Chapter 120 Surprising progress

However, based on the overall strength comparison, she was still ranked first among the newly selected directors by Wayne, so Wayne made a decisive decision without much hesitation.

"Just Nancy Meyers!"

"I knew you would definitely choose her~" Mike's slightly obscene voice immediately came from the other end of the phone, which made Wayne speechless for a while.

"What the hell are you thinking!"

Although Nancy Meyers was also a rare beauty when she was young, and her appearance and temperament could at least rival Naomi Watts, but now she is 51 years old!

Not everyone can be like Marisa Tomei. Even at 52 years old, she still looks like she is 30 years old.

"Hey," Mike on the other side of the phone smiled obscenely again, and then explained: "I just thought that with Nancy Meyers as the director and Tina Fey as the screenwriter, this might be a selling point~"


Wayne was speechless again.

Although Tina Fey is indeed a relatively rare beautiful screenwriter, and her appearance can even surpass [-]% of Hollywood actresses, but who cares about whether a screenwriter is good-looking or not? Isn’t it the widow, Anne, and Meghan who are not good-looking enough? ?

"But I want to remind you that Nancy Meyers' current directorial fee is not low. Without box office share, it would be at least 600 million US dollars or more." Mike put away his joke and reminded with a serious face.

However, when Wayne heard this, he shrugged indifferently and said, "Don't worry, as long as it's reasonable, money is not an issue~"

After a few more words of warning, Wayne hung up the phone.Now the main cast of the two movies is finally complete.

About 20 minutes later, the car arrived at the filming site of "The Dark Side", a holiday villa in the suburbs that has a history of more than 40 years but is relatively well-preserved.

There are many vacation villas like this in Millikin, and in Hollywood, in addition to being rented to middle-class families who occasionally come here for vacation and relaxation, such villas are also mostly used as filming locations.

Yes, it's the kind that often appears in horror movies.

The last time he and James Wan chatted, he heard that this villa had been rented by more than 30 film crews in the past ten years, seven or eight of which were theatrically released movies and were considered 'stars' On set.

The driver ran over and opened the door. After the car stopped, Wayne got out of the car directly.Hannah, who was next to her, got out of the car from the other side, opened the trunk, and took out the steaming donuts and macarons that had been prepared in advance.

"Ah, my dear, you are here!"

In front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows on the first floor, Martina, who was wearing a yukata and reading a script, spotted Wayne immediately and quickly put down the script and ran over with a look of joy on her face.

"Well, let's see you~"

Wayne smiled and opened his arms, hugging her as she ran over. After turning around in a circle, he didn't care about the eyes of other people around him and kissed Martina directly on her crystal lips, and then He hugged her and looked inside the villa.

At this time, filming was taking place in the villa.

The male protagonist 'Adrian', played by Matt Damon, had just come back from outside tiredly when he saw the heroine 'Fabianna' who had already taken a shower on the stairs, wearing a sexy bathrobe and exuding a charming atmosphere. ', then immediately smiled, walked up and hugged her.The next thing is that the two of them were talking about the heavy rain last night and the sudden power outage in the villa, while doing something inappropriate for children.

Of course, the real heroine is with him. What Matt Damon is holding is just a female stand-in from the San Fernando Valley next door who has a figure similar to Martina.

The price is only $800 a day. I have to say that the San Fernando Valley is really a good place.

Wayne did not interrupt their filming.It wasn't until a few minutes later that James Wan in front of the monitor shouted "Click" to end the scene, and then he walked over with Martina in his arms.

"Very good, it's over. The actors will rest for 10 minutes, the cameras will return, and the set designers will change the scenery." James Wan first explained, then turned to look at Wayne. It was obvious that he had just noticed Wayne's arrival.

"Hey, Wen, it seems like I didn't disturb you, right? I brought you donuts and macarons~" Wayne hugged him first, and then said with a smile.

"No, you came at the right time. I just need these desserts to replenish me with energy and secrete more dopamine~" Wen Ziren also responded with a warm smile, and then the two exchanged a few words and got down to business. We chatted about the filming progress.

"I have been busy with other things before, so I haven't been here for a while. Is your filming going well?" Wayne asked.

"Don't worry, this filming went smoothly beyond my expectations. Garcia is a very talented and hard-working actor, and Matt Damon also showed [-]% seriousness. I guess I want to take this opportunity to make a comeback. In addition, the performances of Miss Green and Miss Hathaway are also very good. Basically, all the scenes will not be played more than three times."

James Wan talked a lot and basically praised every actor he appointed, which made Wayne burst into laughter.

As for other aspects, James Wan didn't say anything, and Wayne didn't ask. After all, Serra was the producer this time.

Their decades of experience and qualifications are not fake. It is basically impossible for this kind of independent film to have any problems.

"So what's the progress?" Wayne asked what he was most concerned about.

"The progress is much faster than originally planned," James Wan smiled slightly and said confidently: "At the current speed, it will only take three days at most to complete all the filming."

Wayne's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

"Only three days? That's the 13th. Even if the post-production process takes five days as originally planned, it will be completed on the 18th."

"This is great! Wen! Working with you is definitely the best decision I made!" Wayne praised with a smile.

Opposite him, Wen Ziren listened to his praise and smiled on his dark face.

Wayne not only gave him a lot, but also gave him complete authority.In this way, the final editing rights of a movie with a production cost of more than 1000 million yuan can be given to him, which is a right that is difficult to enjoy when cooperating with others.

What's more, Wayne is still his boss.

With the three factors combined, he was of course very happy to cooperate with Wayne.

Wayne didn't stay here for long. After receiving the good news, Wayne quickly left the set by car and returned to Wayne Manor.

(End of this chapter)

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