Chapter 180 Best Boyfriend

"Ahem, I don't think it's necessary. I should be fine in the original two weeks!" After struggling for a while, Nancy decided to 'die early and give birth early' and quickly finished the post-production of "Dog Hotel" After all, she can take a vacation for herself as soon as possible.

As a result, this ended up killing Wayne.

It was rare for him to show mercy and give Nancy extra time. It was to add an extra week of production time, but Nancy actually refused?

Are there any workers who take the initiative to work overtime?
Well, the reason why he is willing to extend the post-production time for "Dog Hotel" is mainly because the copyright of "The Notebook" has been sold, and his current system still has sufficient funds.

In addition, "Rescue" and "Resident Evil 1 and 2" have also been completed and moved into post-production, so he should no longer be short of system funds.

After all, the production cost of "Resident Evil 1 and 2" was reached to 1.75 million by him through industrial light and magic.

Once the production is completed, 5.25 million will be directly returned!
In this way, he naturally doesn't have to worry too much about the later progress of "Dog Hotel".

Unfortunately, Nancy didn’t know this.

In order to be 'calculated' by Wayne again, although I was very reluctant to give up, I still gave up the benefits that had been put on my lips.

Shaking his head, Wayne said nothing more.

Then he went to express his condolences to Lily and Camilla, and made an appointment with Camilla to reward them when he was free tomorrow. Then he got back in the car and left the set.

However, after leaving the crew this time, he did not return to Wayne Manor, but went to Avril Lavigne's place.

Tonight is Avril Lavigne’s first official appearance at Britney’s concert.

Although she is only an assistant guest, she will also go to the rehearsal in the afternoon.

Then Wayne, as a good boyfriend, would naturally go with her.

To be honest, Wayne was also surprised that he was willing to spend so much time and thought on Avril. Maybe it was because he found something from Avril that he had never experienced from anyone else, the youthful love of student days, which made up for it. Maybe he had some regrets.

After all, he had always regretted not being able to fall in love in high school or college in his previous life.

Of course, when he got to college, because he was in film school, even if he wanted to talk, they wouldn't give him a chance.

"Ah! My dear, why are you here?"

"I'm here to rehearse with you. What if you're too nervous to be alone?"


In order to ensure that she had enough energy for the evening performance, Avril had to resist the urge to have a pre-lunch appetizer dessert, and just kissed Wayne happily on the face.

After all, she was a little nervous at first, but now she was not nervous at all because of Wayne's arrival.

And the benefits of coming to Wayne go far beyond that.

Tall, handsome, with an extraordinary temperament, plus a pair of expensive custom-made suits and collectible watches.

Wayne simply walked to that station, and with four bodyguards around him, the concert manager immediately ran over after receiving the news.

After all, he had already received a reminder from his boss, Howard Stringer, and knew who the female guest star was tonight.

At the same time, he also knew that Wayne was the one that his big boss wanted to fawn over.

Therefore, Wayne's appearance directly elevated Avril to the point where she received more attention than the protagonist of the concert, the now popular little diva Britney.

This is not surprising to Wayne, because he did it on purpose.

But what he didn't expect was that, in addition to her assistant and manager, Britney's vampire dad was also here. After learning about Wayne's arrival, he dragged the cloth that had been prepared for the stage rehearsal. Lanny ran over together.

"Ah! Mr. Wayne, I didn't expect you to come here now. It's been so long!"

"Hello, Mr. Spears, long time no see."

The two of them didn't know each other very well, so Wayne didn't hug him, but just shook his hand politely.

Jamie Spears didn't dare to be dissatisfied with this.

Although Britney Spears is very popular, movie stars are at the top of the contempt chain in the industry. If nothing else, a popular A-list actor like Wayne's income is no worse than Britney. Even higher.

What's more, Britney is just a money-making tool for capital, while Wayne is capital.

"We are so honored to have you attend Britney's concert!"

"Anyway, I actually appreciate Miss Britney's music and talent."

After a few words of greeting, Jamie Spears took the initiative to drag her manager and assistant away, leaving Britney alone here. There was no need to explain what she was doing.

"Hello, Mr. Wayne, um... long time no see."

Britney Spears had to take the initiative to say hello.

At Lily's birthday party last time, although she had a "very happy conversation" with Wayne, it was mainly due to the influence of alcohol. After all, no matter how stressed she was, her father and her agent would not hesitate to protect her as a cash cow. Let her drink.

Now that she has no alcohol, and thinking about her 'unbridledness' back then, she is inevitably a little embarrassed at this time.

Wayne saw her embarrassment at a glance and couldn't help but chuckled and said: "Miss Britney, you don't have to do this. I never force a girl. If Miss Britney doesn't like it, I can tell Mr. Spears directly." , tell him not to make any more crooked ideas."

"Well thank you then"

Britney unnaturally brushed the blond hair around her ears and quickly looked away.

There's no way around it, Wayne himself is handsome enough, and his smile is like a black hole. If you take a second look, you can't help but be sucked into it and be fascinated by his charm.

It would be fine if she and Wayne were both single, but in fact, she had a boyfriend and Wayne also had a girlfriend.

But while looking away, she couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, even a little dissatisfied.

Isn't she beautiful and sexy?
Why doesn't Wayne have any thoughts about her?
Is she not attractive enough?
Well, in Wayne's opinion, although Britney is quite beautiful, she is still not as good as those of his women.

"Does Miss Britney need to go to rehearsal?" Wayne spoke again, with the subtext that he was already chasing people away.

"Ah, yes, then I'll go first." Britney didn't know whether she heard it or not, but she did need to go to rehearsal, so after saying goodbye to Wayne, she quickly walked to the back of the stage.

Wayne first went to the dressing room to say hello to Avril, and then, accompanied by his bodyguards, he took a few magazines and newspapers and sat in the front row of the audience.

Although the busy staff around him and the music and lights on the stage never stopped, he kept watching with gusto, and his heart rarely calmed down.

However, this kind of rehearsal before the opening was not a real performance after all, it was just a process, so it ended in just over an hour.

"Come on, let's go have something to drink. I just read in a magazine that there is a very good dessert shop near here." After the rehearsal, Wayne took Avril directly and left the scene, which made him originally plan to meet Wei Er again. Endo Chat's Jamie Spears couldn't help but look regretful.

Even Britney on the side rarely felt the same as her father this time.

"Am I really not attracted to him at all?"

"I think Avril is not prettier than me, and her figure is not better than mine."

Britney couldn't help but think to herself.

On the other side, Wayne didn't know what she was thinking. He took Avril to have a cup of coffee and take a break. When he came back, it was already 05:30 in the afternoon.

I have to say that Britney Spears is indeed very popular in America now.

At this time, there was still more than an hour before the concert officially started at [-]pm, and the parking lot outside was already crowded with cars and people.

The long queue at the entrance stretched to the intersection more than 100 meters away.

As a last resort, Wayne had no choice but to ask his bodyguard to park the car in front of a nearby restaurant and walk there with Avril.

"Oh my God, Britney is so popular!"

Avril, who was protected in Wayne's arms all the way, couldn't help but sigh in her heart, thinking about when she would be so famous.

Wayne saw her thoughts at a glance and said with a smile: "Believe in yourself, you will not be inferior to her in the future~"


Avril, who was encouraged, turned around and smiled sweetly, hugged his neck and kissed him hard.

There was a crowd of people around, and some Britney fans couldn't help but turn their heads when they heard Wayne's words, wanting to see who was so shameless and dared to say that someone could compare to Britney.

As a result, Wayne was immediately frightened after seeing the four tall bodyguards surrounding him.

"Xie Te! Is it great to have money? Even if you have money, not everyone can be as popular as Xiao Tiantian!" These people thought secretly in their hearts.

But soon they were slapped in the face.

In her previous life, Avril Lavigne was indeed a little worse than Britney at her peak, but in this world, she has the backing of a big capitalist like Wayne, and there are also classic songs from her previous life that she can 'learn from'.

It's really not difficult for Avril Lavigne to be more popular than Britney.

After more than 20 minutes, Wayne took Avril into the venue through the VIP channel.

"Come on! But don't be too nervous."

"Well, honey, I get it!"

Avril quickly kissed Wayne on the cheek and then ran backstage.

Then Wayne, accompanied by four bodyguards, came to the front row area.

Whether it's an event or a concert here in Millikin, there will always be a VIP area in the front row reserved for the rich and famous.

And with Britney Spears' fame, there will definitely be a lot of celebrities attending her concerts.

Wayne had anticipated this.

But what he didn't expect was that someone would come earlier than him.

You know, it's still an hour before the concert officially starts.

But soon he knew why these people came so early.

"Ah! Are you Mr. Wayne? I'm Cameron Diaz. I didn't expect to meet you here! I'm so lucky!"

Cameron Diaz, Amy Adams, Rose Byrne.
Looking at the familiar but familiar faces next to his seat, Wayne knew that the news that he was coming to the concert had been leaked in advance.

His first reaction was Howard Stringer. After all, Britney Spears is from Sony Music, and this concert was also organized by Sony.

But then he rejected the idea.

Because if Howard Stringer wants to curry favor with him, he shouldn't go to these Hollywood actresses.

The reason is that for him now, these female stars are completely within his reach, and they no longer have much appeal.

The appearance of these actresses here is of great benefit to themselves.As long as you can be favored by Wayne, you will be able to obtain a steady stream of high-quality resources in the future.

As the president of Sony Columbia, Howard Stringer obviously does not need to do this for ordinary female stars.

So it was probably Harvey, the concert manager, Jamie Spears, or even the staff at the afternoon rehearsal who leaked the news.

After all, in addition to first-tier actresses like Cameron Diaz and already-famous third-tier actresses like Amy Adams and Rose Byrne, he also saw newcomers like Amber Tamblyn, A newcomer who is not yet famous.

So there's a good chance that there's more than one person who leaked the news.

Wayne shook his head secretly, not paying too much attention to it, just chatting with these glamorous beauties while waiting for the concert to start.

Of course, they are not the only celebrities coming to the concert.

After about 06:30, other celebrities began to arrive one after another.

These people are basically all locals in Los Angeles, so when they saw Wayne surrounded by beauties, like a star holding the moon, they were stunned for a moment, and then they recognized Wayne's identity and ran away Came over and said hello.

Among these people, only a small part are from the film and television circles, and most of them are from the music and sports circles.

For example, Christina Aguilera, who became popular for singing the theme song of Disney's 98 version of "Mulan", received Grammy nominations for "Best Female Pop Vocal Performance" for two consecutive years in 2000 and 2001.

And now among the Los Angeles Lakers, the popularity and status of Kobe Bryant has gradually caught up with the 'Shaq' O'Neal.

To be honest, as soon as he saw Kobe Bryant, an idea immediately came to his mind, that is, there would be no need to fly a helicopter in the future.

Well, regular passenger planes and private jets also have fewer seats.

After all, it would be too dangerous if something happened to a person in heaven.

In addition to these local celebrities, there are also many celebrities from other places who come here specifically due to the huge popularity of Britney Spears.

Of course, these people are often of relatively average fame. They are either outdated or newcomers who come specifically to take advantage of Britney's traffic.

(End of this chapter)

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