Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 182 The fine tradition on the opposite side

Chapter 182 The fine tradition on the opposite side

However, due to mediocre results, subsequent resources have dropped a lot. At this time, she is considered an [-]th-tier actress who is better than a newcomer.

However, because she has the qualifications to star in movie heroines, she was still ranked first.

"Okay, Miss Trachtenberg, please start your performance." Hannah, an assistant, said

When Michelle Trachtenberg just introduced herself, she had been staring at Wayne, observing his reaction. Seeing that his eyes were calm and he didn't show any interest in her, she couldn't help but feel disappointed. I'm afraid the role this time is up in the air.

However, she still steeled herself and started performing according to the script she had just received while waiting.

As for the result
"Okay, Miss Trachtenberg, you can go back and wait for the news. If you pass the audition, we will call you and your agent within three days."

Michelle Trachtenberg suddenly showed a frustrated expression.

If it were an audition from another production company, there might still be a chance, but Hemera Pictures is different.

As we all know, the female roles in all Hemera Films' films are basically auditioned on the same day, and no later than one day.

It was obviously hopeless to get the results within three days.

Michelle Trachtenberg could only try to force out a smile, politely bowed to the Wayne people behind the judges' table, thanked them, and turned around to leave.

In this regard, neither Wayne and others, nor the most emotional Hannah, had any mood swings.

That's always been the case in Hollywood.

The next person to audition was Megan Fox.

Nowadays, Megan has gained a lot of popularity due to her popularity as the third female lead in "Mean Girls", and she is almost on the third line.

In addition, it still belongs to one's own people.

So Wayne just watched her performance, and after confirming that she could express emotions such as nervousness and panic, he gave her one of the two supporting actresses who had more scenes at the beginning.

This is the importance of personal relationships.

But Wayne is not at a loss either.

With Meghan's good looks and figure at the beginning of the film, and her dressing a little cooler and more homely, it's enough to make those LSPs scream and feel that it's worth the price of admission.

However, the candidates for the remaining three supporting actresses soon put Wayne in a difficult choice.

Because he didn't expect that Amber Tamblyn, Rachel McAdams, Emmy Rossum and even Amber Heard would also participate in this audition.

Among them, Amber Tamblyn was the second female lead in the original film, and her appearance, figure and acting skills were all top-notch.

Not to mention Rachel McAdams.

If Wayne hadn't snatched her "Mean Girls", "The Notebook" and "The Wedding Crashers", in a few years she would have been promoted from an eighteenth-tier actor to Hollywood at an alarming rate One line.

I don’t know how many veteran female celebrities overtook me at the corner.

So Wayne still feels a little guilty towards her.

As for Queen Amber Heard, although her character cannot be complimented, her looks and figure are really top-notch.

If she and Megan were put together at the beginning of the film, and they were dressed in cool clothes, it would probably make many LSPs rush to the cinema, right?
The most important thing is that he has no scruples at all about letting Amber Heard star in such a restrictive scene!

"Shet! Who should I choose?"

Wayne was multitasking, thinking about this issue while watching the next audition performance. After a long time, he still couldn't make a choice.

So, unable to think of anyone to choose, he finally chose the fine tradition of China Entertainment across the sea.

Is there a problem with the actors?
Move the script!

At the beginning, it was difficult to choose between the second and third female lead?
Wouldn't it be nice to add a fourth and fifth girl~
Four best friends were in bed together, fighting and making fun for the audience, while eliciting the horrific legend of the video tape through dialogue.

"But four seems to be too many, let's go with three. After all, triangles are the most stable."

After looking at the names of the four people again, Wayne finally kicked out the somewhat annoying Amber Heard.

That leaves only Amber Tamblyn, Megan, and Rachel McAdams.

Wayne's mind quickly recalled the audition performances of the three of them just now, and a satisfied smile appeared on his lips.

As for the remaining three supporting high school students who only had a few scenes and a few lines, he gave one to Amber Heard after some hesitation.

The reason is for no other reason than to give this scumbag a little hope, and then see what little tricks this scumbag will do next.

That's right, he just wanted to catch this scumbag for fun.

Among the other two roles, the role of a high school girl was given to Evan Rachel Wood, who we met at Lily's birthday party last time and who also came to audition this time.

It is worth mentioning that Evan Rachel Wood, who has no cheeks, still looks very good, but her figure is a little flatter.

But considering her age, it's understandable.

As for the role of a male high school student, he finally chose Jonah Hill, a well-connected actor, among the seven or eight actors who came to audition.

Anyway, this role doesn’t require any acting skills. It just requires a cold face and a few lines. It’s the same for everyone.

Jonah Hill is a complete newcomer, and his salary is only two to three thousand dollars.

But for Jonah Hill, he was so happy that he could get such an opportunity through audition. In front of so many people, he hugged Mike and jumped up and down excitedly.

Although he didn't kiss her directly on the face like Xiao Jianjian did before, it still attracted a lot of people's attention.

On the other hand, Wayne, who had finalized the casting of the male lead and important supporting roles, was also ready to run away.

"I have other work to do, so I'll leave first. I'll leave the rest to you."

"Yes, Mr. Wayne."

Gore Verbinski stood up quickly and responded.

Among the remaining characters, the more important ones are Sadako, Sadako's adoptive parents, the doctor who treated Sadako and was later responsible for providing clues to the heroine, and the administrator of the town archives.

The other extras can be left to the first assistant director to choose.

However, in order to ensure the quality of this movie, Gore Verbinski decided to be more conscientious and took over the selection of supporting roles.

After all, he has not forgotten that Wayne is also an investor in "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Now that "Pirates of the Caribbean" has not started filming, with Wayne's energy, it is not difficult to replace him as a director.

As for Wayne, as soon as he left the audition site, he left the company by car and returned to the manor.

After two days of recuperating, he couldn't wait to have an in-depth communication with Charlize Theron and Masami Nagasawa.

"Didn't you say you wanted to work?" On the way back, Hannah couldn't help but complain.

In this regard, Wayne did not coddle her. He slapped her amazingly elastic part and said with a wicked smile: "Isn't it my job to feed you?"

Hannah was speechless. After all, she hadn't received a gift for two days, and she couldn't wait to have an in-depth communication with Wayne.

Half an hour later, the car returned to the manor.

Although there will be a party tonight held by Sony Columbia to celebrate the overseas box office success of "The Bourne Supremacy", Howard Stringer will definitely be prepared.

However, out of confidence in his own strength, Wayne did not restrain himself and spent an entire afternoon defeating Hannah, Jessica, Charles Theron and Masami Nagasawa, one against six.

In order not to favor one against another, each of them was given hundreds of millions in gifts.

"Sir, do you need to postpone dinner?"

Wayne, who had just taken a shower and was changing clothes, looked back at the messy room and the six people on the big bed who were already sleeping soundly. He thought for a while and said: "Mia and I have the usual arrangements, theirs." Just wait until they get up."

Although it was just a dinner for two people, there were seven courses, each of which was carefully prepared by top chefs hired with high salaries.

Coupled with the fact that he had just exercised vigorously for more than four hours, Wayne couldn't help but move his index finger and develop an appetite.

This caused Mia to snicker.

As soon as she saw that they were the only ones left at dinner, she knew what was going to happen this afternoon.

After dinner, Wayne and Mia walked in the garden for a while and rested for about half an hour. Seeing that the time was almost up, he took a car to the party venue.

"Haha, Wayne, you're finally here. I'm glad you can come to my party!"

Maybe it was because there were more guests. At this time, Howard Stringer was not as 'groveling' as when they met in private, but he still showed great enthusiasm.

With yesterday's overseas release, the box office results of "The Bourne Supremacy" have also been confirmed.

The North American box office was 3.21 million, the overseas box office was 2.85 million, and the total global box office was 6.06 million US dollars.

This is undoubtedly a quite astonishing number.

The most important thing is that "The Bourne Supremacy" is still a series, at least it can be made into a trilogy!

There are huge benefits in this, and anyone in Hollywood knows this very well.

Therefore, it was called a celebration party for the overseas box office success of "The Bourne Supremacy", and at least more than 1 first- and second-tier Hollywood stars who were currently popular were present at the party. The most eye-catching and popular person in the audience was still Wayne.

"Hi Wayne, long time no see~"

"Long time no see, Julia."


Soon, someone eagerly came over to say hello to Wayne, and Wayne could only respond with a polite smile.

Fortunately, the people who came to say hello usually came in groups of two or three, and those male celebrities, as well as older female celebrities, usually just exchanged a few words and left in less than 2 minutes.

Unlike those young female stars who stood there as if they didn't want to leave, wasting several minutes of his time every time.

Otherwise, I might not have enough time in the evening just to say hello.

"It's really enviable!"

"Yeah, it doesn't matter that that guy is handsome and popular. Every movie produced by his production company is a hit. I have to say it's really amazing."

"Fortunately, he has a higher vision~"

Tobey Maguire, who also received an invitation to the party, shook his head and said with a wry smile to DiCaprio, who looked envious next to him.

Yes, even DiCaprio is very envious of Wayne.

With his good looks and fame, if he wanted to have in-depth communication with those third-tier female stars, he basically only had to hook his fingers.

It is not difficult even for second-tier female stars, and few people can resist his charm.

But the same cannot be said for A-list female stars.

Julia Roberts, a very popular female star in the A-list, has never had an in-depth communication with any of her.

Tobey Maguire couldn't help but think of his former goddess Charlize Theron, and couldn't help but sigh.

Almost at the same time, Matt Damon, who was standing with his friend Ben Affleck not far away, also sighed, his eyes full of envy.

Of course, he is envious. He has not yet gotten out of the trough of his career, so he will not refuse to take the initiative to say hello to Wayne.

It's just that there are always people coming and going around Wayne, and he can't find any opportunities at all.

"By the way, didn't you star in a suspense thriller produced by Hemera Films? Or it was directed by the new famous horror film director James Wan. When will it be released?" Ben Affleck changed the topic, Asked proactively.

"Your "Dark Side", right? Warner has asked me to free up my recent schedule and prepare to participate in promotional activities. If there are no changes, it should be released at the end of this month."

Matt Damon's mood suddenly improved a lot when he mentioned "The Dark Side".

After all, this is the work of Hemera Pictures that has never failed so far.

Although he is only the second male protagonist, the heroine played by Martina Garcia is the first in this film.

But the leading actor is the leading actor. As long as this film can achieve good box office results, the impact of his previous three consecutive box office hits will almost subside.

"Congratulations in advance~" Ben Affleck smiled, raised the champagne in his hand, and banged it with him.

Although, if even "The Dark Side" were thrown in, Matt Damon might fall into the abyss.

But both he and Matt Damon think this possibility is infinitely small.

After waiting for another ten minutes, the two finally waited for the opportunity and walked over quickly after Russell Crowe, who had just finished greeting Wayne, left.

"Hello, Wayne"

Wayne's impression of Matt Damon was average, and he knew that he and Tom Cruise were good friends, so he just nodded politely and exchanged a few words.

On the other hand, Ben Affleck, perhaps because this guy has played the role of the boss in "Justice League" and "The Flash", made him take a second look.

Of course, today's Ben Affleck is not the calm and handsome middle-aged uncle he was 20 years ago, and he is still taking a similar route to Matt Damon.

So Wayne just paid a little more attention.

Relatively speaking, what he is most curious about now is what gift Howard Stringer will prepare for him tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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