Chapter 177 A cake for Hester
Needless to say, the purpose of acquiring Netflix.

Although Netflix's main business in recent years has been online disc rental, without many giants noticing, its website will become the film and television-related website with the most registered members in the next two years. website.

Once an online film and television platform is established, a large proportion of these registered members who spend money to rent discs online will be converted into paying users of the online film and television platform.

And this is the key to why Netflix suddenly became the largest online film and television platform in the United States.

When he acquired Netflix, he certainly didn’t want Netflix’s disc rental business, and he didn’t care whether Netflix could make money from this business. What he wanted was just these paying users.

As for the acquisition of ASML, which produces lithography machines, and NVIDIA, which produces graphics cards, in addition to wanting to make money and increase their own influence, they also want to proactively promote the upgrading of related technologies.

After all, he wants to build an entertainment empire that dominates the world, and the support of corresponding technology is indispensable.

Only by mastering the corresponding technologies can the foundation of his entertainment empire become stronger.

"According to the original historical trajectory, ASML should develop the most advanced TwinScan system this year, defeating Nikon and Canon in one fell swoop, and become the most advanced photolithography technology company. The acquisition at this time is a big advantage."

"In addition, Musk's Space Exploration Technology Company will also be established in June next year."

"When the time comes, once I acquire his Space Exploration Technology Company, master the related technologies of rocket launch and satellite manufacturing, and develop Starlink, I can directly bypass the traditional cable TV network and avoid the sniping attacks of traditional media giants. , soared into the sky."

Wayne thought to himself.

Then, after hanging up the phone, he opened the system panel.


[Film and television projects currently in progress:]

[Resident Evil 1 and 2: The production budget was 17500 million, and 15700 million has been invested so far]

[Hurricane Rescue: The production budget is 3500 million, and 2600 million has been invested so far]

[Arhat Eleven (18%): Estimated investment of 1500 million, currently 1500 million has been invested]

[Pirates of the Caribbean (16%): Estimated investment of 2000 million, currently 0 invested]

[Spider-Man 1 (22%): Estimated investment of 3000 million, currently 2000 million has been invested]

[Star Wars Episode 2 (4%): Estimated investment is 1500 million, current investment is 1500 million]

[Dog Hotel: Estimated investment is 2000 million, current investment is 1300 million]

[US version of Midnight Ring: Estimated investment is 2700 million, current investment is 2050 million]

[Wedding Crashers: Estimated investment of 4200 million, 550 million has been invested so far]

[Heidi and Grandpa: Estimated investment is 1500 million, 400 million has been invested so far]

In the past few days, all the follow-up investment parts of "Ocean's Eleven" and "Star Wars Episode II" have been completed.

As for the expenses incurred by "The Ring", "The Wedding Crashers" and "Heidi and Grandpa", they were mainly Wayne's script fee, the purchase fee for the remake rights, and part of the director's remuneration.

As a result, nearly 1.86 million of the original 6000 million system funds were spent in just a few days, leaving only 1.288 million.

Then set aside the remaining fees for "Hurricane Rescue", "Dog Hotel", "Resident Evil 1 and 2", as well as "The American Version of Midnight Ring", "Wedding Crashers" and "Heidi and Grandpa". The upcoming costs of the film.

He probably only has about 5000 million left at his disposal.

After thinking for a moment, Wayne picked up the phone again and dialed Sera's number: "I am going to start two new projects, "The Grudge" and "Assassin's League". Please contact Li Ying as soon as possible and call 1800 respectively. For a price of 2500 million, Wanhe bought the remake rights of Grudge and the film and television adaptation rights of League of Assassins from Wayne Group."

"Okay, I will contact Li Ying as soon as possible."

Even though she was already accustomed to Wayne's generosity, after hearing this, Sierra couldn't help but be shocked by Wayne's plan to open two new pits.

However, she did not speak to dissuade him, because she believed that Wayne's arrangement must have been carefully considered.

"Okay, I will contact Li Ying as soon as possible."

Then Serra continued: "That guy Avi Arad seemed to have heard something. He took the initiative to come to me this afternoon and proposed the idea of ​​filming our own Marvel superhero movie, and even the project book was Brought here."

"Oh? Which superhero is it?" Wayne asked, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

"Three project documents, namely Hulk, Fantastic Four and Captain America. I originally planned to ask Mia to bring them to you when she returns from get off work."

"It seems that Avi Arad is well prepared. Let me take a look after Mia comes back."

Iron Man was not included in the three submissions submitted by Avi Arad, which did not surprise Wayne.

Originally, the reason why Marvel chose Iron Man was entirely because the mutated and super-powered superheroes at that time had been poorly filmed, and the market and the audience wanted to see new types of superheroes.

Nowadays, mutant and super-powered superheroes have just begun to emerge. There is only one "X-Men" released so far. Due to Hollywood's habit of following the trend of success, Avi Arad will definitely give priority to those mutant super heroes if he wants to film. A hero.

"It's a pity that the Fantastic Four team is too strong, especially the boss Reed, who not only mutated himself and gained superpowers, but also has a smart brain that is not inferior to Tony."

"It is difficult for such a team to integrate into the original Marvel Cinematic Universe, so if we want to film it, we should film "Captain America" ​​first."

Of course, these are only temporary thoughts in Wayne's mind. The specific situation will have to wait until he reads the project book.

Then he called Anne Hurst.

The appearance of Nagasawa Masami and others made him suddenly think of another place where he could make money, and that was the entertainment circle of Bangzi Country.

As another son of Milician, Bangziguo basically gets everything he wants from Milician.

On the surface, it is controlled by many plutocrats, but in fact, all these wealth are controlled by the Millikin consortium, and more than 90% of the income generated has been taken away by the Millikin consortium.

The entertainment industry in Bangzi Country started relatively late, and no one paid attention to it before.

But after entering 2000, with the popularity of groups such as HOT and TVXQ in Asia, the development momentum was very rapid.It's just that the entertainment industry in Bangzi Country, as well as the three major entertainment companies, are all dependent on large chaebols such as Samsung. The current international influence of Hemera Pictures and Wayne Group is not enough to allow these wealth to give up this piece of wealth. The cake is rising rapidly.

But if the Hearst family came forward, then there would be no problem.

On the American side, although the Hearst family is not as powerful as Morgan and Rockefeller, they are still among the top wealthy families.

Its influence spreads all over the world, much larger than today's Hemera Pictures and Wayne Group.

The Hearst family takes action. Unless the American consortium behind it speaks out, even Samsung, the largest conglomerate in the country, will not dare to reject the Hearst family for this small profit.

"Oh? Acquiring an entertainment agency from Bangzi Country?" Anne Hurst couldn't help showing a surprised expression after hearing Wayne's proposal.


"Why not buy a movie company?" Anne Hurst asked.

"Although Bangzi Country's film and television industry is still relatively small and not very competitive internationally, it can still bring in a lot of profits domestically, so it was acquired by their country's top chaebols early on." Wayne explained.

"As you come forward, the other party may not dare to refuse, but there is no need to do so, because in my opinion, the Bangzi Country entertainment industry is different from Hollywood. The core competitiveness lies in their actors and singers."

"And what's different from Hollywood is that their agencies have almost no restrictions on contracted artists. They can squeeze the artists to death, just like a contract to sell their bodies."

"So the benefits that controlling a brokerage company can bring are actually much greater than those of a film and television company."

"But the prerequisite for this is that their artists are popular enough." Anne Hurst said with a smile, "It seems that you are very optimistic about the prospects of their artists?"

"Yes, no matter how hard they cultivate their stars, it will be difficult to achieve the influence of Hollywood stars, but looking at East Asia and Southeast Asia, they are still very competitive."

"East Asia and Southeast Asia have a population of nearly 30 billion. With this huge population base, once the market is developed, the benefits it can bring are not small."

Out of white arrogance, Anne Hurst originally did not attach much importance to Asia.

However, she believed in Wayne, and the market value of the so-called three major entertainment companies in Bangzi Country was still very cheap, so she just thought about it for a moment and happily agreed.

"So which agency do you want me to buy?" Anne Hurst asked.

"SM Entertainment," Wayne gave the answer he had prepared, and then explained: "The president of this company is a popular singer himself, so he is very good at cultivating and operating singing and dancing idols. As for actors, you are After completing the acquisition, you can recruit more new people under the banner of "guaranteeing Hollywood in the future" and implement the strategy of casting a wide net. You can always find some potential guys. Of course, I will also provide you with a few that I am optimistic about. selection."

"They are all beauties, right?" Anne Hurst asked with a smile.

"That's right~" Wayne admitted frankly without hiding it.Although his main purpose is to steal the wool of Bangzi, he doesn't mind tasting the female stars of Bangzi country.

"OK, after the acquisition and signing are completed, I will send the person over to you~ But don't leave Amanda alone!" Anne Hurst reminded, and then took the initiative to change the subject before Wayne could speak: "What do you think is the appropriate arrangement for equity?"

"Fully-owned acquisition, and then leave some incentive equity to Lee Soo Man. In addition, when SM improves, we can invite the top chaebols in Bangzi Country to take shares, but the absolute control of the company must always be in our own hands."

Anne Hurst put away her smile, nodded and said: "No problem, I will arrange it as soon as possible as you said, and keep an eye on this matter personally."

"Then I'll wait for your good news~"

Today's SM Entertainment has a market value of only a few million US dollars.As long as the relationship above can be established, the acquisition will be quick.

"Remember to send me the list you mentioned."


After hanging up the phone, Wayne immediately sent an email to Anne Hurst with a dozen names including Ha Ji-won, Choo Ja-hyun, Kim Tae-hee, Son Ye-jin, Jang Nara, etc.

It's a pity that Qiao Mei and Jun Zhixian are already famous now, so it's not easy to recruit them, otherwise there would be two more names on them.

"Come on, baby, let's go swimming~"

After finishing, Wayne directly picked up Masami Nagasawa and jumped into the swimming pool.

It's already getting hot in California in May. Even though it's already past four in the afternoon, there's still plenty of light. This weather is undoubtedly the most suitable for swimming.

Since the copyright of "The Notebook" has been successfully sold and there are no new projects in hand for the time being, Mia finally doesn't have to work overtime during this period.

"These are the three project documents submitted by Avi Arad. In addition, the filming of "The Rescue" ended last night. The crew will fly back today and start post-production work tomorrow."

Mia returned home and brought another good news to Wayne.

"I think now is not the time to talk about this. I haven't seen you for more than ten days. Baby, don't you miss me?"

Mia rolled her eyes at him angrily.How could she not miss such a perfect boyfriend after not seeing him for more than ten days?

Just looking at Wayne's perfect body like an ancient Roman sculpture, she couldn't help but tighten up, okay?
It's just that Charlize Theron and Masami Nagasawa are still there, so she needs to be more reserved.

But Wayne didn't care about this, he picked her up and walked to the bedroom.

As a result, the dinner time was unexpectedly postponed by an hour, and unlike before, after Charlize Theron and Masami Nagasawa moved in, even an ordinary dinner would require a lot of time. Arrived at the big dining table.

After dinner, Wayne took the project book to the balcony on the second floor. While holding Mia in his arms, he read the script outline attached to the project book.

On the other side was Hannah, who finally remembered her identity as an assistant and felt that she should follow her.

"My dear, can't you do that?"

For half an hour, Mia watched Wayne throw the last project document on the coffee table, his brows furrowed, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

As the vice president and production manager of Hemera Pictures, she had naturally read these three project documents in advance.

In her opinion, apart from other things, the scripts of these three project books should be pretty good, but unexpectedly, Wayne seemed to be very dissatisfied.

"Yeah, but I can't say it's bad." Wayne explained casually.

(End of this chapter)

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