Chapter 190 A gift from Hearst
"Sir, the two paintings you took have been sent together with the certificates."

"So fast?"

"Do I need to keep it?"

Wayne, who had just returned to the manor, took a shower and put on a comfortable nightgown, reached out to take the coffee from Erika, thought for a while and said: "Let the "Innocence" be hung in the study. As for the other ones, "Two Sisters". Just wait and see."

These two paintings are not rare masterpieces with great potential for appreciation. Wayne bought them just to hang them up and look at them, so naturally he did not intend to collect them.

"Okay, sir, these are the new invitations."


Wayne's expression suddenly froze. Seeing the maid behind Maida holding another thick pile of invitations, his originally good mood turned into a headache.

"You help me look at it and reject it as much as possible. The reason is that I am in retreat to create a script. Well, it is a script cooperating with Leonardo. I believe they will understand."

True to his word, in the next period of time, he basically went to the manor and Roxbury Street.

During the day, I went to the villa on Roxbury Street to drink coffee and play poker with Martina, Monica Bellucci and the others. I went home on time before dinner and had dinner with all the beauties at home and had in-depth communication.

Then in the dead of night, while enjoying the service from Erika like a tryst, he concentrated on 'creating' the script.

However, the outside world's enthusiasm for him has never dropped.

Although "The Bourne Supremacy" has been released for some time, don't forget that "Mean Girls" is still in theaters, and the box office has already exceeded Harvey and the major distribution companies' original expectations. It seems that it will go straight to the theaters. 1 million gone.

In a situation where all the main actresses are newcomers and [-]th-tier stars, it is even more incredible to be able to achieve such an astonishing box office than the original "American Pie".

While feeling shocked, everyone also realized two things.

First, Wayne is really popular, especially his box office appeal, which is the most important to producers and investors. He is no longer inferior to top first-line actors such as Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Will Smith.

At least there are a lot of Waterloos in the movies made by Tom Cruise.

But Wayne didn't have any.

As for the second point, it once again proves that Wayne has a vicious eye for selecting actresses and his ability to make people popular.

Now that the movie hasn't even been released yet, "Mean Girls" has all reached the third-tier level, and the most popular Megan and Scarlett have even crossed the second-tier threshold.

Even if she can only be regarded as the bottom among the second tier, she is still a real second tier actress!
A movie went from being outside the [-]th tier to being at the bottom of the [-]nd tier. This leap has really made countless actresses in Hollywood jealous to the point of drooling.

Seeing this, Warner, which had previously bought "The Dark Side", and Sony, which had just bought "The Notebook", no longer waited, and decisively arranged the release of the two films as quickly as possible.

Forget about "The Dark Side", today's Matt Damon is still stuck in the second tier. Even if Martina has been promoted from an unknown newcomer to a third tier actress, she still has to invest a lot of money in promotion.

But "The Notebook" only announced the names of Wayne, Jessica, Nicolas Cage, plus actor Dustin Hoffman and actress Susan Sarandon.

There was no need to spend any money to buy any space, and it had already made the headlines of major entertainment news and newspapers.

It can be said that Sony really won the game this time.

Even with Wayne's current temperament, he couldn't help grinning after learning this data, secretly thinking that he really suffered a big loss this time.

According to this trend, as long as the quality of "The Notebook" itself is not bad, it is likely to be another super hit movie with a global box office of over [-] million US dollars.

Taking into account the revenue from the disc market and the saved publicity and distribution costs, Sony estimates that it can earn about [-] million US dollars in profit from this movie!
Before the release of "Spider-Man", Sony had never made so much money from a movie!

There is no doubt that such astonishing profits directly alarmed Sony Corporation.

Then, under a detailed report by Howard Stringer, Wayne received a big gift from Sony on the afternoon of the first day's data came out.

Howard Stringer took the initiative and re-signed a supplementary agreement with Hemera Pictures.

Then Production IG, which was still quarreling with Marissa Mayer over the purchase price, was bought directly for a fixed price of US$2400 million, and then sold to Hemera Pictures in the form of box office incentives.

"It's really a big deal"

Although Sony can still make more than [-] million from "The Notebook", Wayne has nothing to say.

After all, Sony has done a really good job on this matter.

At least, if it were the other six of the Big Seven, they would never give away such generous profits.

"If that's the case, then let's acquire the Bone Club and the UFO Club as well!"

After Wayne thought for a moment, he called Marissa Mayer.

Unlike the three previously acquired companies including Production IG, the current Bones and UFO Clubs are only medium-sized animation production companies because they were founded not long ago.

However, the styles of the two production companies are already very distinct.

When the acquisition of these two companies is completed, the entire neon animation industry will basically be his world.

On May 5, "Mean Girls" was officially released with a total of 24 million in North America and 1.806 million overseas, with a total global box office of 1.311 million US dollars.

This movie also brought him a total of 1.237 million US dollars in revenue.

So he had to face a very important problem again.

That is, after completing the acquisition of five animation production companies including Production IG, Hemera Pictures still has a full US$1.74 million in cash in its account.

And this does not include the respective incomes of the other two subsidiaries Marvel and Industrial Light & Magic.

If he didn't want to pay taxes that were equivalent to more than half of Harvey's net worth, then he would have to find a way to spend the money.

As for his own daily expenses, not only can he use the company's accounts, but he also has tens of millions in salary.

"It's not time for Apple to buy the bottom yet, it won't be until 03."

"Pixar Animation can no longer be acquired, otherwise Steve Jobs will definitely jump in hastily."

"The remaining high-quality companies such as Google, ASML, and Nvidia have already reached the most reasonable shareholding ratio at present. Continuing to increase shareholdings will only affect their healthy development."

“So what’s a good investment?”

At this stage, investing in real estate is undoubtedly a direction with extremely high returns.

It’s just that in addition to profit, he also values ​​influence.

Using this 1.7 million to acquire a few potential companies will obviously have greater influence than buying dozens of villas.In America, after your personal wealth reaches a certain level, it is very dangerous if you lack enough influence, otherwise your wealth may become someone else's cake.

Thinking of this, Wayne couldn't help but think of Schwarzenegger, who invited him to the party a few days ago, and Antonio Villaraigosa, who also attended the party.

According to the laws in the United States, there is an upper limit for each person's political donation.

So if he really wants to invest in Antonio Villaraigosa, he must have enough employees.

"A quality business with many employees"

To put it bluntly, what he needs is a high-quality labor-intensive enterprise.

After having this idea, the first thing he thought of was Foxconn.In the previous life, Foxconn had 30 workers in one Greentown park, indirectly affecting the employment and survival of millions of people.

If this were placed on Milician's side, there would be so many employees and members of Congress who would grovel in front of him and worship him like an ancestor.

But then he regretfully gave up the idea because the time was wrong and it was only 2001.

Furthermore, such a company requires too much investment. US$1.7 million is not a small amount for anyone in this era, but it is still far from enough.

So Wayne thought about the textile and clothing industry.

The sewing machine is undoubtedly a representative of labor-intensive enterprises.At the same time, the clothing industry is also closely related to the entertainment industry.

If he buys a trendy brand now, he can quickly expand the brand's reputation through movie placement and celebrity endorsements.

He is not bragging. With his current influence, even if it was just an ordinary [-]th-tier fashion brand, it can be promoted into a first-tier American brand in a short period of time.

If he asks Anne Hurst for help again, she will have influence in the global fashion industry with her control of four of the world's top ten fashion magazines - Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, Esquire, and ELLE.

As long as the quality and design of the trendy brand itself are not too bad, it can become a global first-tier brand in minutes!
In addition, if he buys a trendy brand, the model company he just acquired will also be put to use, and he can even make it bigger and stronger, not just his back garden.

It's a win-win situation - the kind where he wins twice!

That's right, after seeing Xiao Li's message, the two companies sent the rosters.

He directly acquired the two companies together, and the total amount was only a few million anyway.

Then the two companies were renamed "Wayne's Back Garden" in a very straightforward way. The more than 80 models inside were all stepping up their training while waiting with great anticipation for the inspection of his big boss.

"I don't know how much it would cost to buy a 'Supreme' at this time."

Wayne immediately thought of 'Supreme'. This trendy brand was founded in 1994 by James Gebbia, a designer from the United Kingdom. At first, it was just a skateboarding trendy brand, selling some simple T-shirts and hats. .

Later, it gradually grew stronger with its not-exaggerated but very cool design, and since 1999 it has gradually become one of the top ten trendy brands in the United States.

After 2004, it has maintained its status as the number one trendy brand in the United States, and it did not waver until he time traveled.

However, the scale of this trendy brand has never been large. Even in 2020, there are only a few stores in the world. Therefore, when it was acquired by VF Group, the acquisition price was only US$21 billion.

Today, Supreme only has two stores in New York and Tokyo, so it is not too expensive to acquire them.

Of course, acquiring trendy brands is only the first step. What he wants is a large number of employees, so after the acquisition, he also needs to buy a local textile factory in Los Angeles to expand production scale.

"Hey, Li Ying."

Wayne first called Li Ying and told her his plan.

Li Ying was not surprised by this. In her opinion, Wayne's acquisition of a modeling company was an obvious signal to enter the fashion industry.

After all, she knew that Wayne and Anne Hurst had a close relationship. Coupled with Wayne's own identity and influence, the advantage of entering the fashion industry was too great.

"No problem, boss, I will get it done as soon as possible."

Then, Wayne called Serra again.

He planned to merge the fashion brands and textile factories he acquired under the name of Wayne Group, so he planned to transfer the US$1.7 million from Hemera Pictures to Wayne in the form of prepayment of one year's rent for Wayne Tower. on the group’s account.

That's right, Wayne Tower has just been built not long ago, and the total budget is only 3.5 million US dollars. Even before it is completed, it has already started collecting rent.

It must be said that even though Wayne traveled through time, he did not forget the fine traditions of his previous life.

"How about giving Anne Hurst a call? Supreme's headquarters is in New York. With her help, the acquisition should be easier."

After thinking about it, Wayne picked up the phone and prepared to call Anne Hurst.

For Anne Hurst, this kind of trivial matter was basically a matter of casual instructions, with almost no difficulty. Wayne asked her to help, which not only would not cause her any trouble, but could continue to deepen the cooperation between the two.

But just when he was about to press the dial button, Meda had already knocked on the door and walked in.

"Sir, a 'gift' from Ms. Anne Hurst has just arrived. How would you like to arrange it?"

When Wayne heard this, he was startled at first, then reacted quickly, and his eyes immediately lit up.

"Gift? How many people?"


"Only five."


Seeing Wayne's immediately disappointed expression, even Meda, who was already familiar with his character, couldn't help but be speechless.

But there is a saying that this kind of thing is not a big deal among the nobles, so as a qualified housekeeper, she doesn't think there is any problem.

"Take them to the living room on the second floor. I'll take a look first before talking." Wayne thought for a while and said.

The living room on the second floor is connected to a semicircular terrace that overlooks most of Los Angeles. When he is not writing scripts or swimming, he usually likes to sit there and drink coffee while looking at the scenery.

The same goes for Jessica and Charlize Theron.

But at this time, they should be receiving professional guidance from yoga teachers in the gym to stay in shape, so Wayne doesn't have to worry about being caught by them.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they are caught, they are used to it anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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