167 - Chapter [-]
Perhaps the mood was aroused by the performances of Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarandon just now. There is no need for a script, let alone preparation. In the empty studio, the two of them just walked on the dim street. While walking in a relaxed manner, the lines kept coming to me like instinct.

By the time the scene was nearly 5 minutes long, and even after editing it was still four to five minutes in the main film, Wayne had a long-lost feeling of exhilaration, as if he had returned to his previous life when he was still in school.

"Honey, how was my performance just now?"

"It's very natural, there's no trace of acting at all," Wayne calmed down and praised sincerely.

For many actors, it is easier to act in scenes that require emotional outbursts. On the contrary, it is difficult to make the audience feel the inner emotions and feelings of the characters without appearing too dull. Only through exaggeration and affectation can you show your skill.

Obviously, the accumulation of study during this period has made Jessica's acting skills a lot better than when she was filming "The Bourne Supremacy".

Although he is still far away from winning an award and is still some way away from being nominated, he has been able to get rid of the title of vase and can be regarded as a capable actor.

The most important thing is that if this state can be maintained, the filming progress of this movie will probably be faster than imagined.

"When will that lakeside villa be built?" When leaving the studio, Wayne asked Mia this question.

Regarding the small lake full of cypress trees and swans depicted in the movie, he also chose the "Cypress Garden" Lake in Charleston, South Carolina, where the original film was shot.

The place itself is a tourist attraction famous for its beautiful lakes and spectacular aquatic plants, but it is impossible to have lakeside villas and they need to build them themselves.

Moreover, we first built an abandoned wooden house on the side, and then built a three-story wooden villa in a better location for living and shooting.

This work is also the first work to be started in the preliminary preparations.

Even if many scenes inside the villa were moved to the studio for filming, there are still many scenes there.

"The original plan was to complete it on April 4th. This should be in time, right?" Mia directly reported the corresponding time without flipping through the workbook. At the same time, she roughly guessed the purpose of Wayne's question.

"I don't know. Anyway, if Jessica and I can maintain this state, if I were the director, I would probably be able to pass every scene in one line~"

Jessica, who was praised on the side, suddenly showed a happy smile, while Mia frowned slightly and said: "Okay, I will call the production assistant and the head of the construction team over there later. , allowing them to speed up the construction progress, but everything must be done to ensure safety and quality."

Wayne nodded and said nothing more.After all, if the quality of the house is too poor, then he and Jessica filming inside will be the most dangerous.

However, with various modern tools and a professional construction team of more than 20 people, there is no need to consider the durability of the villa. It should be quick to build such a three-story wooden villa.

Anyway, he felt that if it was an infrastructure maniac across the sea, such a project would probably be completed in ten days, let alone a month.

"It's almost time for lunch, let's go out to eat."

"Okay, then you and Jess wait for me, I'll go make some arrangements first." After saying that, Mia quickly ran towards the shooting scene next door, while Wayne and Jessica slowed down. Walk towards the door.

As soon as he reached the gate, a voice suddenly sounded from not far away.

"Hey, you're Mr. Wayne!"

Since the release of "Admission", he has often been recognized by some younger female fans outside. Especially after "Happy Death Day" became a hit at the box office, this situation has become more common, so Wayne has not had much Surprised, he turned his head and looked over calmly.

But after seeing the girl's face clearly, he showed a slightly surprised expression.

"Miss Swann? Do you have a scene being filmed here?"

"Yes, "XAK His Life" is in the studio over there, and your film "The Notebook" has also started shooting?"

"That's right, filming just started yesterday."

"Then are you going to have lunch? How about we come together?"

"Sorry, I also made an appointment with other friends."


The visitor was Dominic Swann, whom she had met once at Harvey's party. She was the heroine of "Lita" which was very popular back then.

And Dominic Swann also became famous at a young age with this movie, which is somewhat similar to Natalie Portman.

However, the development after that was completely different between the two parties.

Although Wayne is a bit disdainful of Natalie Portman, I have to say that Natalie Portman's scheming methods are indeed good. Although she loves to toss and her reputation is not very good, at least it is effective. He became an A-list star.

But the same cannot be said for Dominic Swann. After that, her acting career seemed to be fixed, and she played all similar roles, some of which were even comparable to the actresses from the San Fernando Valley next door.

But the problem is that she can't stay 15 years old forever, so although she has continued to get film contracts in recent years, her resource level and salary have been declining rapidly.

Of course, it's not like she never tried to transform. Unfortunately, her acting skills were mediocre, and coupled with the audience's inherent impression, the transformation failed without any surprise.

But these are not the point. The point is that Wayne actually rejected her invitation.

Not to mention Dominic Swann himself, even Jessica on the side couldn't help being stunned for a moment, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

Although Wayne was very kind to her, he was impeccable in all other aspects, and he could be called Prince Charming into reality.

But she knew that if Wayne really liked any girl, he wouldn't care whether they were around or not.

"My dear, you don't like this Dominic Swann? I think she is quite beautiful?" After Dominic Swann left with a look of regret, Jessica couldn't help asking immediately.

"Whether she's beautiful or not is a very subjective judgment. I think Dominic Swann is average, but he's far behind you and Mia, isn't it?"

"No wonder Hannah, to be honest, you have weird aesthetics~" Jessica complained while being praised, but she couldn't help but happily hugged his arm.

However, in fact, the real reason for Wayne's refusal was that he disliked Dominic Swann's age.

That’s right, Dominic Swann, who was born in 80 and is only 21 years old at the moment, doesn’t know whether it’s because of his nature or some issues with his style and habits. He looks like he’s 27 or eight years old, much better than Naomi Waugh. Tzudu is older.If it was Dominic Swann six years ago, or even three years ago, he wouldn't mind having an in-depth exchange with him. As for the young widowed sister, Camilla, and Avril now, wouldn't they be nice?
Amanda Seyfried has better looks and figure than Dominic Swann, right~
It's just that raising the issue of age in front of a woman will inevitably lead to some bad consequences, so he found an excuse from the aesthetic point of view.

After all, not everyone can maintain such good condition like Nicole Kidman and Monica Bellucci.

It's a pity that the widowed sister has already gone to Europe with the group, Camila is still waiting for the company to sign a contract, and Avril has also gone to the recording studio to record songs.

So after lunch, Wayne first sent Mia and Jessica, who wanted to stay to observe and learn, back to the set, then drove to Sarah Michelle's place, and then took Anne and Naomi And Keri Russell was called over.

It is worth mentioning that although he has been contacted through Mike, Keira Knightley, who is currently acting in various small-budget movies, has even met this girl in person.

But after some careful consideration, he gave up the idea of ​​giving her the heroine of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, and instead planned to give it to Keri Russell.

He doesn't comment on who is more beautiful, Keira Knightley or Keri Russell. It's just that he has enough women now and has no interest in accepting Keira Knightley anymore.

As for whether the replacement of the heroine will ruin the classic, he is not too worried about this.Anyway, this is just an investment, and it is not Hemera Pictures' own movie. If it is ruined, it will be ruined.

It is enough for him to earn the funds returned by the system.

As for "The Intern" originally scheduled to star Keri Russell, he is planning to return it to Anne. After all, he is really busy right now, and he still doesn't know what the original movie "Love and Potions" is. When can we start shooting?

As for "The Intern", as long as "Dog Hotel" is over, it can be handed over to Nancy Meyers to start.

The only thing that needs to be worried about is whether Nancy Meyers can hold on physically and mentally.

Having served as director and producer of three movies in a row, James Wan would probably faint from the workload.

Early the next morning, Wayne came over and completely defeated Amanda Hearst and Lydia Hearst, who had spent a whole day and night recovering. They didn't even have the strength to get out of bed to have breakfast. , and then came to the set with Mia and the three of them feeling refreshed.

That's right, starting from today, he and Jessica will officially join the set and start filming.

As an assistant and bodyguard, Hannah, and most importantly, didn't want to stay alone in the manor to face the Hearst sisters, so she naturally chose to follow them.

However, according to the original shooting plan, it is not Wayne who plays with Jessica these days, but Nicolas Cage.

This includes a scene where the heroine 'Ellie' played by Jessica meets 'Hammond' played by Nicolas Cage when she was working as a volunteer nurse.

There is also the scene where 'Hammond' drives a retro car to strike up a conversation with 'Ellie' after being discharged from the hospital, and 'Ellie's' parents invite 'Hammond' to have dinner with them and are very satisfied with 'Hammond'. The scene where people talk about marriage and so on.

The main scenes that Wayne plays in these few days are some of the experiences of 'Noah' after 'Ellie' goes to school in New York, which also includes scenes of joining the army in the European battlefield, etc.

In order to relieve the pressure on the system's funds, Wayne asked Mia to adjust the shooting plan and speed up the process, which made the three of them except Hannah very busy every day.

But this is also impossible.

In fact, at the beginning, Wayne planned to finish filming "Dog Hotel" first, and then he would be able to get another 6000 million funds provided by the system.

However, there were some problems in the early preparations for "Dog Hotel". The main reason was that he oversimplified the layout of the abandoned hotel, the most important setting of the movie.

He calculated based on the fact that the speed of the infrastructure construction maniac over the sea had slowed down by about 30%, but in fact, although the props masters and set designers here made more sophisticated props, it took far longer than planned. Much more.

The other leading actors, especially Lily and Camilla, needed to get familiar with dozens of dogs of various kinds, which took longer than expected.

Therefore, the filming of "Dog Hotel", which was originally expected to officially start the day after tomorrow, on March 3, may have to be delayed by at least a week.

As a result, he needs to speed up the production time of "The Notebook".

[Remaining film and television investment funds: 5859 million]

[Film and television projects currently in progress:]

[Resident Evil 1 and 2: The production budget was 17500 million, and 15700 million has been invested so far]

[Hurricane Rescue: The production budget is 3500 million, and 1722 million has been invested so far]

[Arhat Eleven (18%): Estimated investment of 1500 million, currently 700 million has been invested]

[Pirates of the Caribbean (16%): Estimated investment of 2000 million, currently 0 invested]

[Spider-Man 1 (22%): Estimated investment of 3000 million, currently 1000 million has been invested]

[The Notebook: Estimated investment is 6200 million, and 1739 million has been invested so far]

[Star Wars Episode 2 (4%): Estimated investment is 1500 million, current investment is 700 million]

[Dog Hotel: Estimated investment is 2000 million, current investment is 690 million]

"The entire production of "The Notebook" must be completed before April 4, otherwise the investment funds for the second part of "Star Wars Episode 25" and "Spider-Man 2" alone will be a big problem."

On the filming set, Wayne, who was taking a break from his busy schedule, drank the iced juice Hannah specially made for him and turned on the system.

According to the originally designated shooting plan, the shooting part of "The Notebook" will be completed on April 4. Taking into account Richard Curtis's age and past experience, Wayne gave him two weeks. The post-production time is to complete the production on May 22th.

But now it seems that not only the shooting progress must be accelerated, but the post-production time must also be compressed. Not counting the preliminary preparations, the production cycle was only about 50 days, and it was directly compressed to 10 days.
"I hope Richard Curtis can bear it!"

Unfortunately, even with such a tight shooting schedule, he had to take time off to deal with certain things.


These cannot be pushed away or avoided.

(End of this chapter)

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