Chapter 152 Sera’s proposal

"Don't worry about newspapers and film critics. According to your instructions, although we gave them more when we signed the contract, the liquidated damages stipulated in the contract were even greater."

"After all, our money at Hemera Pictures is not that easy to get."

"If they breach the contract, we will get 6000 to [-] million for nothing without doing anything~"

"What's the situation on the theater side?" Wayne asked.

"Everything has been taken care of on the theater side. After all, no one has trouble with money, especially since our Hemera Pictures is not one of those small production companies that only occasionally come out with one or two great films."

"In the past six months or so, we have been highly productive, and each of our films has been a box office hit."

"So after I took the initiative to tell them our plan and let them see the quality of our film with their own eyes, they all wished they could give us more screens~"

"That's such a pity. I thought someone would jump out to fight us. It seems that the countermeasures I prepared later will not be used." Wayne couldn't help but smile.

"But next, Serra will go to Europe with the crew of "Taken" as a producer. The company operations and the promotion of "The Bourne Supremacy" will be left to you alone. You still have the energy to be responsible for "The Bourne Supremacy". The producer of "The Notebook"?"

"I'm afraid this won't work." Mia thought for a moment and said with a wry smile.

"The company is still continuing to expand at a rapid pace, and there is really too much work that needs to be handled. In addition, although the promotion and distribution of "The Bourne Supremacy" has been arranged, so much money has been spent. It is really uncomfortable not to keep an eye on me personally. Don’t worry, so I’m afraid I don’t have the energy to be the producer of The Notebook.”

"By the way, isn't Nancy Meyers' work over there about to end? How about letting her serve as the producer of "The Notebook"?"

Wayne shook his head after hearing this and said: "I have written another script, which should start filming soon. I would like to find her to direct this movie."

Mia and Sierra were stunned for a moment when they heard this.

"Is there a new script?"

"Yes, I wrote it to Lily to repay Jill Towerman's favor." Wayne explained.

Sera on the side also told Mia at this time that Jill Tawerman's contribution in their acquisition of Industrial Light and Magic made Mia suddenly realize.

"What about the producers of this movie?" Mia asked.

"Let Nancy Meyers do it too."

"But won't the production cost be too high?" Mia frowned unconsciously.

The director's fee for "Mean Girls" alone was 700 million. Now plus the producer's fee, no matter how low it is, it would probably be more than 850 million.

Including Wayne's high screenwriting fee, even if no big-name stars join the film, the production cost of "Dog Hotel" will probably exceed 1800 million.
"It's better to use it cooked than raw. Of course, I will wait until the production of "Mean Girls" is completed and see the effect of the film before making a decision."

Mia didn't say anything more after hearing this. Whether the director's fee of 700 million is expensive or not really depends on the director's level.

"What about "The Notebook"?" Mia asked.

"How about you take over the job." Wayne thought for a moment and said, "The producer job of "Taken" is given to Melanie Sloan, so she can take care of Scarlett easily."

"Serra will continue to stay in the company to preside over the daily management and operations of the company, as well as the promotion and distribution of "The Bourne Supremacy"." "As for you, just come back to me~"

When Mia heard this, she rolled her eyes at him at first, but then she couldn't help but smile sweetly, hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

Obviously, Mia, who was 'demoted', did not feel sad at all, but was extremely happy.

After all, she is only 20 years old now. If it wasn't for the sake of keeping up with Wayne and helping him, who would be willing to immerse himself in those boring jobs all day long.

As for the producer work of "The Notebook", as long as she finds two experienced assistants, she actually doesn't need to bear too much burden.

On the opposite side, Sera looked at the two people who were throwing dog food in front of the public, and she also took a sip of coffee, with a look of relief on her face.

"However, as the company expands, in addition to Susan, the company also needs more excellent producers of its own. In addition, it also needs to hire professional managers for daily operations and management."

Thinking of this, Sierra suddenly remembered Mary Parent, a fellow producer she met two days ago when she was invited by Jill Tawerman to attend a party at the Beverly Hills Women's Club.

This Mary Parent also graduated from the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California. After graduation, she first joined Universal. After nine years of working as a producer at Universal, she felt that her wings were strong enough to fly solo, so she joined the company in 99 the year before last. He resigned from Universal and started his own production company in partnership with a friend.

The situation turned out to be completely different from what she had imagined. The connections she had accumulated while working at Universal were not as reliable as she had imagined.

Nowadays, there is almost no investment, and we can only make a living by producing some video films and TV movies with a production cost of 20 or [-] yuan.

The reason why she paid attention to this Mary Parent was not only because she saw in Mary Parent the shadow of herself and Hemera Pictures when they first started, but also after some exchanges, she felt that Mary Parent herself His ability is pretty good, even better than Susan's.

In addition, Hemera Pictures currently lacked its own producer, so she came up with the idea of ​​poaching Mary Parent.

Wayne naturally didn't know about this, otherwise he would definitely find it interesting.

Because this Mary Parent was no unknown person.

Although after her solo career in 99, her company went bankrupt because she couldn't get good projects or investments. She had to find a job at MGM again. After working at MGM for two years, she changed jobs. Return to his old club Universal.

But with Universal's financial and resource support, she thrived again.

He has successively produced excellent works such as "Three Living Together", "Change of Dynasties", and "Model Brothers".

Then in 11, she reached an agreement with Legendary Pictures and was funded by Legendary Pictures. She was responsible for management and operations, once again created her own production company, and in the next five years, as a producer, participated in the production of " "Pacific Rim", "Godzilla", "Pacific Rim 2" and other excellent works.

Finally, he returned to Legendary Pictures with full honors and became the vice chairman of Legendary Pictures.

So in general, as a producer, Mary Parent has no problem with her vision or ability. She just wants to make money, but she doesn't have the ability to raise investment on her own.

In the end, after much tossing and tossing, I finally found my own way. After spending 18 years, I became the vice chairman of Legendary Pictures. Finally, I no longer need to be exploited by the superiors.

Speaking of which, this experience is quite legendary.

(End of this chapter)

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