Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 169 The terrifying overseas box office

Chapter 169 The terrifying overseas box office
"In addition, the Rotten Tomatoes score is 91%, and the popcorn score is 98%. It seems that the audience likes this movie more than the critics."

Mia also muttered quietly while looking at the data on the table, but she couldn't help but exclaimed before she finished speaking.

"Cinema Score actually gave it an A+ rating? Oh my god, the last time it got an A+ rating was "Gladiator" and "Mission: Impossible 2," right?"

"These two movies have grossed US$4.6 million and US$5.45 million at the global box office respectively!"

No wonder she was so surprised.

Cinema Score has only one rating standard, which is to cater to the market, which is often linked to box office, so Cinema Score's rating is almost equivalent to box office prediction.

Obviously, Cinema Score, which gave an A+ rating, is very optimistic about the box office of "The Bourne Supremacy".

But Wayne wasn't surprised.

"Isn't this normal? After all, we traveled so far for this movie, to shoot in the icy and snowy Europe~"

"And in order to promote this movie, I had to make excuses with reporters and film critics who are more annoying than flies. If this rating is not high, it would be a shame for my hard work~"

The three of them, Mia and others, all thought of the scene at last night's screening party where Wayne was surrounded by a group of men, and they all couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, the cell phone ringing next to him suddenly rang.

Wayne picked it up and looked at it, and found that it was Sierra calling.

"Hey, Sierra, if you called me suddenly at this time, could it be that someone has already come to us to buy overseas copyrights?"

"You guessed it right, Fox is asking for 6500 million, Disney is asking for 6800 million, and I estimate that several other giants will also call today and make offers."

"Then let the bullets fly for a while~" Wayne sneered playfully: "The overseas box office of this movie is expected to exceed 2 million U.S. dollars. Plus the disc sales, these guys only offered such a small amount of money. It’s so insincere~”

"What if they join forces to lower the price?" Sierra asked worriedly.

"Then the worst is to break up. Let's learn from the operations of those film festivals and continue to divide the overseas copyrights of "The Bourne Supremacy" downwards and then sell them~"

After hanging up the phone, Wayne quickly finished his breakfast, and then drove to the filming set of "The Notebook" with Mia.

To a certain extent, "The Bourne Supremacy" has become a thing of the past and a fixed format, and he has basically done everything he can do.

The most important thing now is to follow the adjusted shooting plan and complete the shooting of "The Notebook" as soon as possible.

But every morning after that, he would get the viewing data of "The Bourne Supremacy" from Maida during breakfast.




"My dear, I think there is no difference between our preview and the official release, right?"

"You're right, so I'm thinking about canceling the premiere?"

Of course, it is impossible to cancel the premiere or anything. Although judging from the current situation of "The Bourne Supremacy", there is no need to hold a premiere to attract attention and traffic. The turmoil at the Oscar Awards ceremony, and then In addition, the publicity campaign in the past few days has already reached the peak of popularity.

But it would be too offending to cancel the premiere directly.

Thanks to their connections, there are celebrities who want to use this premiere to gain popularity, film critics who are counting on the premiere to make another fortune, and paparazzi who are squatting outside like hyenas waiting to take pictures.

Although he looks down on these people, there is no need to offend them, right?

Time soon came to April 4st. Once again, with Richard Curtis's aggrieved expression of wanting to curse but not daring to speak, Wayne pulled Mia and Jessica and left early. On set.

"If it weren't for my dear, you gave Richard an additional bonus of 100 million US dollars for the completion of the film, I guess he would have jumped up and cursed just now, right?" Mia couldn't help laughing and joking after getting in the car.

Although the continuous adjustments to the schedule these days have made her dizzy as a producer, it still cannot affect her good mood.

Because as of this morning, the box office of "The Bourne Supremacy" has exceeded 1 million, reaching an astonishing US$10468 million.

Although in terms of the number of screens, the screening of "The Bourne Supremacy" is no different from the official release, but even among the results of the official release, the North American box office exceeding 1 million in seven days is definitely considered excellent.

All the major entertainment newspapers made special reports on this, and some even used the words "This is definitely not fake news for April Fools' Day."

Wayne and Jessica also took advantage of the box office success of "The Bourne Supremacy" to advance to the top of Hollywood.

This kind of advancement speed is estimated to be surpassed only by DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

It is worth mentioning that Leonardo DiCaprio, who did not meet at the last Oscar ceremony, will also appear at the premiere of "The Bourne Supremacy" today.

Obviously, DiCaprio is not the kind of star who needs to attend other people's premieres to stay popular. This guy is popular himself.

So when he learned through Mike that Xiao Lizi wanted to come, he was really surprised.

But what surprised him even more was that DiCaprio took the initiative to attend the premiere of "The Bourne Supremacy". It was not what he imagined. He wanted to ask him for help if he had something to do. He just came to help his friend "Pork" Stop by the platform to meet the man who 'Rushi' said is more handsome than him.

"Wow! Wayne, it's a good thing you didn't audition for "Titanic" with me, otherwise that guy Cameron would have replaced me!"

"Well, you don't have to worry about this, Leonardo. The audition for "Titanic" was in 1995, and I was only 15 years old at that time~"

"Haha, you are just like the rumors. You are not humble at all." "No way, if you look like us, you can't be humble even if you want to~"

Under the introduction of Kate Winslet, the two quickly became familiar with each other, and they felt quite like each other.

Of course, unlike DiCaprio, Wayne still cares about his appearance. If it weren't for the effect of the strengthening potion, he wouldn't be as indulgent as DiCaprio.

"I invite you to my party next time, trust me, you will definitely like it~"

After hearing this, Wayne's mind immediately flashed a picture of sunshine, beaches, supermodels, water guns, and a big belly. He tried very hard not to laugh out loud.

However, he is also quite interested in DiCaprio's supermodel resources.

"It's a pity that Victoria's Secret was already the largest women's underwear manufacturer in the United States as early as the 90s. Otherwise, Victoria's Secret could have been purchased."

I don’t know if it’s because of the popularity brought by the premiere, but the daily box office of “The Bourne Supremacy”, which had been slipping a bit, has returned to more than 1 million, with 2000 million reported on April 4. Dollar.

This also enabled "The Bourne Supremacy" to successfully win the first weekend box office championship, and at the same time push the cumulative box office in North America to 1 million US dollars.

Referring to the good reputation and quality of the film, the total box office of "The Bourne Supremacy" in North America is likely to reach an astonishing 1 million US dollars, and the total global box office exceeds 2.5 million, becoming another box office after "4.5" and "Mission: Impossible" A blockbuster series of espionage action films.

Now the Big Seven finally couldn't sit still.

MGM, which has been heavily in debt over the years, took the lead and directly raised the new round of overseas copyright bids for "The Bourne Supremacy" to US$1 million!
To be honest, it is already difficult to recoup such a price through the box office.

Judging from the popularity of "The Bourne Supremacy" itself, there is no need to spend much money on overseas promotion. However, due to the factor of theater sharing ratio, they have to get at least 1 million overseas box office to make back the money through the box office.

But don't forget, the overseas copyright of "The Bourne Supremacy" is together with the disc copyright.

Think about the fact that the first and second parts of "Mission: Impossible" both sold more than 1 million in the disc market, bringing tens of millions of profits to the distribution company. "The Bourne Supremacy [-]" has achieved both box office and reputation It's not inferior to "Mission: Impossible", I think the disc should also be a big seller, right?

Several other giants basically had the same idea, so the price was quickly raised to an astonishing 1.1 million.

But this is almost the limit of the Big Seven. After all, disc sales are a long-term job, and it is not like box office accounting, which can be settled after the movie is released.

So three days later, on April 4, Wayne had to take leave again and returned to the company under the gaze of Richard Curtis who was about to cry.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Stringer."

"Where is it? Mr. Wayne is filming on the set. I know this. I heard that it is a very good work? I hope that when the copyright is sold, Sony Columbia can be considered more."

In the conference room, Howard Stringer, the president of Sony Columbia, appeared in person, with a warm smile on his face. He took the initiative to bend down and shake hands with Wayne. His attitude was unexpectedly low.

However, Wayne did not dare to look down upon the man in front of him with glasses, gray hair, and a bit of curly hair.

In the years after Sony acquired Columbia, it lost money for several years because the CEO it found was unreliable, and it almost became the biggest joke in Hollywood. It wasn't until Howard Stringer took over that Sony finally turned a profit.

And this guy is not only in charge of Sony's film business, Sony's music and game business in North America are currently all under his control.

If we follow the original historical trajectory, Howard Stringer will become the top person in charge of Sony's global entertainment business in 03. His power is much greater than that of the average CEO of the Big Seven.

And this bowing and shaking hands is really familiar!

But when it's time to make money, you still have to make money, and Wayne will not be merciful to him because of this.

After confirming that there were no problems with the contract, the two parties completed the signing as quickly as possible.

Hemera Pictures received all 1.1 million U.S. dollars on that day, and "The Bourne Supremacy" was released overseas on April 1th, simultaneously in more than 4 countries and regions around the world. Turning it on, I have to say that Sony's actions are really fast.

And in order to build momentum, Sony also exposed the contract amount.

Suddenly the whole world knew that Sony had spent US$1.1 million to buy the overseas rights to "The Bourne Supremacy", which also made countless movie fans curious about what kind of movie this was and why it was worth Sony's spending so much. money.

So spurred by this curiosity, coupled with the fact that the film has already achieved very good reputation and box office in North America, on the day it was released simultaneously around the world, the box office results of "The Bourne Supremacy" directly exploded.

Not only did it regain a single-day box office of US$1800 million in North America, an increase of nearly 50% from the previous two days, but the first-day overseas box office reached an astonishing US$4182 million!
That's right, 4182 million!
In recent years, only "Titanic" and "Star Wars Episode 1" have been able to achieve such results in a single day at the overseas box office, and both of these are super blockbusters with a global box office of over 10 billion!

Not to mention the general audience, even Wayne himself was shocked when he got this data.

To be honest, he doesn't think "The Bourne Supremacy" is good enough to compete with "Titanic" and "Star Wars Episode 1".

As a result, some negative reviews gradually appeared on the Internet and in newspapers.

Some film critics pointed out sharply that the level of "The Bourne Supremacy" is still lower than that of "007" and "Mission: Impossible". At most, the protagonist Wayne is more handsome than Bond and Tom Cruise. , is simply not worthy of such a high box office.

But by this time, the comments from film critics and even newspapers no longer mattered.

Just like the original "Blair Witch", everyone knew through the media and friends that it was a bad movie, but they just couldn't help but want to see how bad this movie was.

And many viewers just want to see what a movie with a box office of over 4000 million on its opening day is like, right?
As a result, "The Bourne Supremacy" once again won an astonishing box office of 1 million on the second day of its overseas release on April 4.

Even if the box office dropped by 4000 million on the third day, it still had a box office of 3751 million.

The cumulative box office in three days was 1.21 million, and negative comments from film critics and the media were completely silenced.

(End of this chapter)

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