Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 144 Sarah Michelle’s Decision

Chapter 144 Sarah Michelle’s Decision
"Excuse me, I'll take a call!"

Wayne breathed a sigh of relief, picked up his phone and left quickly.

"Hey, Steven, did you get any results from calling me at this time?"

"Yes, Wayne, I have already researched it. The heroine's scenes can be adjusted to April."

"That's great. Believe me, after "Resident Evil" is released, if you want to find Sally to play the heroine of this movie again, you will have to pay at least twice as much as you do now~"

Soderbergh on the other end of the phone couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard Wayne's confident voice.

For the sake of Wayne's investors, the salary he has offered Charlize Theron is already as high as 500 million US dollars. If it were doubled, wouldn't it be 1000 million?
You must know that in this day and age, there are only a few female stars who can get more than 1000 million US dollars for a single movie, but Jennifer Aniston and Meryl Streep are the only ones.

Julia Roberts almost didn't care until she got the statuette.

And as they grow older, the salaries of these female stars will gradually decrease. Basically, there are no more than 1000 female stars in Hollywood who can get a salary of 10 million US dollars at the same time.

Compared to male stars who can earn tens of millions of dollars in salary, the number is several times lower.

Therefore, judging by the standards of female stars, if Charlize Theron can get a box office of 1000 million US dollars, she can almost be regarded as an A-list or even a popular superstar.

For all other production companies to recognize such a salary, "Resident Evil 1" starring Charlize Theron must have a box office of at least [-] million US dollars.

"It seems that he is very confident about the box office performance of "Resident Evil"." Soderbergh couldn't help but shook his head after hanging up the phone.

If anyone else had said that, he might have scoffed, unless it was Cameron, Spielberg or George Lucas.

But the results that Wayne and his Hemera Pictures have achieved so far are so impressive, so although he is still a little unbelievable, he is not completely doubtful.

And if Wayne's prediction comes true, wouldn't his "Ocean's Eleven" make a lot of money?

Thinking of this, Soderberg suddenly became happy.The fatigue caused by busy days adjusting the shooting plan seems to have eased a lot.

On the other side, Wayne also immediately called Charlize Theron to tell the good news.

"With the heroine of this movie, your reputation will be further consolidated. By then, a movie will earn you at least tens of millions~"

This scene happened to be heard by Sarah Michelle Gellar who was passing by, and she couldn't help but pause in her footsteps and hid aside, with an envious look on her face.

Since her last 'single audition', she has taken the initiative to give up all bad diet and habits, and began to pay attention to exercise and health.

But it has been almost ten days, and Wayne has not looked for her again.

While this made her feel restless, she couldn't help but think of her agent's advice.

Every time I see Scarlett and Martina, who get the leading role by hooking up with Wayne, who seem to be far more famous and paid than her, and Amanda, who has been pursuing Wayne fiercely, She just became more and more confused.

"You can't even find ten female stars with a salary of over [-] million in Hollywood, right?" Looking at herself in the opposite mirror, Sarah Michelle Gellar finally made a decision!
She is now 24 years old. If she doesn't seize the opportunity, she will really have no choice but to lie flat and die.

And how many Hollywood couples can make it to the end?

She felt it was really stupid to give up such a good opportunity for a boyfriend she had only known for two months and didn't know if they could get together yet.

Thinking of this, Sarah Michelle Gellar, who had finished today's scene and could call it a day, quickly walked into the dressing room and changed back into her clothes. Then, before leaving the set, she called and made an appointment with Fernando Reddy is ready to break up with him.

"But how can I let Wayne know that I'm single again? How about using the excuse of falling in love to ask him to go to the bar? This way, even if he doesn't have time and refuses, he can still know that I'm single."

When she thought of this, Sarah Michelle Gellar couldn't wait to pick up her phone.

But then she put the phone back again. In order to avoid causing trouble to Wayne, she felt that she had to deal with the breakup first.

On the other hand, Wayne didn't know that it was just because of his busy schedule recently that he caused Sarah Michelle Gellar to break up.

After making an appointment with Charlize Theron to have dinner tonight and spend the night at her place, I went back to filming.

In the next few days, Wayne, who was worried that the system funds would be exhausted early, could not help but open the system panel and check it several times every day.

Sarah Michelle Gellar also dealt with the breakup and sent a text message to Wayne the next day.

"Huh? Sarah Michelle Gellar is actually starring with Freddy Prinze Jr., so will the two of them star in the "Scooby-Doo" that will be released next year?"

After seeing the text message, Wayne couldn't help but be stunned.

"Scooby-Doo" is a live-action and animated film produced and distributed by Warner Bros., starring Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr.

It was originally just a work used to launder money. Freddie Prinze Jr., who has the highest reputation in the film, is just an ordinary third-stringer. The special effects are also very average. The real cost does not exceed 2000 million, but the production cost is exceeded. To 8400 million US dollars.

Unexpectedly, it unexpectedly achieved outstanding results after its release, earning a global box office of US$2.75 million, which made Warner a huge profit.

It's a pity that the most outstanding thing about this movie is the dog, so neither the actor Freddie Prinze Jr. nor the actress Sarah Michelle Gellar's reputation has improved much after filming. They are still the same. Two third-tier starlets.

It is worth mentioning that the movie "Scooby-Doo" was included in the project book previously received by Hemera Pictures.

And as long as he invests 1000 million US dollars, he can get 35% of the priority box office share and the right to decide the heroine.Calculated, the return rate is almost 500%.

After thinking about it, out of gentlemanly behavior, Wayne decided to comfort Sarah Michelle Gellar, who had just lost his love.

But Sarah Michelle Gellar alone was really no match for him, so half an hour later, he had to call Isla Fisher and Keri Russell. .

(End of this chapter)

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