Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 115 Poor Annie breaks the defense again

Chapter 115 Poor Annie breaks the defense again

Thinking of this, Monica Bellucci couldn't help but quicken her pace, came to the hotel door, got on the Silver Angel that had been waiting for her, and Vincent Cassel might be reluctant to buy it in this life, and headed to Wayne Help her rent a good place to live.

As for the location, it happens to be diagonally opposite the villa where Anne lives.

It just so happened that Annie didn't need to go to the set of "The Dark Side" to film, and she didn't have any acting classes. She was doing yoga alone in the gym on the first floor when she saw the familiar Silver Angel parked across the road, followed immediately by Before she could be surprised and thought it was Wayne who had arrived, she saw Monica Bellucci getting out of the car and dragging the suitcase into the villa opposite.



"Is this the Bichi who hooked up with Wayne a few days ago?!"

Annie's defense almost broke.

There were so many people at the party a few days ago, and Wayne was one of the focuses of the audience, so the news of Monica Bellucci hooking up with Wayne quickly spread in the circle. After all, women The power of gossip cannot be underestimated.

Forget it if it was any other time, but Wayne had previously said that he might come to her next time.

Even though it was just a 'possibility', she just felt like she was being let go.

She didn't dare to blame Wayne, so she could only direct her grievances at Monica Bellucci.

But she never expected that Monica Bellucci would live in the villa opposite her, let alone that Monica Bellucci would have such a good figure.

This made her feel stressed again.

Counting Charlize Theron and Martina Garcia, as well as Jessica Alba who is above them all, there are already people around Wayne who are as good as her in terms of appearance, figure, and temperament. Four already.

"No, I have to be more proactive!"

Thinking of this, Annie immediately picked up the cell phone placed next to the yoga mat and couldn't wait to call Wayne.

It's a pity that Wayne was using practical actions to appease Hannah and Jessica. He didn't have time to pay attention to her. He dealt with her for a few words and promised her to go back to see her in the next few days. Then Wayne quickly hung up. Telephone.

This made Annie feel discouraged. She looked in the mirror in front of her and once again felt a little unsure about her appearance and figure.

A little while ago, on a lounge chair by the pool.

"That little bitch from Anne Hathaway again?"

After having eaten and drank enough, Hannah asked Wayne while using the massage techniques she had just learned in the past few days to massage her.

Jessica on the side was as docile and obedient as a little sheep, picking fresh grapes for Wayne.

"Well, I haven't been to her place since I came back. Plus several auditions didn't go well. I guess I'm a little anxious."

Hannah couldn't help but flash a flash of disdain on her face when she heard this, and said with a sneer: "A shameless little Bichi has a big appetite. It's pretty good for her to have such resources at her age, but she's not satisfied yet."

Wayne smiled and said, "Isn't this what Hollywood is all about?"

"Then what are you going to do next? Are you going to give her a role in the movie "Taken" that you're going to shoot next?" Hannah asked.

"No, I already have the first and second female roles in "Taken"," said Wayne. The first and second female characters in "Taken" are the male protagonist's daughter and wife. As an action movie with a male protagonist, they don't have many scenes in it.

Among them, he was going to give the role of the second female protagonist's wife to Monica Bellucci, while for the role of the first female protagonist, he was hesitating between Martina and Scarlett Johansson.

Yes, although we only met once at the last party and have not seen each other since, in the past two months, Scarlett Johansson, like Meghan and Omei, has been giving He called and texted.

And unlike them, the widowed sister is now 17 years old.

It is already a flower ready to be picked.

If it weren't for the fact that he met Monica Bellucci at the previous party, Scarlett Johansson might have been captured by him at this time.

"In addition to "Taken", I am planning to make another campus comedy with a female high school student as the protagonist. I will give her a role when the time comes," Wayne said.

The campus comedy he is talking about is the "Mean Girls" that won a global box office of 2004 million in 1700 with an announced production cost of 600 million, but the actual production cost should not exceed 1.2 million.

This movie tells the story of the heroine 'Katie Holland', who grew up in Africa with her zoologist parents, and returned to America to attend high school when she was 15 years old.

Having grown up in a difficult environment, she thought she had learned the survival of the fittest and was definitely 'stronger' than those delicate little girls who had lived in the city since childhood.

But after entering school, she discovered that the relationships between people are much more complicated and terrifying than the relationships between animals in nature.

And she was also fighting and adapting to the new environment, and made a lot of jokes as she grew up.

The main roles of this movie require five young and beautiful girls, and he can just fit in Anne, Megan, the widowed sister, and Martina.

Coupled with Amanda Seyfried, who originally performed very well as a supporting role in this movie, this lineup is definitely considered to be full of beauty.

"What about you and Jesse?" Hannah asked curiously after hearing this.

"Please, we have just been filming for two months, okay? I plan to take a two-month break first~" Wayne rolled his eyes angrily.

Of course, he has already thought about his next scene with Jessica.

One was released in 2004, starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, who were completely unknown at the time. With a declared production cost of 2900 million, but the actual production cost was no more than 1000 million, it won a global box office of 1.18 million US dollars. , "The Notebook" which has also exploded in reputation.

The other one was released in 2016. With a production cost of 3000 million, it took in a global box office of 4.49 million U.S. dollars. Its reputation was even more explosive. It directly won the Oscar for Best Director, Best Actress, and the Golden Globe Award for Best Musical and Drama that year. "La La Land" won a total of five awards including Best Film, Golden Globe Award for Best Actor and Best Actress.

It is worth mentioning that the male protagonists of these two movies are Ryan Gosling.

Poor Ryan Gosling was completely bald by Wayne.

In addition, Rachel McAdams also played the second female lead in "Mean Girls". It was precisely because of the box office sales of the two movies "Mean Girls" and "The Notebook" that she became popular.

But now that both roles are gone, there is a question mark as to whether she can still become popular.

 Due to content reasons, sometimes there will be blocking and word swallowing, I'm really sorry.Please pay attention to the chapter number when subscribing. The content of the same chapter number is basically the same.

(End of this chapter)

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