Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 134 Alone 'Audition'

Chapter 134 Alone 'Audition'

At the same time, in a restaurant about two kilometers away from Hemera Films, Sarah Michelle Gellar was also eating a salad while listening to her agent chattering opposite.

"God bless, I hope we can seize this opportunity!"

"You don't know how many favors I used to get this audition opportunity. All the girls in Hollywood hope to crawl into that Wayne's bed and get his resources and protection!"

"I have inquired about it, and Hemera Pictures' casting efficiency is very high. Generally, for roles that have not been confirmed in advance, the audition results will be given within two days at most. If you really pass the audition, you must borrow You know this opportunity to win over Wayne!"

"Tell me, you're not going to be affected by that Freddie Prinze thing, are you?"

Sarah Michelle Gellar finally couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Don't worry, I know what to do."

"That's good," the agent said with a satisfied look on his face.

This left Sarah Michelle Gellar speechless again.

Although Freddie Prinze is his boyfriend, and the two are about to get engaged, this is Hollywood. Let alone not being engaged yet, even if they are already engaged or even married, she will not hesitate.

Many people even hold unprotected parties on the eve of weddings.

She is only 24 years old now and obviously doesn't want to stop being an ordinary third-tier starlet, so she knows what to do.

"But the opponents this time are not bad, especially Reese Witherspoon, who is more famous than me!" Sarah Michelle Gellar, who had eaten and drank enough, said with some worry.

The agent opposite smiled slightly when he heard this and said confidently: "You don't have to worry about this guy. Everyone knows that when Wayne chooses a role, it doesn't depend on whether the person is famous or not. As long as he is chosen by her, he will be regarded as a person who has never studied acting. Newcomers can also play the heroine in a multi-million dollar production. For example, Jessica Alba and Martina Garcia, who also auditioned today, were famous when they first starred in the heroine. It doesn’t even count as the eighth line.”

Thinking that Jessica Alba jumped from the [-]th to the [-]nd tier actress just because she became Wayne's woman, and she can also be matched by three tier one actresses like Julia Roberts, I watched. Sarah Michelle Gellar's heart was filled with excitement that she would soon be promoted to the front line.

Being able to get so many resources just by being fake is something that no one in Hollywood would not envy.

What's more, the other party is a man like Wayne who is more handsome than Leo, so she will be happy even if she has no resources, right?

"Jingle bell—"

Just then, the phone rang suddenly.

Sarah picked it up and took a look. She was slightly startled at first, and then her eyes widened with huge surprise on her face.

"It's Wayne Anderson! He called me!"

Sarah's voice was a little broken, and you could tell how excited she was at the moment.

As for why she knew the number she called belonged to Wayne, it was naturally because her agent had already found a way to get Wayne's business card and wrote down the work number on it.

"Hello, who are you?" Sarah suppressed the excitement in her heart and hurriedly answered the phone as quickly as possible.

However, after confirming that it was indeed Wayne himself on the other end of the phone and not Wayne's assistant, her voice still trembled uncontrollably.

"Ah! Mr. Wayne, is it really you?" "Yes, I am Sarah Michelle Gellar!"

"Too competitive and need an additional round of separate auditions?"

"Of course there is no problem with this! Please tell me the time!"

"Is it two o'clock tomorrow afternoon? Okay, I will definitely be there!"

After hanging up the phone, Sarah jumped up from her chair with excitement. Having been in Hollywood for many years, she certainly knew what would happen in this kind of solo audition. To be honest, she couldn't wait!

On Wayne's side, after hanging up the phone, he dialed the numbers of Keri Russell and Isla Fisher.

"Hello, is this Keri Russell? I'm Wayne Anderson."

Keri Russell was no less excited than Sarah when she received a call from Wayne. Even though Wayne didn't say he wanted her to audition again this time, but just said he wanted to buy her a drink and chat, she was very happy. 's agreed.

In fact, would already-famous third-tier actresses like her and Sarah Michelle Gellar really care about a female lead in a medium-sized production?
Obviously not!

They would be more concerned if it was a female number three, but a female number six would not help their fame.So what they value is actually just the opportunity to get in touch with Wayne.

As for Isla Fisher, who is not even considered to be on the [-]th line at the moment, let alone that. After receiving the call, she was as excited as if she had been hit by a pie in the sky. She wished she could take off her clothes and crawl to the Wayne's bed.

It's a pity that Wayne really doesn't have time today.

By the time Wayne returned to the audition room, the audition for the seventh female lead, 'Mrs. George', the mother of the second villainess, 'Regina', had already ended.

The person who passed the audition was an actress in her 40s whom he didn't know, so he didn't pay much attention.

The remaining roles that required auditions were all supporting roles with few roles, so Wayne quietly became an audience member and returned the decision-making power to Nancy Meyers.

It is worth mentioning that in order to win over Nancy Meyers, Sierra directly gave the role of sister 'Regina' to her second daughter Holly Meyers, and even slightly modified the role for this purpose setting, raising the character's age from the original 8 years old to 14 years old.

Unfortunately, this still did not impress Nancy Meyers and made her change her mind to join Hemera Pictures.

"Melanie, I'm going to trouble you next. Regarding the candidate for the role of 'Nobury', I will think about it within the next two days and tell you."

Seeing that the time was almost five o'clock in the afternoon, Wayne stopped delaying, and after a few brief explanations, he drove back to Wayne Manor with Hannah.

First, he took a shower and had dinner, then Wayne changed his clothes and prepared to go to Harvey's party with great anticipation.

It is worth mentioning that Wayne originally planned to continue riding the Kaibaihe Shield. After all, it was comfortable and safe, and he really couldn't put it down.

But under Meda's expressionless 'death stare', he finally reluctantly gave up the idea.

(End of this chapter)

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