Chapter 171 Time Management Master
Now the guest of 60 global tours, the other party is Britney Spears, whose popularity is catching up with Michael Jackson and Madonna. Even a pig can take off directly!

Obviously, Howard Stringer wanted to test Wayne through Avril Lavigne.

Whether this trick works or not, Harvey has already pointed the way for them with "Mean Girls".

In their view, although Wayne has many women, Avril Lavigne's status in Wayne's heart must be different. Otherwise, how could Wayne sell a good work like "Mean Girls" to Harvey at a low price just to promote Avril Lavigne?

In fact, Howard Stringer guessed right. Avril, a punk princess with a unique personality, does have a higher status in Wayne's heart.

Although Avril Lavigne's face and figure are not the most outstanding among his many women, there is no way that Wayne is right about her.

In terms of status, Avril's position in her heart is no less than that of Jessica and Charlize Theron in his heart.

In addition, Howard Stringer also wants to invite him to participate in this year's Tokyo International Film Festival. Then he will be given whatever he wants, whether it is the best film or the best actor or actress.

At the same time, he also said that he would find all the beautiful female artists in Neon to entertain his distinguished guest. Now Wayne really has no reason to refuse!

"Sixty concerts are too hard. I need to fly all over the world. By then I won't be able to see you even if I want to see you, so I will only attend the dozen or so concerts in California, Florida and New York."

"Okay! I listen to you~!"

Avril, who was deeply in love, didn't care about becoming famous or not. Listening to Wayne's gentle words, she immediately agreed happily.

If Wayne hadn't been coming back soon, she might have booked a flight overnight to fly to Charleston to find Wayne.

After a while of sweet talking, Wayne ended the phone call with Avril Lavigne.

It is worth mentioning that although other women, such as the widowed sister, Amanda, Camilla and others, also like to pester him, the gap in status between them makes them have to be careful and restrain themselves from going too far. to disturb him.

Among all his women, only Avril Lavigne would force him to talk on the phone with him.

This made him feel like he was back in his youthful high school days, which felt pretty good.

But then he picked up the phone again and called Howard Stringer.

He definitely couldn't pretend not to know when someone was giving him face like this, so after a brief exchange of greetings, Wayne also made it clear directly that he was willing to deepen cooperation with Sony Columbia. Under similar conditions, Sony Columbia would be given priority. This made the person on the other end of the phone Howard Stringer was so happy that he stood up and bowed on the spot, with a bright smile on his face.

"By the way, Mr. Wayne, when do you have time recently? The celebration party for "The Bourne Supremacy"'s overseas box office success cannot be without you as the protagonist!"

Wayne was startled when he heard this, and then became speechless for a while.

It seems that he is the one who made the most money from "The Bourne Supremacy", right?Including the North American box office account, almost 1 million U.S. dollars were recorded. Even after deducting the publicity and distribution expenses and the production costs at the time, there were still nearly 2.7 million U.S. dollars, so the celebration party should be held by him, right?

However, in his original plan, he did not plan to hold a celebration party, so Howard Stringer wanted to hold a party to celebrate the overseas box office success of "The Bourne Supremacy", and he didn't mind at all.

"I will probably return to Los Angeles the day after tomorrow, but "The Bourne Supremacy" is still in theaters after all, so I might as well wait until it is released."

"What do you think about setting it on May 5th? You don't know that many of our Sony artists admire you very much!"


Wayne was speechless again.

Sony can't sign actors in Hollywood, so aren't its artists just those singers and Asian actresses?
This Howard Stringer is really good at testing his bottom line.

Fortunately, Wayne was determined and quickly hung up the phone after politely responding. Otherwise, he would have been tempted to change his mind and say it would be done the day after tomorrow.

As for why not tomorrow?
That's naturally because we have to film tomorrow and it won't be completed until the afternoon or even evening.

"We just quarrel. You call me an arrogant bastard, and then I call you an annoying person. I'm not afraid that this will hurt our feelings, because in two seconds, we will be back to how we were before!"

"so what!"

"So it won't be easy for us to be together. Such days will be difficult. We have to face them every day, but I am willing to do it because I just like you! I want to have everything about you, you and me, every day."

The next afternoon, under the golden sunset by the lake, 'Noah' and 'Ellie' completed the most important and classic confession in the whole drama. At this point, the filming of "The Notebook" was completed.

"Well done, Wayne, your acting skills are really great!" Richard praised sincerely after checking again to make sure there was nothing wrong.

Although Wayne usually doesn't spend much time studying acting skills, relying on the enhanced learning ability of his enhanced brain, his acting skills have indeed improved a lot during this time. Although he may still be a little short of the best actor, he is still a capable actor. Zhong Ye is considered outstanding.

"Thank you for the compliment, Richard. Then I'll leave it to you. I need to get a haircut as soon as possible. I'm really fed up with this long hair and beard."

As Wayne spoke, he couldn't help but touch the thick beard on his chin. Because there were too many close-ups to shoot, in order to pursue realism, he could only grow long hair and a beard like the original version, not to mention how uncomfortable it was. .

Fortunately, everything is finally over.

First, he comfortably hung up his beard and lost his long hair, and then Wayne took Mia and the three of them on an overnight flight back to Los Angeles.

As for the crew's subsequent set dismantling and equipment transfer, Mia's production assistant was naturally responsible for the finishing touches.

Compared to the beginning, Mia is becoming more and more skilled in this aspect.

"Ah——! You are Bourne, no, you are Wayne Anderson, right? Can I take a photo with you?"

"Sorry, you've got the wrong person."


Seeing Wayne telling lies with his eyes open in a serious manner, the two young girls, about eighteen or nineteen years old, suddenly showed speechless expressions.

On the other hand, Wayne was quite speechless at meeting his fans at the airport at three in the morning.

However, what made him even more unexpected was that he had just sent away the two fans who wanted to sign autographs and take photos, and he bumped into a guy at the VIP entrance who was wearing cool and sexy clothes, and he was wearing a hat that covered half of his face at night. A woman wearing dark brown sunglasses, accompanied by an assistant and two bodyguards.

Everyone would subconsciously take a second look at such a combination.

The woman also noticed Wayne, who was surrounded by three beauties, and then stopped with just one glance, and took off the sunglasses on her face in surprise. "Ah! Mr. Wayne! I didn't expect to see you here, I was-"

"Miss Madonna, I don't think there is a man in the whole of America who can't recognize you, right?"

Wayne raised his eyebrows slightly, then showed a polite smile and said.

That's right, the sexy beauty with beautiful blond hair and white skin in front of you is Madonna Ciccone, who is as famous as Michael Jackson in today's European and American music circles.

He really didn't expect that he would meet a diva like Madonna during a normal plane trip.

"Thank you for your compliment. I just watched "The Bourne Supremacy" starring you two days ago with my friends. Your performance in it was really cool!"

Madonna looked a little excited, as if a fan had met their favorite idol.

It's a pity that she is a singer after all, not an actor. Even though she is a woman with natural acting skills, she is still full of flaws in Wayne's eyes.

The most important thing is that Madonna is 43 years old at this time. No matter how well-maintained she is, she still looks like she is 36 or seven years old. Acting like this shy girl immediately gave Wayne goosebumps all over his body.

At the same time, Wayne was a little surprised by Madonna's attitude.

Although the music industry and the film industry have a lot of intersections, with Madonna's status, this shouldn't be the case.

So Wayne, who couldn't understand Madonna's thoughts, just politely greeted her with a few polite words, exchanged business cards, and left quickly on the pretext of going to pick up her luggage.

Little did they know, Madonna was looking at his leaving figure with an obvious look of regret in her eyes.

It was different from what Wayne had guessed. She didn't have much intention to get to know Wayne, she was just greedy for his body.

In fact, she spends most of her time in New York, and she didn't know about Wayne until she went to see "The Bourne Supremacy" with her best friend two days ago.

Then she became extremely interested in this new and popular A-list star who was even more handsome than Leonardo DiCaprio and had a figure that surpassed all the men she knew.

It has to be said that even a queen with a busy schedule like Madonna has watched "The Bourne Supremacy", which proves that this movie is really popular.

Wayne soon discovered this.

Wayne, who had only been able to sleep three or four hours a day because of his schedule, finally got a full sleep this time, and slept until ten o'clock in the morning before waking up from the soft and comfortable big bed.

After washing up and having breakfast, he took Hannah to the filming site of "Dog Hotel", planning to visit the crew and check on the progress of the filming.

As a result, less than half an hour after he showed up on the set, Maida started to receive a lot of party invitations one after another. For example, he knew Wayne’s cell phone number, and thought he was familiar with Harvey and DiCaprio, and more I called him directly.

"Hey, Wayne, have you finished filming The Notebook?"

"Yes, it just ended yesterday."

"That's great!"


The two of them also invited Wayne to the party, but unlike others, Wayne really couldn't refuse the party of these two guys.

Harvey won't talk about it here. This Lsp's party can surprise him every time and allow him to gain something.

What's more, this time Harvey is holding a party in the name of the screening of "Mean Girls", so he, the leading actor, must attend.

As for Xiao Lizi,
"Shet! This guy has already started to hang out as a supermodel right now?!"

Although his face is generally not in line with his aesthetics, his figure is really great!
The most important thing is that he has no resources in the supermodel circle, so DiCaprio's party is still very attractive to him.

"Haha, Leonardo, I will definitely not miss your party~"

Wayne couldn't help but sigh after hanging up the phone.

Because I was focusing on filming, I went to Cypress Garden for nearly a week. Although I knew how good the results of "The Bourne Supremacy" were through data every day, it was like when playing a game, I only saw the increase in numbers after the upgrade. It doesn't feel like much.

It wasn't until this time, just like the interactive feedback in the game, that he received calls from so many people and listened to their enthusiastic voices one by one, did he truly understand what the popularity of "The Bourne Supremacy" had brought to him. What a huge impact came.


In addition, "The Bourne Supremacy" is also a series of movies.

His current pure star status is no less than that of Tom Cruise after the release of "Mission: Impossible 1" and Keanu Reeves after the release of "The Matrix 1".

When it comes to being the most popular male star in Hollywood today, he may still be a little short of it, but if we want to select the top ten most popular male stars in Hollywood today, he will definitely have a place.

But this way, his time became even tighter.

Forget about Harvey's party, because it also includes a screening ceremony, which takes up an afternoon and an evening.

I don’t know if Xiao Li Zi likes to play with water guns in broad daylight, so I made an appointment with him to go out on a yacht together during the day, which would take up most of the day.

"Hey, Catherine, I'm back. Do you have time today? Okay, let's meet Monica later~"

Wayne, who had just come off the set of "Hotel for Dogs", turned into a master of time management and picked up his phone to call Catherine Zeta-Jones and Rachel Weisz.

After spending an afternoon completely defeating the three of them and having to beg for mercy, he went to the recording studio to pick up Avril and have dinner together.

Then early the next morning, while Avril was still going to rehearse and record songs, he went to Anne's place again, and at the same time brought Naomi Watts, Keri Russell, and Sarah Michelle who had no work for the time being. Guerra, and Eva Green, who had finished filming "Resident Evil 1 and 2", called over.

There came a crazy battle with one against five.

(End of this chapter)

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