up.

Next, the second wave of players continues to appear.

The first is Wang Chengying. This handsome guy with a strong face attracted the attention of countless girls as soon as he appeared on the scene. He looks like the male protagonists in those domineering CEO stories. He is so handsome that you don’t even need to beautify your face to take pictures of him.

Behind Wang Chengying is Ji Zeyu, whose popularity is second only to Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe.

He is very handsome, and several of his entries were written by Xu Ruofeng, so his popularity exploded.

Finally, there is Liu Yang. Although she is currently a player to be determined, this is the opening show. Liu Yang smiles heartily and strives to be at her best. She is also working hard to adjust her mentality and strive to advance when she is resurrected.

The contestants began to sing, and everyone seized this rare opportunity to sing seriously. The audience could clearly detect that each contestant's singing skills were improving.

When it was Ji Zeyu's turn, he sang the classic "Jiangnan".

The familiar song sounded, and the audience's thoughts seemed to have returned to the stage of the Top [-] Competition.

The audience burst into warm applause. Ji Zeyu's current singing skills can easily control this song.

Generally speaking, the appearances of the previous contestants were very successful, and the atmosphere of the show was successfully boosted.

Next is Jin Zhe's appearance show.

He walked onto the stage. Although he looked ordinary, the moment he opened his voice, he showed the style of a champion, and his ability as a debut singer shocked the audience.

His voice is magnetic and there are stories in his songs, just like a glass of old wine that needs to be savored carefully.

There is no doubt that Jin Zhe's singing caused the whole audience to burst into excitement.

There were many fans of Jin Zhe at the scene. They had followed Jin Zhe all the way from his previous games to now.

One wave rises again, and tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The moment Xu Ruofeng appeared on the stage, the audience burst into thunderous applause, all the audience roared excitedly, and tens of thousands of people let out thunderous shouts.

In the online live broadcast room, netizens completely dominated the barrage, and Xu Ruofeng's name was all in the comment area.

This is Xu Ruofeng's popularity and strength.

The well-deserved popularity king of "Star of Tomorrow".

Tonight, he is extremely handsome and shining like a star!

Although he is not a star, he is better than many stars.

The music sounded, and this familiar melody stirred the nerves of the audience. Xu Ruofeng sang with ease. Even if it was full open mic, he was not afraid at all and his singing skills were strong.

“The house is built”

"I'm all alone inside"

"The door banged behind me."

"The autumn wind slaps the windows"

"Opera 2"!
The audience screamed with great excitement, especially those who came to the scene for the first time. They were so excited that they never expected to hear Xu Ruofeng's dolphin sounds live in their lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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