Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 137 Soderbergh’s true purpose

Chapter 137 Soderbergh’s true purpose

Even "Uncle Wolf" Hugh Jackman, who is now an A-list actor, and Kevin Spacey, who just became an Oscar winner last year, took the initiative to come over and say hello to him.

Thinking that Kevin Spacey had publicly publicized his coming out in his previous life, Wayne couldn't help but get goosebumps.

"Do you have time to have a drink together tonight?" Liv Tyler moved closer to him at this time, and her voice and eyes became extremely sultry.

It's a pity that Liv Tyler's appearance has declined a bit quickly. After not seeing her for a few months, her appearance has already dropped a bit.

He has better choices now, and he really has no interest in Liv Tyler.

"I'm really sorry, I already have an appointment tonight~" Wayne declined apologetically.

In fact, it’s not just Liv Tyler, but also the former American sweetheart, Alicia Silverstone. Before the age of 20, she was the only one among the sweet girls in Hollywood. Her sweetness was explosive. , but after just 20 years old, his appearance has dropped like crazy. Now, at just 25 years old, his appearance has lost even half of what he was at his peak.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he had to lament the ruthlessness of time.

Liv Tyler was unwilling to say anything more, but at this time, Harvey did come over with a bald man who looked about 40 years old and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

"Hey, Miss Taylor, maybe you can go somewhere else?" Harvey said with a smile.

Liv Tyler was startled when she saw the bald head. After she came to her senses, she quickly showed an elegant smile, picked up the wine glass and walked away.

"It seems that being too popular can sometimes be troublesome." Harvey first teased Wayne, and then took the initiative to introduce him to him.

"Wayne, this is-"

"Director Steven Soderbergh, right?" Wayne smiled and said first, "I think there should be no one in the industry who doesn't know Director Soderbergh~"

As soon as he finished speaking, the polite smile on Steven Soderbergh's face suddenly became brighter.

Although the Waterloo of several consecutive movies after 08 caused Steven Soderbergh's reputation and influence in Hollywood to plummet, it even reached the point where he could only make TV movies.

But in the past two years, he has become one of the most popular and influential directors in the entire Hollywood directing world.

"Never Compromise", "Traffic", and "Ocean's Eleven", which will start filming this year and be released at the end of this year. Not only are these three movies higher in box office than the last, but their reputations are also booming. They will directly surpass Steve Vin Soderbergh has pushed it to a level that is almost on par with Spielberg and Cameron.

Originally, Wayne thought he was just coming to say hello and get acquainted. After all, Steven Soderbergh, like him, was one of the most distinguished people at the party.

However, after a brief exchange of compliments, Steven Soderbergh unexpectedly asked him to film "Ocean's Eleven".

The character was the third male lead 'Linus' who was originally going to be played by Matt Damon, which made him raise his eyebrows and show a surprised expression on his face.

But he soon understood Steven Soderbergh’s little plan.

Although his current salary is not lower than that of Matt Damon, he is undoubtedly more famous and popular than Matt Damon, who has lost two consecutive games.After all, he is just the third male lead. If he can use this role to make friends with Wayne, it will undoubtedly be a good deal.

Wayne raised his glass and took a sip of champagne while thinking quickly in his head.

This version of "Ocean's Eleven" is a remake of the 1960 "Ocean's Eleven" starring Frank Sinatra. The plot has changed a lot, and because George Clooney and Brad Pitt , Julia Roberts, Matt Damon and many other big-name stars joined in, making it a global box office of up to 4.5 million U.S. dollars. It can be called a classic among thief crime movies.

With the reputation, box office and influence this movie has achieved, it is not unacceptable for him to play the third male lead in it, supporting George Clooney and Brad Pitt.

However, after the filming of "Mean Girls" is over, he will also go to film "The Notebook" and the next key work "Assassins".

Although if I had to squeeze in, I could squeeze in some time to film "Ocean's Eleven". After all, the third male lead doesn't have many scenes, but it would be too hard.

He has not just traveled through time to get some work now. He has a large amount of production funds in his hand. He no longer needs to work so hard on his own and can already let others help him make money.

Thinking of this, Wayne put down his glass and was ready to politely refuse Soderbergh's invitation using the excuse of time constraints.

But at this moment, Soderbergh said first: "In addition, the heroine has not been decided yet. Maybe Mr. Wayne has any good recommendations?"

Wayne was stunned again when he heard this.

Forget about being the third male or something like that. The heroine in a big production with a production budget of 8500 million. This is an opportunity that A-list female stars will fight for, but Soderbergh actually wants to give it to him?
Isn't this a bit too generous?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. At this time, Wayne finally realized that Soderbergh must have other plans when he came to find him this time.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The real purpose of Soderbergh coming to him is to attract investment.

A big director like him usually has no shortage of investors, but there are relatively few "high-quality investors" who pay more and get smaller shares. After all, those investors are not fools.

But Wayne is different. He can use the third male lead and the female lead as bargaining chips to try to get Wayne to become his 'high-quality investor'.

"At present, there is still 1500 million investment shares left in this movie. I can discuss with Warner and give you 15% of the priority box office share."

Wayne was speechless for a while. Although the previous life of "Ocean's Eleven" claimed that the production cost was as high as 8500 million US dollars, in fact, it was probably less than 6000 million US dollars. Even including the publicity and distribution costs, it would not exceed 8500 million US dollars.

He invested 1500 US dollars and only received 15% of the box office share. There was no share of subsequent disc sales, which was too little.

However, Soderbergh and Warner were willing to give priority to the box office share instead of the ordinary box office share, which shows that they are not completely cheating him, but are still a little sincere.

Otherwise, Warner, as the distributor, can directly use the extremely high publicity and distribution expenses to deduct the box office account into a negative amount.

For example, although the movie "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" made a box office of US$6.12 million in North America, Warner directly raised the promotion and distribution expenses to an exaggerated US$3.42 million. As a result, after the theater chain divided it, it was the first to deduct the distribution costs. Fang's publicity expenses directly caused the investors to owe Warner tens of millions of dollars.

(End of this chapter)

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