Chapter 197 Opening Ceremony

Coupled with the influence of Hearst Group in the global media and fashion industry, it is really not an exaggeration to say that everyone is eager to join Beacon Entertainment.

Therefore, after receiving the news from their teachers and professors, most people immediately went to buy clothes, do styling, control their food intake, maintain their figure, and strive to be in the best condition to attend the reception after the opening ceremony.

Many people don't hesitate to borrow money or clothes.

More than half an hour later, the convoy arrived downstairs of the company.

Because of Huo Wenxi's assistant's advance notice, all the artists of Lighthouse Entertainment, including Nicholas Tse and Guo Tianwang, were already downstairs to greet him.

Alan Horn did not break his promise. After talking to Wayne on the phone that day, it only took three days to get the contracts of Zhou Xun, Guo Tianwang, Naying and others, and sent them to Beacon Entertainment to help handle all the matters. formalities.

In addition, Chen Kun came over after learning about Zhou Xun's job change, and Li Bingbing came over after learning about the background of Lighthouse Entertainment.

The lineup was lined up, and under the influence of the memory of his previous life, Wayne couldn't help but feel his breath stagnate, and suddenly experienced Li Er's wonderful feeling of "the world's heroes are among my own."

However, what he didn't know was that when they saw him, Guo Tianwang and others on the opposite side also felt a rush of anger, domineering, and couldn't help but become nervous.

Not to mention the relationship between the bosses and employees of both parties, Wayne's status as a Hollywood superstar alone made them look up to him.

"Stop standing here, go in!"

After entering the company, Huo Wenxi first took Wayne around the company to inspect the company's environment. At the same time, he also allowed the employees to meet their big boss, and then took Wayne and his group to the conference room.

Next, Guo Tianwang, the most popular person, took the lead, and everyone introduced themselves one by one.

Wayne also introduced the joining of Liu Tianxian and Li Lianjie, and then gave a few words of encouragement, saying that as long as he worked hard, there would be no shortage of scenes.

If you do well, it won't be a problem to enter Hollywood and become an international superstar.

After all the drawings, even Guo Tianwang couldn't help but get excited and look forward to it.

Again, they are all painted cakes, and the effects of different people's paintings are completely different.

Draw this pie as Wayne, and everyone will believe it.

Otherwise, if these people were doing well in their original brokerage companies, why would they jump to Lighthouse Entertainment?
It is worth mentioning that Liu Tianxian's arrival unexpectedly attracted everyone's attention, and everyone speculated about the relationship between her and Wayne.

Among them, Zhang Baizhi, who is closest in age, undoubtedly has more on his mind.

As for Ah Jiao and Asa, because they are currently focusing on the music industry and have not thought about entering the film and television industry, they haven't given much thought yet.

So when Wayne went back to the hotel to rest for a while, he then called Li Zi and was about to take him out to have lunch and visit the scenic spots.

In addition to the local Zhang Ziyi who was originally the 'tour guide', Zhang Baizhi also came along as the 'translator'.

A strange look flashed in Wayne's eyes.

A person who can't even speak Mandarin well comes to translate for them?This is testing Zhang Ziyi’s hearing!
But Wayne, who knew what she was thinking, didn't refuse.

After all, this is the 20-year-old Zhang Baizhi who even the star would shout "I support you".

Returning to the capital for the first time in this life, the first meal must be mutton boiling.

After listening to Wayne's request, Zhang Ziyi unexpectedly recommended Donglaishun, a century-old brand.

At this time, Chinese delicacies had not yet occupied a large position overseas as they would have been a few decades later. At least this was the first time for Xiao Lizi to eat this kind of hotpot mutton.

As a result, he couldn't help shouting while eating. If he hadn't been in the private room, he would have been scolded as crazy.

Although Hannah and the three of them had eaten hot pot and mutton-shabu before because of Wayne, a little difference in ingredients, dipping sauces, and soup base can make a big difference in taste.

Donglaishun can be passed down for hundreds of years. At least at this point in time, the taste and quality are still quite outstanding.

The three of us who ate were very satisfied.

After lunch, the group went to the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.

This is the first time for DiCaprio and others, but for Wayne it is a return to his old place.

Finally, we found a delicious home-cooked restaurant near the Summer Palace recommended by the travel guide and had dinner. Then everyone ended their trip for the day and returned to the hotel.

"I really worked hard this afternoon, Miss Zhang. As a thank you, how about I treat Miss Zhang to a cup of coffee?"

After returning to the hotel, while Zhang Baizhi was still thinking about how to go further, Wayne had already taken the initiative to extend the invitation in an understanding manner.

There was nothing I could do about it. After spending the afternoon shopping and being exhausted from the plane ride, even Hannah, who was in good physical condition, was too tired to lift her spirits.

Jessica and Amanda even took a hurried shower and washed themselves before falling asleep.

Then he would naturally be rude.

Opposite Zhang Baizhi couldn't help showing an expression of surprise when he heard this, and then he quickly agreed as if he was afraid that Wayne would regret it.

It's just that she alone is obviously no match for Wayne. She tried her best to please him, but she was defeated in less than 10 minutes.

But that kind of extreme exhaustion and happiness was something she had never experienced before.

There is no doubt that Wayne is much better than the people she has dated and served before.

This made her, at least at this moment, really fall in love with Wayne wholeheartedly.

However, Wayne only glanced at Zhang Baizhi, who had fallen asleep, then picked up the phone and called Ajiao and Li Bingbing.

The two of them were naturally very happy about this and couldn't wait to agree.

Although after arriving at the hotel and entering the room, the two also discovered that there were other people there.

But Ah Jiao is a Hong Kong entertainer after all.

Although Li Bingbing only became famous last year, he had been in the industry for many years before that.

So the two of them just looked at each other and didn't feel any discomfort, let alone turned around and left.

After a simple prelude, the three of them quickly got to the point.

However, considering that the two had to attend the opening ceremony tomorrow, Wayne did not go all out and ended the exchange in just over an hour.

"It's really not that I'm physically weak, it's mainly that I'm not over the jet lag! Really!"

Early the next morning, when Xiao Lizi yawned and walked out of the room, preparing to go downstairs to the restaurant for breakfast, he saw Wayne holding Zhang Bozhi in his arms waiting for the elevator as soon as he opened the door.

Then he became depressed.

Yesterday I spent an afternoon shopping, and it also included climbing the Great Wall.

Wayne actually still has the energy and stamina to drink coffee with three people. Damn it. He is really envious!
"Yes, you are right~"

Wayne chimed in casually, intending to save some face for Xiao Lizi, but this tone made Xiao Lizi a little angry.

"I mean what I said is true! If you don't believe me, I will challenge three tonight to show you!" Wayne glanced at him strangely and said lightly: "Three counts as a challenge? Isn't that a routine operation?"


Xiao Lizi froze, and then he couldn't help but cursed, and he almost shut down.

"Come on, come on! To be able to sit in this Silver Angel that sells for tens of millions, it must be the Hollywood superstar Wayne!"

At 11 o'clock in the morning, when Wayne arrived at the company by car.

The temporarily cleared open-air parking lot in front of the company building was already packed with people.

The innermost circle are undoubtedly those well-known figures in the circle who have been invited to attend.

Next separated by temporary guardrails and security guards were the students from the Film School and the Drama School.

The outermost layer is the reporters sent by various media and newspapers with long guns and short guns, as well as the fans of the stars who compete with these reporters for positions.

However, the scene of an opening ceremony is almost comparable to the award ceremony of the three major awards.

Soon, after other guests had arrived, a black Silver Angel slowly stopped in front of the red carpet.

The bodyguard stepped forward and opened the car door, and a figure stepped out of the car.

Then there was a burst of exclamation.

Because the person who got off the bus at this time was not Wayne, as everyone thought, but DiCaprio.

The simultaneous appearance of Li Lianjie and Cheng Long previously surprised students, reporters and fans who did not know the news.

The appearance of Leonardo DiCaprio, the star of "Titanic", the world's highest box office record holder, has exceeded everyone's expectations.

Not to mention his status as a Hollywood superstar, his appearance, which is still at the level of a basketball player, has surprised everyone.

After DiCaprio, Wayne finally made his final appearance.

Hannah, dressed as a bodyguard in a black suit, opened the car door.

Wayne also got out of the car with Jessica and Amanda under the spotlight.

At this moment, the flashing spotlights and the cheers and screams from the scene reached their peak in an instant.

This also made Wayne couldn't help but feel a strong sense of satisfaction in his heart.

To be honest, he didn't know how many of these fans really liked him, and he didn't know if any of them were bought by Huo Wenxi with money.

In short, it's quite nice to experience this kind of scene in your hometown surrounded by spotlights and cheers and screams once in a while.

"Mr. Wayne! Please look over here!"

Wayne had an elegant and charming smile on his handsome face. He first waved to the fans and reporters around him and gave them some photo time. Then he led Jessica and Amanda across the red carpet and arrived. In front of the makeshift podium.

The next process is almost the same as an ordinary opening ceremony.

Among the guest speakers, in addition to Cheng Long, Jet Li, and Zhang Yimou, there were also Han Sanping invited by Zhang Yimou, as well as the vice presidents of the Film Academy and the Drama Academy.

It's just that Wayne himself is very disgusted with long speeches that have no practical significance, so the whole process ended in just over half an hour.

Of course, everyone knows that the opening ceremony is not the focus, the focus is the following party and reception.

Whether they are students who have not officially entered the industry or those who are already well-known in the industry, they can find opportunities and expand their connections through such parties.

Before this, it was not that there were no such parties and receptions for internal entertainment, but the scale was small and very closed.

Like today, it is unique to give almost all acting majors a chance.

This is why film schools and drama schools readily accepted invitations and sent heavyweights to attend.

This can be regarded as the first fire that started when Wayne entered the domestic entertainment industry.

Afterwards, security evacuated the fans and reporters first, and then the invited guests, including all the students, took cars to the hotel one after another.

The format of this cocktail party is still the same as usual. The catering is all buffet style. The categories are very rich and the taste is good.

However, except for Wayne, who is the owner, and Leonardo DiCaprio, who is already an international superstar and has no hope of advancement and can only pursue awards, almost no one here will touch the food.

Even the students were the same. They all gathered together in twos and threes and encouraged each other to say hello to the 'big shot'.

In order for them to strike up a conversation more smoothly, and at the same time to prevent any trouble from happening.

Teachers and professors from the two colleges also took action and took the initiative to find those people.

In this way, when students come over to say hello, they can help introduce them and resolve any awkward situations that may arise at any time.

The two vice-deans stood beside Wayne as the master as a matter of course.

In addition, Zhang Yimou, Han Sanping, and Zhang Jizhong, who was invited by Zhang Yimou, are also here.

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend today's opening ceremony and celebration reception."

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Wayne went straight to the point.

He came to Zhang Jizhong because he was interested in the remake rights of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in Zhang Jizhong's hands.

Although these remake rights are not the only ones, if he wants them, he can just go to Jin Da to buy them, and it won't cost a lot of money.

There are no other candidates for the director. For example, he asked Yuan Baye and Jet Li to invite Wang Jing and Tsui Hark, who were chatting with Yuan Baye and the others not far away. The filming would not be bad at their level. Where to go.

However, Zhang Jizhong has an advantage that Wayne needs, that is, he has maintained good cooperation with Yangma and has a strong network of contacts in Yangma.

Still the old way.

In exchange for a share of the profits in the later stage, the casting rights of the male and female protagonists and the veto power of the important supporting actors are exchanged.

Although Zhang Jizhong is a relatively strong director, he is not stupid.

First of all, Wayne really gave too much.

For example, the current total budget of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is only 4000 million RMB, and Wayne alone contributed half of it, but only 25% of the later profits.

I searched all over the Taiwan Strait and the three places for this kind of profit concession, but I couldn't find another one.

It seems that he is pursuing art when making TV series, but in fact he is pursuing money. Otherwise, why would he choose to remake Jin Yong's drama? Wouldn't it be better to make original dramas by himself?
Just such a huge profit was enough to make him excited.

And while he was excited, he was also scared.

(End of this chapter)

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