Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 11 New funds arrive, Warner’s proposal

Chapter 11 New funds arrive, Warner’s proposal

"Mr. Anderson."

"Just call me Wayne."

"Then you're welcome, Wayne. Thank you again for giving our Kristen such a good opportunity."

Reality tells us that it is wrong to judge a book by its appearance, otherwise how could Jules Stewart, who looks so elegant and dignified, have such a wild side.

Christine from the parallel world became so sassy in the future, maybe part of it was due to her influence?

Wayne couldn't help but think to himself.

And after some in-depth communication, he learned that Mrs. Stewart was also a film and television worker in Hollywood and a director.

But because he is not well-known, he has never had the opportunity to direct independently so far. His best achievement is to serve as the first assistant director in a small-budget movie with a cost of 100 million and a box office of 220 million.

So she took the initiative not only for little Christine, but also for her own career.

After reading the complete script, as well as the budget and cast this time, Mrs. Stewart felt that the box office performance of this movie could not be worse. She wanted to join the director team of this movie. Even if she could not actually direct, she just wanted to have a name and be the first director. Assistant director is also a big improvement to her resume.

Wayne originally wanted to refuse such a request.

But Mrs. Stewart still used her active efforts to prove to him that her skills were really not bad, and finally succeeded in convincing him.

So the next day, Mrs. Stewart signed a contract with the production team and became the first assistant director of the film.

Of course, the specific directing work will continue to be handled by Steve Posey, so this also makes Steve Posey temporarily relieved.

But because of the introduction of competition.

Plus some less important scenes, such as a group of sidekicks having a party in college, and various scenes of debauchery and high spirits.

There are also clips of the fake principal hired by Bartleby giving a speech on the lawn, with a circle of people sitting around, listening carefully to his deception, etc., all of which were directed by Mrs. Stewart.

Therefore, the efficiency of the crew has obviously accelerated a lot.

"At this rate, the original 25-day shooting plan can be shortened by about a week!"

This is the latest progress report Wayne has gotten.

Of course, the specific filming process cannot be done at once like the first two scenes on the first day, but because it is a campus comedy, there are only three or four locations, and the requirements for acting skills are not very high, so the whole process is quite smooth. of.

However, Wayne, the protagonist, was very hardworking during this period.

Filming during the day and feeding Mia and Jessica at night. In addition, he had to occasionally take care of Natalie Portman and Mrs. Stewart. If it weren't for his strengthened body, his strength, endurance and recovery would be really impressive. The strength is simply inhuman, and I'm afraid I won't be able to support it for a long time.

"Welcome back! Bartleby!"


"Very good! Passed!"

As the director's voice fell, the camera froze on Bartleby, who had returned from prison, being thrown up and down amidst the excited cheers of the crowd.

At this point, 19 days after the official start of filming, with the passing of the last scene, the filming phase of the film has ended and will soon be transferred to post-production.

In order to ensure the quality of the film, Wayne, who holds the final editing rights, naturally watched the whole process.

The original version was used as a reference, and there were no special effects in the entire film, so the editing team completed the initial cut in only two days.

The following dubbing and soundtrack are also very simple, especially the soundtrack, which uses some of the more popular DJ dance music. As long as you pay a certain copyright fee, you can use it immediately, so it only took three days to complete. .

"The rest of the work will be left to you, Director Posey."

"No problem, Wayne, leave it to me!"

Another three days passed, and not long after Wayne had just woken up on the bed in the apartment she rented, holding Jessica's sexy and charming body, stroking her skin as smooth and delicate as milk, the thought in his mind There was actually a system prompt for the arrival of new funds.

[Name: Wayne Anderson]

【Age: 20 years old】

[Current investment capital: 3000 million US dollars]

Wayne opened the system panel with his mind, looked at the newly arrived investment capital of 3000 million, and couldn't help but smile with joy.

The production cost of 3000 million yuan was considered a medium-to-large-scale production in 2000.The price is right, and it’s easy to hire even an A-list celebrity.

"Then how will you spend the next 3000 million?"

Wayne was just about to think about what to make for his next movie when Serra called. "Wayne, the post-production has been completed. When do you think the next internal viewing will be scheduled?"

Wayne turned to look at the time on the alarm clock and found that it was almost ten o'clock in the morning, so he set the time for the movie viewing party at two o'clock in the afternoon.

"By the way, in addition to Portman and Mrs. Stewart, I'll make an appointment with the Warner people to see if they have time to come together."

Sera couldn't help but be startled when she heard this: "Don't we read it ourselves first?"

"No need," Wayne said confidently, "I have confidence in our movie, so I won't waste any time."

"Okay, I'll get in touch right now."

Sierra only hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Wayne is the big boss, so naturally he has the final say in this kind of thing.

So when he brought Jessica to the company in the afternoon, in addition to Sierra, Mia, Steve Posey, Mrs. Stewart, Natalie and her agent, there were also people sitting in the small screening room. The two men were in suits and ties, and looked to be about 40 years old, middle-aged men who looked like successful people.

"Let me introduce, this is Mr. Andrew Wiggins. This is Mr. Stephen Wilson."

Although they come from a Hollywood giant like Warner Bros., the positions of the two people in front of them are not high. One is one of the deputy directors of the publicity and distribution department, and the other is just a senior film purchase expert, so they don't have much airs about them, especially in In front of Wayne, he acted very politely.

After all, most of the movies produced by Warner also use the platter method. With 1000 million US dollars, you can participate in Warner's production of A-level commercial movies.

To be more realistic, the annual salary of Andrew Wiggins, the deputy director, is only US$20, and Stephen Wilson, the senior film purchasing expert, only earns more than US$10,000 per year based on bonuses.

Although Wayne's funds were 'pulled', he was able to 'pull' 1000 million with his own skills, which is quite impressive.

“Two gentlemen’s time is precious, so let’s not waste it and start as soon as possible!”

"Yes, Mr. Anderson."

When the movie started, the two Wiggins, who were professionals, had already taken out their pens and notepads in advance, and their expressions became serious.

"Hey, everyone, get your money ready, we don't have much time."

Just like the original version, the first scene of the movie is that Bartleby and a few buddies get fake driver's licenses for several classmates in the school's family classroom.

This scene not only highlights Bartleby's unconventionality, but also tells the audience that although they are a group of scumbags and bad people, they are actually very capable.

What followed was the conversation between Bartleby and his sister, and the dinner table where he tried to convince his parents that going to college was not the only way out, and that not going to college was also a good idea. However, he was threatened with money and force by his parents, and in the end he could only shut up in anger and start to move. Wrong brain to find another way out.

To be honest, for middle-aged people in their 40s like Wiggins and Wilson, this does not have a great sense of substitution. Bartleby's sharp comments and various baggage only made them laugh, and they were not too lethargic. In the heart.

But as the plot progresses, especially when Bartleby opens the door that has been knocked, he stares dumbfounded at the hundreds of students outside who are rejected and rejected by all universities, looked down upon by their classmates, and have "nowhere to go". ', when I came to 'South Harmon University' to report with full of hope.

They were also suddenly a little shocked.

There is also the fake principal's speech that seems rude and illogical, but when you think about it carefully, it makes some sense.

Their expressions also changed unconsciously.

To be honest, they still have not been brought into the perspective of the protagonist, but the plot of this movie allows them to watch it smoothly and brings them a lot of reflection, because they also have families and children.

Especially Wiggins. His eldest son is already 17 years old and will be admitted to college in another year. However, his eldest son's grades are not very good, which makes him always anxious.

However, after watching the movie, he frowned and suddenly felt that it was not that important whether he went to college or not. How many of the many famous actors, directors, and producers in Hollywood had gone to college?

"Why not, if he likes baseball, let him work hard in this direction. Even if he fails in the end and fails to become a professional player, the worst he can do is come to Hollywood and start from the bottom. With me taking care of him, as long as he continues to work hard and seriously, Future achievements may not be any worse," Wiggins thought to himself.

On the other side, Wilson, a senior film purchasing expert, quickly recorded various analyzes and selling points of the film in his notebook while sincerely praising: "This is really a great movie!"

Compared with the original version, although the production time of this version of Admission Notice is shorter, after the increase in investment, both the cast, the scenes and the costumes are much improved compared to the original version.

Of course, compared with those works that can compete for awards, this movie is still far behind.Compared with those big-budget commercial films, the commercial nature of this film is also much worse.

But in the category of youth campus comedy, this movie is definitely excellent.

So after the compliment, Wilson immediately took Wiggins to the side to discuss a few words. When he came back, Wiggins proposed to Wayne to increase the publicity and distribution expenses of the film, and this part of the expenses was converted into the total investment. In this way, we can participate in the box office and share the subsequent disc sales.

Obviously, they are very optimistic about the prospects of this admission notice, so they are no longer satisfied with just earning a small amount of publicity fees.

"Sorry, I need to discuss this with my producer."

Wayne did not give an answer immediately. After sending the two away with Sierra, he asked Jessica to go home and wait for him, and then returned to the small conference room with Sierra and Mia.

(End of this chapter)

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