Chapter 155 Attacked?

And his guess was not wrong.

Avril Lavigne was indeed brought to the bar for promotion by her agent Sandy Robert. As for why she chose this time, this bar, this is not the annual Oscar ceremony approaching, this bar appeared Are the chances of big stars, big directors, and big producers higher than usual?

The music industry seems not to be closely related to the film and television industry, but if you can get the appreciation of big stars and directors, this is also a good way to increase your popularity. After all, the film and television industry is the top of the entire entertainment industry pyramid.

For example, those supermodel girlfriends of Leonardo DiCaprio, didn't they all become famous by riding on DiCaprio's traffic?

"Honey, do you know that girl?" Jessica's voice woke up the distracted Wayne.

"I don't know her, but I think she sings well."

Hannah on the side hummed: "Are you a good singer or a good-looking person?"

Wayne smiled and shrugged: "It's all good~"

After saying that, he called the waiter and gave Avril a bouquet of the most expensive flowers.

Naturally, a high-end bar like this would not throw money directly on the stage like ordinary bars. Not only would that be too vulgar, but how much money can you throw at it?For celebrities who can come and go here, what are dozens or hundreds of dollars?
So this bar changed to sending flowers. Each type of flower represents a different reward. After the performance, the performer can receive the corresponding reward from the bar owner.

This way you can make money while taking care of your style.

The most expensive bouquet of flowers that Wayne chose was worth a full $20!In this era, it was not a small amount of money. It could hire one or two third-rate stars and go out to sea together for several days.

Even in this star-studded bar, such a big deal may not be seen once a month.

As the DJ thanked him loudly at the top of his lungs, the entire bar now knew that Wayne was here, even those who didn't know he was there or didn't recognize his appearance.

The number of girls who came to chat with me and say hello, which had finally decreased, suddenly increased a lot.

Avril, who has been performing here for two days and knows what these 99 scarlet roses represent, but has only received a reward of 500 US dollars at most, was so shocked that she almost forgot her lyrics.

"Well, thank you Mr. Wayne for the flowers, and thank you for liking my song."

It took a while for Avril to come to her senses under the anxious urging of her manager Sandy Robert, who was beside the stage, and started to thank her.

But the contrast between her silly and silly look, her powerful performance just now, and her punk girl outfit was so great that Wayne couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

Avril, who was also looking at Wayne, felt her cheeks heat up after noticing his reaction, and she couldn't help but feel a feeling of embarrassment in her heart.

But now the performance time is not over yet, so she can only calm down and continue to perform.

Of course, not everyone in the bar was happy about Wayne's appearance.

For example, in a booth on the other side of the stage, Vincent Cassel, who was already drunk, froze when he heard Wayne's name, and then smashed the bottle in his hand with a bang. On the table in front of me, it was broken into pieces.

The two girls next to him screamed in fright.

"Fake! What are you doing!"

"You almost scratched my face, did you know?"


The two girls cursed and walked away quickly.But Vincent Cassel didn't even look at them, his head was filled with Wayne's name.

Who asked Wayne to hook up with Monica Bellucci directly?

In addition, "Wolf Covenant", starring him and for which he also invested a fortune, did not do well at the box office. Although it was not a total loss, it was still a big loss.

This made him feel an evil fire that he couldn't suppress immediately.

After looking at the broken beer bottle in his hand, Vincent Cassel stood up and walked towards Wayne's location.

But there were too many people around Wayne's booth, and it took him more than ten minutes to squeeze through.

However, it was precisely because there were so many people that the waiter in the bar did not notice the small half beer bottle held by Vincent Cassel.

Seeing him walking towards Wayne, I thought this was another guy who wanted to strike up a conversation with Wayne.

However, Wayne noticed Vincent Cassel's unkind eyes very early, and then followed the uncoordinated swing of his arm to notice the murder weapon in his hand, and a flash of amusement flashed in his eyes. look.

"Fake Squid! Go to hell! Bastard——"

Just as he had guessed, when he finally reached the front, Vincent Cassel suddenly roared, accelerated two steps, and swung towards him.

Everyone around saw this scene and instantly screamed in surprise.

Hannah stood up immediately. Although she couldn't push Wayne away because there was Jessica in the middle, she subconsciously wanted to block Wayne with her arms.

This scene in Wayne's eyes immediately warmed his heart.

He didn't want Hannah to be injured, so he temporarily changed his tactics. One hand used a gentle force to block Hannah's arm in advance, while the other hand came later, grabbing Vincent with incomparable precision. ·Kasuo's wrist.

The next second, as Wayne exerted more force on his hand, Vincent Cassel suddenly let out a scream, and there was a faint sound of bones breaking from his wrist. When his fingers loosened, the beer bottle he collected also made a snap. It fell to the ground.

But at this time, Wayne did not stop. He first shook Vincent Cassel with force, knocking Vincent Cassel back two steps. At the same time, he stood up and kicked out a lightning kick with his right leg, a Jean-Claude Van Damme style. He raised his leg high and kicked Vincent Cassel on the chest.

The next second, there was a loud bang.

Vincent Cassel, who was covering his wrists and still not standing still, was actually kicked directly and flew more than 20 centimeters off the ground, and then flew at least seven or eight times amidst the exclamations around him. Mi Yuan, it hit the ground heavily.

For a moment, the entire bar became quiet. Even Avril Lavigne and the band behind her who were performing on the stage noticed this amazing scene and subconsciously stopped their performance.

"I buy it!"

"Kicking someone seven or eight meters away? Are you sure this isn't a movie stunt?!"

"Isn't this guy too powerful? Is he a disciple of Bruce Lee?"


Everyone couldn't help but cursed wildly in their hearts.

It wasn't until Jessica and Mia, who were worried about Wayne's safety, also stood up and surrounded him, raising and lowering their hands, that the crowd recovered from the shock.

(End of this chapter)

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